LovingDragon (2 page)

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Authors: Garland

BOOK: LovingDragon
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Mia smiled. “Not exactly a restaurant, more like a bar that occasionally serves up a burger on the grill. It’s a biker bar, actually, so it can get a little rough and rowdy at times, but Bubba runs a tight ship. He has a couple of hunky bouncers that keep the peace.” Mia shrugged. “You smile and play nice to the customers, you could do real well. I hope you have better clothes in that expensive bag of yours.”

Catherine glanced down at the slim black slacks and pale pink sweater she wore. What exactly had she stuffed into her bag? “I have a couple of pairs of jeans and some tops. I think a dress and a couple of sweaters.”

Mia laughed, shaking her head. “Got any money?”

Catherine hesitated before answering, not trusting Mia enough yet to admit to the amount. “A little, but not much.”

Mia smiled. “We’ll go shopping tomorrow before our shift. You won’t need much money. The less you wear, the more tips you’ll make.”





Chapter Three


“Who’s the new girl?” asked Dane “The Dragon” Maldonado as he arrived for his shift at Bubba’s and leveled his intense brown eyes on the pretty blonde in the black leather mini-skirt.

The owner, Bubba Nicks, followed his gaze and shrugged. “She came in with Mia. Said her name is Catherine, but to call her Cat. She’s young and green, but with those looks she should bring in some good money.”

“Cat, huh? Well, here pussy, pussy, pussy,” purred Rick “Cutman” Jackson, Dane’s best friend, fellow bouncer and former “cutman” in his corner when he was a MMA fighter.

“Really, Cutman? I thought you were more of a dog lover,” said Dragon, straight-faced.

“What makes you think that?” asked Cutman, who was still eyeing Catherine with interest.

“I saw your last girlfriend…woof,” Dragon said.

Cutman smirked. “They all look alike in the dark, bro. Besides, that girl sure could lick some balls.”

All three men laughed before Bubba said, “Shit, ya fuckers, get to work. I ain’t paying you for yacking about Cutman’s love life or lack of it.” And he wandered off to join Mia behind the bar. The place was starting to get busy as people got off of work and stopped in for a burger and a drink.

“You interested?” asked Dragon, his voice suddenly serious as he inclined his head toward Cat and crossed his arms over his wide chest.

“Naw, man, I’m just messing with you. You know I’ve had my eyes on Mia for weeks now. One of these days, I’m going to convince her I’m the love of her life,” said Cutman as he watched Mia laugh at something Bubba said.

Dragon grinned. “Well, I will give you this. Your taste in women has definitely improved. Mia is a knock-out.”

“You keep your eyes on the hot little blonde and off
my future wife,” Cutman stated. “Are you seriously considering the blonde? I’ve never known you to mix business and pleasure before.” At Dragon’s nod, Cutman continued. “Good luck with that one. She looks like a handful for sure. I’m going to work the front door.” Cutman made his way through the growing crowd to stand at the entrance. Dragon dropped some coins in the jukebox and hit “Who Let the Dogs Out?” Across the room, Cutman flipped him the bird and Dragon threw his head back and laughed. It had been a long time since he had felt this much excitement about a woman. He honestly couldn’t wait to meet Cat.

Dragon’s gaze fell back on to Cat. She was smiling at a table of men as she took their order, and they looked entranced by her. He couldn’t blame them. He too was having trouble taking his eyes off her. She had beautiful legs, and she was smart enough to show them off in a tiny black leather mini-skirt. She had pulled her long, straight blonde hair up in a high ponytail, and it swayed and moved with her actions. Dragon found it as spellbinding as a swinging pocket watch welded by a hypnotist.

She must have felt his eyes on her because she raised her head and looked at him. They were the greenest eyes he had ever seen. They reminded him of the spring grass in his home state of Tennessee. Cat sent him a dazzling smile before turning her attention back to the table. Dragon grinned. “
Here pussy, pussy, pussy.




Chapter Four


Catherine maneuvered her way between the tables. The place had filled up pretty quickly, mostly with rough-looking men who for the most part were behaving. Her feet were killing her in the little half-boots that Mia insisted she buy, but she smiled through the pain. The music was lively, the men were friendly, the food was good, and the beer was cold. Catherine had to admit it she had never felt so alive, so totally free. This was the kind of place her parents would never think to look for her at. They themselves would never frequent such a place, the country club being more their style. Catherine felt like she belonged here, and these were her kind of people. Real, honest and down-to-earth, and so ready to have some fun! And if that hot bouncer kept giving her the eye, she was almost positive she was going to like working at Bubba’s.

