LovingDragon (5 page)

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Authors: Garland

BOOK: LovingDragon
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His mouth worked its way down the side of her elegantly long neck, nibbling and kissing as his hot breath blew across her ear, making her shiver and lean into him, pressing her body to his. His hands tangled in her long hair and he gently used it to pull her head back so he could have better access to her throat. He worked his way back to her mouth before whispering, “Catherine where’s the bedroom?’ She languidly raised her arm and pointed down the hall and Dragon, not wanting to break contact with her body scooped her up in his arms and headed in that direction. Laying her across the bed he followed her down to lay beside her. His hands rubbed across her nipples through her shirt, making them stand up in sharp, tempting points. Dragon’s mouth captured Cats again, sucking at her lips until she opened for him and he plunged his tongue inside to stroke at her heat. She tasted like sugar…sweet and inviting and he knew he would never get enough.




Catherine moaned as Dragon’s hands found her sensitive nipples and tugged at them through her thin shirt. She wanted to be naked, needed to feel skin on skin. Her hands found the bottom of his t-shirt and she tugged on it. Dragon took the hint and released her mouth long enough to pull the shirt over his head and toss it to the floor. He was so beautiful. Dragon’s body was sculpted by a master. He was all hard ridges and muscles, a scattering of tattoos ran up his right arm and the head of a dragon roaring fire stared at her from his left pec. Catherine used a finger to trace its outline. She knew he would burn this hot. Hot enough to breath fire into her and heat her from the inside out, bringing her body to life.

“Baby I need to taste you,” Dragon groaned against her mouth as he reached down and pulled her t-shirt over her head, and scraped at her left nipple with his teeth, through the thin material of her bra. Cat arched her back, and whimpered with need.

“Easy, we got the rest of the morning,” Dragon chuckled, as he expertly unhooked her bra and pulled first one than the other nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around first one then the other. Catherine sighed with pleasure. The man sure knew his way around a woman’s body. Dragon’s hand had pushed itself inside of her daisy dukes and was rubbing against her clit through her thong underwear. The friction was sending her to the edge.

“You’re already so wet for me.” He said as he ran his finger with her juice across her bottom lip and then licked it off, before capturing her mouth again. His dark stubble was rough on her skin and Cat knew she would be marked by it, but she would welcome the visual proof that this magical experience had really existed.

Dragon smelled so good. A hint of his aftershave, something spicy lingered from his morning shave along with the scents of the night. He was tugging at her shorts and pulled them off along with her thong and dropping both of them to the floor.

His mouth was on the move. As he nibbled his way lower and lower on her body. “Please Dragon,” Cat whimpered.

“Please what? Tell me what you want Cat. Hell
what you want, because I’ll give you your heart’s desire,” he insisted as his mouth moved to brush along her inner thigh teasing her and making her clutch at his hair to pull him to where she wanted him to go.

Cat’s hands tangled in his hair. “Please, please, I want your mouth on me…now.”

“Where? Say it,” he demanded.

“My, on my...pussy, I want your mouth on me there,” Cat said breathlessly urging Dragon toward the center of her throbbing by pulling on his hair.

His voice was a deep rumble between her legs. “What the lady wants the lady gets. Open up for me.” Cat spread her legs and felt the first touch of his tongue to her core. It was hot…scorching as he moved it in and out of her. Cat’s whole body tightened in anticipation of that tongue. Dragon shifted to suck her nub into his mouth, and she stopped breathing all together as his whole mouth took possession of her. His lips and his tongue worked to bring her pleasure. He plunged one then two fingers into her slickness and Cat came then. A keening wail left her body as she stiffened, rising up from the bed before falling back down to earth.

Cat watched in a state of languor, as Dragon rose from the bed and impatiently yanked off his jeans, taking his boxers with them. His cock stood thick and long, large veins stood out along its length and she surprised herself by wanting to run her tongue along them. She wanted to pull him into her mouth and suck him, to watch as his brown eyes darkened with passion. Cat wanted him to experience the same glorious feelings that he had just given to her. But Dragon was already rolling a condom down his bobbing shaft.

