Loving Angel 3 (24 page)

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Authors: Carry Lowe

BOOK: Loving Angel 3
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“What the fuck is going on?”
She asked as she scanned my appearance.

I quickly grabbed the gun that I had stashed in the waistband of my jeans then pointed it at her, causing her to take a step back. I stared at her coldly, hoping she could see that her death was written in my eyes. “Did you enjoy sucking my husband’s dick?”

She swallowed audibly. “What are you talking about?”

“Don’t pretend that you don’t know what I’m talking about. I know you were the one who sent me that text. You had a lot to say then. So speak the fuck up now!”

Her eyes began watering as she shook her head. “I didn’t.”

I didn’t even wait for her to spill anymore of her lies. I squeezed the trigger repeatedly and she fell to the floor, staring at me in shock. I hated bitches like her; always trying to latch onto someone else’s man. I stepped over her dyin
g body and hurried to my kids. Thanking god when I found them safe and in the same place I had left them. Faith was bawling at the top of her lungs and Ricky was looking worried. I brought them into the bathroom and then I laid a couple of blankets in the tub. After I laid Faith on the makeshift bed, I sat her brother beside her.

“Mommy will be right back,” I promised him
then I hurried away.

pushed Lena’s body aside then I quickly locked the bedroom door then pushed the dresser and the chest of drawers in front of it to create a barricade. That shit wasn’t easy but it was well worth it because no sooner than I had finished blocking the door when I heard someone beating on it from the other side.

I hurried back to the bathroom
and locked that door too, then I joined my kids in the tub. I laid back with Faith on my chest and her brother sitting beside me looking scared. But I was going to protect my kids with my life. I had the gun pointed at the bathroom door and if anyone other than Tyga or someone from his crew came through it, I’d be ready.

It was time mother
fuckers learnt not to fuck with me because everything I had gone through had made me half crazy.








There was fire in my heart and it was making my blood rush through my veins like lava erupting from a volcano. I was in straight killer mode tonight and I wouldn’t be happy until every motherfucker in Dread’s and Ninja’s camp was pushing up daises.

and I were standing at the back door to my house, clothed in black and ready to push some Jamaicans’ wigs back. While Dwayne and Biz were going to enter from the front and Lux was going to watch the outside.

That bitch nigga Andro may have taken me off guard when he teamed up with the Jamaicans but I had reorganized my mind and was now ready for war. The Jamaicans weren’t expecting me to be alive because it was obvious Andro was supposed to have taken care of me for them. So they sure as hell weren’t going to be expecting me to come crashing their party.

I used my key to silently open the back door, then I stashed it away and got my gun ready. As soon as Ty and I slipped into the kitchen, we were greeted by a gorilla looking nigga eating a sandwich around my kitchen island. The nerve of that motherfucker, he got riddled with bullets from two sets of guns before he could take his next swallow. He fell to the tile floor looking like a pin cushion.

down and more to go,” Ty said. He had been out to get the Jamaicans since they killed John and caused him to have a permanent scar on his face.

We stepped over the body and headed down the hallway.

I could hear urgent whispering coming from the next room and the sound of furniture moving.

I motioned Ty to stop and peeked into the room to check the scene. A
nd a bullet whizzed by me so close I could feel the heat from it on my cheek.

“Damn,” I cursed, quickly pulling my head back as more bullets followed the first. “Those niggas almost got me.”

“You should have gotten low before you peeked into the room,” Ty chastised me before crouching on the floor and returning fire.

He was right. That was what I usually did but I was slightly off my game tonight because I was worried about my wife and kids. I needed to get my head in the game one hundred so that I could take care of business and rescue them.

I inhaled a deep breath and pushed my worries to the back of my mind. Then I joined Ty on the floor and started returning fire too. Those niggas had turned the couch on its side and were hiding behind it so our bullets were uselessly hitting the piece of furniture.

I was wondering how long it was going to take for us to take them down whe
n I saw Dwayne and Biz silently creeping into the room from the front hallway. Ty and I immediately ceased fire as our team mates let loose on those niggas. They should have been watching their backs because while they were busy blazing at us they got cut down.

“Took you motherfuckers long enough,” Ty complained.

“Nigga we got here and saved your ass didn’t we?” Dwayne retorted as he maneuvered around the couch and the macabre scene of the two dead bodies.

“Whatever nigga,” Ty waved him

, you and Biz finish clearing down here while Ty and I will head upstairs,” I said, changing the clip in my gun.

They both gave me
a nod as Ty and I headed up the stairs. We cleared the guest bedrooms on the second floor then the kids’ rooms but there was still no sign of Ninja and Dread or my wife and children. So we moved on to the master bedroom and found the door securely locked.

We kicked it in but there was still something behind it keeping it from completely opening.

“I think we may have finally found my wife and kids.” Or at least I hoped that they were the ones who were barricaded inside the room.

“I always knew sis was smart
,” Ty huffed as we pushed against the door until it opened. “She really blocked this bitch good.”

We entered the room cautiously and t
he first thing I saw was Lena’s body lying in the middle of the floor. Then my eyes latched onto the large California king sized bed with a corpse lying in a huge puddle of crimson. One side of the niggas head was missing and it looked like his dick was gone too.

