Loving Angel 3 (23 page)

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Authors: Carry Lowe

BOOK: Loving Angel 3
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ily for Ty, Andro stopped the assault after only getting in a few good hits. My friend was bleeding when the bitch nigga was done with him.

“Next time you’ll learn to keep your mouth shut bitch.”
He spat on Ty.

I glared at him with hatred in my eyes.
“So what are you planning to do, kill us? Because if that’s the case you should get that shit over with.” Although I wasn’t scared to die, I never thought it would end like this.

He started chuckling manically. “It’s not gonna be that easy nigga,” he said in a loud guffaw. “Before you die there is something you need to know. Dread and Ninja are currently at your house. And as we speak
Dread is probably skinning your kid alive, while Ninja is sticking it to your wife. Ninja said I should tell you that he’ll take real good care of your family when you’re gone.”

His words caused a rage in me that was too overwhelming to control. I immediately pounced on him without
a care of anything else. I heard gunshots going off as Andro and I fell to the ground but I couldn’t even tell if I was hit or not. I was totally running on adrenaline. I latched onto Andro’s gun and we began wrestling for the weapon as I tried to pull it out of his hand. When I realized that I couldn’t loosen his grip, I began beating is hand against the ground. In our struggle the weapon flew out of his hand and also out of his range. As soon as he was weaponless I quickly started throwing punches at him. He tried to fight back but my rage was too powerful to go up against. I pounded into him savagely until he was a bloody mess.

When I was done
, I was breathing heavily. I got off Andro’s unmoving body then looked around. One of Andro’s accomplices was lying on the ground with a hole in his head while the other was lying face down on the pavement at gun point. Terminator, one of Jose’s goons whom I had met earlier at the meeting, had his weapon trained at the niggas head while Ty and two more goons looked on.

“Seems we got here just in time,” Terminator said.

“How did you know we needed help?”

“Jose had one of our people
following you to make sure you got out of our territory safely.”

“Well tell Jose I said thanks
and that I owe him one, but I got to go. I got business to take care of back in New York.”

He nodded. “We’ll take care of these two for you.”

I nodded back as Ty and I hopped into the rental. Although I didn’t like owing anyone any favors I now owed Jose one because if it wasn’t for him, Ty and I would be dead. As soon as Ty drove off, I rang up Lux and filled him in on what was going on. I wanted him and Dwayne to go to the house to scope out the scene but I didn’t want them to make a move until I got there. I was only a forty minutes plane ride away and I wasn’t going to put my wife’s life in anyone’s hands but my own. Too many things could go wrong. I just hoped and prayed that I got to my family in time.




I woke up sitting in a chair that I was tied to and after scanning my surroundings I quickly realized three things. One was that I was in my cousin’s husband’s den and two was that I wasn’t Dread’s only victim. Mina was lying naked on Tyga’s pool table, looking glassy eyed and groggy while Dread was standing over her holding a wicked looking scalpel. And last but not least, he had three large black dogs leashed in the far corner of the room and they were watching us with a look of anticipation on their faces.

I was feeling sick to my stomach
, both from the drugs Dread had injected me with and the scene before me.

I moaned and he turned to me wearing that evil smile again. “Welcome to the party Keya. I’m glad you finally joined us. Your aunt and I were just about to have some fun.”

Mina’s eyes were bugging out of her head as he used the scalpel to softly caress her cheek. “Stay away from me with that thing,” she slurred with tears leaking from the side of her eyes. And I knew his demented ass wouldn’t listen to a word she had to say.

He laughed at her. “Bitch you’re about to pay for this ho
e’s sins. I want her to watch mi while I work on you, so she knows what I got in store for her. Only her punishment will be much worse.” He glared at me. “You didn’t think you were going to give mi HIV and Herpes and get away with that shit?” He shook his head. “The biggest mistake of your life is fucking with mi bitch.”

I was starting to realize that. When I saw Dread in the
club that night I should have run in the opposite direction. But as usual, I allowed money to blind me and made an awful decision.

Dread trailed the razor sharp edge
of the scalpel against Mina’s breast and she screamed as a red line of blood appeared on her skin. And that was just the beginning of her torment. There was more cutting and endless screaming. I turned my head away so that I didn’t have to look but I could still hear her agonized cries. Tears ran down my cheeks. This was all my fault. I had done this to her.

When he was done torturing her with the scalpel he walked over to me, l
eaving her groaning pitifully on the table. “Don’t let mi see you turning your head away again or closing your fucking eyes,” he growled grabbing onto my face with his bloody hands. “Because if you do I’m gonna staple your eyelids open.”

He smeared a trail of
blood down my cheek and then licked it off, causing gore to rise from my stomach. I quickly swallowed down the bile. The thought of him doing what he had threatened had me feeling weak. Because I knew that shit would be unbearably painful.

“This part I want you to watch and enjoy,” he smiled cruelly.

He retrieved a baseball bat and then pushed Mina’s bloody body to the floor, causing a loud thud when she hit the ground followed by a groan of pain. She had fallen on her face and busted her mouth because blood was now gushing from her lips and gums.

He arranged her body so that she was on her hands and knees. She could barely stay upright, but when he got behind her and started poking at her pussy with the large end of the bat
, she fought him with all her might though she was no match for him. The pain and the blood loss had weakened her, allowing him to ram the bat inside her pussy and her ass repeatedly.

Her screams were even more gruesome than when he was cutting her. And the shit and the blood gushing from her two openings told of the unbearable pain she was feeling. Smelling that putrid mix caused me to vomit and piss on myself
. I knew that was what was awaiting me.

I breathed a sigh of relief when he was done raping her with the bat.

