Loving Angel 3 (17 page)

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Authors: Carry Lowe

BOOK: Loving Angel 3
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The evening of my release Tyga and I were relaxing on the couch watching a movie while the kids were taking a nap
, when my phone rang. I saw that the call was from the DNA center and immediately felt nervous. I answered the phone, placing it on speakerphone so that my husband could hear too.

“Hello,” I said

“Hello, may I speak to Angel Grant?”
The person at the end of the line asked.

“I’m Angel.”

“I’m Monica from DNA Diagnostics. I’m calling about the results pertaining to the paternity of the infant Faith Grant. The test results have proven that Ricardo Grant is 99.99 % the biological father of the infant.”

As soon as I heard her words
I felt tears running down my face. It was like a weight had been lifted off my chest and I could finally breathe again. “Thank you so much for calling,” I told her before I hung up.

I looked over at Tyga and saw that he was resting his head on the back of the couch with his eyes closed. I th
ink he was feeling emotional too. I climbed onto his lap and hugged him close as I rested my head on his chest. He hugged me back, giving me a long squeeze. We didn’t have to say anything. I think we both knew we had dodged a huge bullet. I would now have to thank god every day for making my husband my daughter’s biological father.









When Trina called me up and asked if I wanted to hang out I was a bit uncertain on whether I wanted to chill with her or not. Although I was bored as hell because I wasn’t working and didn’t have shit to do
, I was still iffy on whether I should have been hanging with someone who was into the type of lifestyle I had just gotten away from.

Trina was still doing drugs, stripping and selling pussy out of Tyga’s club. And I didn’t know if being around her would be too much of a temptation for me. But when Daisy called and invited me to another one of her wedding outings, hanging with Trina was the perfect excuse as to why I couldn’t make it.

Trina lived in a small apartment in the projects, in Spanish Harlem. The place was a little on the untidy side with dirty dishes in the sink, clothes and toys strewn all over the furniture, and garbage randomly sprinkled around the room.

I was sitting on a love seat, having pushed the dirty clothes that had been on it onto the floor, and Trina was relaxing on the couch, taking a toke from the blunt we were smoking.

In my book, weed wasn’t really a drug, so it was ok to smoke it. The same went for alcohol and we were enjoying that too.

“This is some of the best shit,” Trina was saying as she blew smoke into the air. “My new man David copped it for me. You’re gonna love him. He’s mad cool.”

I nodded as she passed me the blunt then I took a toke from it. With the way the weed was making me feel, light hearted and free after months of depression, I didn’t mind her constant babbling.

“You should come sit over here beside me.” She patted the spot beside her
, then took a sip from her henny and coke. “I don’t know why you wanna sit all the way over there. You know you and I are mad cool.”  She winked at me.

I didn’t know how cool she thought we were. We had only made out with each other once. Plus
, didn’t she just say she had a man.

Before I could respond
, I heard a key turning in the front door.

“That must be David.” Her smile was big and I could tell that she was in love with the nigga.

“Yo Trina,” I heard a deep baritone calling from down the hallway, then one of the sexiest caramel niggas I had ever seen came into view.

He had to be at least six feet five inches tall with an athletic build. He wore his hair in a low wavy fade and had some
intense dark eyes. My pussy was immediately twitching as he checked me out. I had regained some of my weight and had recently gotten my hair and nails done, so I knew I wasn’t looking too bad.

“Baby this is my friend Keya. She used to work at the club with me.”

“What’s up?” He nodded at me with a sexy smirk on his juicy lips. Then he took a seat beside Trina and grabbed the blunt from her hand.

“Chilling,” I smirked back.

It had been a long time since I had felt an attraction this strong. The last time was to my cousin’s husband but he didn’t want anything to do with me. I’d have to wait and see what was up with this sexy ass nigga David.

As we sat around drinking and smoking David kept eying me. Lust was visible in his eyes and I wondered if Trina didn’t see it. Ab
out thirty minutes after David started hanging with us he got a phone call and excused himself to take it.

When he returned he said to Trina, “
Babe, that was Larry. He’s got that thing for me and I want you to go pick it up.”

She frowned at him. “Right now David? Don’t you see I’m chilling with my friend

He gave her a hard look. “Your friend will be here when you return. Go take care of business. It won’t take you more than thirty minutes.”

She huffed but still rose from the couch reluctantly. “I’ll be back in a minute Keya.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll entertain myself with this bottle of henny until you get back.”
And your man too if he’s up to playing

“I won’t be long girl,” she chuckled as she left the room.

David and I were staring each other down when we heard the front door close behind Trina.

“You wanna come sit beside me?”
He asked in a sexy voice.

“How about you come sit beside me,” I purred in return.

He licked those luscious lips as he rose from the couch and took a seat next to me then placed his hand on my leg. And my pussy was clenching just from that simple touch.

“There is
just something about you that I like. You’re sexy as hell and you’ve got this look in your eyes.”

He barely had the opportunity to finish his statement
. It had been months since I got some dick and I was horny as hell. I pounced on him and slammed my mouth against his. His mouth opened in surprise and I stuck my tongue down his throat.

He grabbed the back of my head as his tongue duel with mine a
nd his hands groped my body relentlessly.

