Loving Angel 3 (14 page)

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Authors: Carry Lowe

BOOK: Loving Angel 3
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“You should call her and tell her to come outside,” I told Delco as we pulled into Maria’s driveway.

After the car came to a stop he pulled out his phone and did what I’d requested. “She said she’s in too much pain, so she can’t walk too far.”

I purse
d my lips as we got out of the car. Too much pain my ass. But boy did I have a surprise for that hoe tonight.

Delco rang the doorbell and when the door was opened
, we were greeted by Maria decked out in a red lingerie set. Wearing flawless makeup and not a strand of hair out of place, as a light touch of perfume wafted from her body.

A surprised look overcame her face when she saw me standing beside Delco.

“What the fuck Maria!?” Delco exclaimed with a look on his face that said he was only a second away from strangling her. “You made us drive all the way over here for this bullshit?”

“Hoes like you are just too fuck
in’ desperate,” I snapped at her.

She glared at me having overcome her shock. “What the fuck are you doing here bitch?”

“Saving my man from your trick ass.”

“Bitch please, you wouldn’t have to worry about me stealing your nig
ga if you hadn’t stolen him from me in the first place.”

“Did I say anything about being worried you’d try to steal my man
? I said I was saving him from your crazy ass. Why would I worry about you stealing him when if he wanted to be with you, he wouldn’t have dumped you in the first place?”

Sparks of hatred shot from her eyes right before she hauled off and slapped me
in the face. I didn’t give a fuck that the hoe was pregnant, I slapped her right back and I would have done more than that, if she wasn’t preggers.

Delco quickly stepped between us to prevent a fight. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
he yelled at her as she tried to move around him.

“Nigga get the fuck out of my way so I can beat this bitch’s ass.”

I stood back smirking at her as she made a fool of herself. “Don’t try to jump bad because you know I won’t fight you while you’re pregnant. The last time we rumbled I kicked your ass and you had to pull a blade on me when you saw you weren’t going to win.”

“Fuck you bitch. You fucking man stealing whore. Enjoy that nigga
for now because he ain’t got no loyalty and when he gets tired of you like he got tired of me, he’ll dump your ass and be on to the next one.”

“If he’s such a fucked up nigga why do you keep trying to get back with him
, ugh? Since he ain’t shit, leave us the fuck alone so we can live our lives.”

“Keep dreaming. Like I’d ever make things that easy for you. The two of you are gonna suffer until
the day I take my dying breath.”

Delco shook h
is head at his ex. “I never realized how hateful you were until now. Don’t call my fucking phone again and if you show up at the house, we’re gonna take out a restraining order against you. I don’t want to hear shit from you until this baby is born and you’re ready to do a DNA test.” He turned to me. “Let’s go Daisy.”

As we walked away Maria was screaming at us. “This shit ain’t over motherfuckers. Just remember that this shit ain’t over. I’m gonna teach you two a fucking lesson. Just wait and see.”

I sighed as I got in the car. I couldn’t wait until she dropped that baby so that I could beat her ass again. She had no idea that her being pregnant was the only thing saving her from my wrath. I was more than tired of her bullshit and if she did one more thing to piss me off, I was going to forget that I didn’t fight pregnant bitches and give her the beating she was asking for.









For what seemed like the hundredth time I looked over my shoulder. I couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was watching me.

I was at a bridal store with Daisy, Angel, Theresa, Nancy and my mother. Somehow I had been hood winked into tagging along with my sister, while she checked out wedding gowns. While everyone was fawning over the dresses Daisy was trying on, I was busy trying to find the culprit who was making the back of my neck itch.

“Doesn’t your sister look great
?” My mom gushed at the corset dress with a poufy bottom that Daisy was modeling for us. “I can’t believe one of my daughters is getting married.” The bitch was actually teary eyed and I had to bite my tongue to prevent myself from making a snarky remark. My mother and Angel were acting like Daisy’s wedding was going to be the second coming of Christ. I got that they were happy for her but they were taking their happiness too damn far.

“I know right,” Angel co-signed as she tried to discre
etly swipe away a tear that had escaped the side of her eye. “Daisy you look like a princess. You should definitely take that one.”

“Now all we need is some
sexy underwear under it and Delco will be a happy nigga on his wedding night,” Nancy joked and they all cracked up.

“Or no underwear at all,” Theresa added, and there was another round of laughter.

That was it. I’d had enough of their fucking happiness. I needed a break from this shit. “I think I’m gonna go use the bathroom,” I said as I rose from my seat.

“Do you really need to use it
right now?” My mother asked. “Because if you leave now, you might be gone when your sister makes her choice. And since you’re one of the bride’s maids, it’s a part of your duty to help her out.”

