Loving Angel 2 (10 page)

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Authors: Carry Lowe

BOOK: Loving Angel 2
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I didn’t want to be the one to start the war back up again between Kit and me
, but I wasn’t sure I could trust Hindu one hundred when he said Kit wasn’t involved in the shooting. Could he really have his right hand man planning larceny against him and not even realize it? I knew Kit and his uncle had been beefing, but who was to say they hadn’t decided to put their beef aside so they could take me out. It would be much easier that way. I guess I was going to have to reserve judgment for later. In the mean time I wanted to send any niggas involved a message, so I ordered Lux and Biz to leave a fucked up Hindu in front of Kit’s club.












I was getting a real headache from having so many people at my house. I mean don’t get me wrong, I loved the hell out of my family. I just didn’t want to live with them and after we had spent the last month and half together under the same roof, I was surprised I hadn’t committed murder. Everyone who had taken refuge in my home the night of the shooting was still staying there temporarily because we were still on lockdown. Well, everyone except for Delco and my aunt. He only slept over every other night and my Aunt Missy had gone home because she had to work. Excluding those two, my remaining family was still crashing at my place and they were driving me crazy.

Headache number one was
the crazy relationship between my hormonal ass cousin and her baby daddy to be. They fought all the damn time and then a couple minutes later you’d here all types of moaning and groaning coming from the room. Only to see them back at each other’s throats again after the sex was over.

Headache number two was
my crazy ass mother. She thought she was still young and kept raiding my damn closet to steal my clothes and shoes. I wouldn’t have a problem if she would return my shit and at least treat them with some consideration. She never washed whatever she wore and I was finding stains of whoever knew what on a lot of my gear that she borrowed.

Headache number three was my bad ass son and god-daughter. Those two
kept running around the house like the little terrors they were. They had a lot of excess energy because we hadn’t been able to take them to the park since we had been on lockdown. Being locked in the house with a couple of rambunctious kids was no joke.

, I was having a constant fucking headache.

“When will things
get back to normal?” asked to Tyga as we lay naked in bed. He was busy kissing on my neck and squeezing on my booty.

“Come on Sexy,” he complained. “You’re coming at a nigga with this shit when you see he’s trying to get some pussy?” He abandoned my neck and started lavishing his attention on my breast

Damn right I was going to talk about been cooped up in the
house. If I wanted to get my way I had to do it while he was in an amorous mood. When he was distracted trying to get his nut, he was more likely to give me what I wanted.

“I’m not trying to ruin
the mood or anything bay,” I cooed, wrapping my fingers around his hard dick and squeezing gently, producing a moan from him. “But you know I can’t stand being in the house all day with everyone driving me crazy.”

“Sexy, I swear I’ll listen to whatever you have to say after you let me hit it
. I’ll even give you a reasonable compromise,” he quickly promised as I rubbed on his junk just the way I knew he liked it.

“Ok daddy,” I submitted, because the way he had just started to lick and suck on my nipples was making me
wetter than a bitch in heat. I knew it wouldn’t be long before I was begging him for the dick.

He chuckled at my acquiescence knowing that I gave in due to the fact that I wanted him as much as he wanted me. His lips and tongue continued to travel down my body until he got to my dripping wetness. He inhaled my scent into his lungs and made a growl of pleasure that had my pussy clenching.

The first lick of his tongue was like heaven on earth. The second and third had me clawing at the sheets while I chanted his name. By the time he had latched onto my clit and was sucking the dear life out of it, I was not only chanting but also grabbing onto his head while I threw the pussy closer to his face.

“Oh daddy I’m coming,” I moaned. I felt the fire that had been burning in my body explode into a wild inferno. My man lapped up all the juices I had released before he moved up my body.

“Turn around and get on all fours,” he ordered after giving me a long kiss that made me taste all my sweetness on his tongue. “I want to see that ass tonight.”

Although I had wanted to taste his delicious Mandingo
, I knew not to question him when he was getting down to business. I did what he asked and tooted that ass in the air for him.

