Lovers' Dance (41 page)

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Authors: K Carr

BOOK: Lovers' Dance
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The man stopped abruptly. I couldn’t see his face anymore on account of Matt stepping in front of me, shielding me from the blast of flash bulbs. Whatever the expression on Matt’s face was, it made that journalist shut the hell up and I was eternally grateful for it. Matt was bristling. I could physically feel the waves of fury pouring off him. I think everyone else could see how angry he was, because no other questions were lobbied at us for a few seconds. Then it was as if a dam broke and they came at us from all sides. It was deafening.

Matt turned around, slipping an arm around my waist. Nathan glanced at him and jerked his head forward. Bella and I were marched through the group of people in front of us, who had stopped to witness the media frenzy.

“Are you all right, poppet?” Matt asked once we were inside after the men flashed their respective invitations. His arm was still around my waist and he turned me into the warmth of his body.

I nodded. “Yeah, I think so.”         

“It won’t always be like this,” he murmured, trying to reassure me.

“I despise the media,” Bella said forcefully, her voice that I had thought soft, now hard and filled with venom. “You should do something about that reporter, Nathan.”

Nathan gave her a feeble smile. “Darling, I—”

“Nathan.” She dragged out his name so slowly I swear there were invisible syllables dripping from her ruby lips.

“Of course,” Nathan agreed. “I’ll speak to Dad when he returns from his trip.”

Suitably appeased, Bella regarded me in Matt’s arms. “Are you all right, Madi? It’s unnerving being in front the glare of cameras if you’re not used to it.”   

“I’m fine,” I said, then tilted my head up at Matt. “Did I do okay?”

“You were great, poppet.”

I arched an eyebrow at him and he kissed the tip of my nose.

“It reassures a man when his girlfriend publicly admits he’s hot.”

I groaned, burying my face in Matt’s chest, which rumbled with his laughter.

“Look,” Nathan nudged Matt’s arm. “There’s that Atherton fellow. I think I’ll have to say hello to him. He thinks I’m unaware of his intention to buy into that software company right under my nose. The fool. I’ve been monitoring them for the past six months. Come, my darling.” He gestured to Bella. “I function better with you at my side during these events.”

Bella smiled brilliantly at us before taking Nathan’s outstretched arm. “You’re such a sweet talker, Nathan.”

Matt pulled me closer. We were getting a couple of curious looks from the people milling around.

As Nathan and Bella walked away, I heard her say, “She’s adorable. We must have her over at the house soon.”

Matt, who’d also overheard, grinned down at me. “Bella likes you, not that I had doubts about you two hitting it off.”

My response died on my lips as a couple of people descended upon us. Matt stepped away, but kept an arm around my waist while he introduced me. We joined the large body of guests filing further into the regal building.

“Where are we going?” I whispered in awe, taking in the grandeur with wide eyes.

“The event is being held by the moat. A marquee has been erected to accommodate the large amount of guests tonight. But first—”

“Can we go see the Crown Jewels?” I interrupted, excited over the prospect of seeing royal bling. The diamonds I wore were making me act funny.

Matt shook his head slightly. “I’m not sure if we can do that tonight, poppet. Perhaps we can visit at a later date when—”

“You know she uses some of the jewels, the queen that is.” I cut him off again, this was crazy. Maybe we could do a snap dance here? “Is that why there’s so much security all over the place, Matt?”

Maybe no to the snap dance idea. We would definitely get busted and put in the Tower. I giggled at my private joke.

Matt shot me a stern look. “Stop interrupting me, poppet. Listen, there’ll be photographers here tonight, both on behalf of the event planners and the media. Please try—”

“I won’t embarrass you again,” I said in a low, hurt voice.

Matt stopped, openly frowning at me, then resumed moving forward so we didn’t back up the line of guests.

He leaned over to my ear to hiss, “I was not going to say that and stop interrupting. What I wanted to say was please bear with me tonight. I’ll most likely be dragged away for photo opportunities or to discuss business matters at some point during the night. I wanted to warn you.”

