Loving Angel 3 (20 page)

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Authors: Carry Lowe

BOOK: Loving Angel 3
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“Come on guys, please
. Let’s not spoil the fun by arguing,” Angel tried to diffuse the situation. “This is Daisy’s night. Tomorrow she’s tying the knot with the love of her life. Let’s not ruin her last night as a free agent.”

“I’m definitely not trying to ruin shit,” Keya snapped. “And I ain’t got to be jealous of anybody. It’s not like Delco is perfect. He’s having a baby on Daisy and she’s a fool to not realize that once a cheater always a cheater.”

I curled my lips at her. “You really are freaking hateful. Just fucking leave before I say something that I might later regret.”

I didn’t want to have to cuss
her ass out in front of Nancy and Theresa plus an entire club full of strangers. Not when I knew that the things that would come out of my mouth would shame her.

“Whatever.” She rose from her seat and sauntered off without saying goodbye to any of us.

“Where the fuck does she have to go that’s more important than being here for her sister?” Nancy wondered.

I didn’t reply but I had a strong feeling it had something to do with that nigga David. Since she
’d been messing with him she’d been acting even weirder than normal. At first I thought she was back to doing drugs but now I felt like it was something else. She was spending money like she was the Bank of America and if she was an addict, she would have been using her cash to get high instead of splurging on clothes and shit. I just hoped and prayed she knew what she was doing.

“Forget about that hating ass hoe,” Theresa said
. “Let’s get back to partying.”

And that
was exactly what we did. We ordered more drinks plus another lap dance and I had to admit that without Keya casting a dark cloud over our fun, we enjoyed ourselves more.

When the lap dance was over
Nancy, who was more than a little tipsy by now, decided to raise a toast to me. “Daisy, you know I love you girl and I’m happy that you’re finally gonna put that caramel god on lock. So to you and sexy ass Delco.”

“To Daisy and sexy as Delco,” Angel and Theresa intoned simultaneously
and then they started cracking up. Once they had calmed down a bit Theresa added, “And to all the monkey sex you’ll be enjoying in Barbados.” The island was where I was going for my honeymoon.

“I really can’t believe I’m getting married tomorrow,” I cheered, a tad bit drunkenly. And sometimes I r
eally couldn’t. It was only a little over four years ago that I had been running behind Carter’s no good ass. Then when I broke up with him I started seeing a man who was already involved with another woman. Thank god Delco chose me over Maria because I really wouldn’t have wanted to be in her position.

It was
n’t until almost twelve in the morning, that we dragged ourselves home. I was staying at Angel’s house while Delco remained at our place. We didn’t want to see each other until the day of our wedding. Stupid tradition, but I was following it.

After I had washed off my makeup and dragged myself to bed I called my fiancé. I wanted to hear his voice before I went to sleep.

“Hey future wife,” he answered the phone.

“What’s up future husband?” I asked with a smile. “How was the bachelor party?”

He and his friends had celebrated his last night as a single nigga at Glitter.

“It was ok, but I would have been a lot happier if I‘d had your sexy ass dancing for me. How about yours?”

“It was cool. Had to sit through a nigga rubbing up all over me,” I chuckled. I knew Delco wouldn’t get mad about that because he knew I would never step out on him.

“I hope that nigga was
n’t touching anything that he wasn’t supposed to be touching,” he teased.

“Nope. I’m saving all the good stuff for you.”

“And after tomorrow your ass is mine.”

Yep,” I yawned, “and I need my beauty rest so that I can look good for you.”

“OK, love you. See you at the end of the
aisle tomorrow.”

“Love you
too, goodnight.”

After I got off the phone I set my alarm and then la
id down for some much needed sleep. My night with the girls had been fun but I kinda overdid it a bit with the alcohol. I was sure I was going to feel the effects tomorrow, which was going to suck because I really did want to look the best for my man.

definitely didn’t want anything to spoil our big day.






















The dress I was rocking was a beautiful off the shoulder Vera Wang number with a bustier top and a poufy, flowing bottom. My hair was in a weave that Theresa had curled and pinned up then arranged my veil over it, covering my face. It wouldn’t be lifted until the end of my walk down the aisle and as soon as my wedding party had completed their journey to the alter, mine would begin.

Although I couldn’t see her at the moment,
I knew my baby girl was looking beautiful in her frilly pink dress as she peppered the floor with roses. And I also knew that my godson was looking spiffy in his little suit as he followed in her footsteps, carrying the red velvet pillow cushioning the rings.

Keya was looking stunning in her champagne colored bride’s maid dress as she hung onto Chance’s arm, probably happy that she got to walk down the aisle before Theresa and Nancy. And both my manicurist and hair stylist were also looking fabulous as they followed in my sister’s wake on the arms of Dwayne and Tyrone respectively.

Finally, Angel kissed me on the cheek with tears in her eyes
, then she took her husband’s hand to begin their trek to the altar.

My hands were shaking so much from nerv
ousness that even my bouquet was shaking.

“Why’re you nervous?” My mother asked me. And I couldn’t answer the question because I really didn’t know why. “You look beautiful. You don’t have anything to worry about.”

Butterflies were taking flight in my stomach when I heard the sound of the organ bleating out my queue to begin my walk down the aisle. I took a deep breath and then I placed my hand on my mother’s arm. She was doing the walk beside me because to me she was both my mother and my father.

