Love Thy Neighbor (37 page)

Read Love Thy Neighbor Online

Authors: Belle Aurora

Tags: #Romance, #Friendship, #adult, #Humor, #funny, #Humour, #Contemporary Romance, #love thy neighbor, #love thy neighbour

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I whisper in awe, “Oh my God.”

I watch the little tan pug puppy attack the
little black pug puppy. They wrestle and make sweet little
whimpering noises and baby growls. They are so precious and
perfect. I love them immediately. They both have collars already on
them. The tan puppy has on a blue collar and the black puppy has on
a yellow collar. They have little metal tags on them in the shape
of a bone. They’re engraved too. My little tan puppy’s name is
Pizza and my little black puppy is called Donut.

My family is forming right before my

Covering my eyes with my hands, I give
myself a mental pep talk to get my shit together. I’m becoming an
emotional wreck and that was
part of the deal. Breathing
deeply, I look up at Ash and tell him quietly, “I love them. Thank
you, baby.”

Walking over to the bed, he says, “Now I’m
no expert, but I don’t think you need to thank someone for loving
you. You just need to…I don’t know…appreciate it, I guess.” He
shrugs and says sheepishly, “I think. I’m still learning.”

I look up at him and wonder how I was ever
happy without him. The truth is, I wasn’t. Not at all. I was faking
my way through life. You know that saying ‘Fake it til you make

I was living it.

And I hated it.

I mentally vow from this day to never fake
my happiness. I won’t need to. As long as I have the other part of
my heart sleeping next to me every night, everything will be great
in my world.

Starting tomorrow, I will live my life as it
was meant to be lived.

In the wise words of my husband…

…Just happy.






Chapter Twenty-Nine
No fucking way!



Before I know it, Saturday night is here and
I’m dying to get to the club.

This week has been a great one but I’m
exhausted. I need to let my hair down and hang out with my favorite
people. A smile creeps onto my face.

Who knew so many great memories could come
from a single week?

As I walk from room to room, my two little
boys follow me around like a couple of sheep, and it makes me
smile. They are just too cute. They’re only ten weeks old, so a
life in the day of Pizza and Donut goes a little like this:

Eat, sleep, poop.

Eat again, poop then nap.

Play time, eat, poop OR vomit.

Nap, wrestle, eat and fall asleep for the
night. Check and check.

My widdle babies. I wuv them sooo much.

Ash can’t stand the baby talk. He says he’s
going to give them away if I keep doing it. He has no idea I saw
him squishing Pizza’s face together while telling him, “You are
pretty cute for such an ugly little thing.” I’m confident nothing I
do will cause the swift departure of my

I walk into the bathroom and stand at the
counter. Both Pizza and Donut decide it’s a good time to bite
mommy’s ankles. And it hurts! Their little teeth are like needles
right now. They leave me no choice but to sit on the counter while
I do my makeup. Donut whines and cries which makes Pizza howl. It
breaks my heart, but I know I need to give them a dose of tough

We both decided it’s a good idea if we live
in Asher’s apartment and keep mine until we can find someone to
take over the lease. Breaking the lease would mean losing a whole
lot of cash, and I’m absolutely sure we can find someone who needs
a place to live. How hard can it be?

Ash was worried the puppies would wreck the
apartment while we’re out so I went to a pet store and got a doggie
pen for them.

I didn’t guess that the little worms would
be able to fit through the wooden slats so I went to a fabric store
and got some fishnet material. I wound it around all by myself and
stepping back to look at it, I was pretty proud of the job I did.
That is until Ash came home.

He opened the door to his apartment, stepped
inside and stopped dead. Pointing to the new and improved pen, he
said, “What the fuck is that?”

Smiling proudly, I told him, “Fishnet!
Great, huh?”

Wide-eyed and shaking his head slowly, he
muttered, “No. Not even a bit.”

Offended, I put my hands in my hips and
demanded, “What’s wrong with it?”

Looking about to burst into laughter, he
replied, “You have two male dogs in a pen which is wrapped in
bright pink fishnet. They look like they’re strippers. They look
like hookers, Nat!”

Flushing, I explained a little too loudly,
“It was the only kind they had!”