Earlier that morning, they had finally arrived at Mia’s apartment in the early light. The apartment was small, but functional after all, it was just the two of them. After they had slept a few hours, Mia had taken her to the local Goodwill store, where she helped her make some clothing purchases, including two pairs of well-worn jeans that Mia had promptly taken a pair of scissors to, making her two new pairs of daisy-dukes. The fake leather skirt had been a total score and they both had done a little happy dance right there in the aisle when Catherine had spotted it. Later that afternoon, a trip to the mall produced a pair of jeans that fit the curve of her ass like they were made for just her. They added a couple of boob-hugging tank tops and a pretty, flirty halter dress. Her new wardrobe was complete.

“How you holding up, hun?” asked Roxie, one of the other servers. Cat had taken an instant liking to her. She was a little older than herself, with bright red hair and a friendly smile.

“My feet are killing me, and I’m pretty sure if that asshole over there sticks his hand up my skirt one more time, I’m going to slug him. But other than that, I’m doing great.” She laughed.

“The feet thing is to be expected on your first night, but it will get better. As for the asshole, that’s Bennett, and he is one mean SOB when he gets to drinking. You just let Dragon handle him.”

“Dragon?” asked Cat.

“That gorgeous, hot, alpha man standing in the corner with his arms crossed over his make-you-drop-your-panties-chest, the one with those hunky muscles bulging, that’s Dragon, our protection. He hasn’t taken his eyes off you all night. Don’t worry he’s got your back. He’s a former MMA fighter and nobody, not even Bennett, is stupid enough to mess with him,” informed Roxie.

“Hey, blondie, bring our table another pitcher of beer!” yelled Bennett.

“Coming right up,” Cat called back as she smiled, rolled her eyes at Roxie, and turned to head back to the bar. “The asshole wants another picture of beer” she told Mia, who just shook her head in disgust and handed a frosted pitcher of cold beer to Cat.

“Here you go, gentlemen,” Cat said as she leaned over to set the pitcher in the center of the table. The next thing she knew she felt a sharp pinch to her ass cheek as Bennett’s hand snaked up her skirt.

“Bitch, get it here a little faster next time,” he chuckled, “and I might leave a bigger tip for you later tonight behind the building.” He turned to the rest of the men at the table and they all laughed as he rubbed his crotch.

Cat didn’t know what came over her. Maybe it was the painful pinch that she was sure would leave a nasty bruise, or the fact that her feet were throbbing. But one thing was for sure— she had had enough of this jerk. She acted on instinct, before she had even thought about the consequences of her actions. Cat snatched the pitcher of beer off the table and dumped it over Bennett’s head.

“Was that fast enough for you, asshole?” she asked sweetly. The whole bar seemed to gasp as one, then become quiet.

“You fuckin’ bitch!” Bennett roared as he came up out of his seat. His chair turned over and loudly hit the floor behind him. It abruptly occurred to Cat that she may have made a serious judgment in error. Bennett was big, ugly, and suddenly mad as hell. He drew his hand back to slap her and Cat cringed as she waited for the blow. But instead a large hand wrapped around Bennett’s wrist and held him in place.

“I know you weren’t getting ready to hit a woman, were you?” asked Dragon, whose eyes seemed to glow with an inner rage. “Do you have any idea what I do to guys that hit on women?” Cat watched as he leaned over and whispered something in Bennett’s ear, something that made the man suddenly go deathly pale. “Now, you’re going to apologize to the little lady and then you’re going to quietly exit the building, aren’t you?”

“But she poured a fuckin’ whole pitcher of beer on me,” Bennett protested loudly.

“Yeah, and it’s your lucky day because we aren’t even going to charge you for the beer. Consider it on the house, a going away present if you will. Now apologize and then get the hell out.” Dragon’s voice was low and deadly. Cat noticed the grip he had on the back of Bennett’s neck tightened.

“I’m sorry,” mumbled Bennett. His mouth said the words but his beady little eyes told a different story. He was far from sorry. He was scared and mad as hell.

