Lucca (27 page)

Read Lucca Online

Authors: Karen Michelle Nutt

Tags: #time travel, #romantic fantasy, #fallen angels, #paranormal suspense, #karen michelle nutt

BOOK: Lucca
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He backed away, lifting his hand in mock
surrender. His eyebrows rose a fraction of an inch and his lips
twitched. She looked way too sexy with the determined look lining
her features and the Glock ready to do him in. He shook his head.
God, he was definitely losing it. She wanted to kill him and he was
turned on. “Are you going to pull the trigger?”

“Give me a reason to and you’ll find

Tiger Lilly decided at that moment to jump
off the table and rub against his calf, purring with contentment.
At least someone in the room still liked him.

Juliet’s fear of him was genuine, but it
only proved to confuse him. Then the realizations crashed down on
him as if he’d been hit with a tidal wave.

Barachiel was searching for two humans who
had time traveled. Or was Barachiel simply interested in Owen.

For several surprised seconds, he stared at
Juliet as it all became clear like a glimmering light beneath the
lifting fog. Good Lord, he felt foolish. Barachiel was looking for
Juliet and Owen because Owen’s father wasn’t a half angel. He was a
damned Archangel.

Juliet kept the gun aimed at him. “What are
you?” Her demand to know the truth kept him still. He had no wish
for her to fill him with bullets before he could explain.

“I’m one of the Watchers … like Zaiden.” She
didn’t flinch, making him believe she already suspected that, but
wanted to hear it from him. “It’s what I wanted to talk you about.
I was going to tell—”

“Show me your wings,” she interrupted, doubt
ringing from her words. Her green eyes leveled with his—waiting. “I
can always sense the Nephilim, but not you.”

He’d like nothing more than to reveal his
true self, which disturbed him immensely. The Watchers weren’t
allowed to reveal their true self to humans unless… He refused to
go there. He could easily give into the whisper of temptation and
be glad he did, but to even conceive Juliet was his soul mate
proved more than he could handle right now. “That’s an intimate
request, Juliet.” His voice took on a husky quality all its own.
“As much as I would like to share, I cannot comply.”

Her finger twitched. She may not want to
shoot him, but she would if it meant keeping Owen safe and right
now she didn’t trust him. He didn’t blame her. Survival ruled her
world for so long, seeing it any other way would require trust, and
he had yet to earn hers.

He held up his hands. “If you will allow me,
I’ll show you why I cannot do as you ask.” Keeping his movements
smooth so not to startle her, he started to shrug out of his

Her eyes narrowed. “What are you doing?”

He paused and met her gaze. “This is not a
come on. If I meant to bed you, you would know and would not have
to ask my intentions.

She snorted in a very unladylike fashion,
but he found it painfully erotic with her gaze wavering over him
like a caress.

“I need to show you my back. With your
permission, of course.”

Finally, she gave him a curt nod. “Go on.”
She waved the gun at him.

He pulled his shirt up and shrugged his arms
out of it. He met her gaze, locking onto those earthy green pools
of warmth. He turned, giving her full view of his back, and his
shame. Her intake of breath was like a gasp. His eyes closed as if
shutting out the world would save him from the humiliation.

“So beautiful.”

He looked over his shoulder to her, his gaze
riveting to her in confusion. She didn’t look upon him with
disgust. Her eyes shone bright, brimming with admiration.

She holstered her gun and took the steps
separating them. Her hand slid over the tattooed wings, her touch
like an erotic sweep, sending his senses into overdrive. He
shuddered, and her hand hovered over his skin like a tease. She met
his eyes then.

“Am I hurting you?”

He shook his head and swallowed. “Just the
opposite. The Nephilim’s wings are very sensitive, even bound it
would seem.” He was amazed over the fact. “Don’t stop.” Had he
spoken the words aloud? It appeared he had. Her fingers slid over
his skin, continuing their torturous appraisal, not missing a curve
or a line marking the design blazed from his shoulder to the lower
part of his back.

“I can feel the heat radiating from you
and…” she took a deep inhaling breath. “Your scent is like the wind
and a spice of some sort. It’s like nothing I’ve ever smelled
before.” She met his gaze, her lids heavy, her arousal potent
enough to make him sway. “I like it,” she told him.

