Love You Moore (18 page)

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Authors: Melissa Carter

Tags: #fiction, #romance, #young adult

BOOK: Love You Moore
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That’s why I love you, you are so
understanding and forgiving, I don’t deserve you.” Jimmy said to
her somberly.

Don’t say that, it’s me that is
undeserving of you” she said grimly.

Abby” he said so sharply it made her
jump. “Don’t ever think you are less than you are. I would move
mountains to be with you. If it weren’t for this commitment
affecting someone else’s career I would be there in a

He had told her he was collaborating with a
friend in the business to get his new album finished by the
deadline that was fast approaching and really losing a day to
travel unfortunately wasn’t an option. She tried to convince him
that missing her graduation was not as tragic as he was making it
out to be. He didn’t need to make up anything to her. She admired
him for helping a friend when they needed it most. He had said to
her once, that he had been helped when he needed it and paying it
forward was the best way to show his appreciation. Besides it made
him friends that way too.

The night of graduation was here. Abby and
Holly spent the day at the beach relaxing before the big event. The
temperature for mid June in Maine could reach as high as 80
degrees, which made a day hanging at the beach Heavenly. They got
ready together at Abby’s house. Both sets of parents were there.
They took the girls out to dinner before the ceremony. Once they
got to the school and into the gym where graduation would take
place, the parents took their seats and Abby and Holly went into
the girl’s locker room to line up for the march. Abby could hear a
commotion outside the locker room, “Oh my gosh do you know who that
is” “what is he doing here” “can I get an autograph?” were some of
the audible comments.

She’s in here towards the back of the
line.” Abby heard someone say, curious now who was out here and who
were they looking for. At once she knew who was there and who they
were looking for. A man approached Abby holding a bouquet of
apricot roses.

Hello, you must be Abby.” the good
looking man said handing Abby the roses.

I am.” Abby barely replied reaching
out for the flowers.

Jimmy says he is sorry he couldn’t
make it but asked that I come to bring you these and this.” he
handed Abby a long black velvet box.

You’re from that Idol show, ..” Abby

I am.” The man smiled.

Abby opened the box and stared at the diamond
tennis bracelet. Holly, finally noticing what was going on after
coming back from the bathroom. Her high pitched scream brought in
the teachers hanging outside the door directing students where to
go. Abby was sure it wasn’t the bracelet that got that

On that note,” he said rubbing his
ear, “I will leave you to your commencement, congratulations Abby.”
He bent to give Abby a kiss on the cheek and walked out the

You lucky Bitch.” Holly kidded

The music started, the two girls hustled to
get the bracelet on and adjusted their caps and gowns. In step with
the music, they walked out of the locker room and marched to the
stage to receive their diplomas.

Graduation went as expected, long speeches a
hot gymnasium and a lot of crying. Abby was glad it was over, she
would miss seeing her friends everyday but would not miss the
homework and tests. Also as expected, Jimmy apologized over and
over for missing her graduation.

Jimmy, please you need to stop feeling
bad about not going, you sent a semi-celebrity and a gorgeous
bracelet, really it’s fine.” Abby tried to reassure him for about
the 100

Jimmy had said that by the end of June he
would have everything in order to be able to come to Maine and stay
at the Samoset to prepare for the wedding. Her parents agreed to
let her stay there with him. They thought it would be better to
focus on the wedding and not be around when more letters from Roy
showed up and they did once a week with the same message. Abby
thought of going to talk to Roy but her parents advised against it.
If Roy found out Abby was marrying someone rich and famous, it
could send Roy into a revenge induced fit. So Abby left it



* * * * *



Chapter 16


As promised, he showed up and brought an
entourage to help plan and execute the wedding of Abby’s dreams.
There was Karma, Jimmy’s assistance who Abby felt was probably not
the most thrilled to be there. Steve the pilot was always on hand
to take Jimmy anywhere he needed to go. Dave the bands manager was
on hand to set up or confirm a gig that Jimmy had already been
obligated too. Elizabeth, the girl from the night of her birthday,
who turned out to be Jimmy stylist, was also in attendance and
three or four more people that were there taking orders and writing
things down. “For a guy that is humble enough to open his own car
door seemed to have a lot of people around taking care of him” Abby
thought to herself. One guy that couldn’t help but stand out was
named Zane. He was about 6’4” and had to have been tipping the
scale at least 300 pounds, all muscle. He was Jimmy’s bodyguard and
from now on, Abby’s as well. Abby was confused as to why such
measures would need to be taken on her behalf. Jimmy explained to
her that now that he was more of a public figure, she would be as
well. There were a lot of crazy people in the world and he wasn’t
going to take any chances with her safety. As Abby walked through
the reserved section of the hotel, she felt safe but also out of
sorts. Did she belong in a world where bodyguards and stylists were
necessary? Jimmy had had her room set up adjoined to his. He had
promised her parents the living arrangements would appear
respectful. Abby had agreed to separate rooms, she didn’t want to
embarrass her parents or appear as a tramp either. Her room wasn’t
just a room it was a section of rooms. A shared living space with
couches and chairs, a TV, desk and small eating area that over
looked the ocean. The sleeping area was just as large, it had a
king size bed, armoire that enclosed a TV, two night stands and two
arm chairs. It also had sliding doors that took her out to her own

These two rooms are almost as big as
my whole downstairs at home.” She told Jimmy. “Really I don’t need
all this space.”

I want to make sure you are
comfortable, there will be lots of people coming and going, I need
to ensure you are happy and not feeling overwhelmed.” Jimmy tried
to convince her.