As we made our way into the high domed ceiling room with the gorgeous fiberglass windows and mahogany pew chairs filled with my friends and loved ones
, my heart was beating a staccato rhythm in my chest. I saw my bride’s maids on one side and Delco’s groom’s men, Tyrone, Chance, Dwayne and Tyga on the other. Then my eyes finally landed on my future husband, who was rocking a cream Armani suit with a champagne colored shirt and he looked so good I couldn’t take my eyes off him.

All th
e love I felt for this man was churning inside my stomach and my heart felt as though it was ready to burst from within me at any second. We had been through so much and sometimes it had been a bumpy ride but I would do it all over again just to get to this moment. As my mother placed my hand into Delco’s, tears were spilling down my cheeks, ruining the makeup that had taken thirty painstaking minutes to perfect.

Delco gave my hand a reassuring squeeze and smiled at me as the reverend began the service. I couldn’t tell if he was nervous or not, because he looked so calm and collected on the outside.

My nervousness didn’t recede as we exchanged our vows and the tears came even harder as he placed the ring on my finger. I wondered if my eyes were mirroring all the love and devotion I was seeing in Delco’s. But once he lifted my veil to kiss me I stopped my wondering because from the pleased smirk on his lips I knew that whatever look was on my face was one that he wanted to see. Cheers were ringing around the room as my husband held me close and sucked my tongue into his mouth and from the way he was ravishing my lips, I knew he couldn’t wait for later so he could do the same to the ones below.

mine now Mrs. Forester,” Delco pronounced after we had come up for air.

I smirked at him. “No nigga, you’re mine.”

We made our way back down the aisle as our friends threw rice at us and offered their well wishes. And we were almost to the door of the church when we heard a loud commotion.

“Fucking let me go!”
Someone was screaming. “Nigga you better take your fucking hands off me. I’ve got to talk to Delco.”

I shook my head as I watched that crazy bitch Maria struggling against Lux and Biz. They had been posted at the door for such an occurrence
; we had been prepared for that heifer to try to ruin my wedding or for Dread and his people to try to attack us.

“What the fuck are you doing here Maria!?” Delco snapped at her. “You know you aren’t welcome
d here.”

“You really married the bitch,” she sobbed. “I can’t believe you’d do this to me. Why Delco? Why’d you have to marry her? I was with you for years and you never even proposed to me. I went to prison for you!” Her voice was mad loud and the guests were watching with rapt attention.

“Can ya’ll please get her out of here,” Delco said to his friends.

As they started dragging her away she doubled over, grabbing onto her huge pregnant belly as water spilled down her legs. Both Lux and Biz immediately released her as she groaned in pain.

“Oh god,” she moaned, “my baby is coming.”

Delco moved towards her but then stopped and looked back at me with indecision written all over his face.
And I knew he wanted to go to her and help her. After all, he wasn’t heartless. She was once his wifey and was now about to give birth to his child.

“Go help her,” I told him softly. “I’ll meet you at the hospital.”

He nodded then hurried to her and with the help of his friends he carried her from the church.

My cousin came up beside me. “Do you want to change out of your dress before you go to the hospital?”


After reassuring the guest that there was still going to be a reception and that they should continue to the venue, my cousin helped me out of my gown then I slipped into something more comfortable.

It was thirty minutes later that I finally got to the hospital, Angel and Tyga had accompanied me. Tyrone was sitting in the waiting room wearing a bored look on his face.

“What’s up?” Tyga asked him.

“Delco’s in the room with her. Doctor said she’ll be ready to pop that sucker in a couple of hours.”

We all took our seats and the waiting began. I couldn’t believe this was how I was going to spend my wedding day. I should have been eating cake, enjoying the many toast
s from our friends and waltzing with my husband; not sitting around waiting for his ex to give birth to his baby.

“Are you ok?” Angel whispered in my ear.

I nodded. “Yeah, I’m good.” Although I wasn’t too sure that I was.

She wrapped an arm around me reassuri
ngly then said softly, “You’re his wife now. He wouldn’t have married you if he didn’t love you and want to be with you, so nothing that happens here today can affect your relationship.”

I knew Delco loved me and wanted to be with me but I also knew that Maria was determined to get between us
. And now that she had his baby, she was going to get a lot more opportunities to try to make that happen.

Hours later Delco finally walked into the room looking disheveled and reserved
, but I could detect a hint of pride and happiness on his face. He came over to me and after taking the seat beside me, he wrapped me in his arms then kissed my forehead.

“Did she give birth yet?” Tyga asked.

“Yeah, she had a boy.”

son that most men wanted to have.

“You good?”
My husband asked me.

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

“I’m sorry we missed our reception,” he apologized. “But we can still make our flight to Barbados.”

“I don’t want you to leave your son so soon and then regret it.”

He gave me a quick kiss. “I’m not going to let us miss our honeymoon Daisy. My son will still be here when I get back. We’ll only be gone for two weeks.”

I rested my head on his shoulder
, happy that we were still going on our dream honeymoon. Although I felt bad for Maria that she was going to have to go through the first weeks of being a new mother by herself, I wasn’t going to give up my man to her. She’d probably try to use the bond that they would create because of their son to try to seduce my man away. They said all is fair in love and war and I knew that with Maria now having a trump card over us, we were going to be having the fight of our lives.






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