Love's Second Chance (Second Chances Series) (10 page)

BOOK: Love's Second Chance (Second Chances Series)
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His soft eyes peered at me with love and adoration. “I think it’s amazing, Korinne. Thank you for bringing me here.”

“You’re welcome.” I grinned before opening my door. Grabbing our bags, we made our way to the cabin. I punched in the code on the electronic keypad and opened the door to our haven for the weekend. Log cabins nestled in the woods were so peaceful and earthly. It was the perfect place to escape from everyday life. One of these days I would have my own cabin and live in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

“Shall we pick a room?” Galen asked.

I pointed towards the hallway. “I believe the master bedroom is down there.”

He grabbed our bags, but then grinned at me before disappearing down the hall. Galen called out, “I don’t know about you, but I plan on us using them all this weekend!” I laughed, but I heard the seriousness in his voice.
I’m not going to complain about that
, I thought.

“There’s a hot tub you know!” I hollered back.

A few minutes later he walked down the hall, completely naked. “And that’s where I’m going,” he said. Standing there wide-eyed and frozen, I watched him as he opened the back door and walked outside. I heard him sigh once he dipped down into the hot, steamy water. “Are you coming? I’m kind of lonely out here!” he called to get me motivated. Taking a deep breath, I took my clothes off one piece at a time. Galen didn’t think to grab towels, so I took two of them from the closest bathroom before heading outside and wrapping one around my body. There, watching me, was Galen as steam billowed around the hot tub. Smiling invitingly, he motioned me over. I placed his towel on a nearby chair before slowly unwrapping the one around my body, teasing him by doing it slowly. Mesmerized, Galen stared at me the entire time, the hunger evident in his gaze.

“You’re so beautiful,” he admitted whole-heartedly.

“Thank you,” I replied, stepping into the blazing hot water. Settling into the seat across from Galen, I could tell he wanted to ask me something. “What’s on your mind?”

“What made you want to come here?” he asked.

“I thought we needed to get away, to have a chance to catch up with no distractions,” I said, shrugging my shoulders.

“That’s it?” he countered back. “No other reason?”

Shaking my head, I laughed. I knew what he was getting at, but I wasn’t going to spoil the surprise. “Nope, no other reason,” I said flippantly. He looked a little disappointed and I hated doing that to him, but I wanted to surprise him. Cheering him up wouldn’t be a problem though.

I casually moved my way around the hot tub, watching Galen the entire time. When I reached him, I hooked my arms around his shoulders and straddled his waist. His eyes burned with need and I knew mine conveyed the same feeling. “I told you the car was foreplay. Now it’s time for the real fun,” I said heatedly. Before I could say anything else, Galen took my lips with his and intertwined his soft, wet tongue with mine. His grip on my body was hard and possessive, holding me tight against his warm skin. His cock was growing harder underneath me, and I moaned into his mouth in response. I moved my hips against his cock to give him a taste; a taste of what it would feel like with me riding him. Galen groaned with need and bit my lower lip. His strong grip on my ass held me firmly in place while he moved me harder against his groin.

“Please stop teasing me,” he begged.

“I believe you are the one taunting me at the moment, but I do love to tease. Consider it payback for torturing me in the car,” I pointed out.

Staring into his feverish blue eyes, I knew that if I didn’t take him then he would surely be taking me. I lifted my hips and allowed the tip of his cock to graze my opening. By the grip he had on me I knew it was killing him not being able to pull me down on top of him. I moved across him gently, only allowing the tip inside, knowing that was his sensitive spot. Groaning, he took a nipple into his mouth and sucked it firmly. Galen always knew how to get me motivated. He just ruined any level of patience I might have had by exploring my breasts with his sensual tongue. The tingling of my desire and need for him wouldn’t let me wait another moment, so I lowered myself onto his hard, rigid cock. The sensation of being stretched and filled to the brim brought out the desire and longing I had for this man. I had wanted, needed, and now I had him in my grasp. Galen’s hands on my ass spurred me on more as he guided me, faster and faster, moving over his straining groin. The hot water felt like a blanket against my sensitive skin; I let it comfort me and keep me warm as I rode the waves of desire.

I was so close to losing control …

“Can I come inside you?” he said gruffly in my ear. Pulling back I looked into his hungry blue eyes. The heat and lust was palpable, which only made my body yearn for more of his touch and love.

“Yes,” I groaned breathlessly. Giving him that one answer unleashed the fire in his veins. He gripped me tighter on the hips, moving me faster and faster up and down, over and over. The sensation of orgasm had me literally about to explode with need and I couldn’t stop from clenching harder over his erection as the orgasm built. Moving frantically together, in sync and in desperate hunger for each other, the orgasm finally exploded in my core when I felt the heat of Galen’s release inside me. Once the bliss of the aftereffects subsided, we held each other tight, letting the hot water relax us as we came down from a wave of pure rapture. The intimacy of this act had left me speechless and full of hope. Maybe I
be able to do this, maybe I was beginning to love again.


Chapter Ten



When my eyes finally opened, I looked over at the clock and it read ten-thirty in the morning. I hadn’t slept this late in years, but it felt good to know that I wouldn’t be heading into work. Looking up at the wood beamed ceiling I smiled as the memories of last night came flooding back. After our night in the hot tub, we came straight inside and passed out on the bed, or at least she did. I watched her for most of the night, holding her while she slept. It brought back a time when I held her and watched her cry herself to sleep eight years ago, but this time she wouldn’t be leaving me like she did then. I planned on having her in my arms for the rest of my life … if she’d have me. Only when I knew she was ready would I ask her.

