Loyalty Over Royalty (10 page)

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Authors: T'Anne Marie

BOOK: Loyalty Over Royalty
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Chapter 16

Carmen: Hey wassup ma, this Carmen. The chick that was in your store the other day and I bought those nude Jimmy Choo pumps.

Kim: I know exactly who you are baby, how could I forget?! Wassup?

Carmen: That ass! Lol I was wondering if we could get together soon. You down?

Kim: Oohwee HELL YEA! What you got in mind sexy

(Garage Door)

Carmen heard the voice alarm in her house as she stood in the kitchen cooking dinner and texting Kim, the sales girl she met at Nordstrom a few days prior.

Carmen: Call u in a minute

She immediately turned off the screen and sat the phone on the counter right before he walked into the kitchen.

“You got it smelling good up in this muthafucka bae! What you cookin?” Whack asked, as he smacked her on her round juicy ass and kissed the back of her neck. Carmen blushed at the feel of his juicy lips on her neck.

“Hey bae wassup! Jus whippin up a lil sum sum. You know I gets down in the kitchen!” she joked, as she turned to face him and planted a wet kiss with some slight tongue on his lips. He cupped and caressed her ass as he enjoyed every second.

“Where baby Shad at?” he asked after they unlocked lips. Even though Rashad was 14, now they still called him baby Shad, and he hated it. He wasn’t the JR his dad was, so they named him baby Rashad since he was the third. He always begged his parents to drop the baby and just call him Shad, but they still did it.

“He went to the mall with Kyra and the twins. They should be back soon though, they been gone for a minute,” she replied, as she walked over to their French marble dining table and began to roll a blunt.

“Sweet Diesel or Gorilla Glue bae?” she asked, holding up the two different types of weed.

“Shit, you can roll one of each for real, a nigga need em,” he said, getting up and walking over to the stainless steel refrigerator, grabbing a Corona beer out of it. He popped the cap off and took half of it to the head. He walked over to the table where Carmen was rolling up. Before sitting down, he pulled the picture of Murder and Black out of his back pocket and placed it on the table.

“Where did you get that!” Carmen asked, as her eyes widened.

“I found it in the attic when we were cleaning out Grams’ house. I know that this is yo daddy on the picture, but the man standing next to him killed my daddy! How do yo pops know him, and where he at?!” Whack lied. He just wanted to know the history between his father and Murder, and if him and Notorious was really behind his death. He knew Carmen would know all about it, and it killed him to have to lie to her but he needed to know the truth.

“His name was Black. Him and my daddy was best friends and they got money together. They met in high school through a lady name Lisa, which was Black’s girlfriend. Black thought Lisa and my daddy were sleeping together, but they wasn’t. Instead of confronting him about it, he began stealing from him and cutting corners off of his bricks. I guess he felt like my daddy was stealing from him, so he started stealing from my daddy. My daddy didn’t even know he was doing it until one day one of the workers caught him doin it. My daddy felt betrayed because he always looked out for Black; he even paid his mother’s medical bills. The nigga was dirty. But you ain’t gotta worry about that nigga though bae, he long gone.” Carmen broke down the whole story.

He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “What you mean? What happened to him?!” Whack asked, trying to hide that he was boiling on the inside. Even though he knew the codes of the streets and the consequences behind stealing a nigga’s product, he wasn’t hearing shit. Nothing Carmen said was justifiable enough to him for them taking his father from him.

“Shit, years ago my brother confessed to me that my daddy made him kill the nigga in the basement of a vaco. My fuckin brother was only 11 and that nigga had him catching bodies!” she scoffed. “Bae, please don’t tell my brother I told you about this shit; he will kill my ass!” Carmen pleaded before getting up to check the food. She had just given Whack all the information he had been looking for. But what she didn’t know was her brother was about to pay a hefty price. All because of her big ass mouth.






Chapter 17

Notorious stood leaning against his black on black 750 as he waited outside the halfway house for his uncle Steve. It had been 20 years since the last time he seen him and he was excited because he knew they were about to shake the city up even more. His Uncle was just as well-known as his father. Actually, he was the one that put Notorious on the new connect they were going to meet, Pablo. For a nigga to be locked up, he knew more than the niggas on the streets. That was because he still had major respect in the streets. Stebo was ruthless and many feared him. Back before he got jammed, his little brother Dennis got robbed by two men at gun point walking home from work one late night. The robbers took his wallet, jewelry, gun, and shoes. Dennis yelled out “I’m gon tell my big brother Stebo on yawl, yawl gon be sorry!” Believe it or not, they turned around and gave him all of his belongings back. They apologized and begged him not to tell his big brother. They even began to make sure he got home safe from work every night from then on.