Dipping his head, I saw his body shake in
silent laughter. He sighed through a smile and said, “Ready to

Narrowing my eyes at him, I uttered, “Yeah.
Let me grab my purse.”

Ash held the door open for me and as I was
walking out, he looked over to the pen and told my babies, “Don’t
work the streets too hard tonight, boys. And remember, if it’s not
on, it’s not
. No one likes a puppy with STDs.”

Which brings us to now.

I really tried to dress appropriately
tonight and found that I couldn’t. I don’t have
clothes. I only have single, let’s fuck, clubbing clothes. As we
walk down to his sexy Impala, his baby, Ash finally took a second
to look at me and says, “
what you’re wearing?” I
simply nodded knowing he wouldn’t be the happiest camper that ever
lived. He raised his head heavenward as if in prayer and mumbles,
“Of course. Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me hard. Amen.”

I scoot over on the bench seat to be closer
to him. As soon as I’m within grabbing distance, he hooks an arm
around me and smiles to the road ahead. We have a lot of times like
this. Times where we don’t need to say a thing. We just get each
other like that. And it’s nice.

We arrive at The White Rabbit and Ash parks
the car. When I get out of the car, Ash growls. I turn to him with
narrowed eyes. He stomps over to my side of the car and pushes me
back into the passenger side door. He places his hand at the back
of my thigh and I take in a shuddering breath. Almost nose-to-nose,
we look into each other’s hooded eyes and his hand starts to climb
up and under my hot gunmetal colored mini-dress. As soon as he
touches my bare ass, he growls, “No panties? No fucking panties?
Jesus, Nat!”

Suddenly defensive, I explain all too
quickly, “This dress shows panty lines and I hate that.”

Glaring at me, he says, “You couldn’t wear
something else?”

My heart squeezes. I ask quietly, “Don’t you
trust me, baby?”

He leans back, looking at me like I’ve lost
my mind and says, “That’s what you think this is about? Pretty
girl, I trust you. I trust you more than I trust anyone. But…” He
says that
a little harshly and pauses a moment before he
goes on, “…how the fuck am I meant to concentrate on work knowing
you’re dressed like this?”


Dipping my head, I smile to myself. His
fingers come under my chin. His eyes crinkle in the corners, and he
utters, “I got the sexiest wife and I’m proud of that.” His nose
scrunches. “But tonight every fucker’s gonna see what’s mine and
try to get in on that. That, I’m not cool with.”

His fingers dip between the backs of my
thighs and into my heat. My eyes drift closed, my head falls back
and I moan softly. Ash says firmly, “This. Is. Mine.”

Nodding vigorously, I reach up to grip his
shoulders. His mouth comes down on mine hungrily. He eats away at
my mouth, and a flow of wetness seeps through me. I try to close my
legs tight but when he groans into my mouth, I know he’s felt it.
Not able to think straight, I slide my hands off his shoulders,
down his hips and work his belt. Kissing me deeper, he says
hoarsely, “Gotta make it quick, girl.”

This belt. This fucking belt!

His belt is more like a Rubik’s cube. When I
finally manage to undo it, I pop the top button on his jeans and
slide my back down the car. Ash places his hands on the top of the
car, looks down at me with a smirk and mutters, “Super happy fun

Sending him a saucy smile, I pull his hard
length free of his jeans and stroke it a few times before I take it
into my mouth. He groans, “Oh yeah.”

Working him with my mouth and hand, I stroke
him while I suck him. He thrusts into my mouth gently and I see his
stomach tense and twitch.

This needs to be quick so he’ll get

His eyes have closed in bliss and I whisper,
“Baby, watch me.”

His dark gaze settles on me and I open my
knees wide to show him my bare mound. I lower my hand and work
myself while I work him. His eyes close again and he pants through
his whisper, “Fuck. She likes it dirty. Love my girl.”

A few seconds pass and I feel his stomach
tense. He says, “Not gonna last.” Pulling him deeper into my mouth,
I bob my head and hollow my cheeks with every out stroke while
moaning. His hips jerk uncontrollably and he pants, “Deep, baby.
It’s coming.”

Taking him as deep as I can, he stills and
growls his release. Warm saltiness hits my tongue and I swallow it
all up. Sucking gently, I bob my head slower and slower and finally
release him with a pop.