“I’m a bride’s maid
, not the maid of honor mom.” Of course the position of matron of honor went to my cousin. It wasn’t as if my sister would ever choose me over her. I was just one of the damn bride’s maids, like her hair stylist and manicurist.

“Oh well, just hurry back.” She waved me off.

I hurried from the room as another round of gushing laughter echoed around the four walls. I wasn’t about to let them infect me with their happiness. I didn’t mind how depressing my life was. And I sure as hell wasn’t jealous of Daisy. I slipped out the store instead of going to the restroom and in my haste I bumped into someone.

“What the fuck!
?” she exclaimed as soda splashed all over her.

While at the same time I said, “Oh hell fucking no.”

The person I had bumped into was none other than Dread’s niece Lee.

“You should watch where you’re going bitch,” she snarled at me as she tried to wipe away the liquid from her blouse.

Of all the people I could have ran into, why the fuck did it have to be her. I couldn’t stand the fucking bitch.

“You should watch where t
he fuck you’re going bitch!” I snarled back.

She squinted her eyes at me. “You got a lot of mouth now
, don’t you trick. Just remember my uncle is looking for you. I wonder if I should give him a call and let him know that I ran into you.”

Although the prospect of seeing that sadistic bastard again scared me
to no end, instead of backing down I opted for false bravado. “Please do, because I know a couple of people who’re looking for that bitch nigga. I wonder how they’ll feel if they could get their hands on his hoe niece and then use her to draw him out of hiding.”

“You just wait and see what will happen when uncle gets his hands on you. I hope you suffer,” she said in parting as
she hurried away. The bitch had obviously been scared off by my threat. Too bad Tyga and I weren’t exactly on the best of terms. Because if we were cool, I would have gladly delivered that hoe to him so that he could finally take down the Jamaicans.

“Who was that?” Angel asked as she came up behind me.

“Dread’s trick niece Lee.”

“Why do I feel like I know her?”

“You’re always saying that. Even while we were escaping from Dread’s house of horrors, you were harping on about how you knew her.”

She sig
hed. “It’s just that I know I’d seen her before that night but like now I just can’t put my finger on it, and it’s annoying the hell out of me.”

“What are you doing out here anyway?” I asked
, changing the subject.

“I came to check on you because you didn’t look like you were feeling too good.” Her concern was evident in her voice.

“You don’t need to worry about me, I’m good.” I said a little too snappily. I got that they were all worried about me because of my sickness, but they needed to back the fuck off. I wasn’t a damn kid.

“You don’t have to be so snappy Keya; I was just concerned about you
.” She retorted with a hurt look on her face.

“Thanks for the concern
.” I placated her, “but I’m ok.”

“Ok then,
let’s head back inside. Daisy chose that gown she was trying on when you left and we’re about to choose bride’s maid dresses now.” The excitement was back in her voice.

I sighed inside as I followed her back into the store.
Just what I needed; another round of their fucking happiness while I was dying slowly but surely on the inside from sadness. 






















I had to read the text message a second time before I could believe what my eyes were seeing. It was eight o’clock in the damn morning and whoever had sent the text, had woken me from my sleep with the message. That text had brought me from feeling groggy to alert, not to mention pissed as a motherfucker in a matter of seconds.

It was from an unknown number and read:

enjoying yourself in that big ass mansion trick? Well guess what? I’m about to burst your little bubble. Wanna know what your man was up to while you were away in Miami? He was allowing me to suck that big black dick. That shit tasted good too. Ask him how good I broke him off; I’m pretty certain he hasn’t forgotten me.’

Steam was whistling from my ear
s as I stormed into the bathroom. Seven months pregnant and all, but I was still gonna beat a niggas ass this morning. I snatched the shower curtain back, surprising Tyga as I slapped the phone in his face.

“What the fuck is your problem?”
He exclaimed as he grabbed the phone before it could fall.

“You’re my fucking problem. Read what one of your hoes just sent me.”

He sighed exaggeratedly as his eyes began scanning the message. When he was done reading it, he proclaimed. “I don’t know who the fuck sent you that shit. But whoever it was, is telling fucking lies on me.”

y the fuck would someone text my phone claiming that they sucked your dick, if that shit wasn’t true?” My voice was filled with incredulity.

“I could have sworn it was only last week when that nigga Ninja left you another text. Maybe it’s him who sent you that bullshit message
, because he knows you’re gonna believe it and then it will cause us to fight.” He got out the shower, grabbed a towel and then started drying off.

“That crazy fucker!” I exclaimed.

About a week ago, I’d gotten another text from Ninja. In that message he was thanking me for taking good care of his baby, and that he was going to come see us soon. The nigga was convinced he was the father of my child and there wasn’t anything in the world scarier than having to worry about that psycho laying claims to my baby. I could definitely see him sending that bullshit story to try and fuck up my relationship. Because in his demented mind, I was probably gonna be with him if I wasn’t with Tyga.