“Baby I can’t wait much longer.” Dragon whispered as he eased into her wetness, all of him and then waited to give her time to stretch to accommodate to his size. He filled her so completely that she ached with a mixture of pleasure and the most delicious kind of pain. When she started to wiggle beneath him, clearly impatient with his delay, he begin a slow slide out and then back in to the hilt. He captured her mouth and imitated his movements with his tongue. Catherine raised her long legs higher and wrapped them around his waist causing Dragon to plunge deeper and quickened his pace, thrusting in her with a vengeance and a purpose. His face was a picture of concentration as he worked his body above her, in then out, back and forth. The slap of skin on skin, the creaking of the bed, and the aroma of sex surrounded them, all managed to add to the heightened experience. And when Catherine felt the tightening of her body and knew she was so close again to coming, she let herself go, giving herself fully to Dragon, and she rode with him to the top of that sexual pinnacle. With a loud shout of release from both of them, Dragon’s body jerked along with Cat’s as they buckled in a mass of satisfaction.

Dragon rose from the warmth of their bed to toss the condom, before coming back and pulling the cover over them. He gathered Catherine up into his arms, and Catherine felt safe for the first time in a long time.

“You’re mine Catherine,” Dragon said, planting a quick kiss to her swollen lips. Catherine snuggled closer, tucking her head under his chin as she lay on his chest. And the princess thought it was very good thing indeed to be owned by the dragon.




“I found her. She’s working in a bar on the outskirts of Maxville County,” the stranger spoke briskly into his cell phone. “You were right. She’s living in an apartment with the daughter of her former nanny.” On the other end, his paying customer thanked him for working so quickly and inquired about the address of the bar. The stranger gave the address of the bar, reminded the customer how he preferred to be paid and hung up. He watched the door of the apartment where he had followed the girl after her shift was over. The big bouncer looked like he was getting some tonight because he had been in there for a while now. Damn lucky bastard. He wouldn’t have minded a taste of that hot little piece his self. He started his car and headed home, it had been the easiest fifteen hundred dollars he had ever made.




Chapter Ten


If there was anything sexier than a fine looking, half naked man standing in your kitchen making you breakfast Cat had yet to see it. She watched as Dragon, wearing only his low-riding boxers coax a delicious looking ham and cheese omelet onto a plate and then hand it to her.

Cat took a bite and moaned with pleasure. “This is so good. Is there anything you can’t do well?” she asked with a mischievous twinkle in her green eyes.

Dragon shrugged. “I’ve learned to take care of what’s mine.” A look passed between the two lovers. It was a look that promised much more pleasure to come for both of them.

“So Mia tells me you use to be a MMA fighter?” Cat asked. A shadow passed across his eyes, he moved quickly to hide it, but he wasn’t quite fast enough.

“Yes, a couple of years ago. It’s not something I like to talk about. Cutman and I own a gym together now,
Round One,
it’s a block from Bubba’s.”

“And yet you still work at Bubba’s too?” asked Cat.

“Bubba’s a friend, we would have done it for free if he would let us, but he insists on paying. And anyway we can always use the money.
Round One
is a new business, not generating a lot of revenue yet. But it will happen. We are getting busier and busier as word gets out about us. We’re doing some work with some at risk teens that makes me feel proud to give back. But enough about me tell me Cat, what’s your story?”

“Who said I have a story?” Cat made a big show of rising from the stool at the bar counter and washing her plate before wiping down the stove. “I don’t really have a story.”

“Everyone has a story. It’s all in the telling. Is it a fairy tale, or a horror story? You definitely have your secrets. Beautiful, classy girl with a Louis Vuitton bag shows up to work at a bar in Maxville. I saw the bag in the bedroom by the way. Who are you running from? If you’re in trouble Cat I can help, but you have to tell me. I have to know what I’m up against. I can promise you no one will ever hurt you again, I will see to that.”

“You have a very active imagination Dragon,” Catherine laughed. “That bag was a gift from my parents. Mia and I know each other through our parents and she said I could work my way through school at Bubba’s. I wanted to go to college and my parents didn’t want me to. They had other plans for my future, so they refused to help pay for college and here I am working in a bar to get the money to go.” She shrugged and turned away so he couldn’t read the truth in her eyes.