He opens his eyes and looks at me through an
almost sleepy gaze. Reaching down, he cups my cheek and mutters,
“My dirty girl.”

Smiling up at him, I hear the security door
open and squeak. Ash looks across the room and says to the mystery
person, “I wouldn’t come over here if I were you.”

Max replies, “Why the fuck n- Oh man, are
you gettin’ lucky?”

I quickly do up Asher’s jeans and stand. Max
bursts into laughter when he sees my head ascend and chuckles,
“Shit, guys. Warn a brother. Did you at least finish?”

Ash smiles big and fluffing my hair, I tell
Max, “I never start something I don’t plan to finish.”

Ash wraps his arm around me and Max shakes
his head. He says, “Well if you two don’t mind, I think I’m gonna
make this a blowjob free zone from now on.”

Ash mutters through a smile, “You’re just
jealous, bro. Take it like a man. You missed your chance.”

Max smiles and teases, “True. But don’t act
like you didn’t steal her out from under me, you sly dawg you.”

When we walk past Max, I wrap my free arm
around his waist, pull him close and tell him, “You know I love
you, right?”

Max’s eyes gleam when he replies, “Forever
and always, babe.”

Surrounded by my two favorite men, I feel it
in my bones.

Tonight is going to be a good one.


Tonight is grating my nerves!

It started great. We all sat at the booth
drinking, talking and laughing for a while before us girls decided
we needed to dance it up a little. So Ash being Ash, he sits at the
bar across the way watching us.

Okay, so the guy is ultra-possessive and
over-protective but not in a creepy way. I told him not to bother.
All he had to do was utter the name Cole and I gave in.

Ten minutes pass and every time I look up at
my husband, a new floozy tries to occupy the stool next to his.
It’s not like he’s flirting or anything, but I can tell he doesn’t
want to be rude so while he watches me, he talks to them but never
looks at them. And they just don’t give up!

One woman actually reaches up to his cheek
and pulls his face to face her. What a ho!

Take a hint, honey!

When the umpteenth woman tries her hand at
my husband, I’ve had it. I tell the girls I need a drink and head
over to the bar. Once I’m in hearing distance, I yell out, “Asher,

He turns to face me with a smile. Miss
brunette with glitter eye shadow does not.

Putting on my best dumb bimbo, I squeak,
“There you are. I need your help.” Doing a really slow and obvious
wink, I whisper loudly, “I need you to touch my no-no again. It’s
all tingly.” Pouting, I say, “And I like when you touch it.”

Miss brunette gapes and says, “And you

Not missing a beat, I roll my eyes and tell
her, “His sister.”

And she actually gags.

Ash’s body shakes with silent laughter and
we both watch as Miss Brunette scurries away. Pulling me to stand
between his legs, he says, “That was cruel and gross. But I give
you an A-plus for creativity.”

Turning to face him, I utter, “So much for
the guys coming onto me. All the women are hanging off

A slow and surprised smile graces his
gorgeous face, “Jealous?”

I scoff, “What? No! Hell no! Not even a
little.” He just smirks knowingly and I concede, “Maybe just a

Stefan the Sheriff comes over to us and from
behind the bar, he looks me up and down not so discreetly. Holding
his heart, he says, “My God, Nat. You can’t wear shit like that and
expect me to be able to work without watching you every other

Ash scowls at him and opens his mouth to say
something, but I cut him off by telling Sheriff on a loud whisper,
“I’m not even wearing panties, honey.”

Sheriff blinks once, twice, three times.
Then he asks hoarsely, “What are you doing later?”

Ash looks at Sheriff like he’s going to kick
his ass and I burst into laughter. Wrapping my arm around Ash and
leaning into him, I tell Sheriff, “Have you met my husband,

Ash wraps his arm around my waist and says,
“Don’t think I’ll ever get sick of hearing you call me that.”

Sheriff looks to Ash and splutters, “N- Nat.
She- She was the one. The talk…”

Ash smirks, nods and tells him, “I got my
girl. Well, technically, my wife.”

I have no idea what they’re talking about,
but they seem to know, so I don’t bother asking. Sheriff turns to
me and says sincerely, “Congratulations, guys. Let me get you some

When Sheriff returns with our glasses, we
each take one and raise them. Smiling I say, “To us.”

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