Lovers' Dance (40 page)

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Authors: K Carr

BOOK: Lovers' Dance
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I had to think about that for a minute.

“Sometimes you can be absentminded,” he mumbled, pulling out a bunch of keys from his tuxedo jacket.

“Kitchen,” I said in triumphant, moving back into the living room. Matt grabbed my wrist and shook his head.

“I’ve got mine right here. Let’s go.”

We walked out of the front door, and I stopped in my tracks as Matt locked up. It wasn’t a car, it was a limo. A sleek, black limo with a man waiting patiently by the doors.

“Matt, that’s not a car.”

“Hm,” he murmured distractedly, turning the door handle to make sure it was secure. “Car, limo, it’s all the same, poppet. Did you have breakfast and lunch today?”

He was frowning as we walked towards the waiting car. I had taken too long to reply with an exasperated, “Yes, I ate earlier.”

The man opened the door for us and Matt helped me in the limo.

“Madison.” Nathan was a carbon copy of Matt in his tuxedo, but blonde and not as hot in my opinion. “You look amazing. This is Bella Humphrey, the love of my life.”

“Hi,” I said with a warm smile. I hoped she wasn’t weird like Nathan. “Madi DuMont.”

“My girlfriend,” Matt teased as he slid in next to me. I blushed and let my eyes wander over Nathan’s girlfriend. Damn. She was smoking hot. Her brunette hair was pulled up high with a few soft curls framing her face. Curious light-brown eyes were currently giving me the same once over I was giving her. Our eyes met and she flashed me a shy smile.

“Nathan has told me a lot about you.” She was soft-spoken.

I narrowed my eyes at Nathan, who was innocently adjusting the lapels of his jacket. I could imagine the things he’d told her.

“All good things, I hope,” I replied. The limo pulled away from the curb and we were off.

Her smile widened and she sent a sidelong glance at Nathan, who was fiddling with his wristwatch.
The bastard.
Did he tell her about the pub? Or maybe the table? Oh, no—did her tell her about the conversation with my aunt that he’d witnessed?

“Yes,” she assured me, even though the niggling voice at the back of my head didn’t quite believe her. “Your dress is beautiful, by the way.”

“So is yours.” I returned the compliment. It was true. She wore a strapless dress; the bodice a mixture of black and white patterns, the skirt of the dress black with white edging around the bottom. And she was dripping ice. Expensive ice. I suddenly felt glad Matt had convinced me to wear his gift.

Nathan let out a loud, exaggerated groan. “Oh, no, Matt. This is how it starts. First they’ll talk about clothes, then shoes, then hair and nails, then back to shoes. By the time we arrive at the ball, we’ll be part female, mate.”

“Oh, hush.” Bella swatted him lightly, then turned back to me as Matt filled up a champagne flute and held it out for me. Champagne in the back of a limo. If my cousin Jenny could see me now.

“You’re a ballerina?” she asked politely.

Matt answered before I could open my mouth. “The best I’ve ever seen, Bella, and able to run a successful dance company on a daily basis. She’s practically wonder woman.”

I blushed furiously, taking a demure sip of champagne to collect myself. Matt poured another flute, sending me glances full of pride. I had never heard him sound so proud of me. Honestly, I thought Matt’s interest in my career was nothing more than the obligatory lip service. I mean, his career was completely different to mine. But the pride in his eyes…it made my skin hot, so hot I hoped my nose didn’t start shining.

“Yes, I am.” I wanted to explain it to her. I wanted her to like me. She was Nathan’s girlfriend. Nathan was Matt’s best friend. If she liked me, maybe Nathan would like me too, because I remained undecided as to whether he did, or whether he simply found me amusing. Like a joke. Your boyfriend’s best friend was supposed to like you, right?

“I moved from the
corps de ballet
when I was nineteen.”

She nodded slowly. “This was back at your home? In New York?”