He gave me a resounding slap on the backside before I felt him rubbing the head of his dick against my entrance and getting it wet with my juices.

With one powerful stroke he entered me stretching my pussy to the limit. Even after years of having sex with him that ten inch stiff dick was no joke. He held onto my hips and pounded the pussy like he hadn’t had it in years instead of hours. Soon I was having my second orgasm because he knew exactly how to stroke against my G-spot. I contracted my muscles around his dick every time he withdrew and threw the pussy back at him. I could tell that he loved it from all the gasping moans that were coming from his throat. It didn’t take long for him to lose his rhythm and then I felt his body tense above mine as he grunted and filled my pussy with his seed.

“Sometimes I can’t believe how good that shit
is,” he said as he fell onto his back and pulled me onto his chest. “Best decision I ever made was putting that ass on lock.” He slapped me on said ass. 

“So y
ou only married me because I have some good pussy?” I joked kissing his sweaty chest.  He nodded wearing a smirk on his sexy lips. “Good, because I only married you for that big ass dick you’re packing.”

He chuckled. “I love you Sexy.”

“I love you too bay.”

I was almost asleep when I heard him yawn and say, “You can go out whenever you want to as long as you take Chance and John with you.
” I was too tired to complain. After all I knew my husband was just trying to keep me safe. Plus I was happy to finally be able to leave the house after being cooped up for a week and during summer time at that.

The next morning I woke up to two little terrors jumping on me instead of one.

“Mommy, mommy, mommy,” the one that belonged to me sang.

, aunty, aunty,” the one to whom I was god mother joined in.

“It’s not the mommy
, or aunty,” I crowed hoarsely, trying to change the sound of my voice. “It’s an old wicked witch with a hooked nose and a thousand warts.” I exploded from the sheet and started tickling them, which made them laugh loudly. I was glad I remembered to put on some underwear and a t-shirt last night when I got up to pee, because those two were always waking me up like that in the mornings.

“It is my mommy,” Ricky continued to giggle even after I had stopped tickling them.

“Yep,” Kiki nodded her curly head in agreement. “Aunty, mommy said breakfast is ready.”

“Why don’t you little boogers give me a kiss and then go down and tell Daisy I’m coming.”

They complied, each giving me several wet sloppy kisses all over my face. Then they were off snickering and whispering behind their little hands.

I took a quick shower, pulled on a pair of Guess shorts and a T-shirt and then dragged myself downstairs. All the females in the family, were sitting around the counter in the kitchen. I guess the men, except for my baby boy, had abandoned us for the gym.

“Someone seemed to have gotten some last night,” my cousin teased. She and Mina were sitting on one side of the island eating breakfast, while the kids were on the other side sitting in their high chairs and playing with their food.

I chuckled. “Bitch
mind your own damn business.”

“Your husband ain’t taking care of business properly and
that’s why you’re so snappy?” My own mother added on a chuckle. I swear over the years it had only got worse when it came to Mina acting her age. I gave up on her acting like my mother a long time ago and accepted the fact that she was going to treat me like I was one of her girlfriends.

“Whatever, you know my man knows how to hit it just right,” I boasted
, giving my cousin a high-five. “What, the nigga you’ve been running around with isn’t taking care of his business?”

“Please, do you think I’d be wasting my time on some l
ame dick?” Mina chuckled. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the past couple years it is to enjoy the simple pleasures in life and good dick is one of those pleasures.”

I was happy to
hear my mother talking like that because it showed that she had really let go of her past and was moving forward. I knew her past depression stemmed from what Boss had done to me. It was also because, despite what he had done, I got the feeling she had still been in love with him, so his death made her sad. I didn’t hold her love for him against her. I was very proud of her for letting go of those unhealthy feelings.

“So whe
n are we going to meet Mr. Good Dick?” I asked as I dug into the plate of scrambled eggs and toast my cousin had prepared for me.

“It ain’t anythi
ng serious,” she informed me, “He and I are just having some fun. It’s no need to be meeting family.”

I nodded in understanding. “I’m happy you’re having some fun.”

“And about time too,” Daisy added jokingly.

