Love Thy Neighbor (39 page)

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Authors: Belle Aurora

Tags: #Romance, #Friendship, #adult, #Humor, #funny, #Humour, #Contemporary Romance, #love thy neighbor, #love thy neighbour

BOOK: Love Thy Neighbor
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Her arms tighten around my neck and I feel
her tears fall onto my cheeks. Her voice trembles when she says, “I
love you too. I just want to be perfect for you, but I’m failing at
the one thing I should be able to do. I’m so sorry, Ash.”

Burrowing my face into her neck, I speak
against the side of her throat, “You are perfect, babe. You were
made for me.”

She whispers, “God, I love you so much.”

And somehow I know everything is going to be

My phone vibrating breaks us out of our deep
moment. When I pick it up to check the display, I smile and answer
it. I listen to the crazy-assed man ramble for a while before I
answer, “We’re on our way.”

Nat searches my face, smiling, “It’s

Nodding slowly, I nod and smile back, “It’s
time, babe.”


We all stand around, chatting excitedly and

Everyone is in a great mood and I have to
admit, I missed feeling this way. Today I’m not faking my happy. I
am happy. But I’m nervous too. So nervous that my stomach is in
knots and my palms are sweating.

Ash comes up behind me and wraps his arms
around me.

I’m so lucky to have him. I love him so

Turning to face him, I look into his soft
brown eyes and state, “I’m happy.”

He smiles down at me before kissing my
forehead. He sighs, “That’s all I need to hear and I’m good

Rocking me gently, he whispers into my ear,
“We really gonna do this therapy stuff?”

I fight the urge to shudder. From the time
we got married, I’ve brought up the subject twice. Twice was enough
to know he’d never do it. The first time, he just looked at me like
I’d lost my mind and walked away from me. The second time, he went
on about how he wasn’t going to let some quack tell him how fucked
up he is because he already knows it. Both times I felt like shit
for even bringing it up and eventually let it go.

Pick your battles.

Looking up at him, I nod, “Yeah, babe. It’ll
be good for both of us.”

And it will be. I feel it.

Ash cups my cheek, running his thumb over it
and just as he opens his mouth to speak, he looks at the end of the
hall and smiles.

Nik comes down the hall looking smug and
announces, “It’s a girl!”

We all cheer and whoop. I walk over to Nik
and wrap my arms around his waist. He hugs me tightly and when we
pull away from each other, he sees my face and expression crosses
his, almost as if he wants to apologize for being happy. I flash
him a watery smile. “How’s my girl doing?”

Nik sighs. “Tired but good. She’s happy and
excited. I think she just wants to get home. She hates it

I don’t blame her.

Hospitals don’t exactly bring back cheerful
memories for Nik and Tina.

“Does she have a name yet?” I ask.

Nik smiles. “Yeah. We named her Eva.”

Mimi comes up behind me and tells Nik,
“That’s a beautiful name.”

Lola smiles. “Just perfect, Niki.”

Max asks, “So when can I see my little

Nik explains, “She was a little early, so
she’s being incubated.” Our faces fall and he laughs, “She’s
completely healthy, guys. Really. It’s just a precaution.”

Trick smirks. “Oh damn, Nik. Living with
three girls. You’re fucked.”

Ash chuckles. “Don’t worry, Nik. I won’t
tell anyone about the tea party you had with Tatiana last

Nik laughs then says, “Laugh it up, guys.
I’d have ten tea parties a week if it kept my girls happy.”

And he means it. Nik is a good daddy.

Smiling to myself, I ask Nik if I can see
Tina alone. He smiles a sad smile and tells me where I can find
her. I walk down the hall and to her room. I knock gently and hear
Tina say, “Come on in.”

Walking past the privacy curtain, I find
Tina sitting up in bed holding little Eva.

I’m suddenly overwhelmed.

Dipping my chin, I try to hold back my
tears, but they fall in fat drops onto the floor in front of me.
Tina says softly, “Wanna meet your niece, Aunt Nat? I only have her
a few minutes before they take her away again.”

Nodding, I choke out, “I’d like that.”

I move to her bedside and sit down next to
her. Eva is small. Smaller than Tatiana was. But just as

Tina puts the little bundle that is Eva into
my arms and I breathe in a shuddering breath. I’m in awe of this
little creature. I whisper, “She’s so tiny.”

