Loving Angel 3 (16 page)

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Authors: Carry Lowe

BOOK: Loving Angel 3
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I cleaned off my hand
s with the towel I’d removed from my shoulder and then rubbed on her pregnant belly. “How’s my shorty doing?”

“She’s sitting on my bladder and keeps
kicking me in my damn ribs,” Angel complained.

I gave my wife a kiss. “Are you ready for the rest of your birthday gift yet?” I had already given her another Hermes bag, this time in red and a diamond necklace that cost me twenty stacks
. But I still had more in store for her including a red BMW M6 that could transform into a convertible.

“What else
did you get for me?” She smiled.

“Yo Chance, come handle this grill
,” I called my brother over.

“Damn man
, a nigga is trying to get his grub on,” he complained.

“Prepare ever
yone,” I whispered softly in Chance’s ear. “I’m about to bring out the cake.”

I walked Sexy back to the seat she had been sitti
ng in and told her I’d be back. Then I ran into the house, down to the basement and grabbed the cake I had hidden in the bar’s refrigerator. It was red velvet, which I knew my girl loved and a picture of her was drawn in frosting on the top with her name below it. I stuck a two and a one at the top because Angel was twenty one years old today. I lit the two candles and then I headed back upstairs and through the back door.

As soon as everyone saw me coming with the cake they gathered around her and started singing the birthday song. Angel’s mom, aunt and cousin had arrived and Daisy and Delco must have finished their quickie because they were present also.

“Don’t you think I’m too old for a cake,” Sexy laughed.

“Never that,” I replied with a smirk. “Now blow out the candles.”

“I wanna blow out the candles,” Ricky complained with a pout on his lips.

“Let the booger do it,” Angel said. I wasn’t
the only one who was weak to our son’s demands.

Chance helped Ricky climb onto a chair so he could have better access. He drew in a lung full of air and let out a mouth full of mostly spittle but it did get the job done. Everyone cracked up because we were now going to be having Ricky’s slobber cake.

I started cutting the cake and handing it out to those who didn’t mind having a side of my kid’s spittle with it.

“Give me another slice,” Dwayne demanded. “I don’t know if it’s your kid’s spit giving it that extra flavor but this shit is good as fuck.”

I cut a huge chunk and plopped it on his plate and he was off again.

“Bay can you help me stand
? I think I need to use the bathroom again. This baby is getting on my damn nerves,” Sexy grumbled. I took hold of her upper arms and pulled her up.

I leaned over and kissed her belly. “Don’t be giving your mama too much trouble fat mama,” I told our baby girl.

On some days it was real hard forgetting the fact that our daughter might be a product of rape
, but I was dealing with those demons.

I was about to stand when I saw
a gush of water running down my wife’s legs.

“Oh shit Sexy
, I think you pissed on yourself.”

Angel grabbed onto her stomach. “Bay, I think I’m about to have this baby early.”















My beautiful baby girl came into the world two weeks early. I guess she wanted to have the same birthday as her mommy. After my water broke my husband had rushed me to the hospital with my family following close behind. Then the doctors had to perform an emergency caesarian section because the baby’s heart rate had dropped. Fortunately when they got the baby out she was healthy and fully developed, even though she had arrived prematurely.

My bay and I gave her the name Faith Simone Grant because we had enough faith to believe that whatever her paternity may be it wouldn’t affect our family. We were still going to be happy. Tyga said he didn’t need a DNA test because he didn’t care if she wasn’t his biologically. To prove his point he signed the birth certifica
te, although unlike our son Faith didn’t look anything like him.

She was definitely all me, from her light complexion, hazel green eyes and pink pouty lips.
Even though Tyga was ok with not knowing her true paternity, I still wanted to know the truth. I don’t think I would have ever been at peace until I had a definite answer and I didn’t want to spend my life wondering if Tyga was really her biological father. I called a DNA testing company and they came directly to the hospital and administered the test by swabbing all three of our cheeks. They said we would get the results in three days and that was right around the time I was being released from the hospital.

It was the day after I gave birth and I was getting a little stir crazy in the hospital but I couldn’t leave until the doctors were sure I wasn’t going to develop an infection or other complications from the C-Section. My cousins were visiting, trying to keep me company while I was laid up in this damn bed.

“She is really too damn cute,” Daisy mused as she and Keya admired Faith. My baby girl was lying in a crib beside my bed sleeping her little ass off. “I can just imagine all the trouble she and Kita are gonna get into when they get older.” I didn’t even want to imagine that because if all the shit Daisy, Keya and I had done when we were teens was any indication of what our daughters would also do, I was going to have a real headache on my hands.

Keya chuckled. “Damn
, we use to get into a shit load of trouble. You two are gonna have ya’ll work cut out for you.”

“Girl please, Tyga will get a shot gun for all those little niggas,” I laughed.

“I can definitely see his crazy ass doing something like that,” Daisy cosigned. “And you know Delco is the same way too.”

“I don’t understand why
, when niggas are young they want to run up in every young pussy they see but if a young nigga wants to do the same with their daughters it’s a problem,” Keya wondered.

, mommy, mommy,” Ricky chanted as he ran into the room followed by Tyga. After his father gave him a boost, he climbed onto the bed like a little spider monkey and planted sloppy kisses all over my face. I could tell my little booger really missed me.

Tyga came over and gave me a quick kiss before greeting my cousins.

“How’s my little bad ass baby doing?” I asked Ricky.

