Loving Angel 3 (9 page)

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Authors: Carry Lowe

BOOK: Loving Angel 3
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My IPhone was on the speaker so Daisy heard what her mom said.

“I had to turn my phone off because I had an unwanted caller,” Daisy confessed.

“Well, I’m at the Harlem
Hospital because Keya has been brought here. Can you two stop by?”

“Of course,” I replied in shock. “What’s wrong with her?”

“I really don’t know,” she sobbed. “They found her locked in the bathroom at work with a needle stuck in her arm. And now the doctors are telling me she had a drug overdose. I didn’t even know Keya was doing drugs.” I could hear a lot of pain and disappointment in her voice. “I’ll see you two when you get here because the doctor just came back.”

, are you ok?” Daisy asked, but her mother had already hung up. “Why the hell did she hang up? Now she has me worried.”

I did an illegal U-Turn in the middle of the street and headed for the hospital. Daisy wasn’t the only one worried after that conversation.

Luckily we were already in Harlem so it didn’t take us more than ten minutes to get to the hospital.

fter jumping through a couple hoops we found my aunty in the waiting room. She was sitting in a chair and was crying with her head in her hands. My heart immediately stopped in my chest because I was thinking the worst must have happened, my cousin must be dead.

“What’s wrong?” I questioned with tears already building in my eyes.

She looked up at us wearing a look of unadulterated pain. “The doctor just told me that Keya has both AIDS and Herpes,” my aunty bawled. “And to make matters worse the drugs she’s doing is helping the virus deteriorate her already weak immune system even faster.”

Daisy ran over to her mother and hugged her.

I couldn’t even imagine things were this bad with Keya. I’d thought she had HIV but I never believed she was carrying full blown AIDS and to top it all off Herpes too. I didn’t know what to say or do to ease the pain that I was feeling or that of my cousin and my aunt, so I just joined them in their hug and their tears. Because this shit was just too fucking real.

After we were done with our cry fest Daisy and I went into the K
eya’s room to see what comfort we could offer her. Keya was lying in the bed looking skinny and pasty as hell. Her eyes were sunken in and she was developing some sores on her face and body. I couldn’t believe this was the same Keya. She was looking awful and I immediately had more tears in my eyes.

“I hope you bitches didn’t come in here just to do more of that crying shit,” she balked mild
ly. “I already had to watch mom bawling her eyes out like an idiot and I’m not about to watch you hoes too.”

I had to smile a little on the inside that at least her situation wasn’t taking away her spirit.

“Don’t even try to pretend that you’re ok Keya,” Daisy choked out through her tears as she went to stand beside her sister’s bed and grabbed onto Keya’s reluctant hand. “I know this shit can’t be easy for you and I just want you to know that I’m here for you.”

Keya didn’t reply to her sister
’s statement. Instead she turned her head away from us, as her body began to shake with silent tears. Daisy and I both converged on her as we cried our own tears too.

“We’ll help you get through this,” I promised her. “You have your family so you’re not alone. We’ll be by your side in whatever you need.”

It was the only thing we could do, besides praying.






















I pounded on the door like I was trying to break it down. I didn’t understand why that bitch couldn’t just leave me alone and stop trying to mess up my damn life. It was like every time I turned around she was there trying to cause me trouble. But this time she had gone too damn far and I was going to teach her a lesson.

“Why the fuck are you…”

I didn’t give her a chance to finish her sentence. As soon as she’d opened the door I grabbed her by the neck, pushed her into the house and then kicked the door closed with my foot.

I pushed her up against the wall and gritted in her
face, “Are you happy now bitch?”

Although I wasn’t squeezing her throat
, the smirk on her lips made me want to strangle the life out of her conniving body.

“Did your precious Daisy leave you?”
She chuckled. “Now you know how I feel.”

“Is that what you’re try
ing to do bitch!?” I released her neck then grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her like a ragged doll. “Is that what you’re trying to do? Get my woman to leave me so that I’m miserable like you.”

She laughed even harder when face
d with my anger and I had to release her before I forgot that she claimed that she was pregnant. With the way I was feeling at the moment I was liable to punch her ass out.

She got into my space and placed her hand on my chest. “Now that she’s out of the pic
ture you should come back home,” she purred and now I was the one laughing.

“You think I’d ever return to your crazy ass. I think you’ve got more than a few screws loose. Do you think you can break up my family w
ith your bullshit? Daisy may be mad at me at the moment but she’ll get over it soon.”

“You think they’re the only ones who’
re your family,” she raged at me. “My baby and I are your family too.”

baby and you? Bitch, who is to say that you’re really pregnant? And even if you are, who knows if it’s mine.” I’d been thinking about that a lot lately. Didn’t even know why I hadn’t thought about it before. I knew just how conniving Maria could be. And it was obvious that she was trying to tear Daisy and I apart. So what better way to do it than to create a fictitious pregnancy to cause controversy in my relationship?

reached into my back pocket and retrieved the home pregnancy test that I’d bought at the pharmacy before I got to her house and then I threw it at her.

Her reflexes weren’t quick enough for her to catch it so it fell to the floor bu
t she bent down and picked it up. “What the fuck is this for?”