Tina rests her head on my shoulder and
yawns, “Yep, she is. But she’ll grow quickly.”

My chest pangs in agony. I ask her, “How did
you do it?” She looks up at me questioningly and I clarify, “Live
past Mia’s death?”

Her face softens and she whispers, “Time
heals all wounds. I promise, it does get better. You were there
with me, you know it.” I nod and she goes on, “I know it doesn’t
feel like it now, but there will be a day where you wake up in the
morning and colors will seem a little brighter, the sunshine will
stay out longer, and the birds will sing just for you.”

My vision blurs and I lower my head.

Tina whispers, “It’s gonna happen for you,
honey. I promise.”


Three months later…

Ash grabs me around the waist from behind
and I burst into laughter. His body shakes with silent laughter and
he says, “You think I’d let you get away with that, pretty girl? I
don’t think so.”

Next thing I know, a mangled pancake is
being shoved into my mouth. Not just any pancake. The one I threw
across the room and into Asher’s face before running like I stole
something and locking myself in the bathroom.

Stupidly, I thought the coast was clear.

So now I must eat said mangled pancake. And
I eat it with pride.

I chew loudly through my whimpers mixed with
giggles while Pizza and Donut jump up and down at our feet knowing
mommy and daddy are being silly.

Asher laughs, “You better eat the whole
thing. Don’t make me get the syrup, girl.”

Just as I swallow, the doorbell rings.

Ash and I look at each other through
narrowed eyes before he walks over to the door and throws it open.
He snatches Tatiana out of Nik’s hands and throws her up and down
in the air. Smiling like a fool, he walks her into the apartment
and says to Nik and Tina, “Well, this is a surprise. A good one, I
mean. Come on in, guys.”

Even though I only saw Tina a few hours ago,
I tightly hug her and kiss Nik’s cheek. I ask in mock horror, “Why
didn’t you tell me you were coming? I would’ve at least tidied

Tina chuckles. “Oh please, you should see
our place. We came here to be somewhere cleaner!”

Tina follows me into the kitchen while Nik
and Ash show Tatiana the doggies. She can’t walk yet but can stand
with little assistance. Pizza and Donut jump around her playfully.
She smiles and kicks her little legs out.


Tina helps me make coffee for everyone and
we bring them over. Nik and Tina sit on the sofa while I sit on Ash
in the single armchair. Nik looks at Tina with a sly smile. I look
down at Ash through narrowed eyes but he just shrugs.

Nik smiles so hard his dimple pops out, “We
were hoping to discuss something with you guys…”




Good things come to those who wait



As soon as I say it, I know I’ve fucked up.
“Should you be eating that?”

Her face falls and she throws the donut

Great work, ass.

I quickly amend what I said, “No, no! I
meant are you
to eat that?”

Nat looks at me through wide eyes and
mouths, “What is wrong with you?”

Fix this, quick!

Walking over to the box, I pick out two new
donuts and bring them over to Tina. I tell her, “Here, I know you
like the glazed ones.”

She smiles up at me and cups my cheek,
“Ghost, honey, you don’t need to watch me like a hawk. I’m not ill.
And it’s kinda creepy.”

But I want to watch her!

Playing it cool, I utter, “I know but I just
want to make sure you’re comfortable.”

Tina throws me a sweet smile, “Ash, are- are
you nervous?”

Fuck yeah, I am.

I scoff, “What? No. You’re crazy.”

Nat sighs, “Well, I’m nervous. When is Nik
coming home?”

Tina explains, “He called, he has to meet us
there. So we can leave anytime you like.”

We make a move out to Nat’s car and I help
Tina sit. When I try to buckle her in, she slaps my hands away,
glares at me and says in warning, “No.”

Commence project
drive like an old

Nat says, “Babe, I think you can go a little
faster than this.”

Tina agrees, “Yeah, you can at least go the
speed limit, honey.”

I ignore them both. I’m driving, therefore,
my rules.

We finally arrive at the big white building
and I spot Nik out front waiting on us. He comes over to me and
says, “Nervous, bro?”

Yep. So much that I might just barf.

I wave him off and utter, “No way. Let’s do

When I reach for Tina’s arm to escort her
in, she karate chops me and scowls at me. I throw my arms up in
defeat and back away.

Okay. I get it. Overkill.

