Lovers of the Galaxy: Book Three: Raiders of the Lost Heart (15 page)

Read Lovers of the Galaxy: Book Three: Raiders of the Lost Heart Online

Authors: Trinity Blacio

Tags: #scifi, #paranormal, #menage, #erotic romance, #multiple partners, #alien sex, #guardians of the galaxy

BOOK: Lovers of the Galaxy: Book Three: Raiders of the Lost Heart
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He nodded. “I wanted all things that blocked our view
removed. We now have an open view of your town square, so we’ll be
able to see the Bone Eaters coming. I made sure the men stripped
each vehicle of anything we can use before we melted them down. As
the warriors move through the city, we’ll be cleaning as we go.”
Volund pointed to the camera store at the end of the street.

“We stripped that place clean. I have six men setting
up these cameras all around the city now. They’re digital
components have been changed and we added some of our tech so that
the information can be transmitted back to our security system,”
Volund stated as they walked past the store and headed down the
next street, Washington.

“It just amazes me to see all these buildings. I feel
like I’m in a dream. I’m so used to open spaces and such. Are there
any animals around? Did this sickness affect them?” Charlotte
asked, gawking at everything she noticed.

“Some animals have been affected, but not all. Like
the cat that bit Tonto, his species seems not to have changed. But
there are snake like creatures that have changed and believe me you
don’t want to see them.” She stopped and turned to Zander and

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you when I said
that. It’s just these things… They are twisted and wrong and well,
they scare the crap out of me.” She shivered and Jaxxon was there
rubbing her arms.

“We’ve seen them and they are a problem on the edge
of town.” Jaxxon frowned.

“Zander you’ve worked with the Bandex more. Do you
think it possible to make a portable one we can stick in the ground
to watch for these things? I would hate to have the children or the
women to come into contact with one. They wouldn’t have a chance if
one latched onto them.”

“I’d like to see one of these creatures. I might be
able to put something together to keep them away. Maybe after this
outing, we can locate their den.” Zander stepped in front of them
and stopped, holding his finger to his mouth. He pointed towards a
small shed in the back of a house.

At once, Ino and Ka appeared at their side, as did
Tonto. The six warriors covered themselves in their armor. Chuck
and Marsh split up, each one taking a side, while Volund and Zander
moved to the front, leaving Jaxxon and Remus guarding Venus and

Slowly, Venus readied her gun, as did Charlotte.
Waiting when they heard shouts and then crying. Marsh came back
into view carrying a small bundle in his arms.

She stepped up, but Jaxxon moved in front of her. “We
don’t know what it is or if it’s dangerous.”

“I’m not an it!” a tiny voice yelled. “I have a

Pushing Jaxxon out of the way, she and Charlotte
waved the men back. “Put him down Marsh,” Venus asked and smiled at
the small boy.

“My name is Venus. This is Charlotte and the man
holding you is Marsh. We won’t hurt you, but we want to know where
you came from?”

The boy stood a foot shorter than she did. He had
bright green eyes and red hair. There was a small cut on his face,
which looked infected and he appeared to be very skinny.

“You’re Venus? The doctor Venus?” He asked calming
down as soon as Marsh set him down.

“Do I know you? I don’t remember any child being born
around here for the past decade or more.” Venus watched as he
pulled out a piece of paper, then he turned and whistled.

At once, all six men had weapons drawn and ready but
relaxed as three smaller children came out of hiding, and made it
to the boy’s side.

“My name is Brian and this is Eve, Mary and Betsy.
Dr. Zeon found us in the last city to the west. We don’t know what
happened to him. He was trying to bring us back to you, but he left
to find you and never came back. He said we would be safer with
you. When he did not return, we decided to come here, but we didn’t
know where to find you. And there are so many infected people here,
so we’ve been hiding.”

She grabbed onto Jaxxon hearing her friends name and
took a deep breath. “It’s okay Little Warrior,” Jaxxon said kissing
the side of her face.

