Loving Angel 3 (12 page)

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Authors: Carry Lowe

BOOK: Loving Angel 3
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“Yeah, I think he’s up by the VIP,” she revealed. “Why are you always acting so cold towards me? You know it doesn’t have to be like this between us. I’ve kept your secret haven’t I? That should assure you that if you mess with me I can keep my mouth shut.”

I sighed in frustration. Why couldn’t the hoe understand that I wasn’t trying to fuck with her like that? “I’ll be in my office. Just send Andro to me please.” I walked away without waiting for her reply.

Fifteen minutes later
I was on a call with Kit, arranging a meeting so we could discuss how much product he wanted to purchase for his first buy, when my wife’s brother found me.

I quickly ended the call so that I could deal with Andro.

“What’s up boss?” He asked as he took a seat.

“I just made Tyrone lieutenant and I’m assigning you a spot on his team.”

He looked at me as though he couldn’t believe what I had just said. “I was a lieutenant in Miami and now you want me to work under some other nigga. I don’t mind being a member of your crew because you’re the Captain, but to have me as some lackey in another nigga’s team is straight disrespectful.”

“Are you fucking serious right now?
” My voice was deceptively calm; masking the anger that was burning just below the surface.

Well I’ve been working for you longer than this nigga Tyrone, so why did he get the promotion?”

This nigga really had a lot of fucking nerve.
“Nigga are you fucking questioning me?” I didn’t wait for his reply before I continued. “Because I could have sworn that I took your ass in my organization after you got run out of Miami for having some sticky fucking fingers. Yet after I gave your ungrateful ass a chance, you have the audacity to be questioning me?”

He immediately started back tracking from his previous statement. “I’m just saying
, I thought that after some time I would build my trust with you and you’d give me the lieutenant’s spot.”

As if I would have trust
ed someone who stole from their own family. “Well the position is already taken. So just suck it up and fall in line.”

He tried to hide the resentment from his face but wasn’t successful. “Ok boss man.”

“We good then. You can go now.” I dismissed him with a wave of my hand.

He nodded and then left.

I didn’t believe for a minute that he was going to make things easy for Ty. The nigga had that same look of larceny Boss had always worn. I really didn’t have time for his bullshit. Not when Dread and that bitch nigga Ninja were still on the loose and were probably planning their next move.























With all the drama
that I’d been through over the last several months I decided it was high time me and my bay took a vacation. We’d had so much fun on our honeymoon and then on our family vacation at Sandals Resort in Montego Bay, Jamaica. So I knew it was the perfect place to get away from our problems.

It had been a month
since John’s burial and I could tell that Tyga was still feeling the loss. He had been friends with John since he was fourteen years old and the crew was running around in Harlem getting their asses in nothing but trouble.

One of the hardest parts of
the whole ordeal was when Tyga had to tell John’s mother that her son was dead. I had been there to support my husband when he broke the news to Miss Neeta. And when she broke down and started to bawl her eyes out, I was also in tears.

The funeral was no better. A lot of people came out to show their respect and say goodbye to one of Harlem’s realest niggas and there wasn’t a dry eye in the church or at the gravesite.

Everyone in our hood was now out for Dread and Ninja’s blood. And if those two knew what was good for them, they wouldn’t show their faces anywhere in our city.

The other sadness that I was trying to relieve my mind from
, was my cousin’s sickness.

For a second
, we had thought we were going to lose Keya but fortunately she had pulled through. Due to the fact that she wasn’t doing drugs anymore or living a stressful lifestyle, her body had started responding to the drug cocktail the doctors had given her and her T-cell count began increasing. She had been released from the hospital because with the increase in her white blood cells she now had HIV instead of AIDS. But she still wasn’t back to one hundred percent. Not that she’d ever be a hundred again; she was going to have to live with both HIV and Herpes for the rest of her life, but at least she was still alive.

I had planned on vacationing with only my husband and my son
, but my little getaway somehow turned into a family vacation. When I’d called Daisy and told her I was going to vacation in Jamaica for a week, she asked if she and the kids could tag along. She said she really needed a vacation from New York. I couldn’t say no to my girl because I understood that she also needed the break. With a sick sister and baby daddy drama, I could tell she was wearing thin. Since my cousin and Delco had gotten back together, Maria had been tormenting them nonstop.

Daisy’s baby daddy found out she was going on vacation with us, there was no way he was going to allow her to leave the country without him. So he invited himself along. Then Chance overheard Delco asking to tag along and decided he wanted to come too.

Next thing I knew
, Mina was calling my phone bitching about me arranging a family vacation and not inviting her. It was the first time I had heard from the bitch in over a month, so I told her ass she could come along if she was paying for her own damn ticket. Then Daisy paid for a ticket for her mother so that Aunt Missy could babysit for us when we wanted to do things that the kids couldn’t participate in. And then lastly, I bought a ticket for Keya since she would have been the only one left behind.

We all packed our bags and sunscreen
s and within the week we were enjoying the calming effects of the island and the cleansing effects of the sea. Or at least we should have been. If only my family could get their shit together.

It was our first day on the island and the plan was for us to enjoy a day on the beach. But it was already twelve p.m. and no one w
as up as yet. I guess most of them must have still been feeling jetlagged. I had woken up twenty minutes ago and gotten myself and Ricky fed, then once we got ready we woke up his daddy. And now I was about to light a fire under everyone else’s ass.