Dear Lord, he wanted her. He wanted to taste
her, caress every inch of her body. His hand snaked out as he
turned, pulling her against his chest. She let out a surprise yelp,
but didn’t struggle to be free. She settled into his embrace, a
perfect fit.

She lifted her chin, her gaze latching onto
his with fierce determination. “Kiss me,” she demanded.

His lips twitched. She was a demanding
female, but he was in no mood to argue when he craved what she
wanted, too. His lips covered hers, taking her under, or was it her
enchanting him? It didn’t matter. He wanted her, all of her. He
backed her up against the wall, capturing her with his hardened
body. He’d wrap his wings around her if he could. Her hand gripped
his biceps, pulling him closer as if their clothing proved too much
of a barrier. The thought should have sent warning signals to stop
what he was doing, but he ignored them. His hands slid under her
T-shirt, pulling the garment over her head. The lacy bra came off
next, leaving her breast bare, nipples taut and begging for his

Before he could indulge, her hands went to
the waistband of his jeans, her fingers flipping the button loose
and tugging on the zipper to set him free. Two could play this
game. He helped her to lose the gun, her slacks, and lacy panties,
leaving her smooth skin bare to his gaze. His body was on fire—hot,
hard, and ready, but he didn’t want to ravish her like an animal.
He wanted to savor their time together, relish in her softness, and
take her to heights unimaginable.

She reached for him, drawing him closer, her
hand encasing his flesh with slow torturous strokes. “Dear Lord.”
He took her mouth, his tongue mating with hers as he swept her off
her feet, her arms going around his neck as he carried her to the

They tumbled together onto the bed, but she
used her weight to move on top of him. Everywhere their body
touched he felt lightning crack just below the skin, inflaming his
need to have her. Mint and rosemary encased him, the scent of
sunshine warming him, searing a path to his heart. He was afraid
his strength would overpower her and he’d harm her, but her
aggressive moves to dominate him pushed caution away until he could
see nothing but what Juliet wanted him to do to her. His hands
caressed every inch of her and hers did the same.

As aggressive as her caresses were, for some
reason she would hesitate, pull back as if she doubted her moves
until he took her forward again. He rolled her over on her back and
straddled her, being careful to keep most of his weight off her so
not to crush her. Her hands pulled him closer anyway. Her legs
going around his waist as he thrust inside her. Her body went rigid
beneath him as he tore through the barrier. He stilled in alarm. A
cry left her lips before she stifled it by pressing them

He looked down at her, his eyes searching
hers as if he could find the answers there. “Why?” His hoarse
whisper barely made it past his lips. His hand brushed back her
sun-kissed locks. She’d never lain with a male. He felt humbled
before her.

“Why?” she repeated the question. “Why
haven’t I had sex? Why didn’t I tell you I was a virgin? Why what
exactly?” Her green eyes pooled with tears he didn’t

He leaned down and kissed her softly. “Why
me?” his voice sounded as tortured as he felt. “I’m not worthy of
such a gift,” he breathed.

“Oh, Lucca.” Her hands gripped his face
between her hands, making him look at her. “You really believe
that, don’t you?” He tried to turn away, but she wouldn’t let him.
“You are worthy. I chose you because I love you.” Her eyes widened
as if she hadn’t expected to say that, but then her lips curved. “I
do. I love you.”

His fangs extended and he growled in
response, cradling her against him, he buried his face in her hair.
No one had ever said those words to him. Ever.

“Lucca?” her breath tickled near his ear.
“Are you okay?”

No. Yes. He didn’t know. He looked at her
again. “Am I okay, she asks?” He leaned down and kissed her nose.
Her eyes fluttered closed and he kissed her eyelids before his lips
took her mouth. Her hips moved beneath him, urging him to complete
what they started. Shaking with desire, he met her movements. Her
hands raked through his hair as he took her. Energy flowed between
them, making his body ache for release, the ease he could find only
with her. He wanted to bite her, mark her. His fangs grazed her
tender skin near her breast.