“Look at this old Eddie Murphy looking ass nigga! Wassup Unk!” Notorious laughed, flaming his uncle as soon as he stepped foot out of the halfway house.

“Nigga, fuck you! Ole pretty boy ass nigga! Ole Shannon Brown looking ass nigga!” Stebo came back.

“What’s up nephew, I’m home baby!” The two slapped fives and embraced each other.

“It’s been 20 years Unk! How you feel?”

“20 long muthafuckn years! I feel like I’m ready to get some money nephew.”

“Well, let’s get this shit then!” Notorious shouted in laughter. The two then hopped in the whip and Notorious peeled off.


“Shhhhh, here they come!” Carmen informed the rest of the family as she seen her brother and uncle walking from the car towards the house. Her and her brother decided to get the family together to have a little welcome home party at Grams’ house for Stebo. Notorious and Steve walked onto the porch. He put the key in the door and opened it up. “WELCOME HOME!” Everybody jumped out with joy and big smiles on their faces.

“Well, I be damn, yawl showing a nigga love!” Stebo said, as he plastered a huge smile across his face and began to embrace his family. “Yawl gon make a real nigga cry!” he joked, but deep down, he was holding back the tears. His family had really done it up for him. They decorated, had a smorgasbord of food, cake, and gifts; he couldn’t ask for more.

“Unk, come here; I got some people I want you to meet!” Notorious said excitedly, leading his uncle to the back of the house where Kyra, Whack, baby Shad, and the twins were. “Aye yawl, this uncle Stebo.” Notorious said, gaining their attention. “Unk, this my wife Za’Kyra and my twin girls Za’Keyla and Za’Kayla!” Steve extended his arm to Kyra for a hand shake.

“Aw sookie sookie now, I see you got ya self a fine one! Look at her lil chocolate pretty self!” he said, as they all began to laugh. He then turned to the twins, “Hey pretty girls, show ya big uncle some love! Yawl so grown; how old are yawl?!” he asked, pulling them in for a hug.

“Thirteen,” they announced at the same time.

“We’ll be fourteen next week though!” Za’Kayla confirmed.

“Well, I be damn, yawl will be grown in a minute!” he joked. “And who is this handsome fella?”  he asked, looking at baby Shad.

“This Carmen’s son, Unk. And this her husband and also my right hand, Whack.” Stebo turned to Whack, he looked him up and down before extending his hand out and shaking his hand.

“Whack huh? What you do to earn a name like that?!” he questioned as he stared into his eyes. It was something about this lil nigga that looked real familiar to him and he just wasn’t feeling him.

“Shit, ask yo nephew; he gave it to me!” Whack laughed and returned the hand shake.

“Trust me Unk, he earned it!” Notorious chimed in, vouching for his boy. They continued to laugh and catch up, until they were interrupted by Carmen.

“Uncle Stebo, come in the living room, so you can open up your gifts! Everybody waiting on you.”

“Okay baby doll, give me a second,” he said, as he began to wrap up his conversation with Whack and Notorious and headed in the living room with the rest of the family.

“Open my gift first!” Stebo’s big sister Theresa yelled out. She hadn’t changed a bit. Every time there was a party, she always wanted her gift to be the first one opened. You had to give it to her though, she always bought the best gifts. Steve did as he was asked and opened her gift first. It was a gold big faced Diesel watch with a pair of matching Diesel sunglasses. They were dope and Steve couldn’t wait to put them on. He then opened Carmen and Whack’s gifts, which were a lot. They bought him several pair of name brand jeans and shirts, four pair of the latest retro Jordan’s that were out, and bunch of socks, underwear, and t-shirts. Notorious smiled at how happy and appreciative his uncle was with his gifts. He couldn’t wait to take him to the car lot so he could pick him a car; that was going to be his gift. As he continued to watch Steve open the rest of his gifts, he could feel his phone vibrate in his pocket. He looked at the screen and noticed it was Pablo, the new connect they were flying to see in the morning. He quickly walked through the kitchen and out the back door to take the call.

“Pablo, what’s the word my guy?!” Notorious spoke into the phone.

“My compadre! I was just making sure we were still on for tomorrow?” he replied in his thick Spanish tone. It was still kind of hard to understand Pablo’s English, if you weren’t listening closely.

“Yep! Our flight leaves here at 9 tomorrow morning, we should land there no later than 12:45 noon,” he assured Pablo.

“Swell, that’s perfect my friend. I’ll give you time to settle and I’ll call you at about 2:00 with the address to meet.”

“Ok, ok sounds good to me. In a minute,” he responded before hanging up. He then pressed the envelope icon to send his cousin Manny a text.

Notorious: Make sure u at the airport ON TIME NIGGA!