We were so hot for each other
that we didn’t spend a lot of time kissing. He quickly pulled off my jeans and panties, then pushed his jeans and boxers below his ass and was deep inside my warm wet pussy in one powerful stroke. The nigga was packing like a fucking donkey, because that shit hurt like hell although I was wetter than a river.

He had my legs on his shoulders and was beating up the pussy like a pro
, when a loud shriek interrupted our rapture.

“What the fuck are ya’ll doing!?” Trina screamed. David and I sprang apart as she rushed towards us. The dick had been so good I hadn’t even heard her opening the front door. “You fucking whore!” She took me off guard with a swift punch to the face. I fell back onto the loveseat and she sprang on me, raining blows all over my head, chest and face. I recovered quickly and kicked her in the stomach causing her to fall onto the coffee table.

I quickly sprang to my feet then I grabbed onto her weave and punched her in the face repeatedly. But then a blow to the head by the ash tray had me seeing stars. That was when David finally decided to intervene. He pulled me off Trina and then he pushed me behind him.

“I can’t believe you’d do this to me,” Trina sobbed as she got up off the broken coffee table. I didn’t know if she was referring to David or me but the bitch didn’t have a right to judge. Wasn’t she the one who was coming on to me right before her man got home? “I knew you two were up to something. Go pick up your own coke from Larry and I want you both out of my fucking house.”

“Gladly,” I snapped as I pulled on my jeans then stuffed my underwear into my back pocket. I grabbed my purse off the floor.

I looked to David to see if he was going to leave too. He had pulled on his pants and was searching around on the floor for something and when he found it
, I realized that it was his car keys.

“Let’s go,” he said and he didn’t have to tell me twice. I was more than ready to get out of that nasty apartment.

“You two deserve each other,” Trina was yelling at us as we left. “The two of you are trifling alike.”

I stuck my finger behind my back and gave her the one finger salute.

“Where are you going to stay now?” I asked David.

“I don’t li
ve with that bitch,” he revealed. “I’ve got my own spot. Let’s go chill and finish what we started.”

I nodded. “Let’s do that.”






















With a new
born baby and a four year old toddler, my life was all about catering to my kids. I hadn’t slept through the entire night in two months and had to be up by seven a.m. in the mornings. Faith was a very demanding baby. Ricky also seemed to require as much attention as his sister because he had to be constantly reassured that he was still mommy’s and daddy’s little booger.

Ensuring that my son knew that I loved him as much as I lo
ved his sister was what had brought me to Chuck E Cheese’s with four bad ass kids. Luckily Daisy was also along for the trip, otherwise I would have gone nuts with all the crying and hollering.

Both Ricky and Kiki were enjoying pizza as they chatted loudly and very animatedly, while their younger siblings were lying in their car seats that we had propped on the table. Makita was playing with her feet and making baby noises while Faith was hollering
because she wasn’t getting her bottle fast enough. Having finally retrieved it from my purse, after having to dig through a number of other items, I quickly placed it in her mouth and she immediately stopped her crying and started eating.

I shook my head at her as
she guzzled down the breast milk that I had filled the bottle with, after pumping it from the source. “Really chubby cheeks, your ass is too greedy.” She simply ignored me and continued eating. “I swear Ricky wasn’t as difficult as her. And she’d been such a sweetheart when I just had her.”

“Thank god Kiki wasn’t a crier and Kita isn’t either.”

“Mommy I’m done eating, can I go play in the ball pen now?” Kiki asked Daisy.


“I’m done too. Can I go too mommy?” Ricky begged.

I nodded
at him although he still had a lot of pizza left on his plate. “But be nice to the other kids and no fighting.” He was definitely still a little terror.

“I’ll be good mommy. I pinky promise.”

I had to chuckle at that because I had been given the pinky promise so many times I couldn’t count and almost every time I received it, he would end up breaking it. “Just get your bad ass out of here.”

They sc
urried away giggling and jostling each other playfully.

“How are the final wedding plans?” I asked my cousin.

“Everything is good. Thank god it will all be over in a month. At first it was really exciting planning a big wedding but after months of doing it, I’m mad tired now.”

“Is Delco still mad about how much you’re spending?”

Daisy had really made her man come out of pocket for a very expensive, lavish wedding. She said she was only getting married once, so it had to be perfect.

“Damn right he’s still bitching,” she chuckled. “Even tried taking away his
black card from me, but when I closed my legs he gave it right back.”

I had to laugh too. Men were so freaking typical. Deny them the pussy and they’d do whatever you wanted. Tyga only gave me the exact six weeks the doctor advised and then he was beating up my walls again. The nigga acted like he was addicted to my freaking snatch.

Faith was finally done eating, so I picked her up and burped her. And by the time I returned her to the car seat she was sleeping peacefully.

She was
now two months old and one of the chubbiest, prettiest little things in the world. Every time I looked at her, my heart was filled with joy and I was happy all over again that I hadn’t aborted her. I couldn’t even imagine having to live life without my chubby cheeks.

Tyga was just as in love with his daughter too. She was his spoiled little princess and every time she cried he would come running and fussing over her.

My phone pinged in my purse and once I retrieved it I saw that it was a message from Keya.

“Keya just text
ed me and said she can’t come to the final fitting today because David asked her to go somewhere with him,” I told Daisy.

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