Loving Angel 2 (13 page)

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Authors: Carry Lowe

BOOK: Loving Angel 2
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Angel shook his head sadly. “Tyrone really is very stubborn. Hopefully you get out before it’s too late.”

He took a seat in the chair behind his huge mahogany colored desk and Ty and I both took the chairs on the other side of it. “How’s my grandson? Simone sent me photographs of him. He’s gotten so big.” Sexy’s father and his family all called my wife by her middle name.

“That little nigga is
bad as hell,” I smiled thinking about my protégé. He was such a daddy’s boy and was always trying to be just like me.

Angel chuckled at that. “Weren’t we all when we were young? Anyway, let’s get down to business. Let’s discuss where this product is coming up short.”

“I’m thinking it’s on your end Angel. I don’t think it’s just a coincidence that both Tyga and I are missing some bricks,” Ty explained.

The older man nodded. “I understand what you’re saying. At first I was thinking
it couldn’t be one of my people, but this morning three other customers called me and said they were short too.”

“How are things down here? You made any changes in your organization lately?” I inquired.
Things on his end had always ran smoothly, so I was wondering why the change all of a sudden.

, that’s the problem. The only change I’ve made in the last six month is that I’ve put my son and his best friend in charge of distribution,” he revealed. “I don’t want to think those boys are responsible, especially since they know that my nephew will put a bullet in their heads for theft whether they’re family or not. I guess I’m just going to have to wait and see if it continues to happen.”

Angel was in charge of the operation in Miami
, but his nephew Ardo, who lived in Columbia, was in charge of the entire organization. I could understand Angel wanting to hold off on pointing fingers because whoever was to blame for stealing from Ardo was already a dead man. That Columbian didn’t play when it came to his money.

“What about the product we’re missing?” Ty wanted to know.

“I’ll add it to your next order,” he sighed. “I’ll even throw in an extra brick for the problem.”

“You don’t need to give me any extra,” I told my father-in-law. “I’m good with just getting what I didn’t get.”

“Me too,” Ty added.

I knew that the missing product was coming out of old dude’s pockets and if the theft continued it was really going to cost him. I felt bad for him because I knew what it was like having your own family robbing you and trying to fuck up your business. If I had found out that Boss was the one robbing me before he died
, I would have put a bullet in his head twin or not. I had been willing to take care of my problem, but I wondered if Angel would be able to do the same given that taking care of his problem meant snuffing the life out of his own son.



It was a spur of the moment decision that had me standing in front of a tattoo parlor in Harlem ready to get myself inked.

“I still can’t believe you’re gonna do this,” Daisy said for what seemed like the hundredth time.

I couldn’t believe it either
, but I had already made up my mind. For some reason I had woke up that morning with the brilliant idea of getting my husband’s name tatted on my lower back. I don’t know if it was because I’d had a sleepless night last night wishing he was home with me instead of being on business in Miami. But as soon as the sun rose a light bulb went off inside my head and it led me to the tattoo parlor.

“It’s not that big of a deal Daisy.” I swung the door open and stepped inside the shop.

She gave me a look of disbelief. “Not a big deal? Bitch, I hope you realize that this shit will be on your body forever. I’m not telling you not to do it. I’m just saying you should give it some more thought first.”

My cousin wasn’t into forever at the moment. She had given Delco her ultimatum over two weeks ago and he still hadn’t made a decision yet.

“You worry too much. Tyga ain’t going anywhere and I sure as hell ain’t going anywhere either.”

I wouldn’t be putting a tattoo on my body with a nigga’s name if I didn’t think we would be together forever.

There were a good number of customers sitting on the chairs in the waiting area. It seemed like people from all walks of life got themselves inked. From the guy wearing an expensive business suit, to the guy with the Mohawk and the facial piercings wearing full sleeves of tattoos on both arms and even on his neck.

“My name is Angel.
I called thirty minutes ago and you said you could fit me in,” I told the girl sitting behind the reception booth. She was a white girl with dyed red hair and facial piercings. I didn’t think someone could look good with so many holes in their face but she was really rocking her look.

“Yeah, I got you down for Leo. He’s doing another customer right now
, but he’ll be ready for you in thirty minutes,” she informed me with a real deep southern accent while popping her gum. “Take a seat. He’ll come get you when he’s ready.”

Daisy and I sat in the black leather straight back chairs in the waiting room admiring the beautiful pictures hanging all over the walls. They captured people who had gotten inked. I hoped my tat came out
to look as good as theirs.

I was admirin
g a shot of a guy who had a very realistic portrait of a woman done on his back when Trance walked through the doors. It had been years since I last saw him. When he saw us a look of pleased surprise crossed his face and he bypassed the receptionist, heading our way.

“What’s good Angel?” H
e greeted with a smile on his face as he pulled me from the chair and into a hug. He wouldn’t be Trance if he didn’t try to cop a feel on my ass while hugging me.

, keep those wandering hands to yourself.” I pinched him on the arm and he laughed unrepentantly.

“What’s up Daisy?” He asked
. “I see that your girl still isn’t giving a nigga any play.”

She sucked her teeth at him playfully. “Because you’re a dog and she’s smart enough to know it.”

“Word,” he chuckled. “A young nigga like me doesn’t need to be tied down.”

I rolled my eyes at him. “I see you really haven’t changed since the last time I saw you. What are you doing here anyway? Did you come in to get a new tattoo?” He was inked all over.

“Came in to get the color done to this one right here.” He lifted his shirt and showed off a large ferocious looking lion on his compact chest.