Jumping to conclusions was never a good thing. I chewed my lower lip and squeezed his arm.

“Sorry,” I mumbled.

“Humph.” Matt snorted, staring straight ahead and avoiding my apologetic gaze.

I tugged on his arm and he turned his head, eyebrows raised haughtily.

“I’m really sorry,” I whispered.

His expression softened and he patted my hand on his arm. “Apology accepted…for now.”

The woman in front of us turned around to strike up a conversation. Matt was polite, but I could tell he wanted her to shut up. When we got to where the event was being held, I took a few minutes to acclimatize myself to the beauty. Damn, being Matt’s girlfriend sure had its perks. I would never have found myself in a situation like this if it wasn’t for him. I beamed like an inane idiot and he stole a kiss, a super quick kiss that reminded me of my intent to get into his pants one way or the other.

“Excited?” he drawled as I nodded, eyes struggling to see everything and everyone. The other side sure knew how to throw a function.

Matt pointed across from us. “There’s Adam standing over there. He’s gotten a good table. Come, poppet.”

Matt and I dodged laughing people and slowly made our way over to where his brother stood. I say slowly because, every few steps, someone Matt knew would stop us to chat. Matt made sure to introduce me every time. There was no way I’d ever be able to remember all those names and the faces that went with them.

“Bollocks,” Matt muttered under his breath. “What’s Grumps doing here?”

“What?” I jerked to a stop, eyes peering in Adam’s direction. There was someone seated who he towered over, his back to us. “Are you sure, Matt?”

Matt hastened our steps while murmuring, “I think I can recognize my own grandfather, Madi, even if it is the back of his head.”

Great. The dragon man was here. I must have made an unconscious sound indicating my dread because Matt gripped my hand in support. I swear, if that old man laid into me, I would…I would…flash him my boobs and give him a heart attack. That was mean of me— heart disease was not something to joke about. But, damn it all to hell. Matt’s grandfather didn’t like me. Dinner last Saturday had confirmed that in my opinion.

We were almost at the table when Adam spotted us. “Matt,” He took a few steps to grab Matt into a brotherly hug. “You’re here.”

“You gave me no choice in the matter, Adam. You’re looking quite spiffy tonight.”

Adam ignored him and turned to me. “Madi, you look absolutely lovely tonight.” He eased me out of Matt’s hold to press a kiss on both my cheeks.

What the?

Then I saw a photographer not too far away, snapping at us. Ah. It was for appearances. A spurt of righteous anger trickled through me, then I saw the grateful look on Matt’s face that disappeared almost as quickly as its appearance.

Oh. Adam had done it for Matt, to publicly show he was cool with me. Even though I thought Adam was weird, he earned fifty points in my eyes.

“Grumps.” Matt rested a hand on his grandfather’s shoulder as he moved around so he could face him. “What are you doing here?”

Adam had brought me around, too. Grumps and I exchanged narrowed glances. I could hear spaghetti western music between my ears. Two lone gunmen poised to whip out their pistols and let the lead fly as the tumble weeds rolled past. Did I have too vivid an imagination?

“Ms DuMont,” Grumps said in that deep voice of his as his eyes travelled over me from head to toe. “I see my grandson has taken playing dress up to new heights. Your ensemble tonight reeks money. Money I’m sure Matthew had to spend.”

“Grumps.” Both Matt and Adam spoke at the same time, gazes jumping around to check if anyone had overheard their grandfather.

Damn. He was quick off the draw. But I was still standing, maybe a bit bloodied, but still standing. And I had paid for my own frigging dress.

“Hello, Mr Bradley,” I drawled politely. “I see you’ve taken my words on board and decided to get out more often. Your mind must be feeling rejuvenated at the prospect of socializing and not staring at walls. Maybe a nursing home is not looming too near in your future.” My pistol was quick too, old man.

“Madison,” Matt hissed, grey eyes widening in shock.

