Loving Angel 3 (15 page)

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Authors: Carry Lowe

BOOK: Loving Angel 3
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When I was done in the bathroom I
found my son watching TV in the new mini-living room that was attached to the master bedroom. But Tyga was nowhere to be found.

“Where is daddy?” I asked Ricky.

“He said he going to work in the basement,” he told me after he had stopped bouncing on the couch. “My daddy said he wasn’t hurting you.”

“He wasn’t,” I promised as I pulled him into my arms and placed a kiss on his forehead. “Mommy and daddy were just doing grownup stuff.”

“What’s grownup stuff?”

“When you’re older you’ll learn what it is.” I changed the subject. “Let’s go get some breakfast. What do you want this morning?”

“Fruity Pebble cereal.”

I should have known better than to ask that
question because the answer was always the same. If he could have Fruity Pebbles for breakfast, lunch and dinner he’d be eating that shit at every meal.

We were going down the staircase when Ricky started running.

“Don’t run on the stairs!” I scolded him.

No sooner had the words left my mouth
, when I tripped and fell down the last few steps, coming to a painful stop on my side.

My son ran over to me looking worried. “Mommy,” he said in an unsure voice.

I tried to rise up but a sharp pain cramped my back and stomach. I groaned, clamping my hand against my belly as another surge of pain vibrated through it. “Ricky go get your daddy and don’t run.”

He nodded and took off at a quick clip
, although I had told him not to.

As I waited for my husband to come help me
, tears of worry and pain escaped my eyes. With the amount of pain I was feeling I just knew something was wrong with my baby, and I just knew I wouldn’t be able to survive the loss of another child.

















My wife was holding my hand in a death grip as the doctor moved the ultrasound wand on her belly. I knew she was worried about the baby and I was too. I had become attached to our daughter and the thought of losing her had me feeling all types of fucked up

“Well, despite the slight bleeding the baby’s heart rate is strong and she doesn’t seem to be in any type of distress
,” Doctor Thomas assured us and I saw some of the worry in Sexy’s eyes slowly dissipate.

is the baby going to be ok? And what about the pain my wife was feeling?”

“She’s definitely going to be ok. And as for the pain, that sometimes happens after a fall, along with the bleeding
. But it doesn’t mean that the baby is in distress.”

I breathed a sigh of relief at her words and felt the pressure on my hand decrease
, so I knew Angel had relaxed a bit too.

“So when will the bleeding stop?” Sexy wanted to know.

“I would give it a couple of hours. By then it should stop completely and if it doesn’t you should definitely contact me immediately.” She used a piece of napkin to wipe off the goop from Angel’s stomach.

“Do I have to do anything specif
ic to ensure that things don’t get worse?”

just have to take it easy for a couple of weeks to be on the safe side and everything will be good.”

“I can definitely do that,” Sexy promised the doctor.

But despite her promise, a couple hours later my wife and her cousin were decked out in our bedroom excitedly going over wedding plans. And with all the animated talking and shuffling of papers as they looked at photographs of cakes, I wouldn’t exactly say that my wife was taking it easy.

“I definitely love the way this cake looks and its red velvet,” Daisy was saying to Sexy.

“Oh shit, that does look good,” Angel replied excitedly. “I can’t wait until we go cake tasting.” She rubbed her swollen stomach as she licked her lips.

“I thought you were
supposed to be relaxing,” I said as I grabbed my watch off the dresser.

“I am,” she assured me.
“Aren’t I in bed?”

“You’re in bed but you’re definitely not relaxing.”

She waved off my complaint. “I’m good and our daughter is good too, so stop worrying. You should know by now that I would never do anything to put our baby at risk.”

I nodded and relaxed a bit because I knew that was the truth.

After giving Sexy a kiss on the forehead and garnering a promise from her that she wouldn’t leave the bed unless it was necessary, I left them to their plans and headed to the club. I had some things I needed to take care of at Adore, mainly that bitch Lena.

Although I had convinced my wife that the
text message she had received was from Ninja, I knew without a doubt that it was that trick Lena who’d sent it. She was the only person I had stepped out on my wife with and I could see her sending that text to try to fuck with my relationship because I kept rejecting her. She was going to learn a lesson today that I wasn’t to be fucked with. My family was the most important thing to me and anyone who tried to destroy it, had to be dealt with harshly.

By the time I got to Adore
, I had gotten so angry my blood was boiling in my veins. I stormed through the club, bypassing everyone who was trying to get my attention and went directly to my office. That was where the trick worked during the evening hours.

I heard the sound
of arguing coming from inside my office and the closer I got the voices became more distinct. It was Lena and Andro; those two had been hanging out more and more lately.

“Are you gonna do it or not,” Lena asked angrily.

“Didn’t I already tell you I would? I’m just waiting for the right opportunity. Why the fuck do you keep pressuring me?”

“Because you keep acting like you want to back out. And you must know that wouldn’t be a smart idea.”

While they were speaking they were exiting the room but they both closed their traps as soon as they saw me, surprise obvious on their faces. I wished they hadn’t spotted me so soon because I wanted to hear more of their conversation so that I could determine what they were talking about.

“You’re here early,” Lena was the first to speak.

“Andro, give me a minute, I want to talk to this trick.”

