Loving Two Doms (Club El Diablo) (24 page)

BOOK: Loving Two Doms (Club El Diablo)
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Her loud moan filled the room as her lower body hungered for release.

They stepped away from her at the same time, leaving her body seconds from orgasm.


Chapter Twenty-seven



“We missed you, love.” Stephon’s tone changed, and even though the words were hushed, the tenor of his voice hardened.

Trying to focus on what he said was impossible, and her body, with a mind of its own, gyrated backward toward Matt. His throaty voice only heightened her need for release, “I think she missed us too.”

“Please don’t stop,” Jewel shamelessly begged.

Stephon grasped her hands, bringing them down and in front of her, holding them within the tight grip of one of his. She managed to open her eyes and meet his smoldering gaze, which made her knees go weak.

“We want you naked, love.”

Matt began sliding her jeans over her legs, snagging her panties and pulling them down at the same time. Stephon supported her as she stepped out of the clothes. Besides Stephon’s hand holding hers, their bodies didn’t touch her. The warmth she felt only minutes before turned to chills, but did little to stop the raging desire in her pussy.

A touch of ire for her unfulfilled thirst sounded in her voice, “Why did you stop?”

Low guttural laughter was her immediate answer until Matt leaned in behind her and whispered, “We aren’t happy with you.”

Her brain was finally coming out of its sex-induced haze. “Well I’m not exactly happy with either of you at this very minute.”

More laughter met her words.

“What do you say, Matt, do you think we’ll get through the night without a ball gag?”


Her eyes widened. “You wouldn’t.”

Stephon’s free hand was back in her hair, stopping all movement of her head. “Don’t tempt me, love. Muffled screams can be just as satisfying as unsubdued ones.”

Matt’s hand came around to her chin and one of his fingers rested at the corner of her lower lip. “We hoped to put this to better use.” His finger slid inside her mouth. “But your attitude is making other options more likely.”

She bit down, and then gave a sharp squeal, causing her to release his finger because a solid slap landed on her bare ass. She sucked in air trying to assimilate the sudden pain. Matt pulled her back into the contour of his body.

“Do you remember your safeword?” He brought his hands around her in a comforting hug.

“Yes.” She breathed outward.

“What is it?”

She couldn’t see Matt, but Stephon’s eyes pierced hers. He wasn’t smiling, and a small amount of trepidation entered her voice, “Red.”

Stephon’s tone was uncompromising, “If you use it, everything stops.”

The frustration over their bringing her so close to climax and then stopping only confused her. “But I didn’t use it.”

“No, love, but you have a slight punishment to get through.”

Her heartbeat accelerated thinking of the whipping Angela received at the club. “I don’t understand.” They couldn’t do something like that to her. They wouldn’t.

“Then let’s sit on the couch and talk about it.” Just the corner of Stephon’s mouth tipped up.

“I need my clothes.” She felt very exposed.

The whisper in her ear was back, “That would take away all the fun of touching you while we talk.”

“If you’re touching me, I can’t think.” Keeping her voice level was nearly impossible and she was sure she didn’t succeed.

“You thinking was not in our plans for the night.”

She didn’t have a chance to respond because Matt picked her up and followed Stephon to the couch, placing her in his friend’s arms after Stephon sat down. Matt went to the floor and immediately wrapped his fingers around her upper thigh very close to the wet, throbbing core of need they left her with. Her pussy clenched involuntarily. From the smile on Matt’s face, he knew how his hand affected her.

Stephon situated her more comfortably and Matt’s roughened hand smoothed across her flesh before settling on her mound. Unexpectedly, his fingers gently tugged at the trimmed hair between her legs.

“We’ll take care of that tomorrow. I can deal with it this once,” Stephon said to Matt, completely ignoring the “harrumph” she expelled in an unladylike manner. “We need to discuss her punishment.”

“She’s new to this, so maybe this once we should go lightly.”

She tried to look at Stephon, but in her current position it was impossible to meet his eyes. “I thought you wanted to talk to me about this.”

Stephon’s hand put pressure on her jaw, bringing her lips together. “You can listen to the negotiation, but you have no say. Matt’s more lenient than I am, but I think he’s right this time. You have your safeword, but it would be a real shame to sleep with you all night without giving your sweet pussy what it needs.”

Inside she fumed even though further wetness gushed between her legs. He was doing this on purpose. Her body needed release badly, and a session with a whip was sounding far from scary now. Matt’s voice broke into her thoughts.

“I think fifteen would work.”

Stephon’s sigh actually made her grin. “Now, love, you know we didn’t want you at work. We worried, didn’t sleep, and played like hell this weekend. I know sitting around this room couldn’t have been easy, but you were safe. Punishment is not meant to be enjoyable, but this time, Matt’s going to make you crave the feeling of my hand striking your ass. Just think of it as funishment. I’m being indulgent with you both, so don’t expect it again.” His voice tightened with the last statement, and his arms closed around her completely. “I think the ottoman would be best.”

This last sentence made no sense until Matt released her, stood, and walked to the ottoman, pulling it away from the chair more toward the center of the circled furniture. He left the room, returning with two pillows. He didn’t place them lengthwise, but arranged them across the low piece of furniture, so that when she leaned over them her ass would prop up higher.

