Loving Angel 3 (3 page)

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Authors: Carry Lowe

BOOK: Loving Angel 3
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“Bye dad.”

Rosario huffed in annoyance as they walked off the elevator.
And I had to bite my bottom lip to keep the nasty things I wanted to scream at her from spilling out of my mouth. Tyga had revealed that she was the one who told him I was hiding in Miami and I’d been planning to cuss her ass out for interfering in my life but I decided to give her a reprieve since her son was in the hospital. But I knew that one day I was going to snap like a fucking rubber band and cuss the bitch out because I was more than tired of her disrespectful ways.

Later that evening Tyga and I were lounging on the balcony at the condo when my dad stopped by.
And I was more than a little surprised to see him. I didn’t think he would have time for a visit while my brother was injured.

“How are things with Andro?” I asked as he took a seat in the lounger next to the one Tyga and I were sharing.

“He’s doing well so far,” he said. “I actually dropped in to talk to Tyga about a favor regarding him.”

“What type of favor?
” my bay asked cautiously. I was certain he didn’t want to hear the word favor and my brother’s name in the same sentence and who could blame him. It wasn’t as if Andro had left a good impression on any of us.

“I know you don’t usually talk business in front my daughter but I think she should stay for this conversation since your decision will affect her too
,” my dad started and I was immediately curious about what he was about to say next. He waited for Tyga’s nod of approval before he continued. “Do you remember the problem I was having with the missing product?”

I didn’t know what missing product he was talking about but Tyga must have been in the know because he nodded.

“Well it started happening again and there was a lot more missing this time around so I couldn’t hide it. My nephew was mad as hell when he found out and felt that Andro and Miguel were responsible because the coke only started coming up short since they took over distribution. He had Miguel taken care of permanently and Andro was beaten badly. And now he wants him out of Miami as soon as he gets out of the hospital.”

I really didn’t like where I thought this conversation was go
ing and from the frown on Tyga’s face I knew he was feeling the same. “So what do you want me to do?” he asked my father.

“I know it’s a really huge favor to ask
, but I was hoping you’d take him back to New York with you and keep an eye on him.” I could hear the pleading in his voice.

“Damn,” Tyga sighed, rubbing his hands against his low fade. “I had a feeling this was what was coming when you started talking.”

“You know I wouldn’t ask if I wasn’t desperate. I know no one wants a thief in their midst but this is my son, and if he stays in Miami my nephew is going to eventually kill him.”

“But who says I won’t kill him if he fucks with my shit?” Tyga wanted to know.

“If that happens then I’ll pay you back and find somewhere else for him to go. But I need someone who can keep an eye on him. You don’t even have to give him an important job in your organization, just something to keep him busy.”

“Ok,” Tyga conceded. “But you better talk to him and let him know that I won’t take any form of disrespect from him towards me or my wife.”

My dad nodded in understanding. “I really appreciate this Tyga,” he said, sounding relieved that he had gotten his way.

He talked with us for a little while longer before taking his leave. Although I felt bad for him because it was obvious Andro was causing him a lot of stress
, I felt even worse for myself. All that stress was going to be transferred to me now that I was going to be coming in contact with my brother on a regular basis.

“You ok with this Sexy?” Tyga asked after giving me a kiss on the forehead while rubbing on my belly. He was constantly touching and kissing me. He had been a very affectionate person in the past but now he was even more loving. I guess he was trying to make up for lost time. My husband hadn’t tried to have sex with me since I got raped. I guess he was trying to give me the time I needed to deal with the ordeal, but with my nightmares slowly fading away I was sure it wouldn’t be long before I was ready to be with him again.

“Yeah,” I sighed. “I’m not mad that you said yes. I would have felt bad if you had said no and then something happened to him. Although I don’t get along with my brother I would hate for something worse to happen to him because I know it would really hurt my father.”

I just really hoped Andro would take the beating he got as a lesson and didn’t bring his sticky fingers or any drama to N
ew York; because I know my husband has zero tolerance for any form of bullshit.






















They say there is no place like home and I had to agree with that statement because although weeks ago I’d come home to flurries of snow I’d still been happy to be back in New York. After Daisy had given birth, we’d spent another week in Miami before we headed home and have been back for almost three weeks now. But although I was happy to be home I wasn’t so happy about the drama that was knocking on my door as soon as I got back.

My cousins and I were at Kit’s spot in Harlem having lunch. Thank god Tyga and Kit were no longer at war because I really missed the food from Kit’s restaurant. My greedy pregnant ass was chowing down on some stew peas soup. It was the same thing I
had craved the last time I was pregnant. Daisy wasn’t slouching on the oxtail and rice she was eating because she had a baby to breastfeed. While Keya was only picking at her curried goat and rice.

“Bitch why
are you acting like the food isn’t good?” I asked Keya. She was looking a little on the thin side so she really needed to eat more. She was also looking mad tired with bags under her eyes and shit.

She sucked her teeth at me. “I’m not really hungry right now.”

“So, how are things at the club?” Daisy asked her sister.

Keya was still all
about making her money. Even her recent imprisonment and the abuse she had suffered, didn’t seem to have an effect on her. She was back to stripping at the club within a week of escaping Dread. Even learning that Carla had died from AIDS didn’t seem to faze her. If I didn’t know any better I would have thought she was virus free, but I knew my cousin could be a great pretender when she wanted.

“Everything is good right now but a couple months back I had to put a beat down on that dumb bitch Delicious,” she boasted.

“Please tell me you punched that bitch out,” I begged.

“Damn right I did. I had that trick lying on the floor bloody and crying when I was done with her.”