Cat felt his warmth seep into her suddenly cold body as he came up behind her and turned her into his arms. His thumb and finger gripped her chin and he turned her face up to his own, so he could look into her eyes. “I get it. You don’t trust me yet, but I’m here for you when you do.” He brushed his mouth across hers and she opened for him. The kiss was gentle and enticing and much like his words had been earlier. Cat wanted to tell him, she really did.

Deep down she knew it was true or at least her body knew it was true. He would be there to help when the need came. Cat just didn’t want that time to come and maybe by not saying the words out loud she could hold it off a little longer. Douglas Washburn was not a man who would wait forever and when he found her she knew terror would rein, it oozed from that man. She could feel it, the way he looked at her scared the living daylights out of her. Did she really want Dragon dragged into the middle of her nightmare?





Chapter Eleven


It was two days later, and Cat was working her regular shift, when Mia came up to her. “Cat, you have a visitor.” She motioned over to the far table in the back corner and Cat turned to look. A moment of panic came across her face before resignation set in and she squared her slim shoulders.

“Thank you Mia,” she said as she turned to head to the table.

“Sure honey, let me know if you need anything,” Mia said before turning away and heading back to the bar.

“Mother, what are you doing here?” asked Cat to the elegant woman at the table. Virginia Stanley’s perfectly coiffed blonde hair, pearls and designer suit stood out in the rough bar like a diamond in a pile of rocks.

“The question Catherine is what are
doing here? And what in the world are you wearing? Cutoff’s? I certainly thought I raised you with better standards than this,” she said raising her heavily ringed hand and sweeping it across to indicate the bar.

“Actually mother you didn’t raise me at all, Mary did. You were always way too busy with your ladies tea’s, your charity balls, and hob knobbing with the rich and famous. When you weren’t doing that you were too busy getting up close and personal with a bottle of liquor. How did you find me? Is Howard waiting in the car?

“There is no need to be crass, Catherine. Haven’t you hurt me enough with your little escapade? As for how I found you, I thought I had taught you that money will get you anything. I just hired a private detective. It was really not hard at all. He’s the best. I’ve used his services many times before. And no, Howard is not in the car, since he still has no idea where you are, but I’m sure it won’t be long. If my man can find you, his can too.”

“Okay, fine, mother. What do you want? I’m not going back with you. I will not marry Douglas, he gives me the creeps.”

“He gives you the creeps for a reason, dear. Douglas Washburn is a vile human being. I have no intention of letting my only child marry such a man. You are so beautiful, Catherine. Howard is selling you short. We could aspire for a much higher place in society than what Douglas can offer.”

Cat stared at her mother with dawning horror. “Do you even hear yourself?” She had raised her voice and knew it, when the bar quieted and she looked up to see Dragon standing at the end of the table.

“Cat, are you okay?” he asked his voice laced with both concern and curiosity.

“Yes, I’m sorry I just need a few minutes please.” He nodded his head and turned away, but not before giving her mother a long measuring look.

“Is that him? The one you’re sleeping with? The one you are willing to throw away your future for?” her mother asked, still eyeing Dragon as he walked away.

“That’s none of your business, mother,” said Cat her voice having gone icy.

“I have always wanted the best for you princess. The best clothes, schools, friends, I wanted you to have what I never had growing up. That man, as good as he looks, as good as he may be in bed, can never give you the best that money can buy. He’s rough, not like us. He reminds me of your father. He’ll just leave you one day, pregnant and alone… scared and desperate.”

Cat sighed, all her life she had heard how worthless her father had been. Leaving as soon as her mother had told him she was pregnant. She turned her head and looked at Dragon, his eyes watched her and even from here she could see the worry there. His body looked tight and ready to spring to her defense. Was he like her father? If trouble presented itself would he just walk away? Cat hadn’t known him very long and truth be told she didn’t know him well at all. But she did trust her instincts and they were betting that he wouldn’t just walk away. Dragon did not look like the walking-away type.

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