“Go piss on that shit.”

She screwed up her face at me. “What the fuck are you trying to say? That I’m lying that I’m pregnant?”

“Stop asking the obvious and go ta
ke the fucking test. Even if I have to drag you into that bathroom you’re going to take it today.”

“You’d be happy if I wasn’t hav
ing a baby by you, wouldn’t you? It would make everything prefect for you and that bitch. Then you two could go off and live your perfect life.” The anger in her voice started waning and was replaced by sadness as her eyes watered. “You’re such an ungrateful bastard. After everything I did for you this is how you repay me.”

Although I felt bad that she was hurting
, I was really getting tired of hearing about the bid that she’d done for me. Every time anything happened she was quick to remind me of that shit. What about what I had done for her. She was always conveniently forgetting about that. I grabbed her by the hand then started dragging her towards the bathroom.

“Let go of me!”
She yelled, struggling against my hold.

I ignored her protestations, pulling her down the hallway and to the guest bathroom on the first floor. After snatching the door open
, I pushed her inside.

“I ain’t got time for another one of your guilt trips right now. Take the fucking test.”

She glared at me hatefully. “The only reason I’m gonna take it is because I want to see the look on your face when you see that the results are positive. Eighteen fucking years motherfucker. Eighteen years is how long you’re gonna have to deal with me and I’m gonna make every single day of it miserable for you and that bitch.”

It was a promise that I knew she was definitely going to keep with relish. A
nd as I stepped out of the bathroom then closed the door behind myself so that she could have some privacy, I hoped and prayed that the test would be negative. But something inside me told me I wasn’t going to be that lucky.

My life was fucked
six ways to Sunday. I had this crazy bitch on my back that wouldn’t stop stalking me and the woman I loved was so mad at me that she wasn’t even answering my calls.

I knew I had rea
lly fucked up by not telling Daisy about Maria’s pregnancy. But I had known that once she discovered that Maria might be carrying my baby everything between us would change. We had been so happy and I just didn’t want to bring any drama and bullshit into our relationship.

Maria opened the bathroom door
, disturbing my thoughts. She slapped the test onto my chest with a spiteful smirk on her lips. “Read it and weep motherfucker,” she said as I grabbed for it.

The plus sign and
the word positive written on the miniature screen instantly told me that it definitely wasn’t good news. “Fuck!” I exclaimed.

“Not happy about our bundle of joy baby daddy?”

I left without answering her question. Of course I wasn’t happy. My last hope had just been crushed. For a moment I’d thought that I was going to get rid of her. But after reading those test results I knew that wasn’t going to happen. And now I was going to have to find another way to get back into Daisy’s good graces. I just didn’t know how I was going to accomplish that as yet.

When I got to my car
, I tried calling Daisy again but she still wasn’t answering. I groaned in frustration and threw the phone in the cup holder then started the car. If she thought I was going to give up on us she had another thing coming. It was going to take a lot more than her ignoring my calls to get rid of me.

I headed to Adore because I knew Tyga was working at the club today. I wanted to check in with him to see how our plan to get rid of Dread and Ninja was coming along. He was supposed to have called Tyrone by now so we could start putting
our plan in motion.

When I got to the club
, I called my girl again but like all my other calls, it went unanswered. I was starting to look like a bitch with the way I was stalking Daisy.

was getting out of my car when I spotted Lena standing with Andro across the parking lot. Although they were too far away for me to hear what they were saying, it seemed as though they were arguing. Their body language looked very aggressive. I didn’t even know those two knew each other, more so to be having a disagreement.

Andro had been behaving himself since he got to N
ew York. And Tyga had him working as an unofficial member of his crew until he figured out what to do with him. But if I was Tyga, what I would have been doing was sending his ass right back to Miami. There was just something about the nigga that I neither liked nor trusted.

My homeboy was doing paperwork when I got to his office.

“What’s got you looking like someone just died?” he asked as soon as he saw me. My homey knew me so damn well.

“Man, you have no idea,” I sighed. “My life is so fucked at the moment
, I don’t even want to talk about it because it’s giving me a head ache.”

He chuckled lightly. “That’
ll teach you to keep your dick in your pants next time if you’re not gonna strap up. Anyway, I got some good news. I just got off the phone with Ty and he’s onboard one hundred percent. Said he’s heading up here at the end of the week.”

“That’s good. At least we’ll be rid of those niggas soon.”

With Dread and Ninja out of the way, there would be one less problem for me to worry about. If only I could figure out a way to fix my other problems too.
















My pops once told me, ‘Midnight is for murder because it’s always smart to move in the darkness if you have illicit intentions on your mind.’ I was prowling in the shadows tonight; it was twenty minutes to midnight and operation take down bitch niggas Dread and Ninja was in full effect.

Almost three weeks ago my boy Tyrone came up from Boston to help me execute my plan to put those two pussy niggas six feet under.

It was moderately easy for Ty to get in good with the Jamaicans. It only took two basic steps and those niggas were ready to bite because they were desperate.

First we started a rumor that Ty was a big money hustler from Boston
who came to New York to make his mark. The gossip circulated around town until it was all anyone could talk about, so it didn’t take long for the story to get into our targets’ ears.

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