First one on the list was Daisy
, because she had the kids to get ready too. My cousin opened the door after I’d only knocked once, so I guess they were up already.

“You really need to talk to your cousin,” was the first thing Delco said to me a
s soon as I walked through the door. “Because she’s acting up for no reason.”

Daisy threw him an annoyed glance
. “I’m not acting up for no reason and you know it.” She turned to me. “Can you believe that bitch Maria has been blowing up his phone since we got here?”

“And you’re acting like that shit is my fault. I told her ass to stop calling me but she won’t listen.”

“And I told your ass to turn off the phone and you won’t listen.”

“And I told you that I can’t do that because I can’t be completely cut off from business in N
ew York.”

My head bounced between the two of them as they went back and forth. Damn. I hadn’t even gotten the opportunity to get a word in since I got to their room.
Thankfully the sound of Kita crying interrupted their little tiff.

“You know what, I’ll turn the dam
n thing off,” Delco said as he retrieved his cell from his pocket and did just that. “I’m not gonna argue with you because you’ll win every time. Now I’m gonna go see what my daughter wants.”

Daisy rolled her eyes at him as he left the room. “If you know I’m gonna win
, then you should just do as I say from the start,” she mumbled under her breath.

“Are you guys still coming to the beach with us?” I asked her.

“Yeah, I’m about to go wake up Kiki.”

It took almost twenty minutes to rouse the rest of the troops and another hour for everyone to be ready. But finally, a little after two we were all accounted for and we
re about to enjoy some relaxing time on the beach.

“Rub some of this on my back for me Sexy.” Tyga hande
d me the sunblock lotion. My bay was looking damn fine in a pair of swim trunks. And his gorgeous muscular chocolate frame had me salivating as I rubbed the lotion into his skin.

I gave the back of his neck a quick kiss when I was done
, then I whispered in his ear playfully, “Stay away from the other women on the beach because you’re looking too delicious right now.”

He chuckled softly. “All this deliciousness is only for you Sexy.”

“I want some too mommy,” Ricky demanded, although I’d already rubbed sunblock on him while we were in the room. I dabbed a little on his arms to please him. And when I was done, both my men gave me a kiss as thanks and then they went to join Chance, Delco and Kiki in the water. Delco was such a good father to my god baby even though he wasn’t her biological father. He didn’t treat her any different than he treated Kita and the two had a very good relationship.

“Can you believe this little girl has already fallen asleep on me?” Daisy said from the lounge chair beside mine. Daisy, Keya, Mina, Aunt Missy and I were all lined out on the beach, lounging under
beach umbrellas.

If you want to take a dip you can give her to me,” Aunt Missy offered.

“Thanks mom,
” Daisy said as she handed her mother the baby then she slipped off her wrap. “Are you coming Angel?”

I was going to look
like Shamu the whale beside Daisy who was wearing a sexy little two piece bikini, but my big ass was still gonna be getting in the water. Daisy had lost her baby weight and her body was looking even hotter than before because it seemed she had gained a little ass. After I took off my wrap, I was left in a very sedate one piece. I never liked watching pregnant bitches walking around with their bellies out.

“Are you coming with us Keya?” I asked my cousin.
She was lying on a lounger with her shades on.

“Nah, I’m good.”

I didn’t know if it was my imagination or not but the Island air seemed to be improving her color already. She didn’t look as ashen or drawn as before.

Daisy and I joined the rest o
f our family at their fun time in the water. The men were teaching the kids how to float. Kiki was catching on a lot quicker than Ricky and my little booger didn’t like it one bit.

I kept cheering Ricky on
, although he kept sinking like a brick. To me, positive reinforcement was the best type of parenting. My son was finally floating by himself for the first time, when I saw his grandmother heading into the water in one of the skimpiest bikinis I’d ever seen. The thing barely covered her tits and her crotch. I frowned at her as she waded into the water and stood very close to Chance.

My brother-in-
law’s eyes were popping out of his head as he looked at my mother and Mina smirked at him. I guess she must have worn the swimwear to impress him.

“You know I don’t know how to swim,” Mina said to Chance in a flirty, playful voice. “You should help me out so that I don’t drown in this damn water.”

I rolled my eyes to the clear blue heavens above. Lawd have mercy on me
. The vacation had just started and this cougar was already on the prowl. I guess this explained why she was so determined to vacation with us.

When we were done at the beach, Daisy, Delco, Tyga and I
along with Kiki and Ricky took a trip to the local market. It was always fun to interact with the locals because they were such pleasant people. We stopped in a souvenir shop and picked out a couple items, then we stopped by a cart vendor who was selling fruits. We drank coconut water straight from the shell, and enjoyed some juicy mango’s that made our faces a sticky mess. Both were absolutely delicious.

A bunch of local kids incorporated Ricky and Kiki in their game of soccer and was trying to teach them the ropes. My baby excelled at the game over his cousin and he absolutely loved it.

All in all our vacation was going well so far and I hoped it stayed that way.



The waves rolled onto the sand while Daisy and I were walking on the beach.

“Where are you taking me Daisy?” I asked my cousin as the wind gently whipped my floor length dress against my legs.

Daisy had told me we were going to dinner but instead she had taken me to the beach.

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