Lovers of the Galaxy, Book Two: Bounty Hunters of the Heart

Read Lovers of the Galaxy, Book Two: Bounty Hunters of the Heart Online

Authors: Trinity Blacio

Tags: #scifi, #paranormal, #menage, #erotic romance, #alien, #multiple, #partners, #guardians of the galaxy

BOOK: Lovers of the Galaxy, Book Two: Bounty Hunters of the Heart
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Lovers of the Galaxy Book
Two, Bounty Hunters of the Heart © 2014 by Trinity Blacio and Ana
Lee Kennedy


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Digital ISBN 978-1-62601-116-8


First Edition September 2014


Previously published 2011 by Decadent Press as Sky
Streamers: Sacrifices





This series is dedicated to readers who thrive on
science-fiction romance.


Chapter One


A shot rang out, and the ricocheting bullet whined
through the air.

“By the Twelve Galaxies!” Volund roared, ducking.
“Maybe you two should just use your Slicers instead. You nearly
killed me!”

Miln Se’a glanced at his mate, Oshki Lahmni, a smirk
tugging at his mouth. Miln grinned back. He found humor in
everything, whereas his partner often took things too seriously.
However, this time, even his mate couldn’t hide his smile. Jaxxon
was right. The bullet had almost struck their commander, but it had
been Venus’s idea to teach them how to shoot the ancient

“Look, let me show you one more time.” Venus strode
toward him, her big breasts swaying heavily inside her halter top.
“This time squeeze the trigger. Don’t pull it. If you do, it causes
the pistol’s sight to veer off the target.”

He admired the human woman’s physique. Although he
enjoyed both attractive males and females—and Venus was certainly a
beauty—he was committed to Oshki now. Besides, Jaxxon and Volund
had claimed her, and the threesome was so content that they always
felt happy and free around the trio. Few women were built like
Venus. Tall with a large frame, she would make males look twice at
her regardless of the world or time period. Most human females were
smaller and shorter. He wondered how other Azutuans were going to
adapt to such little mates—unless they found the mythical race of
Amazons he had read about.

He met his partner’s silver eyes. A hint of jealousy
flickered within them.

“Don’t worry,” he soothed. “The female is nice to
look upon, but I prefer your strength, muscles”—he leaned close and
nuzzled Oshki’s neck—”and your hard, tight ass.”

Heat flared in his mate’s eyes. His breath

Miln chuckled. “You are easily aroused.”

“I cannot help it. We have yet to truly consummate
our desire to be mates.”

“All right, you two,” Venus joked. “As much as seeing
two handsome Azutuans banging one another’s brains out would excite
me, I think that’s best left between you two. My men might get

Laughter rumbled out of him, and Oshki’s soon melded
with his. They both liked the female. Her blunt way of speaking
amused them as much as it amused her mates. He had to admit their
brother-friends had their hands full with the lovely creature.

She took the revolver from Miln. “Pull the hammer
back like so. It’s how the next chamber is put into position.” She
grasped the grip with one hand and cupped it in her other. With her
index finger resting lightly on the trigger, she looked down the
pistol’s sight. “See that blue street sign on the right?”

“Yes,” he replied.

“That’s my target. I’m aiming for the middle of that
white H. Remember to relax, take a deep breath, and then
squeeze—not pull—the trigger.”

He watched her carefully. The pad of her fingertip
slowly whitened, and then the weapon kicked slightly as the bullet
shot out of the barrel. The sound echoed up and down the

“Now try it again,” she insisted, “and then let Oshki
practice for a while. You might not have a reason to even use these
pistols, but if something should happen to your Slicers at least
you’ll have a backup. I’ll find some more bullets for you later.
There’s a gun shop over on Ninth Street, not too far from

Miln imitated Venus’s stance, holding the pistol just
so. Even though she’d insisted they learn how to shoot the
mid-1800s weapons before they left, it worried him that Randle
already had a three-day jump to disrupt space and time. Still, the
female had a point. Azutuans were very different from Earth people.
Hiding their odd appearance, along with being ill acquainted with
customs, lifestyles, and the clothing of that time period, would be
difficult enough without drawing unwanted attention.

A hot, dry wind swirled up the street. Grit landed in
his eyes the same instant he squeezed the trigger, and he missed
the target. The bullet hit something, dust bloomed into the air,
and the crack of the ricocheting projectile whined off somewhere to
their right.

“That is it!” Volund roared. “I am going inside where
it is safe.”