“Yes, there are so many amazing dancers back home who deserve to be called ballerinas, but it’s a difficult title to earn. By certain standards, some wouldn’t call me a ballerina. I mean, look at Maria Tallchief, her technique was absolutely exquisite, beyond words. I read in some paper that three dancers of her generation implied she wasn’t a ballerina. She was one of the greatest American ballerinas ever.”

Oh, shit. Did I sound a bit fanatic? Matt patted my knee and smiled encouragingly as he twirled his flute between his fingers. God. I loved him. 

“Not that I would ever compare myself to her,” I hastened to add, in case they thought I had illusions of grandeur.

“I’m quite a fan of the ballet,” Bella said in her soft voice.

“Obsessed with it more like, darling,” Nathan groused, before sending her a sweet smile. “I’ve been dragged to more shows than I care to count.”

She wrinkled her face at him, then turned back to me. “You’re right. It is extremely difficult to be classed as a ballerina. Have you seen Sylvie Guillem on stage? She’s still performing and one of the most significant artists of today.”

“I saw one of her recent shows at Birmingham Hippodrome. I was blown away.”

Bella nodded, handing Nathan her empty champagne flute and leaning forward. “You can’t tear your eyes away from her.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Nathan exchange a resigned look with Matt. Then he said dryly, “Bella, sweetheart, I’m sure the last thing Madi wants to discuss is the world she works in.”

Matt snorted in amusement. “You’re having a laugh, Nathan. Madi could happily spend every waking hour in her studio. I swear, she wakes me up all the time, mumbling about
grand jetes

“I do not,” I exclaimed, eyes wide. I didn’t talk in my sleep. At least, I didn’t think I did.

Matt gave me an impish smile. “I’m kidding, Madi. It’s actually
you keep shouting out.”

A mock scowl graced my lips, and Matt’s gaze was drawn to my mouth. When our eyes met seconds later, I could feel the air sizzling between us, as if the heat between us was a physical entity burning us up.

“What did I say, Bella?” Nathan drawled in a low voice. “Constantly eye humping each other.”

“Sod off,” Matt warned, when my head snapped around and I regarded Nathan with shock. At least this time I didn’t shout out my virginal status in public. Ha, those days were long gone thanks to Matt. Mmm. Maybe I could somehow convince him to take that which I willingly offered. Maybe if I debated the fact a lot of people got their freak on after a first date, he might reconsider this ridiculous notion of being a gentleman. I mean, it wasn’t the seventeenth century.

A change of topic, one less embarrassing was needed. I smiled at Bella, wondering if she’d had help with her makeup. It was flawless. “What do you do, Bella?”

“She’s an architect, has her own company based in Chelsea,” Nathan said, blue eyes shimmering with pride. It reminded me of Matt a few moments ago.

“That’s so cool,” I said, then resisted the urge to smack myself in the head. I sounded like a kid: ‘That’s so cool’. Urgh.

“Bella played a great role in designing our premises, poppet,” Matt advised.

I caught a glimpse of Bella looking sharply at Nathan and mouthing “Poppet?”

Nathan gave her a slight shake of his blonde head with an accompanying roll of eyes. I acted like I hadn’t seen their silent interaction.

“How are your parents? It’s been a while since I’ve seen them,” Matt asked pleasantly, then took a sip of his champagne.

Bella gave a small chuckle. “Annoyed that Nathan and I had to cut short our weekend with them. Dad thinks Nathan did it on purpose.”

Nathan grunted, shooting Matt a frustrated look. “I had to endure a thirty minute conversation on the advantages of good timekeeping.”

Bella chuckled, then monopolized me for the rest of the drive. I didn’t mind. She was sweet and not once did the conversation between us get awkward. Matt and Nathan were themselves engrossed in a discussion about mergers and fluctuating stock prices. When we were almost at our destination, Matt turned to me.

“Poppet, there’ll probably be press outside the entrance and a few authorised reporters attending the event. I don’t want you to worry about it. Okay?”

I nodded wordlessly. Not worry about it? Matt was crazy. Of course, I was worried about it. What if they asked me personal questions?

Bella tapped Nathan on his knee. “Nate, you’ll keep those vultures away from her, yes? You’re good at dealing with the media.”