Nat walks next to me and says out of the
side of her mouth, “Calm the fuck down, ass.”

Nat and Tina are escorted into a room
leaving me and Nik out in the hall. Nik says reassuringly, “This is
all procedure. Just the way it goes, man. You’ll see, everything’s

Ten minutes pass and I’m officially anxious
as fuck. I’m ready to knock down the door, throw Tina over my
shoulder and run like the wind. Just as I say, “What the fuck’s
taking so long?” the door opens and Tanya steps out. Smiling, she
says, “Come on in guys, we’re ready for you.”

Nik and I follow her in to find Tina lying
on a reclined medical chair with her belly showing. Nat stands next
to her holding her hand.

Okay. More like squeezing the shit out of

Tanya squirts some lube-looking goop onto
Tina’s belly and swirls around a microphone looking device onto it.
I watch Tanya’s face. She searches for a while before she smiles.
And that’s all I need.

Relief settles through me.

I know everything’s okay.

Tanya looks around at everyone and smiles,
“Wanna see?”

Nat squeaks, “Yes!”

Tina laughs and squeezes her hand. Tanya
turns to me and I respond hoarsely, “Yeah.” Nik’s hand squeezes my
shoulder in a show of brotherly support.

She brings up a static-looking screen and
says softly, “There they are.” Pointing to what looks like bits of

Leaning closer, I frown, “Where?”

Tanya points out two little spots and almost
whispers, “Right there.”


I rear back. Turning to face Tanya, I query,
“They? Two? There are two babies?”

Tanya chuckles and nods. And I suddenly want
to do a nudie run down the halls in triumph.

Raising both my hands to my head, I grip my
hair and mutter, “Two. Instant family.”

Turning to a smiling Nat, I see her shake
her head at me. I move forward and take her mouth in a deep kiss.
She chuckles against my mouth. Tina smiles up at me and I lower
myself to kiss her forehead. I whisper, “Thank you. So much.”

Tina cups my cheek and says, “Ghost, you’re
gonna make me cry. Stop.”

Nik smiles at me and I almost jump on him. I
wrap my arms around him and lift him. He laughs, “Take it easy,
bro. You’re gonna tear something if you don’t calm down.”

Standing back, I look at everyone through
wide eyes and shout, “This is the best day of my life!”

Then I pass out.


I watch Ash fall back onto the floor in a
dead faint.

Everyone watches him closely for a second
and when it’s clear he’s not waking anytime soon, I wave a hand at
him and tell Tanya, “Show me more!”

Tina and Nik chuckle at me and Tanya says
through a choked laugh, “How about I print off all the photos I
have and make you an album.”

My throat clogs with emotion. I whisper,
“I’d love that. Thank you.”

Tanya steps over Ash as she exits the room
and I turn to Nik and Tina. Unsure where to start, I blurt out,
“You’re making my dreams come true.”

Tina squeezes my hand and says, “No. We’re
not.” Pointing to her belly, she goes on, “This. This is you and
Ash. Just call me an oven.”

Nik comes forwards and kisses my forehead.
He says, “Good things come to those who wait, babe.”

I look over at my husband on the floor. He’s
waited his whole life for happiness.

He deserves this.

I deserve this.

A large smile spreads across my mouth. I
tell my friends, “I love you both, and I’m going to love these
babies like no one else could. I will cherish and protect them. And
Ash is going to be a great daddy to them. We’re finally going to be
a family.”

Warmth spreads through my belly.

My family is almost complete.

And my happy has returned to stay.




The End
***The Friend-Zoned series will continue with the story of Max and


Read on for a note from the author as well as
a teaser to Belle’s upcoming novel,
Willing Captive.


Hi guys,

Here is a sneak peek of Willing Captive
which will be out later this year. Thank you for reading Love Thy
Neighbor. Your love and support mean everything to me.

Belle xx




Hours of sitting in this awful chair is
starting to numb my ass. I move from side to side, wriggling until
one of my captors sighs loudly and runs a hand through his

It’s the hot one. Of course.

I look him in his icy blue eyes and beg
softly, "Please. I don't know what you want from me but I’ll do
anything, I’ll give anything for you to just let me the fuck go. I
never saw you. I'll never speak a word of this to anyone." I duck
my chin, my voice trembles as I whisper, "Please."

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