“What is wrong, brother?” Jaxxon teased. “Are you

“That one was so low he could have shot my sapin
off!” Stomping down the street, he headed for the bank building’s
front entrance. “We should all go in anyway. It is growing late. In
another hour, the Bone Eaters will be out to hunt.”

“He’s right,” Venus said. She patted Miln on the
shoulder. “Let’s go in for the night. I’ll cook the pigeons Volund
killed this afternoon.”

He nodded and watched as Jaxxon wrapped his arm
around his mate’s shoulders. The couple followed Volund’s path into
the big building. No doubt they would make love before Venus
prepared supper.

“I wager they are going to enjoy one another’s bodies
again.” Deep laughter followed the statement, and strong, warm
hands settled on Miln’s waist. “Those three fuck like the
menrotites do on Azutu. It is a good thing they cannot breed the
same way.”.

“Do you ever miss Azutu?” he asked.

“Some things I do, but I remind myself the planet is
nearly dead.” A sigh drifted out of Oshki. “However, this planet is
one of the ugliest I have ever seen.”

“It is up to us to bring it back to health.”

“Let us hope we can teach humans to respect the
remaining resources. Azutuans realized this too late; otherwise, we
might have saved our home.”

Draping his arm around his partner’s shoulders, he
said, “Come, let us go inside. The sun is harsh even for late in
the day.”

Another arid gale whipped through the street,
buffeting them. Miln’s bright pink hair fluttered around his
shoulders. As he pushed his braided locks aside, he studied the
dark corners and shadows of various buildings and structures,
watching for movement. In the short time they’d been on Earth,
they’d learned the Bone Eaters couldn’t be trusted. The creatures
might be slow and sluggish during the heat of the day, but once the
temperature cooled, they became quick, deadly assassins.

Once they’d walked inside, Oshki pulled him close and
kissed him firmly on the mouth. Delight sifted through him but so
did worry. He kissed back briefly and then pulled away.

His partner looked at him with frustration. “I grow
weary of hearing the carnal cries of Venus and her mates every
night. Perhaps we can love each other tonight, too? We have been
here now for three days. The Ruling Body of Planets cannot see us
anymore. We are free to love one another. We no longer have to
sacrifice our love for safety.”

“I know this. Do not fear. My desire for you is
overwhelming, but we have sneaked around for so long and have pined
for each other for so many Muhebu lunar cycles that it is difficult
for me to let my guard down.” He raked his hair out of his face
again. “I keep expecting the door to burst open and Azutuan
security to rip us out of one another’s arms, or to be called into
Tapio’s ruling chambers only to find out he knows about us and we
have been sentenced to death.”

Oshki’s eyes softened. “I am sorry. Where I am
excited to be together for the first time without ever-watchful
eyes on us, you suffer the trauma of always looking over your
shoulder.” He reached out and tugged on one of his pink braids. “I
will be patient with you.”

He smiled. “Thank you.”

Once Oshki had activated the force field surrounding
the building, they used their Trans Shifter rods to teleport up to
the floor where their brother-friends lived with their mate.

The tingling, light-headed feeling assailed Miln, and
within seconds, he materialized to hear Venus say sharply, “I’m
telling you it’s possible, Volund. Dr. Zeon’s journal says the
serum works.”

“I will not allow you to put yourself in danger!”
Volund stated firmly.

Oshki started walking toward the threesome, but Miln
grabbed his arm and shook his head, once.

“Little warrior, I have to agree with my brother,”
Jaxxon stated.

“But if we can change even a few Bone Eaters back to
human form,” she insisted, “it will not only save their lives but
also provide more mates for other Azutuans.” Pushing away from the
table where the three of them sat, Venus stood. She put her hands
on her hips and glared at her mates. “If I’ve told you once, I’ve
told you both a hundred times, I’m not going to do anything stupid
that might cause me harm.” She drew in a deep lungful of air, held
it, and then let it out slowly. “Besides, I’m not going to
cooperate if you’re always going to be so domineering! I thought
you big apes would’ve realized that by now.” She noticed Miln
first, then looked over at his partner. “Have these two always been
so stubborn and infuriating?”

“Yes, they have been that way their entire lives,”
Miln offered.

“I have read the doctor’s entire journal.” He
continued, focusing on his brother-friends. “It may be advisable
that you two do the same before you lay down the law with your

Venus beamed at him, but her mates glowered back.

“However, perhaps I will go over here and only open
my mouth when I put food in it,” he added and strode into the area
Venus called a kitchen.

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