Love's Crazy Twists (15 page)

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Authors: S. A. Johns

BOOK: Love's Crazy Twists
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              “Julie? Wake up.” A voice was saying.

              She slowly opened her eyes and looked up.  There was no one to be seen.  She looked around.  She was half on the porch and half in the house.  She fell asleep in the doorway and who knew how long she’d been that way.  She didn’t even know what time Matt left.  She began wondering where that voice was coming from.  There was no one there, anywhere.  She dismissed it as a dream.  She got up and went back into the house and saw that the answering machine was blinking.  She pushed the button and played the message.  It was her mom.  “Julie?  Wake up.”  It started.  Her mom always said that because she always thought that if Julie didn’t answer the phone that she was still sleeping, no matter what time it was.  So that explained the voice.  It was her mom on the answering machine.  She didn’t feel like talking to her mother right now anyway, she thought that she’d call her later.  She sat down and started watching T.V.

              While she was flipping through the channels she suddenly had the urge to call Shane.  She tried to fight the urge, but it didn’t work.  Finally she picked up the phone and called.

“Hey, you’ve reached Shane.  I’m either not here or I’m screening my calls.  Say something and if it’s your lucky day, I’ll pick up; or I’ll call you later.”

              She got the answering machine.  “Shane, hey, it’s Julie.  Just wondered what you were up to, thought that maybe we could get together and do something.  Talk to you later.”  She said into the receiver and then hung up.  She was a little disappointed that he wasn’t home. but he did have other things in his life and couldn’t always be there when she called.

              “Maybe I should call Jen.”  She thought aloud.  But there was no answer there either.  “Hmm, I wonder where everyone is.  I know that Matt isn’t going to talk to me after what just happened.”  Even though she was still incredibly upset and hurt about the fight with Matt, she was bored and she decided to call him anyway.

              “Hello?” The voice answered.

              “Jules?”  He asked stunned.

              “Yeah, it’s me.” She said.  “I just wanted to say that I was sorry for the way things went down today.  You know what I’m talking about.” She finished.

              “Yeah, I know what you mean.” He said. “I’m sorry too. I was and am still very hurt by what       you’ve done.”


              He cut her off, “I know.  I did it too.  And now I know how awful it feels.” He paused.  “And I am so sorry, Baby, for hurting you  like that.” His voice started to crack and Julie could tell that he was about to cry.

              “I’m sorry too.”  She cried.

              “Julie, I love you.  And if you never forgive me, I’ll understand.”

              “I do forgive you, but I don’t know if I can ever forget.  And I know I won’t be able to trust you for a long, long time.”

              “I know, and I forgive you too.  But you are right about the trust thing.” He said.

              There was a long pause and it started to get awkward.  The silence was deafening.  Julie spoke first.  “Do you think that we can still be friends?”  She said.  “You know, even after this?”

              “I don’t know.  I’d like to try.” He told her with all honesty.

              “Good.  I don’t want you to be out of my life, and I don’t want us to hate each other.  You’ve been such a big part of my life and I don’t know what I’d do without you.” She said.

              “I feel the same way.  I know it’ll be hard to see you with other guys, but I’ll try.”  He said.

              “I know.  And I’ll try not to beat up any of your girlfriends.” She laughed, and so did he.  There was beep.  “Well, Matt, I have to go, I have another call coming in.  I’ll talk to you later.”

              “OK. Bye.”

              She clicked the button and answered the other call, “Hello?”  She asked into the receiver.

              “Jules!”  The voice exclaimed.

              “Shane?  Is that you?”  She asked, with all the music and background noise she could barely hear him.

              “Yeah.  What are you doing?”  He asked.

              “I was talking to Matt.  Where are you?  What’s all that noise?”  She asked again.

              “I’m at The Stomping Ground.  Want to meet me?”  He half yelled so that she could hear him.

              “Sure.  When?”

              “Can you come now?”  He asked.

              “Yeah, give me twenty minutes, okay?”

              “OK, see you then Babe.”  He laughed and then hung up.

              Julie hung up the phone and went to change her clothes.  She certainly couldn’t go like she was, in sweats and a t-shirt.  Although, Shane probably wouldn’t care what she was wearing, he said that she was always beautiful, no matter what.

              She threw on a pair of jeans and a blue and yellow short sleeved sweater.  She applied a small amount of make-up, just the necessities; eyeliner and lipstick.  She was finally satisfied with her appearance and was ready to go.  But then a thought crossed her mind.  Should I really be doing this?  What if he just wants to have sex again? She thought that if he really did care for her like he said then he’d wait to see what happened next.  Would they become a couple now that she wasn’t with Matt?  Would they end up being bed buddies?  Surely he wouldn’t just use her for sex, he’d hold out to see what she wanted.  The real question here was, could she hold out to touch him again, kiss him, taste him and just have him all to her?  She didn’t think she could be patient, she was so in love with what he did to her, and she couldn't wait for more of it.  She was getting excited just thinking about the way that he touched her, and the way that he kissed her and the way he brought her to the heights of pleasure and back down again all in one trip.  She imagined walking into the bar to find him alone and as soon as he saw her he would walk to her and take her in his arms and begin to kiss her.  Her knees would turn to jell-o and he would have to help her stand.  One of them would suggest that they get out of there and then they leave and go back to her place; or anywhere, and have the best sex they’ve ever had.

              She shook her head, she shouldn’t be thinking these things.  Like that would happen.  But then again the blanket by the fireplace fantasy had come true all because of Shane, so why couldn’t this one?

