Read Loving Their Vixen Mate (Pack Wars Book 4) Online

Authors: Vella Day

Tags: #Paranormal Erotica, #Paranormal Menage (MFM), #Paranormal Werewolf Romance

Loving Their Vixen Mate (Pack Wars Book 4) (36 page)

BOOK: Loving Their Vixen Mate (Pack Wars Book 4)
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“Love it. It heightens the senses.”

Sam couldn’t wait to see who tore off the blindfold first. Nimble fingers undid his pants button. Christ, he hadn’t even noticed she’d moved back over to him.

“Remember, no touching,” she said.

“No problem. That goes for Brandon, too.”

She chuckled. “Of course.” He swore he heard her shush his cousin, but he ignored it as soon as she undid the zipper on his jeans.

The relief was amazing. “Want me to take off my shoes?” She’d always had trouble with that.


He bent down, undid the laces, and kicked them off, along with his socks. Now she could take off the rest of his clothes. The sooner she finished, the sooner he could really consummate this relationship. Sam was so ready.

“Let’s take off your shirt,” she said.

Because it was cold, he’d donned something flannel. She eased open the buttons, one at a time. He swore she was delaying as much as possible. “Hurry, baby.”

“Just wait.” She pulled open the shirt and slipped it down his arms.

His cock strained to get out. He shouldn’t have worn briefs. What had he been thinking? She eased his jeans, along with his briefs, down to his thighs and then stopped. When her mouth slipped over his cock, he lost it. He grabbed her head and pressed on it, needing to sink his cock in deeper.

She lifted up. “You’re not supposed to touch me yet.”

“What?” How could he not?

More footsteps sounded. This time she moved in the direction of the side table.

When the key twisted in the lock, he figured out her next move. “Those won’t hold me, you know.” All of the lawmen had been trained how to get out of cuffs in case the criminal got a jump on them. These little girl cuffs would be no match for him. “I’ll break them.”

“We’ll see.” The joy in her voice made him relent.

He held out his arms. She couldn’t have any doubt how much he loved her. Here he was with his pants and briefs down past his knees and ready to be cuffed.

“Behind your back, please.”

He obeyed. As if she’d hurt him, she delicately slipped them on. Because they barely fit, she struggled a bit. He tugged on them to show her she’d done a good job. “Now where were you?”

“Hmm. I think I need to get Brandon naked. He’s been such a good boy.”

That’ll be the day. The tug of material out of Brandon’s jeans, the slide of the zipper, and the shoes falling one at a time, had him ready to bust out of the cuffs and yank off this blindfold. The moment Brandon groaned, and Mackenzie moaned, his willpower dissolved. With a twist and a yank, he broke out of the cuffs and tore off the blindfold. “What the hell?” Brandon wasn’t even blindfolded. They both laughed. “You will pay dearly, my little one.”

Brandon held up his hands. Clearly, she’d convinced him to take part in this prank.

You’ll pay, too, Cuz

She made me
. Brandon had the nerve to smile.

“Hold her.” Sam firmed his lips, ready to take on the woman he loved.

Sam stepped out of his jeans and briefs and tossed them aside. Standing behind her, Brandon wrapped his arms around her waist and held her tight. Sam knelt down and removed her shoes and socks. Next, he unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans then pulled them off, along with her panties. Brandon lifted her so that her feet came off the ground.

Her aroma caused Sam’s cock to grow painfully hard. He’d never gone this long without a woman—another testament to how much he only wanted her.

“Put her on the bed.”

Brandon swooped her up and placed her on the comforter. With a single tug, Sam lifted off her shirt and halted. The sight of her near naked body made him lose his breath. “You are so beautiful.”

Mackenzie sat up and faced him. “Then come and get me.”

*     *     *

Brandon had never been this turned on in his life. Watching Mackenzie tame Sam revealed how much she was part of their lives. “Sam, we can’t allow her to sass us like that.”

“No, we can’t. How about you take off that bra, and then we can figure out what kind of torture we want to inflict.”