“We’re about
to have some fun today too cuz. Tyga said we can go out granted we bring Chance as a guard.”

“Thank G
od, because I was getting stir crazy up in this motherfucker.”

“Can you watch the kids for us please Mina?” I asked mother in a coaxing voice. She wasn’t the best person to leave the kids with for long periods of time because she always allowed them to run wild and do whatever they wanted, but she would be good to leave them with for a couple of hours. “I’ll even buy you some new gear so you
can leave my closet alone.”

“You have to at least spend over five hundred,” she bargained. “And don’t be staying too damn long either.”


By the time we were done with breakfast Tyga and Chance had returned from the gym. My cousin fixed them both a plate and I started cleaning up the kitchen while they ate.

“I’m going to need your guard dog services today Chance,” I informed my brother-in-law. “Daisy and I are going to the mall.”

“If I were you and needed me for something
, I would be nice to me,” he mumbled. He was shoveling food into the bottomless pit called his mouth.

“You know I love you e
ven though you belong on a farm.” I smiled sweetly.

“The feeling is mutual although instead of the farm
, I think you belong on forty-second.” Forty-second street in Manhattan was where the hookers strolled for customers.

“What time are you leaving?” Tyga asked interrupting our tiff.

“In about an hour or so. Why’d you ask?” I removed Kiki and Ricky from their highchairs because I was about to give them a bath.

“I already told you John is to going with you too,” he pointed out. “I’ll call him and let him know he’ll be needed in an hour.”

I rolled my eyes at him. Two body guards was overkill, but I wasn’t about to argue when I was happy that I was going to hit some stores with my bay’s credit card.

“And please leave the black card on the bedside table.” I kissed him on the cheek
because I was happy to be getting what I wanted yet again.

My husband really did spoil me.






















My cousin and I went wild in the mall. We bought so much crap that poor Chance was weighted down lugging the bags all over the mall behind us. John had to go to Miami on business
, so my bay decided to let us go out with only his brother. I didn’t feel sorry for baby bro one bit. Letting him carry our shopping bags was punishment for him always paying me lip service.

We were
at Neiman Marcus in the Gucci section looking at some shoes, while my brother-in-law sat in a chair with our bags at his feet texting on his phone. He looked bored as hell.

“What do you think ab
out this one?” I asked my cousin.

She scrutinized the red pumps I was trying on with a frown on her face. “I don’t like how the plat
form looks on the front. They didn’t cover it with leather, so it looks cheap. For all the money that thing costs it shouldn’t have any flaws.”

I examined said platform and realized that I agreed with her. “You’re right.” I returned it t
o the store clerk and she passed me the other shoe I had asked to try on.

“Did you hear from Ke
ya yet?” I hadn’t seen her since the night of Tyga’s club opening. Another month was about to go by without hearing from her and I was becoming more worried.

“Still haven’t heard shit from her,” Daisy revealed.  “But I don’t know why yo
u’re worried about her. Everyone knows she’s been going around town flossing with that nigga and she definitely doesn’t seem to be worried about you.”

My cousin was mad at her
sister. She felt that Keya had allowed a man to come between us yet again. Daisy wasn’t as forgiving as me. She felt that she had given Keya a lot of chances over the years and her sister always fucked her over. I understood where she was coming from. If a nigga had caused me to become injured in a drive-by shooting and my sister was shacking up with that nigga, I would have been mad at her too. Then again that did sound like something my sister would do, due to the fact that she hated my guts.

“What do you think of this one Daisy?” I asked her opinion on the tan colored wedge with a peep toe front.

“I like that one a lot better.”

After we cashed out my wedges and a pair of flats made of GG logo fabric for Daisy
, we headed to Victoria’s Secret. I wanted to get something sexy to model for my husband and Daisy’s breast were getting bigger because of her pregnancy, so she needed some new bras.

We were viewing the different types of bras when Delco and Maria strolled into the store laughing and holding hands. They had obviously been out shopping because they had a bunch of shopping bags to prove it.

When Delco saw us he came to an abrupt halt, letting go of Maria’s hand. The smile he had been wearing slipped from his lips.