“I’m not a baby anymore mommy,” he told me. “My daddy said I’m a big boy now because I got a baby sister. Where is she mommy?”

We all had to chuckle at that. I swear this boy was just too grown.

Tyga got Faith from the crib and brought her over so she could meet her older brother. “You have to be gentle with her,” he told Ricky.

“Why is she red like that,” Ricky wondered. “And she’s so little.” He held onto one of her small hands tentatively. 

“When I had you
, you were small like this too.”

“For real?”
He asked in wonder.

“For real,” I confirmed.

Once my cousins were ready to bounce, Tyga followed them out because he was going to take Ricky to the cafeteria to get something to eat. No sooner had the room cleared when Faith woke, screaming her ass off because she was hungry too. I was breastfeeding the baby when Mina dropped in.

“I never breastfed you,” she commented as she walked through the door. I definitely believed that, it wasn’t like she was the nurturing type. I was always the one taking care of her
, not the other way around. “That shit is gonna turn your breasts into two slippers.”

I sucked my teeth at her. “If I were you I’d keep my mouth shut because most caring mothers breastfeed their babies
, unless they have no other choice.”

She rolled her eyes. “Are you still mad about that little argument we had?”

I frowned up my face at her. She was just so fucking selfish she didn’t even have a clue. When I was going through one of the hardest times of my life, she wasn’t there for me like a good parent would be. Instead she was running around behind my back with my eighteen year old brother-in-law, knowing I wouldn’t approve. And when I confronted her ass about it she didn’t have the decency to be contrite. Instead she lashed out at me saying some hurtful fucked up shit about my child’s paternity, though she knew I had been raped. Now she thought that because she was ready to make up, after months of giving me the cold shoulder, I’d just take her ass back. Hell to the fucking Nah. She really showed her true colors over the last couple of months and I wasn’t gonna let her get away with it. I was done with letting people walk over me because I loved them.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I snapped. “Please don’t come up in here acting like we’re cool because we sure as hell aren’t.”

“You’re really gonna act like you have a right to be mad at me?” she asked incredulously. “You’re the one who made Chance break up with me, if anyone should be mad, it should be me.”

I was about to go off on her ass but thought better of it. It wasn’t like she would understand anything I had to say. She was either too fucking dense to get the point or too fucking selfish to care. “Bitch get the fuck out of my room before I call security to throw your ass out. I’m done with you.”

“You know what Angel? I’m not gonna stand here allowing you to disrespect me. You’re always interfering in my fucking life and then acting like I’m the one doing shit to you,” Mina retorted before storming from the room.

I gave her back the bird. Good riddance to her and her self-centered ass.

After I was done feeding the baby I laid her back into her crib. I smiled at her because she was sleeping so peacefully. So far she wasn’t a very fussy baby. I decided to take a nap too until Tyga and Ricky got back. I knew they would be a while because they were stopping by the gift shop so Ricky could buy his sister a teddy bear.

I don’t know how long I had been asleep when I woke up to one of my worst nightmares. Ninja was standing beside my bed looking down at me. And the most heart stopping part was that he was holding my baby.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I yelled at him. “Give me my baby.” Although I was scared shitless, my anger was even greater than my fear.

He smiled instead of handing her to me. “Don’t you mean our baby,” he dr
awled. “Doesn’t she look like mi?”

“I swear to god nigga if you don’t give her to me right now
, I’m gonna scream.” I would have already been screaming my head off, if I wasn’t afraid he would harm her if I alerted the hospital staff to his unwanted presence.

“You need to chill the fuck out,” he snapped coolly. “I’m just here to look at my daughter but if you keep testing m
i I might just decide to take her with mi now.”

“How many fucking times do I have to tell you she isn’t yours,” I replied heatedly. I was tired of living in fear of this nigga. Why couldn’t he just leave me
the fuck alone? Hadn’t he done enough harm to me? Now he was threatening me with taking my child.

“Bitch you think I’m gonna believe anything you have to say. You’d say anything to try and keep her away from mi.” He looked down at Faith with an adoring smile on his lips. I guess if evil could love
, the look he was currently wearing on his face while he stared at Faith would classify as love. None the less it still made my skin crawl that he was trying to bond with my child.

“I’m telling you for the last fucking time, give me my baby or I’ll scream.” His eyes snapped to me and I guess he must have seen how serious I w
as because he handed her to me. And I held her close, my heart finally beating at an almost normal pace.

“I’m giving you a reprieve for now but you better believe I’ll be back
,” He threatened before taking one last longing look at Faith and then leaving.

I immediately called for the nurse as soon as he was through the door. I didn’t know how he had gotten into my room but I wasn’t about to let that shit happen again.

The sooner those test results came back the better it would be, because I had a feeling that wasn’t the last of Ninja I was going to see no matter how many precautions I took to prevent him from getting to me. I needed that piece of paper to rub into his face so that he could finally leave me the fuck alone. I was sure she was Tyga’s and the test was going to prove it.

But in the back of my head I kept wondering what if she wasn’t Tyga’s? What then? How the fuck would I get rid of Ninja? The nigga seemed like he had nine lives
. It was time I started thinking of a way to not only pay him back for raping me but also getting rid of him permanently.

Tyga was livid when he got back and found out Ninja had gotten past the nurses and snuck into my room.
After the incident he didn’t leave my side even for a minute but fortunately I was released the next day and our home was a much more secure location than the hospital.

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