“My pleasure.” Now naked, he climbed onto the bed and knelt behind her. Not able to wait any longer, he unhooked her bra and slipped it down her arms. From this angle, her breasts looked fuller, more perfect. Brandon reached around her and lifted both tits. His thumbs stroked and brushed her nipples, the soft, pliable flesh exciting him.

She giggled. “That tickles.”

“Brandon,” Sam admonished. “Let me punish our woman for fooling me. You can have your fun in a moment.”

He wanted to have a say. “May I suggest we punish her by me licking her nipples until she screams, and you playing with her pussy. We’ll edge her close to her climax, and then stop. She’ll be putty in our hands.”

Mackenzie tilted her head back and looked up at him. “I can hear you, you know.”

Brandon leaned over and kissed her. “It’s my form of verbal torture.”

Sam slipped between her legs. “I was thinking more on the lines of softening her up. I say kill two birds with one stone. Spank then lick.”

“I like it,” Brandon said.

“Don’t I get a say so?” Mackenzie asked.

“Nope,” he and Sam said in unison.

Brandon nodded to his cousin. “Whatever we do, we have to make sure she doesn’t come.”

Mackenzie planted her hands on her hips. God, but he loved that pose. “What are you going to do if I come first? I’m weak. Fragile. Vulnerable.”

“Not buying it, so don’t tempt me,” Sam said. “I have a very vivid imagination. Now crawl on Brandon’s lap and take your punishment. Each slap is really from me.”

“Wait until I suck your cock for real. You might not like the payback.”

Sam laughed. It did Brandon good to see his cousin finally cutting loose. Sam acted and looked as if he’d opened a door and let his demons fly away.

Brandon pressed his back against the headboard and motioned for Mackenzie to crawl on top. In this position, most of her legs would dangle off the side of the bed. When she did as he asked, the witch had the nerve to drag her breasts across his thighs. His cock jerked and hair sprouted on his hands. His Pack members must have lied when they said their intense reaction to their mate would slowly wane. So far, every time he’d been with her, Brandon had wanted her more.

Sam knelt by the bed and rested on his elbows so as to have perfect access to her. “Open your legs wide, girl.” She actually obeyed. “Don’t move. Take your punishment like…a man.”

She giggled. “Perhaps you want to rethink that, big boy.”

“Brandon,” Sam said. “Take over.”

As Sam slipped a finger into her pussy, Brandon spanked her butt. When redness welled, he rubbed it away. “You okay?”

“I barely felt that. I want my pussy to sing.”

Maybe Sam was right. Perhaps they should lock her in a house and never let her go. If anything happened to Mackenzie, he would never survive. Brandon put more effort into the next three slaps. With each hit, her ass pinkened and his cock yearned to take her. He wasn’t sure if he could handle any more punishment.

Chapter Thirty-Three

ac was in heaven, or as close to it as she could get. That wasn’t to say, she was having an easy time of it. Hell no. Each time Brandon lowered his hand on her ass, a strong ache would race across her body. Then came the reward. Her clit would tingle and throb, in great need of attention. She could have handled the intensity had Sam not pressed his fingers into her wetness and swirled them around.

“Let’s roll her over, Sam. I need those tits real bad.”

For once, she was glad not to be blindfolded or cuffed. She had to touch them, feel their power. In a flash, she was on her back with Brandon stretched out on one side and Sam between her legs. She thought she could handle both at one time, but when Brandon twisted one nipple while he drew the other into his mouth, shivers of delight skittered down her belly. It didn’t help when Sam finally dragged the pad of his thumb across her distended nub. Bolts of electricity made her dripping wet.

“That’s enough, boys. It’s been a long time.”

Sam looked up at her. “You do know that every time you tell us what to do that we’ll only take our time?”

Damn. “Okay. Torment little ole me.”

Probably to show her who was boss, Sam drew her clit into his mouth and sucked hard. Sparks flew and her breath caught. Brandon seemed to know what Sam had planned, because he pinched her nipple, and her body almost exploded. She moaned and dug her nail into Brandon’s back. She wasn’t sure how much longer she could hold out.

“Please. I’ve been punished enough.” It was totally true. She needed both of their cocks bad.

The bed dipped and four hands flipped her over. “Get on your elbows and knees,” Brandon commanded.

