Love's Long Shadow (6 page)

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Authors: Ciara Knight

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction

BOOK: Love's Long Shadow
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Alexander’s wings fluttered again, but he remained grounded.

Sammy crossed her arms over her chest. “What did

“Nothing, he’s grounded by guilt. His wings are broken by the weight of his part in all that is around us.” Grace said.

Sammy fell to her knees by his side. His pain pounded at her consciousness but she kept it at a distance. Not allowing it to cripple her.

might not have clipped his wings but there was no doubt that he enjoyed torturing lost souls. It wouldn’t be the last time he caused trouble. She was sure of that. They needed to be smarter when dealing with him. Deep inside, she realized her purpose now. Not even some over-sized minion from hell would get in her way. Those girls back in Kemp needed protection. She’d figure a way to help without starting a war between them.

Sammy pulled Alex’s hands down from his face. There was nothing in his eyes. A vacant body with no visible soul. “Why do they keep punishing us?”

Grace patted her head. “It’s not a punishment, dear. Only a reaction to his choices. We are left to live the way we choose. However, there is always a price for our decisions, good or bad.”

The snow stung her bare legs. She released Alex. Bumps covered her skin and she couldn’t stop shaking. “What do we do?”

“Pray.” Grace offered.

“For what?”

“For him not to fall the rest of the way to hell.”

Chapter Eight

The waves lapped, cooling Sammy’s toes as she rested in the crook of Boon’s arm. The sun dipped lower in the horizon. Her human form grew accustomed to the elements and constant stimuli. Even the sand no longer pricked her skin like needles.

Boon raked his fingers through her hair and kissed the top of her head, sending warm shivers down her arms and legs. So much joy from a simple touch, being human wasn’t so bad after all.

She ran her nails down his arm and laced her fingers in his “I remember bits and pieces now of how much I loved you, but I can’t see the specifics.”

“It doesn’t matter. We’re together, at least for the moment. I’ll take any second, no matter how fleeting, with you in my arms.” Boon pressed his lips to the back of her hand.

“When darkness creeps in during the night, I see outlines of you walking away. I cry out, then you’re gone.” Sammy shuddered. “Why did you leave? Did I do something in Heaven and they sent you away or did you want to leave—”

Boon squeezed her tight. “Don’t ever think I’d leave you, for any reason. It took two worlds and a direct order to tear me from your embrace. Even then it was only with a promise that we would be reunited. I’m here now and I’ll never leave you again.”

A growl rumbled deep in his chest - evidence there was something different about him, something not angelic or human. His words frightened her. She’d learned one thing during her short life on Earth, nothing was a guarantee. “We have now.”

He traced her jaw with his lips and kissed her chin. “Yes.”

His soft touch and strong kisses enveloped her in warm bliss. “I heard you tell Grace that this physical contact is pleasing, but nothing like what we once had.”

Boon pulled her away with brows furrowed teasingly. “How do you sneak up on us? Why don’t I hear you?”

“Grace said you’re usually distracted with too many thoughts of me.” A giggle escaped her lips and she pressed her palm to them.

A chill filled the air, warning of a coming storm. One she hoped they were prepared for. “How long do we have?”

“’til what?”

“Until the next…challenge.”

Boon propped up on his elbows and looked out at over the ocean. “You feel it too?”

“Yes. Why does Heaven continue to test us? Am I still being punished?”

“No.” Boon pulled her face up to his. “Heaven isn’t punishing us. We have a purpose here. Don’t ever think otherwise. You were chosen because you’re special.”

“I don’t feel special.” She felt lost and abandoned by a former home she didn’t even remember. “What kind of purpose?”

“I’m not sure. Not yet.”

“Well, I’m going to be a cheerleader next year. Those girls
is messing with, I’m going to straighten them out.”

Boon chuckled. “I’m sure you will. You’ll make a great cheerleader.”

“You’re teasing me.”

“Maybe a little. You do have the peppy thing down. It’s one more thing to love.”

He moved his arm with a mock cheer motion and she slugged his shoulder.

“Seriously, we’ll be playing a big part in something. We’ll need to keep faith that we can make a difference.”

“Tell that to my brother. He still can’t fly.” She bowed her head. “I should’ve stopped him.”

Boon clasped her face in the palm of his hand. “You couldn’t have.

She quivered at his thumb’s soft caresses across her cheek.

Tears filled her eyes. “I need to be better.”

“You’re perfect.” Boon brushed the bangs from her forehead. “Besides, that young girl, Gabriella, that was in the car, Alexander,
, and her destines are intertwined.”

“How do you know that?”

“Angels still whisper things. As you remember more and regain your angelic powers and strength, you too will hear them.” Boon’s lips brushed her mouth and her body warmed. “Everything is going to be okay.” His tongue swept hers and fire surged through her body, singeing each nerve. She pulled away, breathless.

“You say physical touch is nothing like what we had.” She panted. He pulled her close and lay back on the beach watching the sun dip below the horizon. Only the lights from her house illuminated the beach.

He smiled down at her. “Yes, but I’m not complaining.”

She snuggled into his arm. Their bodies a perfect match. As if God himself had created them as one, but separated into two pieces. Lying in his arms, she felt whole for the first time since landing on Earth.

Boon had been right. They were together—at last.




Ciara Knight always had a passion for storytelling. At an early age, she wrote several short stories and poems, and in college she started work on her first novel. It wasn’t until late 2008 that she returned to her true passion of writing. Over the past few years she has penned five novels and joined several professional writing organizations to better her craft.

When not writing, she enjoys reading all types of fiction. Some great literary influences in her life include Edgar Allen Poe, Shakespeare, Francine Rivers and J K Rowling.

Ciara is happily married and enjoys family time. She has learned to embrace chaos, which is a requirement when raising three boys, and utilizes the insanity to create stories not of this world including, Fantasy, Paranormal, Sci-Fi, and Young Adult Dystopian.

Her first love, besides her family, reading, and writing, is travel. She’s backpacked through Europe, visited orphanages in China, and landed in a helicopter on a glacier in Alaska.



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