Stephon pushed on her legs so they swung around and her feet touched the floor. “I want you to walk over and position yourself.” His hands propelled her upward. “We won’t force you.”

Jewel looked over her shoulder into his uncompromising gaze and then to Matt who had a slight twinkle in his eyes. She promised he could spank her and now it was time to pay the piper even if the circumstances were slightly altered. Both men sported stiff erections, and for some reason the fact that this turned them on gave her the courage to stand and walk over to their impromptu spanking bench. Looking down at the plush seat caused more fluid to pool between her legs, and with a deep breath she knelt down and lowered her chest onto the soft material. Her head came slightly over the side, but she was still able to rest her cheek comfortably against the cushion.

“Spread you knees for Matt, love.”

Chills ran up her spine, but her legs separated and she wondered if Matt would touch her first or if Stephon would start her punishment. She heard Matt’s pants rustle when he kneeled behind her to the right, but when she tried to turn, Stephon stopped her. “Be still.” It wasn’t a command she wanted to disobey.

Matt’s hands went to her hips first and then slowly skimmed across her skin to meet at her lower back. His fingers splayed over her ass cheeks and caused her breath to catch. His thumbs, one positioned slightly above the other, traveled down the crack of her ass, spreading her. Then he applied pressure at the puckered hole that held an unimaginable amount of sensation. The thought of him entering her there scared her to death, but more wetness flowed from her pussy and a low sigh escaped her lips.

“Not yet baby, but I promise I’ll revisit here again.”

Mortification brought warmth to her face, but then Matt’s thumbs continued their progress until they ran across the swollen lips of her pussy. His hands lifted her hips up and his tongue touched her dripping center. She couldn’t stop a strangled cry from leaving her throat. He pulled her lips further apart and the rough callouses on his thumbs almost took her over the edge. Stephon, standing to her left, splayed one of his hands over her spine, halfway up her back, applying firm pressure when her upper body involuntarily lifted from the ottoman.

Matt’s mouth left her pussy, and while she gasped for air, Stephon’s hand landed with striking force against her right ass cheek. His other hand pressed down harder on her back at the same time, and she felt her eyes moisten with the sudden pain. Another slap landed against her left cheek and she gasped loudly. The safeword was forming on her lips when Matt’s mouth latched onto her pussy, sucking her clit, and causing all thoughts of pain to leave her mind. The groan she gave was halfway to a scream when his mouth left her again. This time four hard, rapid slaps landed — two to her upper thighs, which hurt with greater intensity, and two on the same spots Stephon hit before. No thought of a safeword entered her mind because Matt was back at her pussy using his tongue and lips to drive her crazy.

Matt stopped suddenly and the assault on her backside began again. Stephon went past four and the pain grew, but then two fingers entered her pussy and her mind traveled from the sting to the ecstasy of what they were doing to her body. Her brain finally went numb allowing only sensation to wash over her.

“Did you have an orgasm while we were gone, love?” Stephon’s lips touched the top of her ear, the husky words barely penetrating her muddled thoughts.

Her answer whispered out on a sigh, “No.”

“Good, we’re almost done.”


She heard them laugh, but felt the combined focus of pain and carnal assault all the more. She didn’t know how many times Stephon’s hand struck her ass—it no longer mattered, as long as Matt’s lips returned to the hot, isolated need between her thighs.

She felt a wet, sliding pressure before she realized Matt’s finger pushed past the rosette of her ass, using her juice to lube the tight opening. Matt entered her pussy with two fingers from his other hand and Stephon’s hands reached under her, found her incredibly hard nipples, and pinched. The orgasm exploded, zinging between every point they touched. Her vocal cords released a long, sensual cry of release, her body held still by two sets of unyielding hands as Matt’s fingers slid in and out and Stephon’s fingers tightened further while using his chest to press her down. The electrical charge of energy went on and on.

When her breathing slowed, the pressure on her back became a caress of hands, and Stephon’s tongue traveled softly over her bruised and scared face, licking her tears and murmuring soft words of endearment.

Finally her brain registered when Stephon spoke a complete sentence. “I’m proud of you, love. I’m picking you up and we’re going to bed.”

She didn’t know where Matt was, but her body was limp and sated, making it impossible for her to ask. Stephon laid her on the bed, allowing her to curl on her side while he adjusted the pillows against the headboard. He removed his pants, his cock spilling out and looking impossibly large. He never took his eyes from her watery gaze. His knee landed in front of her face and his hands moved her body so he could position her between his thighs with his back to the headboard. His erection pressed into her back, and through her sleepy haze, she wanted to roll over and taste him. Her eyes drifted closed.

Matt entered the room and she heard him set something on the table beside the bed. The sound of his zipper lowering made her lips tilt up. Stephon’s fingers massaged the sides of her head while Matt joined them on the bed.

“Spread your legs for me,” Matt requested softly.

She must have done what he asked because a warm washcloth rubbed at her sensitive flesh, cleaning away the fluid her body produced earlier. She wasn’t sure why he wanted it gone, but the cloth felt wonderful and she let the bliss envelope her.

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