Dragon frowned. “Your friends are welcome to stay as long as they behave themselves.” The three other men at the table nodded their understanding. Dragon escorted Bennett to the door. “If you come back in here again, you keep your fuckin’ hands to yourself. Is that clear?”

“Yeah, crystal,” said Bennett as Cutman opened the door and he left begrudgingly.

“Looks like your kitty cat has some claws,” Cutman pointed out with a grin.

“Just enough to get her killed. Bennett left without a fight, but that doesn’t bode well for her later. She embarrassed him in front of his boys. He ain’t going to let that shit go.” Dragon groaned as he ran his hand down his face. “Why do I feel like I got my work cut out for me with this one?”

Cutman chuckled. “You may be right, but it’s been my experience with women that the ones that are the most trouble give the greatest pleasure.”

“Did you just make that shit up?” asked Dragon with a chuckle.

“Hell, yeah. I should write this stuff down,” bragged Cutman. Dragon shook his head and went to find Cat. He needed to talk to her before she got herself into trouble again. He found her apologizing to Bubba.

“I’m really so sorry. I promise it won’t happen again,” said Cat.

“Make sure it doesn’t or you’re out of here. Oh, and that pitcher of beer is coming out of your first check,” muttered Bubba as he stomped back to his office.

“I wouldn’t pay much attention to Bubba. If he didn’t like you, you would already be gone,” Dragon said. She turned those green eyes on him, along with the sweetest smile he had ever seen, and Dragon knew right away that he was lost. The girl was a knock-out, plain and simple. Way out of this Tennessee boy’s league. The thought of that brought back childhood memories of living in a trailer on the wrong side of town. His words came out harsher then he attended. He had promised himself that no one would make him feel inferior again. Yeah, his old man had been a worthless drunk who never worked more than two days a week his entire life. His mother, who had tried so hard to compensate for the lack of a father, had worked herself into an early grave.

Girls like Cat had just wanted to fuck him in high school and college. They never wanted to date or take him home to their parents. Dragon sighed. When would he learn? He was always attracted to the girls who would find him beneath them. What the hell, he was a glutton for punishment.







Chapter Five


Catherine smiled. “You’re Dragon, right? Hi, I’m Cat. It’s nice to finally meet you. I wanted to thank you for coming to my rescue. I’m afraid I lost my temper and well…if it hadn’t been for you, I guess I could have been in big trouble.”

Catherine looked up at Dragon, and never had she seen such a gloriously hot man before. He wasn’t handsome in the traditional sense—more like rugged, dark and brooding handsome. He was tall, with a flat stomach and wide shoulders. His black t-shirt hugged every muscle. His tight jeans sat low on his hips and hugged a fine ass. His hair was dark. Dragon’s eyes were milk-chocolate brown, the all-day stubble along his chin and jawline just added to his sex appeal. The man was walking, talking straight-up fine! Sex on a stick to go, please, she thought with a smile he was the corndog version of a sexy man.

“Are you all right?” he asked, his voice a deep rumble of concern that seemed to resonate all the way to her tingling lady parts.

“Yes, I’m okay, thanks to you of course,” Catherine answered.

“That was a damn stupid thing to do. I wouldn’t advise you to try such a stunt again. Someone could get seriously hurt. The men in here are bikers, not Sunday school teachers, and they don’t take to kindly to be made fools of, especially in front of all their friends.” And just like that he turned and walked away, back to his corner where he crossed his arms over his chest and proceeded to glare at her from across the room.

Catherine frowned. “What the hell? Well I guess everyone has their flaws, and his is clearly personality—or should I say a lack thereof? What a waste of a gorgeous man,” she grumbled to Mia who had witnessed the whole exchange.

Mia looked pensive as she watched Dragon walk away. “Believe me, Dragon does not lack personality. He may be a former MMA fighter, but he doesn’t like to fight. He was just afraid you would be hurt, I’m sure. He’s always very protective of all the women. I’ve actually never seen him like this before. He was almost scared for you, I think. It could be he has a thing for you. He has spent the night looking at you like he could just eat you up and then some.”

“A thing for me? Well he has a funny way of showing his
,” snorted Catherine as she made air quotes.

“I’ve worked here two years and he has never dated or even shown any interest in any of the women here, employees or customers,” Mia noted. “Believe me there have been many who have tried, including Janet, over there, who won’t leave the man alone, but he always goes home alone.”

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