He slipped the phone back into his pocket and went back to finish watching Steve open his gifts.


Stebo stood up against the kitchen sink, sipping a red plastic cup filled with Remy V.S.O.P. He stared Whack down as he tried to figure out why he looked so familiar to him. Whack was so busy play fighting with baby Shad, he wasn’t even paying him any attention.

“Say Mercy! Say it!” Whack yelled, as he playfully put baby Shad in a full Nelson.

“Nope! Neva!” he replied. Whack then began to tickle him. “Say Mercy, you betta sat it or I’ma tickle you to death!”

“Okay, okay! Mercy daddy! Mercy! Just stop tickling me pleeeease!” Baby Shad laughed hysterically, but Whack still continued.

“I can’t breathe! I gotta pee! I can’t breathe! I gotta pee! Stop Daddy!” he screamed.

“You better let my son go Whack before I fuck you up!” Carmen spat playfully as she walked into the kitchen.

“Oh, you want some too?!” Whack asked, scooping Carmen up off of her feet and throwing her itty bitty ass over his shoulder. He then began to smack her on her plump soft ass as if he was giving her a spanking. Carmen laughed uncontrollably as she tried to keep her dress down.

“Put me down bae, I ain’t got no draws on!” she whispered in his ear. Those words made his penis tingle. He quickly put her down and pulled her close to him.

“Let’s go to the third floor bathroom,” he whispered back. Carmen plastered a big grin on her face, showing every tooth she had in her mouth.

“Meet you there in five.” She giggled and walked away. Whack stood there for a few more seconds before taking off behind her. He felt a slight tug on his arm as he tried to exit.

“Aye! Excuse me, I got a question,” Stebo said.

“Aw iight, wassup Unk?!” Whack responded like he had been knowing him just as long as the rest of the family.

“Who is yo parents or some of yo people? You look real familiar, like somebody I know or use to know. I jus can’t seem to put my finger on it,” he said with a confused look on his face.

“Aw nah Unk, I ain’t got no people. I ran away from a group home,” Whack lied. He then walked out the kitchen and headed to the third floor. He was praying Stebo didn’t know who he was. He’d hate to have to kill him.


When Whack made it to the third floor, it was pitch black and so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. He instantly realized Carmen was on her hide and seek shenanigans again. She always did different things to keep their sex life spicy, that’s one of the many things he loved about her. Whack tripped over something he couldn’t make out in the dark. His neck jerked so hard from trying to catch himself, it almost caused whip lash. He giggled on the inside. He wanted to turn on the lights so bad, but he knew the rules. Plus, he didn’t want to ruin the fun. As he crept through the dark feeling his way toward the bathroom, his heart began to pound in anticipation as he was waiting for Carmen to jump out on him at any time. When he felt the knob of the bathroom door, he proceeded to walk in. Before he could step foot onto the tile floor, Carmen swiftly snatched him up by the collar and threw him up against the bathroom wall. She roughly tugged on his Gucci belt until she got it unfastened. She snatched down his stone washed Rock and Revival jeans and his navy blue Ralph Lauren boxer briefs, freeing his long thick rock hard member. She took him into her warm oral cavity and began to bob for apples. Whack groaned and threw his head back in rapture. Carmen’s mouth was so flooded; her saliva began to roll down his balls onto his legs.

“Fuck baby that mouth hella wet!” he moaned. She gripped his shaft and began to stroke his ego as she sped up her pace. Whack’s dick slid in and out of the hole in Carmen’s face promptly as he gripped the back of her brain slowly fucking her whistler. She slowly rubbed her pounding clit forcefully with her two middle fingers of her free hand. The vibrations from her moans sent chills down his spine. She could feel Whack’s love muscle harden, signaling her that he was close to exploding. She slowed her pace and loosened her grip before removing him from her mouth. She then stood to her feet. Forcefully grabbing her by her throat, Whack brought her face to his and gave her a sloppy knee buckling tongue kiss.

After releasing her, he spent her around and bent her over the white porcelain bathtub. He then dispersed her pale rotund ass cheeks, and slid his grueling rod inside of her warm canal. Carmen let out a soft purr as he slowly but fiercely thrusted himself in and out of her. It took everything in her power not to scream and cry out as she was about to climax. But, the more he stroked, the louder she became.

“Shhhhh baby, before somebody hear us!” Whack said. He was trying to keep himself quiet as well. He could feel his soldiers lining up getting ready to march through each pump.

“Aw shit, I’m gettin ready to cum bae!” he groaned. Carmen instantly turned around and dropped to her knees. Wrapping her lips around his pipe, sucking his cum out like a Jell-O shot. After wrapping up their quickie, the couple got themselves together and headed back to the first floor and rejoined the rest of the family.




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