“When are you gonna put a bullet in that asshole
’s head?” I wanted to know. I was beyond tired of having the threat of him attacking me over my head.

“As soon as he comes out of hiding,” Tyga promised as he pulled me into his arms and gave me a quick kiss. “You want to hook you
r man up with some morning nookie?”

“Didn’t I already give you some last night?”

He trailed kisses down my neck. “That was last night. Now I’m feigning for some more this morning. You know I’m addicted to that pregnant pussy.”

I definitely knew that. He was up inside me morning, noon and night. Thank god I loved the dick as much as he loved the pussy because otherwise we would have been having problems when he wanted to fuck and I didn’t.

He turned me around to face the bathroom sink, then he pushed up the T-shirt that I was wearing and slapped me on the ass.

“Damn this ass has gotten bigger and even sexier,” he declared as he kneaded the globes. When he was done admiring my ass cheeks
, he slipped my panties down my legs then a finger between my pussy lips. “And you’re nice and wet too.”

I moaned at the feel of his digit rubbing against my clit. “And more than ready too.”

My eyes latched onto my bay’s reflection in the bathroom mirror. He was sucking the finger that was coated in my pussy juices into his mouth and then a pleasure filled groan escaped his lips. “I wish I had enough time to enjoy my morning cream.”

He flicked his tongue at me and my pussy clenched, wetness dripping down my legs. Tyga knew how to use that thing to have me raining into his mouth and all over his face.
I wished he had time too, but our son would be up soon.

After spreading my legs part, and bending my back slightly, I felt that ten inch womb turner pushing inside me. I bit my lip as a wave of pleasurable pain surged through my body when his dick bottomed out.

“That shit feels good doesn’t it?”

“Yes Daddy.”

He pulled out all the way then slammed back in, causing us to both groan. And as his thrusting continued, the groans grew in both volume and number. His hands were now clamped onto my hips as he pounded into my slick wetness, creating a slapping sound as his balls slammed against my legs.

“Oh fuck, I think I’m
about to come,” he moaned. I’d been thinking the same damn thing. His strokes were so precise that his dick was rubbing up against my G-spot and the stimulation was causing pleasure to surge through my body like red hot lava.

“Come for me Sexy,” Tyga demanded as his strokes became even faster and more uncoordinated.

The command was what I needed to take me over the edge. I screamed at the top of my lungs as my body trembled from my release. And as I was coming down off my high I heard my bay groaning his release too, his hands tightening on my hips as he thrusted one last time and then stilled.

“Daddy, what are you doing to my mommy?”
A tiny accusatory voice asked from the bathroom doorway.

“Oh shit!” I exclaimed in surprise as Tyga quickly released me, grabbing the towel he had discarded on
to the bathroom floor. Then wrapping it around my nakedness. As he snatched another off the towel rack to cover himself, I turned to our son. “Ricky go wait in the room for mommy.”

He pouted his little lips and scrunched up his face. “But daddy’s hurting you.”

“Daddy isn’t hurting me baby, go wait for me. I’ll be there soon,” I reassured him but he still didn’t budge.

“Didn’t you hear your mother?” Tyga asked sternly and that was when our son finally obeyed.

As he marched away reluctantly, I sighed at Tyga and my carelessness. How could we have forgotten to close the bathroom door, knowing our little booger would be up soon and that he loved having full access to the entire house?

“We’re gonna have to stop allowing him to just walk into our room,” my bay said as he closed and locked the bathroom door.

“I know. We just scarred his little mind for life.”

“He’ll get over it,” Tyga chuckled. “Same shit happened to me when I was a kid and I turned out ok.”

“Sure.” My voice was filled with sarcasm. “Aren’t you the same nigga who was a man-whore when I met him?” I rolled my eyes at him as I opened the medicine cabinet to grab a hair tie so I could gather my hair in a sloppy bun.

“You tamed my ass didn’t you,” he said as he came up behind me and kissed my shoulder, impeding me arranging my hair. “Where the hell did you get a straight
razor?” He lifted the blade I had placed in the cabinet the day before.

“It’s the razor Maria used to attack Daisy. I
had snatched it up the day of the fight and had it stashed beneath the cabinet until yesterday when your son found it and almost gave me a heart attack.” I had changed the hiding spot to keep it out of Ricky’s reach.

Tyga shook his head as he flicked it open then closed it again, placing it back on the shelf. “That little nigga is too inquisitive.”

“Tell me about it,” I said as I stepped into the shower to do a quick wash off. I didn’t want to leave Ricky by himself for too long, not after what had just happened. I knew he was going to need both a reassurance that his mommy was good and somewhat of an explanation of what mommy and daddy had been doing.

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