“My name is Jaxxon and this is my brother Volund. We
are Venus’s husbands. How did you survive so long, the four of
you?” He kneeled down and pulled out his jar of ointment.

“This is medicine. It will help with the cut on your
face.” Jaxxon smeared the goop onto the boy’s face.

“We’ve been living in that shed. It’s the only thing
I could get open. I killed a snake thing and cooked it like my dad
taught me, before he died. It was enough for us, but I was just
getting ready to go look for something else, when I heard you.”

“I am Zander and you are a very brave lad. Where did
you kill this creature? Was it here in town?”

“It was down by the park. I had to be careful,
because there were many of them.”

Stepping forward, Volund put his hand on Brain’s
shoulder. “I’d like you four to go with Marsh and Chuck-Torr.
They’ll take you back to our compound. We have food for you, and
clean clothes. There are also other children there. Venus’s
grandmother is there, her name is Gram. She’ll take good care of
you until we get back.”

The boy looked up at her and smiled. “Dr. Zeon always
said we could trust you, that you were pretty, and he was

Next to her, Jaxxon grumbled, as Chuck and Marsh
gathered the children up and transhifted back to the bank.

She laughed. “He’s just a boy, please.” She rolled
her eyes, and started walking with Charlotte, who snickered next to

“You’d think…What the…” Charlotte didn’t get another
word out as the ground below her opened up, and she sank waist down
into the ground, screaming.

“NO!” Venus grabbed onto her arms, as Zander jumped
into the whole with her and blasted the snake creature, but not
before it had bitten into Charlotte’s leg.

Zander scooped her up into his arms. Remus next to
him, the three of them disappeared in an instant.

“Let’s go.” Volund said, and he shifted Venus and
himself onto Zander and Remus’ ship. Charlotte lay on the table,
tears running down her face as Remus tied a belt around her leg
above the snake bite.

“Please, I don’t want to die.” She reached out for
Venus, who took her hand.

“You’re not going to die. These two lugs aren’t going
to let you, are you?” She looked up at Zander, who shook his

“Charlotte from what I can see, there are two things
we can do. The poison is something we don’t have a cure for, at
least not yet.” Jaxxon was already drawing her blood from near the
site of the bite.

“We can take the leg off or we can change you? You
would be ours, our mate. There would be no going back.” Zander
brushed her hair back away from her face. “It’s not going to be
easy, but we’ll try, and we promise right here and now we won’t go
after your friends Miln and Oshki.”

“What? Jaxxon?” Venus didn’t want Charlotte to have
to choose like this.

“He’s right, Venus, we can’t cure her right now,
there isn’t enough time. With her blood, I’m hoping to come up with
a serum for the snake creature’s bite, but it won’t be in time to
save her. Only they can now. She has her choice. I’m sorry.” He
wrapped his arm around her and once more moved them back to their
private quarters.

“Why did you bring me here? I should be with her!”
Venus screamed, and pushed away, running to the door where Volund
stood, blocking it.

“There is nothing else you can do Venus. It has to be
between them now. They are her only hope.” Volund embraced her and
kissed the top of her head.

“It looks like when the child killed one of their
kind, the snake things followed. They are getting more intelligent
than they should be. I took a good look around that shed and the
ground had risen around it in some places. We’re lucky we found
those children when we did, but this also means we have another
problem within the city.”

She didn’t even want to think about that. Venus
pulled out of his arms and plopped down on her sofa curling up.
“Sometimes I think it was easier being alone. At least then it
didn’t matter, there was no one else to get hurt.”

Picking her up, Jaxxon held her in his arms as he
took her spot. “You can’t think like that, Venus. We’ll deal with
this problem, together. Now that we have a sample of the poison
I’ll be able to make some type of serum.”

“Just great another damn shot,” she mumbled and
sighed. “I have to go talk to Melinda.”

“Here, drink this first. You are getting dehydrated.”
Volund handed her a bottle of juice and she took sips.

