Loving Angel 3 (11 page)

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Authors: Carry Lowe

BOOK: Loving Angel 3
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He opened his eyes and they were swimming with tears.

I rushed over to him in concern. “What’s wrong?”

“John’s dead,” he replied with his voice breaking.

I wrapped my arms around him thanking my lucky stars he wasn’t the one whose life had ended. Silent tears ran down his face and dripped onto my shoulder as I held him. I knew he must have been torn up over his friend’s death and I was feeling sad for him.

As quickly as the tears had come
they stopped just as suddenly.

“What happened?” I asked him. After Delco explained what had went down I was terribly shaken knowing it could have been him. The life Delco and his friends were leading was so dangerous any one of them could be gone forever at any time.

The worst part was that he and I hadn’t been on the best of terms when everything happened, therefore he could have died not knowing just how much I loved and appreciated him.

Yes, he had fucked up by withholding information from me but Delco and I had a really amazing relationship
. And I wasn’t about to throw away my man so that the next bitch could swoop in and snatch him up.

After I
’d kicked him out the house, it only took me a week of missing him to know that I wanted him back home with me and the kids. But from past experience I knew I couldn’t just take him back because he wouldn’t learn his lesson if I took him back too easily. So I had to wait before I could make up with him.

I had been
planning on punishing him for a few more months before I forgave him but with the death of his friend, I was going to have to change my plans because I was definitely going to be there for my man.

“I’m so sorry Delco. I know John and you were mad tight,” I said with empathy in my voice, holding him close. “I’m just glad you’re safe.”

“It’s just so fucked up that he’s gone forever,” he sighed.

“I know.”

“Where are the girls?” he wanted to know. “I want to spend the rest of the day with my family.”

“They’re at my mother’s house. She wanted them to spend the weekend with her but I’m sure she’ll understand if we went and got them.”

I completely understood his need to have those he loved close to him after suffering the loss of a good friend.

I had never experienced the loss of a loved one before but with how sick my sister had gotten
, I was afraid I was going to have to deal with her death in the near future.

Keya was doing a little better since she stopped taking the drugs
but she was still very sick. Our mother was taking my sister’s sickness very badly and I just knew that if Keya died it would take a toll on our mother.

I just hoped and prayed that Keya stayed alive.

Delco and I went and picked up the girls from my mother’s house and spent a relaxing evening at home as a family. I cooked us dinner while he played with the kids. After we ate Delco gave the kids a bath
, while I cleaned up the kitchen. Kita fell asleep right after her bath but Kiki wasn’t sleepy yet, so we watched
with her until she was finally out like a light.

As soon as Kiki was
down for the count my man and I were ready to make up in the bedroom. We headed to the bathroom and once we stripped naked, we got into the shower.

“I missed your ass like crazy,” Delco confessed as he kissed my shoulder. He had just finished scrubbing me
, after I did the same to him.

“I missed you too,” I confessed, turning my back to the water so that I could reach up and take his mouth in a heated kiss.

He pulled my body into his by grabbing onto the globes of my ass and the erection pressing into my belly told me just how much he missed me. As our tongues danced in each other’s mouths and our hands roamed the places we hadn’t touched in weeks, I felt my pussy juices dripping down my legs. I really needed him inside me ASAP.

“Let’s get out of here,” I said after tearing my mouth away from his.

We hurried out of the shower and toweled off quickly, then headed to the bedroom where we immediately started kissing and pawing at each other again.

Delco picked me up and threw me on the bed then joined me, slipping between by thighs before taking a nipple into his mouth. I moaned in pleasure, grabbing onto the back of his head as I felt my pussy clenching. After paying homage to one breast
, he moved to the other and did the same. Sucking so sweetly, I felt it all the way down to my toes as they curled.

There wasn’t a part of my body that Delco d
idn’t kiss, suck and lick that night. Then he finally moved to my dripping wet pussy that was weeping with need.

He nuzzled his nose into my core, taking in my scent. “Damn you smell so fucking good and you’re
wet as fuck too,” he said then he licked up my slit. His warm wet tongue caused my pussy to spasm in a mini orgasm and as he flicked his tongue against my clit, I felt like I was going to die from the pleasure.

“Oh God, oh god,” I chanted as his tongue moved faster and faster like a freaking vibrator. He sucked my clit into his mouth and I screamed, grabbing his head then pressing his face into my pussy. The things that nigga was doing with his lips and tongue
, was just too fucking much for me to bear. I shot right into the stratosphere as I had one of the most powerful orgasms of my life.

He licked up my juices before moving up my body and in one swift stroke he was buried within me.

“Oh fuck,” he groaned in pleasure. “Don’t ever keep my pussy away from me again Daisy.”

“I won’t,” I promised. I would have promised him the world
at that moment. That was how good he was feeling inside me.

He gave me a slow kiss before he started moving, his thrust measured and steady.

Our sex was very slow and filled with a lot of love and passion that night. And as I stared into Delco’s eyes as he moved above me, I could see all the love I felt bursting from my heart mirrored in his eyes.

I knew our future wouldn’t be easy because of Maria’s crazy ass and the fact that he was going to have a baby by her
. But I also knew that because we loved each other we could make it through whatever obstacles we were going to face.


