“What’s wrong?” Maria asked when she realized her man was lagging behind her.

“Yeah what’s wrong Delco?” My cousin asked sarcastically. “Why don’t you explain to us why you’ve got that stupid ass shocked, guilty look on your face?”

Maria looked from her man to my cousin with a frown in the middle of her brows until it dawned on her
what might be the problem. Her face transformed from one of confusion to one of anger. “Please tell me you’re not fucking this bitch!”

“Listen sweetheart. One thing I don’t like is hoes calling me names!” Daisy

Maria started stepping toward
Daisy as if she was about to attack her for calling her a hoe, but Delco immediately intervened by grabbing her arm and pulling her back.

“Get Daisy out of here Chance,” he ordered my brother-in-law.

“Oh, hell no!” Daisy exclaimed as she backed away from Chance so he couldn’t get a hold on her. “I’m not going anywhere. It’s about time we got all your shit out in the open.”

, if you’ve got something to say just say it,” Maria fumed as she fought to get from Delco’s grasp.

“Don’t do this Daisy,” Delco warned pleadingly.

“Well hoe. I’d like for you to know that I’m having your man’s baby,” Daisy declared, disregarding his entreaty. “And all of those nights he’s not sleeping in your bed, he’s sleeping in mine.”

The little light skinned chick looked at Daisy’s four months pregnant belly that was barely visible beneath the tight T-shirt and leggings she was rocking
. Realizing she was telling the truth made her go wild at the announcement. She started kicking and hitting Delco as she doubled her efforts to escape him. “You’re gonna do me like that motherfucker. You’re really gonna do me like that. After all I’ve done for you!”

Chance finally caught Daisy
after having to drop all of our shopping bags. She didn’t fight him as he dragged her from the store, because she had already said what she wanted to say.

I grabbed
all of our bags and struggled with them as I followed Chance and my cousin. As I left the store security was heading toward a struggling Delco and Maria to break up their altercation.

Chance didn’t stop until he got Daisy in the back of
the car. After helping me put the bags in the trunk, we left the mall cutting our shopping trip short.

“Damn Daisy
, you sure blew the nigga’s spot,” baby bro teased.

I chuckled lightly. “Delco should have known this shit would happen if they ever ran into each other.”

I looked into the back seat at my cousin when she didn’t respond to our teasing and found her crying silently.

“What’s wrong Daisy?” I asked
immediately concerned. I didn’t like seeing the people I loved in any type of pain.

“I’m just tired of him and the whole back and forth between her and me,” she sniffled. “Why can’t he just choose? If he tells me he wants to be with her I’ll leave him alone pregnant and all. I’d be sad
, but I would understand him wanting to be with her because of the sacrifice she made for him. I’m just tired of him being selfish by wanting to be with the two of us.”

I didn’t know what to say
. I climbed over into the back seat of the car and hugged my cousin, allowing her to cry on my shoulder. Sometimes when you don’t have the right words it’s best to say nothing and allow your actions to do the talking instead.

When we got home Daisy went straight to her room. I guess sh
e wanted some time to herself. I left her alone letting her know that if she needed me I was only a few doors away.

After depositing my bags in my room
, I went in search of those we left home. I found the kids in the nursery taking a nap, but Mina was nowhere to be found. That was a prime example of why it wasn’t smart to leave my child with her. Something was telling me she wasn’t home and that meant she had left the kids alone.

That evening I was lying in bed taking a nap when I heard
a noise coming from my closet. When I went to investigate I found Mina once again raiding if for clothes.

“Oh, hell to the fucking nah!
” I exclaimed. “Will you get the fuck out of my closet? Didn’t I get you the clothes I promised?”

“I’m not looking for clothes
. I’m trying to find some sexy lingerie,” she admitted as she continued digging through my drawers.

I gave her a disgusted look. I didn’t know why she thought I would want my own mother wearing my
undergarments. “Hell nah Mina. That’s revolting,” I scowled as I pulled her away from my stuff. She snagged a red teddy and robe set before I was able to get her out of the room. I didn’t want to be bothered, so I allowed her to keep it. “And I’ve got a question for you. Where were you when we got home today?”

