Read Loving Their Vixen Mate (Pack Wars Book 4) Online

Authors: Vella Day

Tags: #Paranormal Erotica, #Paranormal Menage (MFM), #Paranormal Werewolf Romance

Loving Their Vixen Mate (Pack Wars Book 4) (37 page)

BOOK: Loving Their Vixen Mate (Pack Wars Book 4)
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“Are you ready to be loved by both of us? To become our mate? ‘Cause I want to love you real hard.”

This was a dream come true. “Yes.”

Brandon moved in and kissed her with an intensity that melted her mind. With his cock at her entrance, her thoughts exploded. She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Love me forever,” she whispered.

“Trust me, we will.”

The second Brandon’s cock slid into her wet pussy, stars formed behind her eyes. With Sam’s humongous cock in her ass and Brandon’s dick in her pussy, there was absolutely no room. But she loved every sensation. She was one with both of them.

She wanted to lift her hips and meet Brandon’s thrusts, but Sam had an iron clad grip on her hips. He knew how much she could handle. Relaxing the best she could, she arched her back, loving the feel of her tender breasts on Brandon’s rippled chest.

They seesawed in and out a few times, probably to help her get used to having both of them inside her. When she screamed their names, they both plowed into her, fast and furiously, taking her into a new realm. Sam’s cock expanded in her ass as he came hard, and Brandon thrust deep once more, held her tight, and shot his cum deep into her. Her climax swept her away, and both men leaned to a different side of her neck and sunk their fangs deep. Joy surrounded her as her mind numbed.

Sam lifted his head and pressed his lips to her ear. “I will love you, girl. Forever.”

What happened after that, Mac didn’t know. Her mind ceased to function. Both men held still as if they were deep into their inner thoughts. Who pulled out first she didn’t remember. Mac closed her eyes and let them stretch out next to her. One of the men cleaned her up and sleep descended.

She’d never been happier in her life.

*     *     *

Three weeks later

Mac had no idea why Cheryl’s parents were throwing a celebration party, and Cheryl was being rather closed-lipped about it. Sure, Cheryl’s parents were thrilled to have their daughter back. That might have been the best thing to happen to the Johnson family. Her parents didn’t get along particularly well, nor had they treated Cheryl with much respect. After this ordeal, they’d all pulled together.

Cheryl’s therapy was going very well, too. She even claimed she didn’t think she needed to go for much longer, which was wonderful news. Cheryl said the worst part of the ordeal might have been when she’d been drugged and put in a cage for a day or two. But Roger Medlock had showered her with gifts and expected nothing from her other than her presence during campaign parties. He required her to learn Florida law, which wasn’t so bad, and write handwritten invitations and thank you notes to his constituents and potential donors.

Mac was pleased Cheryl had survived.

“Ready?” Brandon asked.

Mac had changed three times already. She wasn’t sure why it mattered. Only Cheryl, her parents, and her mom would be there. Her aunt and uncle had met Sam and Brandon, and they seemed to get along really well.


Both men clasped her hand as they headed out to the rental car. They’d been pestering her about whether she wanted to stay in Indiana or go back to Florida. If she decided to stay, changes needed to be made—like having their cars shipped up to them and getting a larger place to live. She kept telling them as soon as Cheryl was ready to move on, Mac would give them her decision.

Sam drove. Her men looked handsome in their pullover sweaters and black jeans. She couldn’t be happier. “I know it’s hard to sit through a party with someone else’s relatives, so I’m thanking you in advance.”

Sam glanced over at her. “Nonsense. Your relatives are our relatives.”

Her heart soared. Yes, they’d told her they loved her, but she wanted more—two husbands and a family.

Sam parked on the street as her parents’ car was in the drive. Brandon jumped out of the backseat and opened her door. A girl could get used to such wonderful treatment. Inside, the whole family was there. Everyone hugged, and Mac had to say she’d never seen such cheer.

“Come in, come in,” Aunt Hannah said.

Once they were seated, Cheryl came out with a tray of champagne. “What’s this for?” Mac asked.

She smiled. “Just take a glass.”

Mac was intrigued. “Something’s happened?”

Her cousin was beaming. “It has.” She held up her glass and looked around. “I was offered a job at McCormack and McCormack law firm.”

Mac set down her glass, jumped up, and drew Cheryl into an embrace. “I’m so happy for you.”

Mac did a mental fist pump and made a note to thank Blaine McCormack for hiring her cousin. The three of them had gone to high school together. While Cheryl always had a crush on the hunkie Blaine, he didn’t seem to notice she existed. When Mac had run into him the other day, he’d said his dad was getting older and wanted to slow down. He suggested Blaine become a partner. That meant they’d need a paralegal. When she suggested Cheryl and told him what her cousin had been through, Blaine said he’d be happy to read her resume. He must have been impressed. The man would definitely be getting a Christmas card this year.

“I still can’t believe it,” Cheryl said. “It’s like the universe is telling me this is where I belong.”

Mac had to admit that Cheryl never looked happier. “I agree.” She picked up her glass and tapped hers to Cheryl’s. “To new beginnings.”

Everyone joined in the chant.