For the first time since I had known him
, my wife’s brother didn’t give me any backtalk, he simply left after giving me a head nod. I guess he could tell from the look on my face that if he’d opened his trap and said the wrong thing I would have knocked some of his teeth out.

“What’s wrong with you?” Lena wanted to know as I dragged her into the office and locked the door b
ehind us. Fear was evident in her voice.

I gave her a backhanded slap that sent her knocking into my desk
. Then I followed up with a more powerful blow, this time with my closed fist. She fell to the floor, screaming in pain as I punched and kicked the shit out of her, not deterred for a second by her cries.

When I t
hought she had enough I ceased the beating then grabbed my gun from my waist and shoved it into the side of her forehead.

“Please don’t kill me,” she begged.

“Why shouldn’t I? Answer that question trick. Why shouldn’t I?”

“I’m sorry,” she apologized, tears streaming down her blood streaked face. “I was just angry because you kept turning me down.”

“Next time you even think about fucking with my family, you should remember that I don’t give second chances. I’ll put a bullet in your fucking head and won’t even feel bad about it. So remember that trick. Now get the fuck out my office. You’re fired.”

She scrambled off the floor, grabbe
d her purse off the ground where it had landed during her beating and then she was out the door. I hoped that she would take heed to my warning because I was as serious as a heart attack.














It was July twenty-second which was my wife’s birthday and we were having a barbeque at our house to celebrate it. A lot of fucked up shit had happened over the last couple of months and she just wanted to get all our friends and family together so that we could at least celebrate the things we had to be thankful for.

We had set up shop in the back yard. It was a very large grassy area and we
’d rented some outdoor tables and chairs then laid them out on the grass. There was good weather, music and lots of food.

I was currently working the grill with a thong in one hand and a beer in the other. I was making burgers, st
eaks, hotdogs and corn on the cob.

“Are you gonna stand there all day watching your woman or are you going to help a nigga flip some of this shit
?” I asked Delco.

Daisy was sitting by one of the tables eating with my wife and Andro. My wife’s brother was looking a little too interested in Delco’s woman and my boy wasn’t looking too happy about it.

Since Andro had joined Ty’s team he’d been behaving himself and wasn’t trying to pull any shiesty shit. But I knew Ty was still keeping an eye on him in case he changed his tune.

“I don’t know why that nigga is all up in my woman’s
face,” Delco frowned at them.

“Nigga chill,” I chuckled. “You know Daisy ain’t interested in that clown. She loves your dumb ass
, although you ain’t got a lick of sense.” I still couldn’t understand how he could have gone raw dog with a bitch if he didn’t want to get her pregnant. “Plus ya’ll about to get married in a couple months. You know you got her on lock.”

“I want a hot dog sausage,”
my mini-me ran up to us and demanded.

“I want one too please uncle,” Kiki asked in a more polite tone.

“What happened to the please, little gangsta?” I asked Ricky as I placed a sausage on a plate and handed it to his cousin.

“Please daddy,” he said showing off all his baby teeth in a big smile.

“Much better.” I handed him a plate too.

“Thank you,” they sang in unison and
then ran off.

“Hit me with another burger,” Dwayne said while rubbing his big ass belly. He had already gotten two burgers, a st
eak and two corn on the cobs from the grill. Add in the mac and cheese, potato salad and fried chicken from the food my wife had prepared and this nigga was a fucking bottomless pit. The only other person taking down the food like him, was my baby brother.

My entire crew was currently sitting by one of the tables eating, drinking and joking around. It was the first time in a long time that I’d seen some of them with a smile on their faces. John’s death
was really hard on all of us but we were trying to move on because that was what he would have wanted us to do. All the guys from my team had accepted my baby bro as an official member of my crew. They all knew I wasn’t trying to use him to replace John but I needed the little nigga close to me so that I could keep a close watch on him and ensure he stayed safe.

Chance came up behind Dwayne. “Hit me with another one too.

“Ya’ll niggas trying to eat all the
damn food,” Delco complained jokingly. He had finally stopped watching Daisy and Andro like a hawk. My nigga wasn’t usually the possessive type but for some reason he didn’t trust Andro around his woman.

“Not everybody can be like you nigga, letting love fill your belly
,” Chance retorted, causing Dwayne and I to crack up. I guess I wasn’t the only one who realized Delco was watching his woman.

“Nah, you just love fucking old bitches,” my best friend returned. “I wonder where your old lady is.” He placed emphasis on the

I chuckled as I handed over the two burgers I had fixed for Dwayne and Chance. “I think she’s coming through later,” I provided.

Chance flashed me the bird as he and Dwayne walked away.

My wife and
her mother still weren’t getting along with each other but I had called Mina a couple days ago and invited her to her daughter’s birthday celebration. She was supposed to be riding over with Missy and Keya.

“I’m about to go handle my business,” Delco said before heading for Daisy. He didn’t say a word to her. He just lifted her from her seat
and then threw her over his shoulder. He headed for the house with a smirk on his face as she screamed at him and pounded on his back. I guess he was about to go get him some.

I had to shake my head at their antics.

“What are you smirking about?” Angel asked as she waddled over to me. She was eight and a half months pregnant and looked like she was ready to pop.

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