“That’s going to look great when it’s done,” Daisy commented.

“All my tats look good because the nigga wearing them looks good,” he joked. “That’s why you should get at a nigga.”

“Yeah, yeah big head.
” I waved him off.

“But on the real,
it was good running into you two. I haven’t seen either of you since my boy passed away. Have you heard that his baby mama died a couple weeks ago?”

That was a complete shock to me. “Carla is dead?” I inquired in surprise.

“Yep. Her mom is taking care of the baby now.”

“What killed her?” Daisy wanted to know.

“She died from pneumonia because she had AIDS and it weakened her immune system.”

Before he revealed her cause of death intuition had told me he was going to sa
y something to that effect. I’d had the suspicion that my cousin had given Von the virus and that was why he killed himself. What I just learned confirmed those suspicions.

I didn’t get a chance to talk more with Trance because a tall dark skinned dude with a shaved head and tats all over his muscular body came to get me for my tat.

“Angel.” He waved me over to him and started off for the back room. I guess he assumed I’d follow.

My cousin and I said hasty goodbyes to Trance and then caught up with the tattoo artist.

“I’m Leo. What’re you getting done today?” he asked when we got to his station.

“I want my husband’s name tatted on my
lower back,” I told him as I pointed at the area.

“How big do you want it?”

“Not too big, but also definitely not too small. I want it in plain script with no color.”

He grabbed a pie
ce of paper and a pencil and gave them to me. “Write your husband’s name on this for me please.”

I wrote my bay’s street name on the paper and then handed it back to him.

He did a rough drawing of the name and then showed it to me. “About this size?” I nodded yes. “Let me get this drawing done and then I’ll hook you up. The two of you just take a seat and I’ll be right back.”

“That’s one smoking hot nigga
, but I’m sure he’s either taken or gay,” Daisy whispered jokingly as soon as he was out of hearing range.

“I know right,” I agreed. “He’s still a joy to look at though.”

She giggled. “Mmm hmm, but I need me one that I can do more than just look at.”

“You don’t think things are going to work out between you and Delco?” We hadn’t discussed their relationship much since she gave him the ultimatum.

“I really don’t know,” she confessed in a sad voice. “I just know that if he doesn’t make a decision soon I’m giving up on him and moving on with my life. He can’t expect me to wait around on him forever while he’s playing house with another bitch.”

We were silent for a moment until my cousin said
, “Can you believe Carla died from AIDS?”

“I know right.
I always felt that she had it. Especially after Theresa and Nancy said they saw her and she didn’t smell or look right.”

“Keya really has that shit and isn’t saying anything.”

“I’m wondering if Trance has it too. She used to be one of his tricks.”

That virus was no
joke. Just thinking about how my cousin was spreading it around was giving me the chills.

“What do you think about this size honey?” Leo interrupted us, wal
king back into the room as he held up a sketch for my inspection.

“Perfect.” And it really was. I
t wasn’t too large, or small and the lettering had the right amount of flair to it.

He got his gun and inks ready a
nd then had me lie on my belly on the tattoo table. After sterilizing the area that was going to get tatted and applying the drawing he was ready to get to work. “Because of your spinal column this is going to hurt a bit, but I know you’re a big girl. You can take it.”

“I’ll hold your hand,” my cousin offer
ed. She came over and took my poor fingers in a death grip as if she was the one who was going to feel the pain.

“Not so damn tight Daisy.
” I laughed.

It really did hurt, but not as much as I thought it would. I was more than happy to bear the pain because I knew my bay would love to s
ee his name branding my skin. I was happy to let the world know that I, Angel Simone Grant was Tyga’s property.






It was eleven at night and I was lying in bed trying to fall asleep. I hated when my husband went out of town. It seemed like every time he wasn’t in bed with me I had trouble sleeping. I had already spoken to him for the night, but I was thinking about giving him another call when my phone rang. Unfortunately it wasn’t my husband. It was an unknown number. I was going to ignore the caller, but then changed my mind. I didn’t want to not answer a call and it turned out to be an emergency.


“Hey, is this Angel?” The person asked.

“Yeah, who’s this?” I inquired. I didn’t recognize the voice.

“This is Junior, Chance’s best friend.”

I immediately got worried thinking something bad must have happ
ened to baby bro. “What’s wrong? Is Chance ok?”

why I’m calling you. We’re at a lounge in the Bronx and he’s kinda high and drunk, but he still wants to drive home. I took his keys from him but now he’s trying to get them back.”

I exhaled the breath I’d been holding
in relief that it wasn’t something more serious. “Where is this place Junior? I’m coming to get that fool.”

“I’ll text you the address.”

“Don’t let him get the keys. I’m about to leave the house now and I’ll be there real soon,” I told him before hanging up.

I slipped on a pink Juicy Couture
sweat suit set with some Nike running shoes, and grabbed my phone and keys before heading out the door. I couldn’t believe Chance was trying to do that type of bullshit. Attempting to drive while high and drunk was the dumbest thing in the world he could do and I thought he knew better than that. He could get into an accident and kill himself or someone else. I wasn’t even going to call Tyga and tell him that shit because it was just going to add to his stress.

When I got to the address I was a little surprised
that Chance was hanging out in such a rundown piece of a shithole. It was one of those types of places that people would describe as a hole in the wall. It was a small rough looking building with graffiti covering the peeling paint. It had a crooked LED sign that read
and the bulb was broken in both the b and z, making it seem like it said

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