He leaned over, nabbed the lube from the side table, and lobbed it to Sam. He followed that with a string of condoms. Brandon’s cock was within reach. The second Mac dropped down to her elbows, Brandon pulled away.

“No hands. Mouth only. I’m man enough to admit that if you do a full-court press on my cock, it would shoot off like the Fourth of July.”

“Well, then, I’ll just have to tease you only half way.”
Not likely

Brandon moved into position, allowing her easy access. This had been a long time coming. How many nights had she spent dreaming about making love to her men? Too many. Making tiny swirls with her tongue, she dragged it along the vein on his cock.

Brandon hissed. “Sam. Get her ready.”

She smiled until cold lube graced her back hole. She quickly sobered. Mac remembered that hard dildo, which to be honest, wasn’t as exciting as she’d hoped. She wanted the warmth and the flexibility of a real man.

“Don’t tense,” Sam said as he ran his thumb around her tight muscle.

She hadn’t done anything, but she wisely kept quiet, happy to focus on Brandon’s cock. He must have noticed her dilemma and lowered his dick to her mouth.

“Suck on it.”

Just as her lips brushed the tip, Sam slipped a thick finger into her back hole. It pinched a bit then eased as he moved it around, so she went back to devouring Brandon. Then Sam added a second finger. Oh, my God. She didn’t think two fingers could be so wide. Her skin stretched. He pulled them out then rubbed her ass with his other hand. The snap of a condom sounded. This was it. Was she ready? What if they couldn’t both fit?

“Darlin’, stop thinking so hard. I can see your brows pinching. We want to love you. This should be the best moment of your life.”

She glanced up at Brandon, thankful for his encouragement. She nodded and relaxed her rear. Brandon must not have believed she was into the experience, because he reached in and cupped her tits. His large, callused palms soothed her. With continued stroking, she finally relaxed.

She loved Brandon’s touch and was thrilled with the taste and texture of his cock. Increasing the suction, she swirled her tongue around his length. Brandon moved his hands from her breasts to her head and threaded his fingers through her hair. His moan came out loud.

“God, I don’t want to come too soon,” he said.

With Brandon’s lament, Sam placed his sheathed cock against her back hole. He leaned over and rubbed her breasts. “Easy, baby.”

His dick popped in, and her breath caught. Brandon leaned back on his haunches, out of her mouth’s reach. She might have complained, but she was too focused on what Sam was doing. He eased his cock out like he had with the dildo, and then slid it in again, only this time going farther. Between the pinching and rubbing, the stretching was welcome.

Brandon cupped her face. “You’re doing real good, darlin’. A little bit more and then I can eat your pussy.”

These men didn’t understand. She’d never last, especially if Brandon licked her. Sam lowered his hands to her hips, held her still, and then eased on in. Her eyes bugged out.

“It’s huge.”

That was an understatement, but more descriptive words left her. He’d hit erotic nerves she didn’t even know existed. That, coupled with the slight burning, had her panting.

“I’m going to lean you back, baby. Take a deep breath.”

Lean her back?
Sam’s legs stretched out alongside her as he tilted her up. She reached behind her to keep from falling. All thoughts of losing control disappeared as Sam’s cock drove deep inside her.

“Holy fuck.”

Sam laughed. “Not holy. I’m just a man.”

A man who happened to be a werewolf.

Brandon crawled close. “Lift her up.”

As Sam did, Brandon stretched her legs out in front of her, making the position a bit more comfortable. When he leaned on his belly and crawled near, thoughts of Sam’s cock in her ass faded. Brandon smiled and proceeded to lick her clean. Yikes. Swirls of pleasure shot everywhere, and she fought to get enough oxygen into her system.

Sam lifted her hips and held her still. His strength surprised her. She thought he did that to relieve the pressure, but she was wrong. It enabled him to drive straight up into her.


“Hold tight, baby.”

Brandon’s tongue moved faster and faster, until she thought she’d come apart at the seams. Just as she was about to lose control, Brandon stopped. He sat up, placed one foot beside her leg, and held his cock in his hand.

BOOK: Loving Their Vixen Mate (Pack Wars Book 4)
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