Love's Second Chance (Second Chances Series) (13 page)

BOOK: Love's Second Chance (Second Chances Series)
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He peered over at the desk and nodded. “Of course I was. Why, do you not want to?”

“Oh no, it’s perfectly fine. I just thought you were kidding.”

He shrugged and put his arm around my shoulders. “Well, look at it this way. We can make love anytime we want during the day.” My face blushed crimson at his admission and he chuckled at my expense. Maybe sharing an office wasn’t such a good idea. I couldn’t help but wonder how many days we could go without having sex in there … most likely none.

Galen searched his desk, and when he found what he was looking for he handed it over. “Here’s the list of all the clients that are begging for you. I’ve spoken to them all and they’re waiting for you to respond. You’ll see I’ve also written notes in there to give you an idea of what they want.” When I looked at him and smiled, he shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal. “I did it so you would be prepared. I hope you don’t mind, but I wanted to make sure you weren’t overwhelmed on your first day.” I took a look at the book and opened it to the first page. My eyes went wide at the mile long list of clients. That was going to be enough work to last ten years. Well, maybe not that long, but it would sure keep me busy for a while.

“I’ve been keeping a list of people that have recommended you for the past couple of years. They were really happy when I told them you were now available,” Galen admitted happily.

“I don’t know what to say. I can’t believe they’ve wanted me so badly,” I said, completely flabbergasted.

“Shit, Korinne, you’re the best and they all know it. I’m honored that you said yes to come work for me, but I think my charm might have worked on you some, too.” He smiled, and that smile could get anyone to fall at his knees.

“I’m glad I said yes, too. Maybe your charm did help out a little bit as well,” I admitted whole-heartedly. Looking at the long list in my book, I figured it was time to start calling people. “I guess I need to get busy,” I announced. Galen pulled me into his arms, and I melted in his embrace. Oh yes, it was going to be very difficult to keep my space from him in that office.

“I’m here to help you if you need anything,” he said warmly.

I nodded against his chest. “I know, and thank you for helping me. I can’t wait to get started.” We broke away from the hug and Galen went to his desk while I went to mine. Staring mesmerized at the open book, I took one giant breath before marching into the challenge and calling the first person on the list.



The two clients I saw first had mapped out all of their plans and waited on my replies and suggestions. They were both really excited when I threw in the twists of my own ideas. It felt amazing to open my mind again and create imaginative settings for people to enjoy. Looking at the clock in my car, the time was now four in the afternoon and I was just then returning to M&M. I hadn’t spoken to Galen yet, so I was excited to share with him the good news. Rebecca was at her desk and waved at me before I went inside Galen’s office, or better yet, our office. Galen had his back to me, standing at his drawing desk, when I entered. Slowly advancing to his side, I peered over his shoulder to see what he was working on. The sight before me was astounding.

“Wow!” I belted out. His sketches were absolutely beautiful.

Still looking down at his work, he laughed. “I’m assuming that was a good wow?” He moved aside to let me see more closely.

“Yes, you’re amazing,” I murmured in awe.

Galen took my hands and pulled me to him. “How was your day?” he asked.

“It was spectacular. I met with two clients and already have the rest of the month scheduled. It doesn’t look like I’ll be spending much time here though.”

Galen pouted his lip, and it took all of my restraint not to reach up and grab it with my teeth. “Well then I guess we need to christen this office today since you won’t be here much.” He paused and glanced at each desk. “Your desk or mine?” he asked playfully.
Was he serious
? I wondered. When I didn’t answer right away, he answered it for me by taking my hand and pulling me over to his desk. “My desk it is then. And look, you made it easy for me by wearing a skirt.”

“You’re too much, you know that?”

“Oh I know, but you love it.”
Indeed I did
, I said to myself. Galen slid the papers on his desk to the corner, and lifting me up by the waist, set me down.

“What if someone comes in?” I asked.

He grinned. “I was prepared and had the door on auto lock as soon as you shut it.”

“You are so sneaky,” I teased.

“I have a meeting in fifteen minutes so we don’t have long, but I think we can manage, don’t you?” He glided his hands up my thighs and pushed the skirt up to my waist, not waiting on an answer. Fifteen minutes was fine with me. I was already turned on and ready to go. He loosened his pants quickly and they fell to the floor, revealing his well chiseled thighs and his already hard cock that would be devouring me soon.