Brandon’s cell rang. He glanced between her and Sam, probably debating on whether to ignore it. The caller had to be from Florida. He hadn’t met anyone up here yet.

“Go ahead and take it,” she said.

He slipped the phone from his pocket. “It’s my boss. Excuse me.” He stepped down the hall, which was probably wise. From the look on his face, it was General Armand, and not his boss at the telephone company.

He didn’t need to be discussing werewolves with her aunt and uncle present. Mac had the talk about werewolves with Cheryl, but she wasn’t sure her cousin believed her. Blaine McCormack was a werewolf, which would Cheryl’s new job quite interesting.

Mac glanced down the hallway. The General wouldn’t have called unless it was really important. Two minutes later Brandon returned.

She raised her brows.

Brandon smiled and faced the group. “As you all know, I moonlight with law enforcement. Apparently, my boss was so impressed with Mackenzie’s computer skills that he would like to offer her a job in Florida.”

Her mom sucked in an audible breath.

“Me?” Mac’s mind spun.

She couldn’t exactly blurt out her questions—questions like had a woman ever worked at Pack headquarters? Was Chris Williams quitting or would they be working together? Would the General allow her to do some surveillance work? She understood that Sam and Brandon were here in Indiana to support her, but that sooner or later they’d be needed back in Gulfside.

“Mom? What do you think?” She was her mother’s support system.

Her mother stood and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “I want you to be happy. That means you need to go with your men. Though don’t be surprised if I sell the house and retire down in Florida.”

Tears of joy dripped down her cheek. “I’d love that.” Her men would, too.

Brandon wrapped an arm around her waist. “Is that a yes?”

She hugged him. “Yes!”

Mac wanted to do more than give him an embrace, but she’d save that delight for later tonight.

Sam cleared his throat. “As long as we are celebrating, Brandon and I have an announcement.”

They all turned to him. Brandon let her go and stepped next to Sam. They glanced at each other, and she guessed they were having some kind of conversation. She’d have to break them of that habit.

Both men got down on one knee and her heart stopped for a moment. Mac clasped a hand over her mouth.

Brandon held out his hand, and Sam placed a blue velvet box on his palm. When he opened it up, she reached out to steady herself. Cheryl was by her side to hold on.

“Mackenzie,” Sam began. “Brandon and I cannot put into words what having you in our life has meant to us. You’re stubborn, smart, and loving. We both love you with all of our being. You’ve put up with the bad and reveled in the good.”

Brandon nudged him “What this long-winded oaf is trying to say is, will you marry us?”

Her throat was so clogged that nothing came out. All she could do was nod. Both men stood. Brandon lifted her hand and slipped the ring on her finger. There was a bright diamond in the center surrounded by two chocolate ones on either side. She didn’t need to ask the significance of the brown stones. They represented her men.

“I love you both so much.”

What followed constituted an embarrassing amount of public display, but she didn’t care. Mac had already warned her family that she was in love with both men. Only her mom really understood what true mates meant.

Mac swiped a hand under her eyes and leaned back. “This ring means we’re all equal, right?”

“Sure, baby.”

“So if I want to go out in the middle of the night to investigate something, you’ll let me go?” She was just teasing them.

“Hell, no.” Sam picked her up and held her tight. “We’re going to make sure you can’t get out of the house.”

She tapped her lips. “I’d like to see you stop me.”

Boy was she in for a good spanking tonight.


eneral Armand leaned back in his seat, clasped his hands over his chest, and studied Chris Williams. “You’re sure this Colter research facility is in Falling Pines, Ontario?” It was plausible. That part of Canada was remote, making it a good location.

“I’ve cross-referenced the men’s movements, added in their credit card receipts, and cell phone locations. I’m sure as one can be without actually flying there to verify that particular facility is where the girls are being held.” He nodded to the photos. “Those are the aerial shots of the town. There’s a furniture warehouse on the east end, though it’s not all that large. If that’s not the place, I have no other suggestions.”

Armand tapped the pictures. “This looks promising. You’ve done a fine job. I’ll send someone up there to investigate.”

As soon as he was alone, he dialed his old buddy, John Summerville, up in North Carolina. The man ran the satellite office for The Pack, though their interaction hadn’t been much of late. With all the disappearances, Armand had his hands full.

John and he had served together, and after what happened in the war, John owed him one. His friend had two sons, twins if his memory served him—Ford and Tyson. Both had gone undercover with the Colter organization almost a year ago. Instead of human trafficking, they were battling gun running.

These two men would be perfect to check out the facility. Not only were they expert military operatives and fighters, Statler wouldn’t recognize.

Time to call in that favor.


About the Author

I love to read, write, dream, and connect with people. A book with a happily ever after is a must, as is having characters I can relate to. My men are always wonderful, dynamic, smart, strong, and the best lovers in the world.

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Other Books by the Author

Pack Wars

NOTE: These THREE novellas (50K each) were previously released as single titles.

GENRE: Paranormal Werewolf Romance, Paranormal Erotica, Paranormal Menage (MFM)

Pack Wars

Training Their Mate (Book 1)

She failed to stop him. Now he’s coming after her.

BOOK: Loving Their Vixen Mate (Pack Wars Book 4)
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