She hurried toward
my bedroom door with a guilty look on her face. “I just ran to the store real quick,” she said like it was no big deal.

“Damn Mina you left the kids alone?” I snapped
at her. “What if they had woke up while you were gone?”

She had the audacity to huff at me. “I was gone for less than five minutes.”

I knew her ass was lying, but I let it go because I couldn’t be bothered with arguing with her. I knew better than leaving my child with her next time. Sometimes she really irked my nerves. Most of the time our relationship seemed one sided. I’d be there for her whenever she needed me, but when I needed her she was too busy been self-centered.

I went back to lying down after I had evicted her from my room and was just about to fall asleep when
I was disturbed once again. That time it was my ringing cellphone.

Snatching it off the bedside table
, I answered grumpily, “Hello.”

“I thought you’d be a lot happier because you wen
t out and shopped today,” Tyga chuckled.

, you have no idea what I’ve been through today and that’s why you’re laughing at me.” I sighed.

“I think I have an idea. I
had to listen to my boy vent about how your cousin started all types of drama. I kinda feel bad for the nigga.”

“Don’t even waste your time feeling sorry for him
, because he’s the only one who is wrong in the situation,” I snapped. It pissed me off how men were always sticking together.

“Damn Sexy. Y
ou’re really not in a good mood.” I heard him take a deep breath and I knew that he was trying to prevent my bad mood from rubbing off on him.

“I’m sorry bay,” I apologized, feeling bad for snapping at him when he wasn’t the one I was angry at. I guess I was a little mad at Delco for pu
tting my cousin through all the stress that was making her unhappy. “I’m not mad at you. I guess I’m just targeting you unjustly.”

“I know
, but don’t worry about it. When I get home I’ll give you a massage and take some of that stress away.” He had a smile in his voice.

“I know what kind of massage
you’re thinking about giving me.” I smiled back. I knew it involved his ten inch pole rubbing against my insides.

“Damn right. J
ust relax and wait for daddy to get home and he’ll take care of everything,” he promised. It was a promise I was going to hold him to because I needed a way of relieving some of this tension.

“Ok bay.” M
y smile was even bigger.

“Anyway, is my brother home?” H
e asked changing the subject.  “I’ve been calling him all evening, but he’s not answering his phone.”

“I think he’s in his room
, but I’m not sure. You want me to go check?” I was already up and on my way to find Chance. We were at war, so it was good to keep track of our family members.

Tell that fool he should know better than not answering his phone at a time like this”

. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Later Sexy.
Keep it hot for me until I get home.”

I hung up the phone smiling like a fool and feeling a hundred times better than I felt b
efore he called. I was almost at Chance’s door when it opened and Mina walked out wearing the teddy and robe set she had just stolen from me.

“What the fuck were you doing in Chance’s room wearing that shit?” I demanded an answer from my very stunned mother.

“Why are you always overreacting,” was her reply.

“Listen Mina, you better answer my question, because I’m not in the mood right now.”

“Damn,” she huffed. “For your information Chance wasn’t feeling well. I think he’s coming down with something, so I brought him some cold medicine I had.”

“Oh,” I replied feeling bad for snapping at her when she was just help
ing. “Well thanks for taking care of him.”

“No problem.
I don’t know what you thought I was doing in that boy’s room,” she said indignantly.

I didn’t want to think muc
h less say what I had assumed. The very thought was too damn reprehensible, so I just walked away feeling ashamed of myself for even thinking such a thing of my own mother.










Maria was out of control. I came home to find that she had stabbed all of my shoes and bleached my clothes. When she still wasn’t satisfied with the damage she had done, she attacked my favorite car. It was a red CLS-Benz that cost me almost ninety stacks. I loved that car so much that I only drove it on special occasions. She had busted the windshields and the windows, knocked out the rear and front lights and scratched up the paint. She was lucky I didn’t come home to find her ass still there, because the way I was feeling at the moment, I would have knocked her out.

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