“I think I’m gonna let my dogs fuck you before I use this on you,” Dread told me, motioning to his gore covered bat. “You’re a nasty hoe and nasty hoes get fucked by dogs.” I paled and he laughed. “Let mi finish up with this bitch and then I’ll get to you.”

He dragged Mina over to the dogs and left her just out of their reach. I didn’t think she would have been able to move but when she heard their growls as they advanced on her
, her head snapped up and her eyes became as big as saucers. She scrambled to her feet and then scurried away from them but fell to the floor before she got too far.

“You can’
t get away bitch,” Dread cackled maniacally. “There’re gonna have some fun with you tonight.”

She spat
a wad of blood at his feet and it was then I realized that her front teeth were missing. It must have happened from her fall.

“Fuck you,” she said hoarsely,
surprising the hell out of me. I didn’t think she had any fight left in her. “Fuck you, you fucking asshole. I hope that one day you burn in hell.”

A look of anger and hatred overcame Dread’s face. “I thought I’d broken you but I see that I’m mistaken,” he glared at her as he went over to the dogs and s
tarted untying their leashes. “I guess I’ll see you in hell then bitch.”

The humongous dogs shot towards her bloody body and started ripping into her flesh. A
nd as they ate her alive I couldn’t tell which screams were hers and which screams were mine, because as she was feeling the agony, I was feeling the dread of knowing that would soon be me.








When Ninja returned I was sitting on the couch with Ricky, watching cartoons. He nodded to me and I followed him to the bedroom without question.

“I was nice to you when I allowed
the kids to stay in the next room, so don’t even think about giving mi any problems now,” he warned as he glared at me. “Take off your clothes I want some pussy.”

“I’m having my period right now,” I confessed.

“Well I don’t give a fuck about that cause I’m about to get mi some of that pussy tonight,” he replied as he moved towards me. “Unless you want to give mi some head instead?”

I definitely didn’t want his nasty ass dick in my mouth but I’d definitely take sucking him off than fucking him. “Ok,” I nodded.

He looked at me with suspicion written all over his face. “If you try to bite my shit you’re gonna regret it,” he warned.

“I know,” I nodded again.

He walked over to the bed and removed his gun from his waist. After placing the weapon on the bedside table, he started getting undressed. “Why are you still standing over there,” he snapped. “Come take care of business. And just because you were acting up earlier when we were in the living room, I’m gonna punish that ass tonight. Your pussy may not be ready to get fucked but there ain’t nothing wrong with your asshole.”

I swallowed
hard. I still remembered what Keya said Dread had done to her and I knew Ninja was planning on doing the same evil, disgusting shit to me.

After getting naked he pushed the pillows out the way and sprawled out in the middle of the bed with an expectant look on his face.
And I was happy he didn’t notice the pillow that I had arranged so that it was within easy reach.

I didn’t want to do this shit but I took a deep breath and told myself it would all
be over soon. I climbed onto the bed beside him not bothering to remove my shoes.

His huge honey colored dick was standing at attention and I palmed it
, hoping the disgust I was feeling wasn’t showing on my face. I took the large head into my mouth, eliciting a moan from his throat.

I closed my eyes and started pretending I was giving Tyga head instead of Ninja. It wasn’t working a hundred percent but it helped a lot. I slobbered all over his junk, getting it real wet so that my lips and tongue could glide easily up and down his shaft as I took him all the way in the back of my throat. I had perfected deep throating and my gag reflex didn’t kick in anymore.

He was moaning and groaning just the way I wanted him

“Damn that shit feels so damn good,” he said on a moan. “I swear I’m about to bust a real big one.”

I pumped my right hand at the base as I sucked even harder while my left hand inched towards the pillow I had arranged earlier. He was so preoccupied, pulling on my hair and moaning like a bitch, he wasn’t aware of what I was doing.

At first I couldn
’t find what I had stashed in the pillow while he’d been away and I became a little panicked, but as I felt his cum shooting into my mouth, my hand finally closed around the blade. It was the razor that Maria had used to attack Daisy. I had taken it from her that day in the parking lot, then brought it home and stashed it below my bathroom sink. Then when Ricky had found it, I moved it to the medicine cabinet in my bathroom. Earlier, when Ninja had left I’d grabbed it from the cabinet and then I hid it in one of the pillows on the bed.

I continued sucking up Ninja’s babies as I flicked my blade open and in one smooth move
, I swiped it through the base of his dick.

I was left with his chopped off dick in my mouth as blood immediately started spraying from the place it had been attached
to only a couple seconds before.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,” Ninja cried in agony
, grabbing onto his crotch. “Bitch I’m gonna kill you for this.”

I spat his useless meat at him. I
guess he wasn’t gonna be using that shit to violate anyone anymore. Then I jumped off the bed and grabbed the gun from the bedside table, pointing it at him. “Let me see you try,” I glared at him. Blood was covering my face, hands and chest and I could just imagine how demented I looked. “You didn’t think you were gonna violate me again and get away with that shit.”

“Just wait until I get my hands on you bitch,” he moaned
. Using the sheet to stem the flow of the blood as he tried to rise from the bed.

I heard a loud crash downstairs and a lot of shouting then gunfire. “Bleed bitch bleed,” I chuckled as I started firing. He got hit twice in the chest and once in the head. The bullet that caught him in the head splattered his brains all over the damn bed and headboard.

After I was done killing him I stashed my weapon in the back of my waist then rushed to the bathroom to wash the blood off my hands and face. I didn’t want to scare Ricky any more than he already was. As soon as I was relatively presentably I hurried out the door, ready to collect my kids. But as I was rushing through the bedroom door, that bitch Lena was rushing into the room and we smacked into each other. We both fell to the floor.

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