“I don’t know how we’re going to keep those things
away from everyone, they tunnel! I swear if it’s not the Bone
Eaters it’s something else. I’m so tired of all this crap!” She got
up and stomped to the door.

“I’m going to talk to Melinda and wait with her. Go
and find an antidote to the poison, Jaxxon, because I have a
feeling we’re going to need it. And Volund please find a way to get
rid of those things.” She swallowed the last of the juice and
tossed the bottle into the trash.

She made her way down the flight of stairs. Her
thoughts a jumble on how to tell Melinda what had happened.




Fluffing her pillow, Venus waited. She’d spent most
of the day with Melinda and the children. All of them sensing
something was wrong. Brian and the three girls hovered around her
most of the day. Even Gram commented on how she now had four little
ones following her. As the day progressed, even Jaxxon and Volund
noted how much the four new children stayed near her, but said

Jaxxon and Volund would be up any minute. She didn’t
care if it was late. They needed to discuss what they were going to
do. If she didn’t find out soon what was going on downstairs, she’d
go investigate.

Zander and Remus had reported once to Melinda,
letting her know that her sister was doing fine. That the change
was progressing, but it was a slow process since she had been

Right now, Chuck and Marsh stayed with her, waiting.
Gram had taken a quick trip with Acwel and Badden to the children’s
shop to get what they could for the new ones, before shuffling them
all off to bed early. They had not gotten a good night sleep in to
many days.

Jaxxon transhifted into the room, followed by Volund.
Her men looked exhausted. She sighed, watching them strip out of
their boots and tilks. Their muscles rippled as they moved. She
marveled, again at their physique. There wasn’t one ounce of fat on
their bodies.

Her men crawled onto the bed, each taking their place
on either side, their hands instantly reaching for her. Volund slid
his down to the junction of her legs, and Jaxxon brought one of her
breasts to his mouth, sucking.

Before she could say anything, Volund pulled the
pillow out from behind her and scooted her down so she laid flat on
the bed. He gazed down at her, sliding his fingers in and out of
her pussy.

“Charlotte is fine. Jaxxon checked on her before we
came up here. She just needs to rest now. You’ll see her in the

Volund and Jaxxon settled beside her. “What do you
want to do about the four little ones down stairs? Would you want
them to live with us?” Jaxxon asked.

“It’s going to be hard with the babies and those
four, but I feel they need to be with me.” Both men nodded.

“I feel it too. We’ll have help, so don’t worry. Now,
I believe Volund and I need to inspect this luscious body before
us. With all that has been happening of late, we might have missed
something new.” Jaxxon’s hand slid down to the swell of her belly.
“Look at this, our little ones are already growing. Do you have any
idea how excited we are?”

Venus moaned, as Volund rubbed his cock against her
leg and bit her nipple. “We know you are worried about your
Charlotte, and we will keep watch. I have already warned both men
if they harm one hair on her head, I will personally destroy them,”
he promised.

She could’ve sworn his eyes lit with sparks of fire,
similar to whenever she was threatened.

She cupped his cheek. “How did I get so lucky? I
watch the two of you, and sometimes it scares me that I’ll lose
you, like those I lost before. I don’t think I could take it. I
love you both.” Venus turned to Jaxxon and twined her hand in

“Thank you for making my life complete. Now make love
to me so I can get some sleep.” She laughed and squeaked, as they
began ravishing her, their love growls heating her body.

Venus knew she belonged between her two alien
warriors, forever and always.


Other Riverdale Avenue Books

By Trinity Blacio & Ana Lee Kennedy


Invasion of Her Heart

Book One of The Lovers of the Galaxy Series


Bounty Hunters of the Heart

Book Two of The Lovers of the Galaxy Series


Other Riverdale Avenue Books

By Trinity Blacio


The Virgin Witch and The Vampire King


The Virgin Witch and the Vampire King

Book One: Wedding Bells Times Four


The Virgin Witch and the Vampire King

Book Two: Training a Wife


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