“You go girl,” I exclaimed in elation, giving her a high-five. I didn’t like that hoe because I suspected that she had slept with my husband. “Why did you beat the bitch?”

“She kept running her mouth behind my back and I got tired of it.”

“That bitch must really hate our family,” Daisy chuckled. “She got her ass whooped by two of us.”

“I know right,” I agreed.

“But that’s not the only thing that happened while you two were gone.” Keya added, pushing her plate of uneaten food away, with a queasy look on her face. “You won’t believe who showed up at the club that same night I whooped Delicious’s ass.”

“Who?” I asked curiously. I was feeling like I could eat another bowl of that soup.

“Ninja,” she revealed causing my appetite to immediately plummet. “He was trying to find out where you were. He said he’d been watching you before you left the city.”

“What the fuck does he want with me?” I asked no one in particular.

Just talking about Ninja brought back the memories of my suffering under his sadistic hands. He had really done a number on me and if I hadn’t dug deep inside to find the strength of will to survive I would have been left a broken mess. Although thinking about him still made me feel a touch of fear, that emotion was overpowered by a tsunami of anger and hatred. After everything he had done to me why the fuck couldn’t he just leave me alone? I felt Daisy laying a comforting hand on my back and I really appreciated it.

“I don’t know what he wants but if I were you I’d watch my back because that nigga is crazy,” she advised. “Can yo
u believe that motherfucker whooped my ass when I wouldn’t tell him where you went? Fucked me up pretty badly and left me on the ground bleeding. He also threatened to return to kill me if he discovered I’d lied to him.”

“Oh my god,” both Daisy and I exclaimed at the same time.

Keya nodded at the gravity of the incident, pulling her weave to the side and revealing a scar in her hair line that looked like it had required stitches.

“I’m sorry Keya,” I apologized. Even though I wasn’t the one who
’d attacked her I still felt horrible that the psycho who was obsessed with me had assaulted her. I really appreciate that she didn’t snitch on me even when she was faced with his anger.

“You should probably get a gun to defend yourself,” she suggested, ignoring my apology. That was Keya for you, mercurial as hell
. Certain things she’d hold against you even if you had nothing to do with it, while others she’d just brush off like it was nothing.

“I don’t even know how to use a gun.”

“You just point and shoot.” She used her fingers to pantomime pulling the trigger. “Besides, you did pretty well the last time you used one.” She was referring to when I had killed Boss.

I wasn’t into guns and although I could use a knife if I had to
, I wasn’t comfortable walking around with one. But I was a pro when it came to swinging a baseball bat.

After my cousins and I
were finished with lunch I had Daisy accompany me to the store so that I could buy a bat and keep it in my car. If that crazy asshole was looking for me, I had a feeling I was going to need that bat sooner rather than later.

Daisy and I had just left the warm interior of Target after purchasing a large wooden bat and were now walking to the car. We were bundled up under scarves
and poufy jackets to ward off the cold as we dodged the slippery patches of ice on the ground left over from yesterday’s snow.

“Can you believe how much weight Keya lost
?” Daisy commented. “I wanted to ask her if she was good but you know how she sometimes takes offense to the simplest questions.”

“I saw how skinny she is,” I cosigned
. “And she didn’t even eat any of her lunch. I’m beginning to worry about her.”

“Me too.”

We had almost reached my car when we heard someone yelling at us from a silver Benz parked about five cars away from my truck.

“Hey you bitch,” the female voice shouted. “I know you hear me calling you hoe.”

I screwed up my face at her. I didn’t recognize the voice and the driver’s side window was only half open so I couldn’t see the person clearly from this far.

“Stop mouthing off and step out of the car hoe,” I yelled back as my cousin and I headed over to her.

“You better mind your own fucking business,” she shouted at me as she stepped out of her car revealing herself.

are you calling a bitch?” Daisy spat, getting into Maria’s face.

“I’m talking to you, you fucking home wrecking
, man stealing trick,” Maria fumed, pushing up on my cousin. “You thought you were going to steal my man and get away with it? Well guess what? I got some news for you. You’re not the only one who is going to have a ba…”

“Trick square up or shut the fuck up,” Daisy interrupted Maria’s ranting.

“Listen hoe…”

The words had barely left Maria’s mouth when my cousin interrupted her again
, this time with a two piece combo to the face. Maria took the hits in stride and delivered a double shot of her own in return. Daisy had been in a lot of fights over the years, you couldn’t be in a relationship with a hoe like her ex without having to beat a bitch’s ass every other week. So she took the punches to her face like a pro and returned ones just as powerful.

Maria really surprised me. For someone so small in stature she could fight like a fucking terrier. She was going toe to toe with my cousin, exchanging punch for punch and kick for kick.

But when Maria realized that she and Daisy were both evenly matched she made a bitch move by pulling out a razor and then tried to slash my cousin’s face. It was only Daisy’s quick reflexes that saved her face. She used her arm to block the incoming blade, taking the cut on the forearm instead.

I didn’t want to act
like a ratchet mess by fighting in the streets while I was five months pregnant. So I had been cool with allowing my cousin and Maria to duke it out one on one because I knew my girl could hold her own. But I wasn’t about to stand by doing nothing while that bitch Maria played dirty. Not when I had my trusty baseball bat at hand and knew how to use it. I immediately started swinging at the underhanded bitch, banging her upside the head. She turned on me and tried to slash me with her blade but slipped on a patch of ice and missed. I took advantage of her mishap by striking the hand holding the weapon causing her to drop the blade as she howled in pain. As she fell to the ground clutching her hand to her body I stopped my attack and snatched up her weapon. That crazy hoe didn’t need to be walking around with a fucking straight razor.

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