Actually, it dawned on me that Korinne was nowhere to be found. The smell of bacon and eggs permeated the air with its fine aroma, and my stomach growled in protest. Throwing on a pair of boxers I followed the smell to the kitchen. Korinne had her back to me, deeply engaged with whatever she was doing, so I decided to sneak up behind her …


“Ahhh!” she screamed, and in the process of that scream she smacked me in the face with a spatula full of soft and fluffy cream cheese icing. “Holy shit, Galen … I’m so sorry!” Korinne shrieked.

I stood there frozen, frosting running down my face, while her bewildered expression turned slowly into amusement. She burst out laughing and doubled over, holding her stomach.
I wonder if she’d find it funny if I doused
with icing
, I thought. Korinne’s eyes went wide when she saw me taking slow, predatory steps toward her with a glint in my eye. She shook her head and frantically began moving away from me. “Don’t you dare!” she commanded forcefully, holding the sticky spatula out like a weapon.

“Or what?” I countered back, taunting her. She wasted no time in taking off, circling around the table while I chased after her. Not moving fast enough, I grabbed her around the waist, tackling her to the floor. “You can’t escape me, Korinne.”

Rubbing my icing-covered face all over hers, I laughed. She squealed and tried desperately to fight me off, but it was no use.

Breathing hard, and looking sexy as hell, I couldn’t stop staring at her. “I think it might be a good thing I can’t escape. I love being in your clutches,” Korinne admitted.

Peering down at her luscious lips, I noticed they were covered in frosting. I leaned down as if I was going to kiss her, but instead I licked the icing off. She giggled the whole time, but then pushed me off. “Happy Birthday!” she yelled while I took her hand and helped her up off the floor. She glided to the kitchen and revealed the masterpiece that called for the delicious frosting. I couldn’t believe I didn’t notice it when I came into the kitchen. “You thought I’d forgotten, didn’t you?” she asked while holding up the cake.

I shrugged nonchalantly, not wanting her to know that it meant a lot to me that she remembered. “I wasn’t too worried about it,” I said, playing it off.

She looked at me skeptically. “Yeah, somehow I don’t believe that. I think I remember you looking forward to those red velvet cakes you got every year. You were like a little boy at Christmas when it came to your birthday.”

“Fine, you caught me,” I huffed playfully. “So since I’m the birthday boy does that mean you have to do everything I say?”

Narrowing her eyes, she chewed on her bottom lip. “That depends. What do you have in mind?” She took a swipe of frosting from the bowl and slowly licked it from her finger. My groin instantly hardened at the sight, and I watched as her eyes trailed from my face all the way down to my hard cock.

“How about we have sex all day?” I requested while raising my eyebrows.

She laughed and threw a soapy dishrag at me, but I ducked and it flew right past me. “As much as that sounds like fun, I don’t think that’s going to work.”

“And why is that?” I demanded gruffly.

“Because I have plans to cook you dinner and I can’t do that if we’re in bed,” she said, rolling her eyes.

“Who says we have to be in a bed?” I pushed on the table to test its weight. “Yep, I think the table will hold us,” I said, grinning in amusement.

She looked like she was contemplating it, but then her eyes went wide and she gasped excitedly. “It’s snowing!” I turned around quickly to see what she was looking at. Huge, white snowflakes were falling down rapidly and blanketing every surface as far as the eye could see. Korinne ran to the window and stared in awe at the winter wonderland. “You know, it sucks that we don’t get snow like this at home. I mean, what we usually get is maybe one inch of snow a year … if that,” she said, looking back at me.

“Do you remember when we had that big snow two years ago?” I asked her.

“Oh yeah, we were out of power for a couple of days. It was so cold.”

“Well, I thought I would have a little bit of fun and ride my dirt bike out in it. Needless to say, it didn’t turn out too well.” I laughed.

“What happened? Did you break something?”

“Yes, my leg. It didn’t feel too good either,” I admitted.

“I would think not,” she said disapprovingly while turning back to the window. “Stuff like that is dangerous, Galen. You need to be more careful.”

“I always am,” I said softly. I came up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist, bending over to smell the sweet scent of the shampoo in her hair. She leaned into my touch and tilted her head back, gazing at me with absolute contentment. “I never thought I would feel this happy again,” she whispered. “I shut myself off completely when Carson died. I felt so lost, but when you came back into my life it was like I could feel again. Galen, I …” Her eyes went wide and in that instant my heart stopped.

“What were you going to say?” I asked softly. She lifted her head and laughed, but I could tell it was a nervous laugh. I guess she wasn’t ready to express those feelings yet.

“I was going to say that I can’t wait for more snow. We need to go outside and have a snowball fight,” Korinne suggested. Breaking away from me, she walked back to the kitchen to place the eggs and bacon on our plates. I sighed, silently wondering why she couldn’t just allow herself to let go and feel what she was feeling. I knew she cared about me. She wouldn’t go through all of this if she didn’t. The love in her eyes was apparent, but something was still holding her back. Could it be that she was waiting on me to tell her how I felt before she opened up?

“Are you hungry?” she called out. “I know I’m starving.”

“I’m famished,” I said while smiling at her.

We watched the snow continue to fall as we ate our breakfast in silence. To break the mood we needed a distraction. I planned on challenging her to a fight, and a snowball fight was what it was going to be. It was her suggestion to have one, but I was determined to make it a little more interesting. She doesn’t know it yet, but the winner would get all rights to do as they pleased to the other. Korinne might not like the outcome, but it’s a fight I was surely going to win. The walls around her heart were going to break, even if it was the last thing I did.


BOOK: Love's Second Chance (Second Chances Series)
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