Galen pulled me closer by gripping my thighs and sliding me across the desk. Removing my underwear, he wrapped my legs around his waist. Wasting no time in the matter, Galen entered me hard and swift in one deep thrust. As much as I loved going nice and slow sometimes going hard and fast could be way more pleasurable. The grip he had on my body was constricting as he held me down on the desk, but I loved feeling the closeness to him as he pounded away his desires into my body. He groaned quietly in my ear while I gritted my teeth together to keep from screaming out the pleasures I was feeling. I really didn’t want Rebecca hearing what we were doing in there. When the orgasm hit I could feel Galen pulsating and releasing his seed inside of me. Breathing hard, he kissed me on the lips before pulling out and lifting his pants. Smiling apologetically at me, he handed me a box of tissues. He pulled a couple of them out and helped wipe up the insides of my thighs.

“I’m sorry about that,” he said softly, looking down at the sticky mess between my legs.

“It’s okay, I actually like that we can do this. It’s more intimate,” I said softly.

Galen looked down at his watch and his eyes went wide. “Shit, I have two minutes to get to the board room. Go home, be careful, and I’ll call you tonight.”

“All right,” I said, smiling while fixing my skirt.

He kissed me on the cheek and whispered softly in my ear. “I love you, Kori.”

“I love you, too.”



My phone rang on the way home, but it was in my purse and I refused to go digging for it while I was driving. I’d see who it was when I got home. All I wanted to do right then was take a nice, hot shower and cuddle on the couch with a bowl of cheddar popcorn. Maybe I’d watch the Lord of the Rings again. Or better yet, I needed to start unpacking my boxes. I couldn’t live out of them for the rest of my life now could I?

As soon as I got home I headed straight for the shower. For about thirty minutes I relished in the feel of hot water spraying over my skin. I wondered what it would be like to make love to Galen in the shower. That would need to be something I mentioned to him the next time I saw him.

Once my shower was done, I decided on the popcorn dinner and a movie. I didn’t know how long Galen was going to be in his meeting, but it worked out perfectly. Having some Korinne time right then was what I needed. As I settled on the couch I heard my phone beeping in my purse. I had completely forgotten I had a missed call. Surely if it was important they would have called back. The number was not familiar to me, but they did leave a message. After dialing voicemail, a man’s voice that I didn’t recognize came over the line.

“Good evening, Mrs. Anders, I’m Richard Carmichael. I believe we have met before, but in case you don’t remember I was a friend and colleague of your late husband, Dr. Carson Anders. I’m head of the trustees over at the hospital and I’m calling because I wanted to invite you to a special reception in honor of Carson, along with some of our other valuable doctors. The reception is next Thursday night at seven o’clock. We really hope to see you there. Take care, Mrs. Anders.”

Dropping the phone, I sank onto the couch and tried desperately to suck in a good breath. I couldn’t believe this was happening again. Grief washed over me, and just when I thought I could move on I got reminded again of what I’d lost. The tears came at their own accord and I let them flow. I was beginning to feel happy and I thought those feelings were genuine. Was it just a mask that had me believing that I was happy? A delusion, a mask of delusion that covered up everything that I’d left unfinished in my life. I
hadn’t been to mine and Carson’s home or even to the graveyard where he was buried. The realization that I
hadn’t come to terms with my grief felt like a knife straight through my heart. By no means was I weak woman, but putting off my past was not going to help my future. Until I could deal with my past, how could I ever fully move on?

Galen had been a wonderful distraction, but he wouldn’t be able to fix what was broken inside me, only I could. I needed to find the courage and deal with my problems on my own. If I kept putting it off it would keep coming back when something reminded me of Carson. Would Galen understand if I needed time alone to figure this out and get my affairs in order? I just needed him to understand and give me some space while I got things taken care of.

My mind felt like a whirlwind of emotions. I loved Carson and I knew I always would, but now I was in love with Galen. Carson would’ve wanted me to be happy, but I couldn’t seem to keep the guilt at bay. It kept coming back like I was doing something wrong. Galen wanted to be there for me and he’d also been patient in letting me cope, but to move on I needed to do it myself.
Please let him understand
, I thought.


Chapter Twelve



“Rebecca, has Korinne called or left a message?” I asked.

“No, is something wrong?” she responded.

I checked my phone again to make sure I didn’t just miss the call and that I was overreacting, but looking through the calls she wasn’t there. “I hope not. I called her several times last night and she never answered.”

“Well, maybe she was asleep?” Rebecca assumed. Thinking about last night it was a possibility since it was really late when I called. The meeting ran over and I had no chance to call her sooner.

I nodded, hoping my reasoning was right. “That’s probably what it was,” I agreed. Rebecca looked at me like she didn’t believe my words, and truthfully, I didn’t think I believed them either. Something felt like it was wrong, and I didn’t think I would be able to last long not knowing if she was okay.


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