John had been dead and buried for almost three weeks now but I was still feeling shook from his death. I always felt a small amount of duty whenever someone in my organization died. Since I was their leader, it was my responsibility to keep them safe. John had been a real good dude and he went hard for our crew, so I made sure that his family didn’t want for anything. I took care of the cost of his funeral, plus gave his mother and his baby mama a hundred grand each. I knew he had left them financially set already but I wanted them to know that I appreciated that my nigga always rode for me.

Ty’s forearms got badly cut up from
his jump through the window. Plus he would be wearing a three inch long scar on his right cheek for the rest of his life. But I don’t think my boy was worried about that shit because he was too busy feeling responsible for John’s and Soner’s deaths. He felt accountable because he had continued with the deal even though I had advised against it. And to make matters worse, John had died while trying to drag him to safety. I could see that my home boy was living with a lot of regret but no one blamed him for what had happened. I guess dying was just a part of the life we were living.

Those two bitch niggas Dread and Ninja still hadn’t come out o
f the woodwork and I was hoping they were both dead. But I wasn’t about to hold my breath for that shit because I knew the greater chance was that they were just laying low again. I had increased the reward for information pertaining to their whereabouts, from one hundred grand to two but the bait still hadn’t gotten a bite.

In the meantime, while I waited for them to make their next move I was tightening the structure of my organization. That was why I was having this meeting today. I was adding some new blood to our teams. All
the usual suspects were present, which included Uncle Elijah, Ronny, EJ and Delco. But along with the lieutenants two other people were also there; Chance and Tyrone. Most of the faces were looking at me expectantly, probably wondering why my brother and my best friend were present.

I’m sure ya’ll are wondering why I called this unplanned meeting,” I said. And both Ronny and Uncle Elijah nodded while everyone else’s expression remained stoic. “Well today I offered Tyrone the unfilled lieutenant’s position and he accepted.”

After my revelation, a
round of congratulations echoed around the room. Ty had gone hard for our organization the night of the bust on the Jamaicans and to everyone in the room that spoke of loyalty. So they accepted him happily and without questions.

the room was silent again, I revealed the next piece of news. “I’ve also decided to give Chance the empty spot on my team.” It was high time my baby bro officially took a position in the family business.

There was another round of congratulations but
in respect of John’s memory, this one was more sedate.

they had settled down again I moved on to another matter I wanted to discuss with them. “Ya’ll know that Kitsune and I have squashed our beef.” After everyone gave the obligatory nod I continued. “Well he approached me about us doing business together. He wants to start selling coke and he’s planning on purchasing his product from me.” I wanted to hear their opinions.

“He seems like a cool dude when his people aren’t trying to blow our heads off,” Delco said. “I don’t see a reason why we can’t do some business togeth
er. He isn’t taking any food from our mouths.”

“Yeah, but a lot of the other middle men are gonna be pissed that he’s taking away from their business.” Kit was planning on buying a lot of keys from me then reselling
it to the block boys.

“Well that’s their problem,” EJ interjected. “I may not want to be friends with the damn Jamaicans but I definitely don’t mind doing business with them. Especially one as lucrative as this.”

Ronny and Uncle Elijah nodded in agreement. We were definitely going to be moving the product a lot faster if we were dumping it off on Kit. If everything went well, this year would be the year we topped the charts in profits.

After the meeting ended, Uncle Elijah, EJ and Ronny left but
the rest of the guys stayed behind.

s for finally giving me a chance,” my brother said, giving me a one arm hug. “I definitely won’t let you down.” Since Junior’s death he didn’t act as reckless anymore. I think losing his friend had matured him a lot.

“I wouldn’t have given you the position if I thought you couldn’t handle it,” I assured him.

“Well, thanks for the confidence in me.”

“I hope your chest isn’t puffed up too much now that you’re officially a part of the lead team
baby bro,” Delco joked, slapping Chance on the back.

“Whatever nigga.” Chance punched him in the arm playfully. “Don’t be mad because you’re not a part of the number one crew anymore.”

“That’s because I run my own crew nigga. Something that you’re gonna need a lot more stripes to do.”

“Nigga please, just wait and see how quickly I’m gonna make lieutenant.”

I tuned out their argument and turned to Ty. “I’m putting Andro on your crew.”

“I knew you were going
to do some shit like that to me.” He grimaced, stretching the pink scar on his cheek. “Why do I have to get your unwanted in-law?”

“Because he
doesn’t want him,” Chance provided.

“I hope that nigga realizes that I don’t pla
y around with my subordinates. Because the few times I came in contact with him, he seemed mad cocky and acted like someone who thinks they’re entitled.”

“I’ll have a talk with him when I drop by the club later. He’s been hanging
out over there a lot lately. I think he’s dating Lena.”

“The bitch
finally got over you,” Delco joked.

god for that.” For a minute I’d thought the hoe was going to try to create problems in my relationship. So I was more than thankful I’d finally gotten rid of her.

But later that evening when I stopped by the club to talk with Andro
, Lena quickly disabused me of that notion.

’re you doing boss man?” She smiled flirtatiously as soon as she saw me. “You’re looking very sexy in that suit.” I was wearing an Armani suit because I had just gotten back from a business dinner with my stock broker. I was branching out, trying to invest my money in some lucrative ventures.

“Is Andro around
?” I asked her, ignoring the compliment.

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