Adam choked on his breath, then compressed his mouth into a tight line as he exchanged a look with Matt. Adam’s shoulders were shaking, violently. Matt rubbed a hand over his lower face, shaking his head at us.

Grumps scowled at me. I scowled back. The air between us sang with tension.

“Oh, there’s Nathan and Bella,” Adam said loudly to cover the simmering silence between Grumps and me. He waved them over as Matt leaned down to whisper in an annoyed voice, “Will you two behave? Grumps that was extremely rude of you.” Matt shook his head at his grandfather. Then he scowled at me with cold eyes. “And you, we’ll be having words later, young lady.”

Uh oh.
I gulped, apprehensive over the expression on Matt’s face, then glared at Grumps when he looked pleased at Matt’s pending threat. I needed to reload. This showdown wasn’t near over if that devious gleam in Grumps’s eyes meant anything.

“Look who we found wandering around,” Nathan said when they got to the table. Matt stiffened next to me, and I broke away from the staring match I was having with his grandfather to glance over at them.

“You are shitting me,” I mumbled, shocking Grumps with my low words before twisting my head up to Matt. He was wearing that aloof mask of his as he plastered a grim smile on his face. I smiled tightly at the newcomers with Nathan and Bella. One of them had my full attention.

Frigging Aphrodite. Looking a dream in a slinky black dress with her parents in tow.
What the fuck?
I sent furious eye messages to Matt as everyone greeted each other. He slipped an arm around my waist and squeezed tightly, silently trying to appease me. Why hadn’t he warned me she was going to be here?

Reading my mind like the magician he was, Matt leaned down to whisper, “I’m sorry. I forgot they would be here tonight, poppet.”

I stepped away from him, putting a small bit of distance between us. He forgot? Yeah, I bet he did.

“Jack, Laura.” Matt moved forward to shake the man’s hand and kiss the woman’s cheek. “So good to see you.”

I could see where Aphrodite got her looks from. At dinner last week, I hadn’t paid much attention to her parents, being occupied with trying to make Matt’s family like me. Now, with them both in front of me, it was hard to ignore the fact they made a striking couple.

“You remember—” Matt was in the process of re-introducing me when Aphrodite glided past her parents, mouth curved in a smile.

“Matt, darling, you look dashing tonight, but you always do.” She laughed, leaning forward for a kiss.

I coughed discreetly. Aphrodite better watch herself.

Matt, knowing he was seconds away from being murdered by my hands, moved behind me while wrapping both arms around my waist. Aphrodite’s face hardened for a split second before she was once again beaming like the sun.

“Hello, Louisa. You remember my girlfriend, don’t you?”

“Yes,” she said coolly. “Allison, was it?”

“It’s Madison,” I replied coldly. I could just about picture her and Matt in bed together, all sweaty and groany, touching each other. Argh. I stuck my hand out. Manners, always remember your manners. “We didn’t get a chance to talk at dinner last week.”

She took my hand and we exchanged a limp hand shake. Louisa’s gaze went behind me to Matt. The secretive smile on her face had me seeing red. Man. If only I knew how to throw down like Jenny. I’d once seen my cousin beat the black off this girl who dared call her a welfare skank to her face on the crowded E train.

“People are taking their seats,” Nathan advised, herding Bella over to where Adam stood. I saw Louisa smile at Matt and a blood vessel burst somewhere in my brain.

“Louisa, you are as lovely as your mother,” Grumps said. Louisa leaned down to press a light kiss to his lined cheek.

“Thank you, William. What are you doing here tonight?” she asked.

I zoned out their conversation and stepped away from Matt. Matt, never one to give up, caught my hand in his. When I tried to discreetly tug away, he tightened his hold. Matt started to lead us down the side of the table when Grumps called, “Matthew, I want Ms DuMont next to me tonight. We never got a chance to finish our conversation.”

Matt stood frozen. Adam was grinning with childlike glee, leaning over to whisper something in Nathan’s ear, which caused the blonde man to eye Grumps and me with curious speculation.

“Don’t you dare,” I hissed under my breath. “Don’t even think—”

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