              She ran out to her car and headed to The Stomping Ground to meet Shane.  Hopefully for another unforgettable night.



              Julie pulled into the parking lot and right away she spotted Shane’s Mustang and she pulled in next to it.  She got out and went into the bar.  As she walked through the door she scanned the  place for Shane.  After making her way to the bar she spotted him sitting there alone.

              “Hey Stranger!” She shouted above the music.

              He looked up and smiled. “Hi.” He said as he stood to meet her.  He held his arms out and she went right to them and was enveloped in his strength.  “What took you so long?” He asked.

              “What do you mean?  It takes time to look this beautiful.”  She teased.

              “Nah, you always look beautiful.”  He said.

              “Aw, go on.” She laughed.  “Seriously, though, what’s wrong?”  She asked.

              “Nothing’s wrong, I just wanted to see you.  Is that so bad?”

              “Absolutely not.”  She said as she leaned in closer and placed her hands on the sides of his face.  “Not at all.”  She finished as she placed her lips on his and kissed him.

              “Wow!  What was that for?”  He asked when she had pulled away and sat down next to him.

              “That was just...for you.” She said smiling.

              He smiled and her heart melted all over again.  This was the man she was meant to be with, she could feel it.  He was so good to her and he obviously cared very deeply for her.  She was...happy.  That’s it, she was happy!  For the first time in a long time, she was really happy.  She had accepted that it was finally over with Matt, and it was really okay.  Things could be good with Shane.  What was there to stop her now?

              “So what do you want to drink?”  He asked her.

              “I’ll just have a beer.”  She answered.

              “Hey, Charity, can we get a beer over here?”  He shouted as he set some money down on the bar to pay for it.  Charity nodded and came right over.

              Shane handed the beer to Julie.  “Here you go, Hun.”

              “Thanks.”  She smiled at him.  God was he handsome.  She wanted to take him all in, to remember his face and everything else about him for the rest of eternity.  She took an extra moment to look at his beautiful face when he noticed her looking at him.

              “What are you looking at?” He smiled.

              “Just you.” She smiled.  “You are just so cute.” She teased as she pinched his cheeks.

              “Yeah right.” He started.  “If I am so cute then why did it take this long for me to be so lucky as to have you?”  He reached one hand up and pushed a strand of hair out of her face, “You are the cute one.  You are the most beautiful thing I have ever laid eyes on.  Do you know that?”

              Julie nodded.  She knew what Shane thought about her.  But did he realize how she felt about him?  Before she could open to speak a single word her mouth was covered by his as he kissed her.  She could feel it deep in the pits of her stomach that he was certainly different from all the other guys.  he was the genuine real thing, the allusive nice guy.  As they kissed she kept thinking about asking him if he wanted to go somewhere private and finish what was being started, but somehow it seemed a little silly for her to actually say the words.

              Shane pulled away from her, but only far enough to speak.  “Jules?”  He looked into her eyes and as if he was reading her thoughts he asked, “Do you want to go some place more private?”

              Julie almost laughed, “You took the words right out of my mouth.” She said as she leaned in for another kiss.

              Shane stood and took Julie by the hand and as they headed toward the door a slow song came on and he stood still.  He turned to Julie, “Would you like to dance?”

              “Why, certainly.”  She smiled.

              As they made their way out onto the dance floor Shane could feel a tightness in his heart, he was so much in love with her.  He wished that he could tell her just how much he loved her.  And he hoped that she loved him as much as he loved her.  But she had just broken up with Matt, it was way too soon to confess his undying love.  Wasn’t it?

              Julie put her arms up around Shane’s neck as he wrapped his strong arms around her and pulled her close to him.  They began to sway to the music.  Julie felt safe in his arms and she felt loved. It was just them that she remembered that her and Shane had only ever danced together one time the whole entire time that they had known each other.  Up until now that is.  They had danced together at Sarah’s wedding a long, long time ago.

              he nuzzled her closer and kissed her on the top of her head.  “Do you remember this song?”  He asked her.

              She looked up at him in a daze, “What?”

              “This is the song that was playing the first time we danced together at Sarah’s wedding.”  He explained.

              “I can’t  believe you remembered the song after all this time, that was like years ago.”  She smiled.

              “Honey, I remember everything about that night.  That was the best night of my life.  It was the first time I met you.”  He started. “And every time I hear “The Way You Look Tonight” I am transported back to that very night.  I still think you look like an angel.”  He leaned down and kissed her again.

              Julie felt a tear escape her and roll down over her cheek.  She had no idea how deep his love for her was.  But as she started thinking  back to their meeting she realized that she could remember it too.  He was wearing a pair of black jeans and a blue button up shirt, not too dressy but enough for a casual wedding.  She remembered thinking that he was a very sexy man.  With his dishwater blonde hair that curled right at his neck and his piercing blue eyes.  Most of all she remembered his smile.  She had always loved his smile.

              “You know I remember that night too.  The night I was introduced to my very best friend.  The night that at the time I didn’t know it, but I do now, it was the night I was introduced to my soul mate.”  She looked into his blue eyes for a second and thought that he might shed a tear, she finished before he could say anything.  “Shane, I love you.”

              He grabbed her and lifted her off the floor and swung her around as he kissed her.  When he finally put her back on the ground she could see that his eyes were a little misty.  “Julie, you have no idea how long I’ve waited to hear you say those things to me.  I’ve loved you for such a long time.”  He paused, “Julie, I love you too.”

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