His wings fluttered against his skin as they
tried to break the bounds. He tried to rein in his instinct, but
her scent proved to overpower his will and his fangs sunk into her
flesh—sweet and powerful as their lovemaking. She groaned in
pleasure, her fingers threading through his hair and drawing him
closer, urging him on until shudders racked both their bodies,
tumbling them over the last edge of pleasure.

He rolled off of her and drew her close as
they waited for their breathing to slow to normal.

What had he done? He marked her, but he
couldn’t complete the bonding. His wings ached to wrap around her,
brush against her skin and finish what they began. His fangs
lengthened painfully in response of where his thoughts had taken
him. He’d stepped over the line. He should have stopped this from
happening. His skin felt raw and singed as if he’d been bound for a
second time, his wings burning his flesh.

He hadn’t moved away from her, but she
sensed his mental retreat anyway. Juliet scooted away and sat up,
her long legs sweeping over the side of the bed. She hurried out of
the bedroom as if the room had suddenly burst into flames and she
needed to escape.

He went after her. She was shoving her
clothes on. Panties first then she retrieved her bra. “What are you

“This shouldn’t have happened.” She shook
her head, voicing his thoughts. Only when she said them, it pissed
him off.

“But it did happen.” What happened to the
woman who confessed her love to him only moments before?

She paused, meeting his gaze. “We can’t be
together, Lucca. I’m sorry. It’s not safe for you.”

He went to her, pulling her against him. She
worried about keeping him safe. It should be the other way around.
“I can help you.” How, he didn’t know exactly, but he couldn’t let
her go. Not now.

“You don’t understand.”

“I know Owen isn’t human,” he blurted out.
What was he doing? He should let her walk out the door and
disappear. He knew that’s what she would do if he let go of her.
She’d pack up and leave. She’d run. Maybe it would be for the best
for both of them. She had Archangels after her and he had… Well,
everyone wanted a piece of him and he didn’t want her in the

She stiffened in his arms, withdrawing from
him as if he were the enemy.

“It’s okay,” he told her.

She slipped from his embrace practically
sprinting for the front door, not caring she wasn’t completely
dressed, but his words brought her back.

“Is Raziel Owen’s father?”

She whirled around, her green-eyed gaze
locking onto him. “Why would you ask me that?”

He closed his eyes in a deliberate blink. It
was true then. “I wasn’t sure until now. What century are you from,

“You first? How do you know about Owen?”

“Let’s say I’ve been approached to find
Book of Magic
. Time travel is one of his
specialties. The Fallen can go back and forth through time, but we
are not allowed to alter events. There’s different possibilities,
different dimensions of time coexisting at once. We cannot pull a
human from time and drop them off in another century. It would take
a being of great power and the art of time travel to manage such a

“Raziel,” she said in a breathless
wonderment. “I knew he was powerful. His touch gave me knowledge of
the centuries.”

Anger swept through him. “Like a download.
Raziel could have fried your brain.”

She met his gaze with a frown. “Nice to
know, but it’s a little late for the warning.”

He shook his head. “He must have known you
could take it. You’re a strong woman, Juliet.”

“Or Raziel was desperate enough to take the
chance. He arrived the day my sister gave birth, her body already
cold from the aftermath. Fear shone in Raziel’s eyes, fearful that
whoever was after him would be there soon.”

Lucca understood and Raziel had been right
to be afraid. “Raziel broke the rules and fathered a child. They’ll
want to eliminate all evidence of his disgrace, make him an example
to the other Archangels.”

She took a deep breath and let it out again.
“They really will kill Owen, won’t they?”

“It’s my guess. They’ll also eliminate you
as well. No evidence of Raziel’s fall.”

“You said an Archangel approached you?”

“Yes, he knows you’re here, Juliet. He’s
looking for the portal that brought you through, but there are
others who are looking for the portals as well. Leroy and Purcible
were the first attempts.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Leroy and Purcible were Time

Her hand went to her mouth as she

“Barachiel claimed Leroy had been
compromised and had to be released from his corporal body, but now
I’m not so sure. I think Leroy wouldn’t give you up and that’s why
he decided to go after the book.” But in the back of his mind, he
knew there was more to this. At Purcible’s, the demonic scent of
evil lingered in the air. That was not an Archangel signature. So
maybe some of what Barachiel claimed was true. Kasadya wanted to
open the portals.

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