Nathan gave me a smile before covering Bella’s hand with his. “Yes, darling.”

The limo drew nearer and I could see a line of limos out of the tinted windows, loads of fancily dressed people going inside the entrance. And the flash of cameras…the press.

I inhaled shakily and Matt leaned down to kiss my temple softly. “I promise it’ll be okay, poppet.”

“She’s not going to have a panic attack, is she?” Nathan asked in alarm. Matt glared at him while Bella asked what he meant.

“Look at me, poppet,” Matt commanded, holding my chin and turning my face to his. “We’ll be inside within minutes. I’ll be right next to you, and I won’t let things get out of hand.”

I nodded and tried to smile.

Bella was staring at us both, then she looked at Nathan. “You were right. He is different with her.”

Matt and I were too busy gazing at each other to pay heed to her softly uttered words.

“If I trip and fall, make sure no one sees my panties,” I muttered.

Matt laughed before kissing me full on the lips. “Oh poppet, you’re a dancer, that’s highly unlikely to happen. Remember to smile for the cameras.”

The limo was inching forward slowly. We would have to get out soon. I could do this. Oh, God, please don’t let me fall on my ass in front the press.

“Love you,” I whispered to Matt and the smile that stretched across his face made my heart go into overdrive. If this relationship between us was going to work, I would have to take the good with the bad.

“It will be fine, poppet,” he reassured me.

The limo stopped and some guy opened the door for us. Matt went first. I remembered to exit the limo properly. I’d watched enough award shows on TV to know how. Matt took my hand immediately, an aloof smile on his face as I was temporarily blinded by flashlights.

Oh, God, please don’t let me fall on my face.

Nathan exited with his beautiful girlfriend behind him, all smiling politely. I probably looked like a deer in the headlights.

“Mr Bradley,” someone shouted. I stiffened at once, gripping Matt’s hand like my life depended on it.

“Rumours have it your company’s planned takeover of Hydroworld has run into snags. Care to comment?”

Matt’s smile widened. It was as empty as a light bulb and as bright. “I’m here to enjoy a night of fundraising for a worthy cause, not talk business.”

“What about you, Mr Walthamstow? Would you care to comment?” the man shouted.

Damn. He was tenacious. Matt was walking us towards the entrance. There were a few people in front of us. I wished they would move their asses quicker, and I sincerely hoped my panty lines weren’t showing.

“As Matt explained,” Nathan replied smoothly as more lights flashed around us, “tonight we, like every other guest attending, are focused on fundraising for a noble cause. Raising funds to help treat and hopefully one day cure cancer, is something every nation, every person, should be involved in. It is a disease that unfortunately touches too many lives. Holding events like the one tonight,” He smiled widely and tightened his grip on Bella’s hand. “Allows many of us in the corporate world to play our part in the fight to defeat this terrible disease.”

“Ms DuMont,” someone shouted. My heart skipped a beat.
Oh, shit. Oh shit, shit, shit.
Matt tried to move us along quicker, but those damned people in front of us weren’t moving forward. What were they doing?

“Ms DuMont,” that strident voice came again. “What’s it like dating a billionaire?”

There was a pause in the jostling of the reporters, and I could feel sweat beading across my forehead. Must remember to touch up my face powder when I got inside…if we ever got inside.

I felt my mouth open before I’d thought of what to say. That was a recipe for disaster.

“I don’t look at Matt in terms of his monetary worth.” I tilted my head up to send Matt an eye SOS. “He’s a normal guy who’s exceptionally hot.”

Oh, shit. Did I say that? Did I freaking say that?

The sound of cameras clicking almost covered the laughter from the reporters, almost. Matt bit his lower lip and tried his best not to laugh. Bella bent her head. I could see her cheeks turning red as her shoulders started to shake slightly.

Nathan stepped forward, killer smile in place. “I think that’s quite enough—”

“Come on, Ms DuMont,” someone else shouted. “You don’t expect us to believe that you don’t see a large pay cheque when you—”

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