“Oh shit,” Ty clowned
. “I think sis took care of that nigga Ninja for us. I definitely wouldn’t want to go out like that.”

I had to agree with that one.

I went to check the bathroom but the door was locked. “Sexy,” I called through the door, praying my wife was inside. “Sexy it’s safe. You can come out now.”

!?” She called back. And the relief she was feeling was evident in her voice and mirrored the one I was feeling in my heart.

She pulled the bathroom door open cradling o
ur daughter in her left arm, while she toted a gun in her right hand. And our son was also stuck to her leg. When Ricky saw me he rushed me and latched onto mine instead.

“Daddy, the mean
man came,” my son said as I picked him up and hugged him close.

“Thank god you’re
all safe,” I said as I took my wife and daughter in my arms too. I stood there hugging the three of them for a good couple of minutes.

Did you find Mina and Keya?” Angel asked.

“They’re here too?”
I asked. Then I remembered that Mina was supposed to have come over after her surgery but how did Keya end up in the mix. How did Lena for that matter? I guess that was something I was gonna have to find out later.

nodded. “Remember my mom’s staying over and Dread brought Keya here earlier.”

h, we didn’t see them and we haven’t found that nigga Dread either.”

“I hope he
hasn’t done anything to them.” She had a worried look on her face.

“Let’s head back downstairs. Dwayne
and Biz are down there checking the rooms. Hopefully they found them.”

We hurried from the room and across the hallway but a
s we were about to head down the stairs we heard gunshots.

“Stay with Ty,” I commanded Angel as
I shoved Ricky in my friend’s arms then I took off, taking the stairs two at a time.

I was wondering where Dwayne
and Biz had gone when I heard shouting coming from the open basement door.

I flew down the basement stairs also and came to an abrupt stop as I came upon one of the most gruesome scenes I had ever seen in my life.

There were three huge black dogs lying dead on the floor beside a mutilated and bloody corpse. And blood was plastered all over the floor, as though a toddler had taken a paintbrush and strewn red paint to create the grisly scene.

and Biz were holding Dread at gunpoint while the Jamaican was holding Keya in a death grip, as he hid behind her body with his piece pointed at her head.

“I said back the f
uck up before I blow this bitch’s brains out,” he yelled at them with a crazed look on his face. He poked Keya in the head with his gun and she whimpered.

She was looking fucked up. She was completely naked with blood plastered all over her body. “Kill the nigga
, I don’t care if I die,” she cried out.

“Shut the fuck up bitch
, before I grant you your wish.” He cocked his gun. “You niggas must think I’m playing.”

Keya suddenly reared back and elbowed him in the stomach and then
forcefully pushed against the arm that was wrapped around her shoulders. His hold on her slipped and she started falling to the floor. And as he grabbed onto her weave to pull her back in, we opened fire on him, riddling his body with bullets. He didn’t even get the opportunity to pop off one shot.

Because of his hold on her hair, h
e took her to the floor with him as he died, his body falling halfway on top of hers. She quickly pushed him off then scrambled away from his corpse, sobbing while looking pitiful.

“Where is Mina?” I asked Keya. But s
he didn’t reply because she was too caught up in her tears. After repeating the question twice more, she finally pointed to the corpse lying beside the dogs.

“Oh shit,” Dwayne
exclaimed. He and Biz were crouching beside the body, looking disgusted. “I think the dogs ate most of her.”

As I looked at her torn and bloody flesh my heart pained me because I knew my wife was going to weep a river of tears when she discovered what happened to her mother.











It should have been raining today. Instead of blue skies and warm weather there should have been thunderclouds and blistering cold. It didn’t seem right that on one of the worst days of my life, the weather seemed perfect.

As I watched the grave diggers throwing dirt on my mother’s coffin
, my heart felt as if it was being shredded into a million pieces.

There was so much I wanted to say to her. So much I wanted to take back but now it was too late. She was gone forever and the fucked up part
about it was that we’d been beefing with each other when she died.

Now all our arguments just seemed like petty bullshit.

“Can you guys please give me a minute alone?” I said to my husband and my father.

My mother’s funeral had ended almost twenty minutes ago and everyone else had gone to my house for the repast except
for the two of them.

“I’ll be at the car when you’re ready,” Tyga said, kissing me on the forehead before walking away.

My father squeezed my hand in reassurance as I stared forlornly at Mina’s coffin. “Take as much time as you need to say goodbye,” he told me, then he was gone too.

Since the night of my mother’s death
, my dad and my sister have been staying in New York. He was going back to Miami tomorrow and although I was happy to have him in my time of need, I was also happy to see him leave because that meant my sister would be gone too.

Maria had been nothing but a major bitch since she got
to New York. She was mad at my husband and I because Andro had gone missing and she thought we had something to do with it.

According to the guys in Philly
, as soon as Tyga and Ty had left them on the side of the road a black van had pulled up and they had gotten into another shoot out. When Terminator and his crew realized that they were outgunned they had jumped in their cars, leaving Andro and the other guy behind. They didn’t know who had shown up and attacked them, but they thought it was more accomplices of Andro’s.

didn’t know if my brother was dead or alive but if he was still among the living I hoped his dumb ass came back to New York because Tyga was going to fill his body with nothing but lead. It would be totally unfair for an asshole like him to keep living, while my mother was dead.

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