Loving Siblings: Aidan & Dionne (16 page)

Read Loving Siblings: Aidan & Dionne Online

Authors: Catharina Shields

Tags: #adult fiction, #erotica brother sister incest, #adopted siblings erotica, #romance with adopted sister and brother theme, #older female younger male, #adult romance fiction

BOOK: Loving Siblings: Aidan & Dionne
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Dionne,” he began with an earnest

She ceased giggling and smiled warmly down
at his somewhat tense face, and he could see she saw how troubled
he was as her giggles ceased, and her smile faded some.

Yes, Aidan?”

Did you--? I mean, you said I wasn’t
disappointing, but . . . er . . . how many—I mean, uh, as opposed
to . . . what?” he stuttered.

She frowned curiously down at him for a few
moments as she searched his eyes. Her gaze dropped to his
stammering lips and then rose to his embarrassed face where his
skin had gotten a lot darker in his cheek area. Then a dawning
swept over her face, and she smiled. She shook her head as she
placed light fingers under his chin, and she smiled down into his
uncharacteristically insecure eyes.

Are you asking me how I’ve learned to
do this?”

No!” he blurted much too quickly,
making her eyebrow pop. “I-I mean, I don’t need to know who you
were with—”

Aidan Boyd van Nuys,” she said with a
schoolmarmish tone, “I’ll say it once and I’ll never say it again,
but before you start getting the wrong idea about me, you need to
know I’ve never, ever done this for
before. Only you. That’s the god-honest
truth.” She gave him an unmistakably open and earnest look before
she popped brows. “Happy now?”

She moved to get up, but his arm swept
around her and made her stay put. She looked down at him with big,
curious eyes before she blinked when his head shot up and he
pressed his lips against hers in a long kiss, quieting her until
she melted on top of him. When he slowly broke the kiss, he cupped
her face and looked up into her warm eyes with an earnest message
in his.

I mean, you don’t need to tell me
where you’ve learned—”

Let me repeat myself this
.” She looked a
little irritated. “I have never done this for
, but you. My skill is all imagination. My
knowledge? I get it from medical textbooks on the human anatomy in
addition to having had to sit through more XXX-rated movies for
purchase approval as the unofficial and unpaid merchandise
purchaser for The Video Paradise, Aidan.” His frown instantly
disappeared, and Dionne couldn’t help but bubble up in laughter.
“Yes, I know that confession makes you happy.”

Funny, he thought quietly to himself, but
she just gave him the world’s best head—at least, in HIS
opinion—that should’ve had him grinning ear to ear, but it was her
smile, and her laughter that ultimately did that.

I hate competition,” he said with a
big, broad smile.

Don’t I know it!” she said with a
giggle, shaking her head with impishly sparkling eyes.

When she moved to get off of him again, his
hands flew to her waist and held her put, drawing a curious look.
“What, Aidan? I thought I’d explained—”

I want to return the

His bold hand slipped down her body to her
hip, but he felt her hand come alive and stop him. He frowned
curiously as she lowered her lashes as if she were shy all of a

Maybe later,” she said softly,
raising lashes to look into his confused blue eyes.

In all truth and honesty, he was still
floating on Cloud 9 and he didn’t think much about her suddenly
uneasy and shy demeanor. Instead, he felt his heart lurch before
she slipped off his body and walked back to the house.

Maybe later?
That opened up a whole host of new possibilities! It could
mean she would be open to more with him, right? What else would it
mean? Maybe, he thought eagerly, this time they could both be naked
and take it to the max. No, he thought. He needed to take it slow
and that’s what he aimed to do. He still owed her, too. But damn!
Wouldn’t it be perfect if she’d let him do more than just

He seriously doubted she’d mind since, well,
he’d never expected her to do what she’d done—and so out of the
blue, too! So maybe, when they’re together later on, she’d want
more. As he thought of this, he allowed himself to lie back on the
chaise, and he folded his muscular arms behind his head as he gazed
up at the canopy above him.

He decided he’ll let her decide the pace. He
didn’t want to push her. He wanted to show her he was what she
needed and he’d allow her to guide them and their rhythm so she’d
feel comfortable with him. After all, this was all so new to them
both, and it took patience if he wanted a long, lasting
relationship with his Dionne. And that was the end goal. Always had

Yeah,” he muttered to himself as he
swiped away a buzzing insect from his face. “That’s the end

He suddenly felt very giddy, energized, and
happy by these thoughts. When he went inside, he saw Dionne hadn’t
gone to her attic room to change, but was still in her bathing suit
by the counter stretching saran wrap over two plates with thick,
hearty tuna salad sandwiches. Still filled with that immense
happiness, he rushed up behind her and snatched her off her feet
making her squeal in surprise before she burst into giggles.

Aidan! Put me down, you big

He chuckled as he turned her about-face
before he snatched her up and again and spun with her until she was
dizzy before he let her slide down his tall length, watching her
cheeks burn having felt every inch of his body by that act.

Clever boy he was, he’d keenly backed her
against the wall and cornered her with his bulk. His big sisters
smiled feeling his hands on her waist, and her hands in turn, rose
and took his arms lightly before he bent his head as she raised
hers, offering her lips willingly. They kissed long and sensuously,
and when they finally broke the kiss, they were both out of

I need a shower,” she whispered

Me too,” he said with a deep, hoarse
voice. “Need a shower pal? I think we need to explore this new and
exciting thing we have,” he added as he looked into her big

She went briefly stiff, but he was too
excited at the prospect of sharing a shower with her that he didn’t
notice. Just when he thought he was going to have a shower pal, she
gently pushed his arm away, confusing him before she pulled out of
the corner and walked to the door. Her demeanor had changed. She
was suddenly so calm and cool.