Overwhelmed was an understatement, she again
kept her thoughts to herself. Jimmy had been correct, there was
more people coming in and out than she had expected. Services that
she anticipated having to go to, came to her. Florists, catering,
linen, stationary, attire, all was at her disposal. When Abby sat
down with Karma to go over details like invitation lists, color
schemes, cake styles, seating arrangements, taste testing and wine
selection Abby, feeling totally overwhelmed told her,

I really think I need to wait for
Jimmy to do this with me, I don’t know for sure what kind of wine
he likes and which of his friends or family members can or cannot
sit together. What if he is allergic to something I

I already have all of that
information.” Karma smugly informed her. “I just need to know your

I would still like to talk to Jimmy
first if you don’t mind.” Abby got up from the sitting area and
went to Jimmy’s room.

He was sitting at his desk, talking on the
phone and typing on his computer. He was sending lyrics he had
written the night before to a person at the label to get music
composed while also talking to Dave who was out somewhere
organizing a personal appearance.

Jimmy I need to talk to you.” Abby
said urgently trying to get him off the phone.

One second Babe.” Jimmy said holding
up a finger. “No Dave that won’t work, sorry I have another call
coming in, call me back later. Hi yeah it’s me, did you get the

Feeling as alone as she had in a long time,
Abby got up from the chair and left the room. She walked out in to
the living room and was confronted by Karma who was demanding they
sit down right this minute and get things done. Abby held up her
hand to stop her rambling and walked out in to the hall. Breathing
deeply Abby walked out of the hotel and out into the gardens that
faced out over the ocean. She found a bench and sat down.

I’m not sure I can do this,” Abby
thought to herself after awhile. “Will this be how my life is like,
going through assistants to get to know my own husband? Will I have
to set up an appointment to spend time with him? When I get married
it will be to one person not a whole battalion.” Abby slipped the
engagement ring off of her finger, she felt a familiar hand on her

I have been looking for you.” Jimmy

I’ve been right here.” She told

No, I mean I have been looking for you
my whole life.” He wiped a tear from her eye and knelt in front of
her. “Everything that I want in this life is right here on this
bench. I’m an idiot, I thought if I stayed out of the way and let
you handle everything then that would make you happiest. From what
I have observed the LA women to be like is let them do what they
want to do and just show up when they tell you too, I was wrong to
think you would want it that way too. I swear to be involved with
every decision from now on. Now please may I?” he placed the ring
back on her finger and kissed the back of her hand. “Don’t ever
take this off again, promise.”

I promise.” She whispered through the
tears. She wiped them away and smiled.

Jimmy kissed her softly on the lips and
hugged her tight

I love you.” He said

I love you too.” They both stood up
and walked back into the hotel.

Let’s go eat some cake.” Jimmy said

After living at the hotel for six weeks, the
wedding date was fast approaching and there was still so much left
to do. Holly would come by the hotel as often as she could, amidst
all the preparations she was still a vital part of Abby’s life.

When you are not here, life just gets
chaotic.” Abby confided in her. “I am going to miss you when you go
off to school.”

I know and you’re moving to LA. I am
so happy for you but really, it’s gonna suck.” Holly

Well…” Abby stated, “You could always
transfer to UCLA or whatever other college they have out

That would be a possibility after
first semester. I have to prove the grades to get everything
transferred. But four months isn’t so bad” Holly assured

It’s a lifetime.” Abby

You will be so busy getting into the
LA lifestyle you will hardly miss me”

Not true, I already miss you and I
haven’t even left yet.

Well how was the food tasting, I bet
it was delish.” Holly and Abby’s mom had been with her when they
picked out the color schemes, invitations, flowers, bridesmaids
dresses and her wedding gown but the tasting Abby wanted just her
and Jimmy to be there. It was their day and she wanted them to pick
the foods they liked.

It was so good, you are going to love
it.” Abby said excitedly, “but I am not telling you anything, that
is going to be a surprise.”

Brat.” Holly giggled.

When Abby stood up from the couch she got
very dizzy and lightheaded. The last thing she heard was Holly
screaming for Jimmy. When Abby came to, she was lying on the couch
surrounded by people, Jimmy sitting next to her. Holly was laying a
cold cloth on her head.

What happened?” Abby asked

You fainted and scared me half to
death I might add.” Holly informed her.

I should call the doctor.” Jimmy

No, no, no, I am fine no doctors. I
just got up from the couch too fast that’s all.”

When the last time you ate, maybe your
sugar was low.” Someone from the back interjected.

No I just ate all that food at the
tasting, I’m fine.”

Is that the last time you ate?” Jimmy
asked staring at her. “Abigail, that was three days ago. You
haven’t eaten in three days. I order room service, see you with
water and assume you have eaten. Oh my God Abby.” Jimmy stood up
and went to the phone.

Hello, is this room service? Yes this
is Jimmy Riley in room 248, I would like to place a standing order.
I want a tray of food brought to this room every day every two
hours, yes a breakfast tray, then a light snack, lunch, another
light snack and then dinner. I will be down to select the foods but
I want this started today.”

Jimmy it isn’t necessary to….” He held
his hand up to stop her.

Yes thank you that will be fine for
now. Thank you.” He hung up the phone.

You will eat something every time a
tray is brought up here. You need to take care of yourself Abby.
You can’t go two or three days without eating.” He hugged her.
“Don’t scare me like that. This whole thing is getting out of hand,
you aren’t eating and no one is making sure you are being taken
care of, including me, but that stops right now. Holly, I would
like to pay you to stay here and be Abby’s assistant, make sure she
is eating and resting. Take care of anything she throws your way?
Can you handle that?”

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