The front door opened, and boisterous and
excited laughter broke the silence, and disintegrated the magic
between them. Suddenly, Dionne was surrounded by their siblings as
they all vied for her attention because he wasn’t the only one who
missed her. They missed her, too. She must’ve heard them at the
door, he reasoned, and that accounted for her sudden change.

Yeah. That was it.

He walked over and stood behind her as
he smiled while listening to their one hundred word per minute
stories, but sly boy that he was, he let light fingertips caress up
and down Dionne’s spine while maintaining the calmest look
possible. He felt her twitch and move before she jolted and let a
hand fly to her back, slapping his thigh making him lurch off to
his left to defend his sensitive part from a wayward slap—a very
part that
already wanted much, much more.

Well, as you motormouths can feel for
yourself, I’ve had a swim and now I need a shower to get all this
chlorine out of my hair,” Dionne said.

They emitted a collective “aww!”, but she
only smiled before she bent and kissed blonde Sherri on her pudgy
cheek, ruffled the two boys’ hair, and wiggled fingers at her two
redheaded sisters. Then she walked to the staircase as oldest
younger brother followed her to stand at the bottom of the stairs,
his eyes glued to her behind enjoying the sway of her hips as she
climbed the stairs.

I think I forgot my Van Halen CD up
in your room, Dionne,” he said as he curled a hand over the railing
of the stairs, perching his chin on it. His brows and eyes lifted
to watch her as she half turned to look down at him with an arched
brow, but also with a flushed face.

There was also a delectably wicked smile
that drew a slow and wolfish one from him.

As they shared this quiet, subtle
interaction, neither saw the others head for the den. They didn’t
notice that Dad was frowning curiously at them both, his gaze going
from Aidan’s tall, lean, sinewy body, to Dionne’s, in Dad’s
opinion, skinny one. Then again, Arnold liked big women, hence his
trying to stuff Mom with sweets from See’s Candies every chance he
got when she was on one of her many diet fads. See’s Candies were
her only weakness!

Then Arnold frowned when he remembered
something. He remembered he still had a one pound box of cream
filled bonbons in the pantry where he hid it for safekeeping. Betty
had been trying to secretly diet, but that wasn’t going to happen
on his watch! He grinned as he turned to walk into that direction
passing his oldest son who stood with his round backside out a
little from the stair’s wall as he silently flirted with

Arnold paused and frowned.

Sorry, Dad!” Aidan said as he shot up
straight to let his father pass.

I’ll bring your CD down when I’m
done,” Dionne said teasingly from above, making her younger brother
snap up his head with a disappointed look. Gadzooks! Dionne
thought. He was even pouting! She wished she could giggle by that
thought, but she felt too troubled to.

Knowing there was NO chance Dionne would
invite him up to her room to share her shower—this time—Aidan
sighed, and pushed back from the railing to reluctantly headed for
his own shower in that lonely basement room.


Yeah, Dad?”

Didn’t you have swimming practice
today, Son?” Dad asked curiously.

Aidan had already made it to the door to the
basement and held it open, but he paused as he looked at his
father. “Yeah, but I didn’t feel like going.” He shrugged.
“Besides, it was just routine practice. I’m thinking of giving up
swimming, what with all the meetings I have lined up with
university scouts. It’s really no biggie.”

Oh.” Arnold nodded. “Okay.” He turned
to go to the kitchen to help Betty with lunch, thinking he’d get
that box of candy later on, but then he paused again as a troubled
look appeared on his Asian features. “Aidan!”

Aidan was already inside the door to the
basement, but he stopped as he poked his head out to look at his
father. “Yeah, Dad?”

Arnold allowed a brief pause to fall,
needing his son’s full and undivided attention. When he saw he had
it, he said, “She’s not a toy, Son. She’s older, and she’s nothing
like the girls you’ve been knowing. You know? You think about that.
Think about that real hard, okay? Don’t hurt her.”

Aidan stared silently as his father for a
moment. Then he swallowed and cleared his throat as he looked
calmly back. “Who, Dad? Who’re you talking about?”

I’m talking about the one who keeps
giving you
” And he
nodded down his son’s tall length to the level of his

Aidan, feeling a little off kilter as it
was, looked stupidly down to see what his father was referring to,
but when he did, he quickly shot hands in front of the telltale
bump in his Bermudas before he raised his head and smiled
sheepishly at his father.

Dad! Come on!”

You just make sure that shower’s a
cold one, Son. We don’t want you scaring your brothers and sisters,
OR you mother, do we?” Dad said with a wry look.

Aidan nodded, and then stepped back inside,
closing the door behind him.

There was
anymore. Their father was aware of them, and if
Dad knew then Mom did, too! But then again, Aidan reasoned as he
peeled off his Bermudas in his small bathroom, slowly smiling, was
that such a bad thing?

Nope,” he answered verbally. “Not
such a bad thing at all.”

In fact, it could actually work in both
Dionne’s and his favor as he strived to take the place of Dionne’s
main man, and start on a new relationship together.

After what happened by the pool, it was
clear they’d outgrown the sibling thing.

He soaped his tall body under the warm spray
of the shower, and he looked down at his member that was still at
“half mast”, dripping with soapy water. In his mind’s eye, he could
still see his pretty sister’s lips wrapped around it, sucking him
with a gentle passion that made his body tingle all over again.

Oh man, Dionne,” he whispered in the
steamy shower stall, and then he wrapped his lean hand around his
rising shaft before he closed his eyes, and relived those amazing
moments by the poolside. “I love you,” he whispered.

And he meant it with all his young but
determined heart.



If At First You Don’t


Aidan was slumped down in an armchair
looking pretty upset. He was frustrated about a lot of things, but
mainly because he hadn’t made one iota of progress with Dionne
after that soul shattering event by the poolside.

And then there were the more mundane
problems he had to deal with.

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