Lucy's Journey Home (Hunter's Ridge) (12 page)

BOOK: Lucy's Journey Home (Hunter's Ridge)
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“One day soon, you shall ride my cock just as you are riding my finger,” Lucas said softly but Lucy was aware of every syllable.  She couldn’t imagine doing so, would never have believed that she would ever feel any part of her husband’s body pushed inside her bottom.  She gasped as the finger was popped from her bottom and then gave a
deep throated moan as Lucas crossed two fingers tightly together and slowly began to press them inside her.  She strained to pull her arms from his hold, desperate to clutch something as the pressure against her small entrance increased.  Lucas held her easily easing his movements and murmuring soft words of encouragement that she could take his fingers until she seemed to settle a bit.  When he began again, and she felt his fingers stretching and then filling her as her tight sphincter muscle was forced to concede victory to his fingers, she cried out loudly against his hard chest as her body accepted his fingers deep inside her bottom. 

The burn his fingers induced as well as the feeling of uncomfortable fullness caused her to whimper, fearing his words.
  The cock inside her pussy was so large, so hard and so long.  How would she ever manage to obey her husband if he did order her to ride his cock with her bottom?  Even thinking of the image and feeling his fingers press deeper into her, she felt her stomach tingle and was astonished to realize she could feel her arousal building.  Lucas felt intense pleasure when she began to press her bottom down onto his fingers, knowing she was unaware of what she was doing.  He felt every tiny tremble, every contraction of her muscles around his cock and the fingers inside her bottom.  He increased his pace until she was panting and mewing, needing to spend again, needing to release the pleasure that had been building from the moment his finger entered her darkest passage.

“Come, Lucy, come hard.  I want to feel your bottom take its pleasure around my fingers
and your sweet pussy around my cock.  Come for me, come now,” Lucas instructed and his obedient, submissive bride instantly obeyed, taking him over the edge with her. 

It took several minutes before Lucy could think.  Every nerve in her body seemed to be singing, strumming with the pleasure her husband had taught her to enjoy
though she felt it was quite wanton and naughty to have enjoyed such a sinful act.  Lucas’ heart was pounding under her ear and she let it calm her until she could open her eyes again.

“Oh, thank…thank you
for allowing me my ple…pleasure, Papa,” she whispered.  Lucas smiled and released his hold on her wrists and gently rolled her off his chest.  She watched as he climbed from the bed.  She whimpered and Lucas turned to look back at her.

“Shhh, little one, your Papa is here,” Lucas said
.  Lucy flushed as she realized just how much she loved this man, the man who demanded so much from her and yet made her feel so full of love she was almost afraid she’d burst with it.  Lucas returned to the bed with a cool cloth and gently spread Lucy’s legs apart.  She moaned as he tenderly washed her sex and then blushed hotly when he turned her onto her stomach and just as tenderly pulled her cheeks apart and washed her bottom-hole.  Lucas adored her tiny sounds of distress and added to them by bending and placing a kiss on her tiny pink flower.  She jerked but had nowhere to go as he continued to kiss and then draw his tongue up and down the divide of her bottom.  Her hands began to clench the sheets until she once more had them behind her back, her wrists held securely in his hand. 

Lucas hadn’t truly intended to
take her again but his cock began to rise as he enjoyed her bottom. 

“Up on your knees, Kitten,” Lucas said barely lifting his mouth from her cleft to give the order.  Lucy didn’t know what to feel.  Deep shame at where her husband mouth was licking and kissing her
fought with her newly discovered sexuality.  She was shocked that she found the sensation extremely pleasant and horrified that he would put his cock into her bottom.  Despite her fear and knowing this had to be a sin, her entire body was responding, her nipples hard as pebbles, her cream flooding her pussy. 

“Obey me, Lucy. 
Get onto your knees and put your sweet titties and cheek on the mattress.”  Lucy struggled to get into the position, which was difficult to do with her hands held behind her.  Lucas was patient knowing there was no need to hurry in enjoying his wife’s body.  When she finally laid her cheek to the mattress, he used his free hand to guide her legs much farther apart and ordered her to pull them higher.  The position spread her wide, her bottom no longer able to close or clench.

“That’s my good girl,” Lucas praised, his hand gently stroking her hip to assure her that she was safe, that her Papa might be doing somethi
ng shameful to his little one but that he would protect her from true harm.  Lucas could tell that she was tense and wasn’t relaxing under his caress.  “Lucy,” he said softly, bending over her back to speak softly into her ear.  “Trust in your Papa.  I will not hurt you.”  She managed to nod though a tear slid down her cheek.  Lucas knew it was from the anticipation of having her bottom invaded by something far larger than his fingers.

“Remember, Kitten, I’ve already said it isn’t quite the time for that lesson,” he said.  “Has your Papa ever lied to you?”  Lucy didn’t hesitate as she shook her head.

“No…no, Papa.”

“And, Kitten, I
swear I never shall,” Lucas promised and she began to relax as his words reassured her that he was not going to put his cock into her bottom – not yet anyway.  Once Lucy was no longer trembling, Lucas began to kiss her softly, his lips grazing her ear lobe, her neck and down her spine.  He kissed down the arms he was holding against her back and even kissed and gave a tiny lick against the palms of her hands before drawing a strangled moan of pleasure by drawing her thumb into his mouth and suckling lightly.  Lucy was soon making incoherent sounds of pleasure, her nipples aching where they were pressed against the mattress, her pussy once more overflowing with her cream. 

Lucas pressed his lips into the dimple at the base of her spine before he began to kiss the welts that were beginning to fade from her bottom.  He grinned when his little one began to squirm just the slightest bit, her breath quickening, her hands opening and closing as she began to spiral towards pleasure. 
Lucas reached the destination she so feared and yet when his lips pressed against the tender skin of her inner bottom cheeks, she moaned deeply.  He trailed his tongue along her cleft, pausing to give her opening a kiss with each pass of his tongue.  He ignored his cock where it had grown hard.  His own need could wait as he taught his love that her bottom could give her so much pleasure.  Lucy shuddered as she felt the tip of his tongue press into her but couldn’t deny how incredible it made her feel, her body rippling as he began to slowly push his tongue in and out of her bottom.  She squirmed under him, her nipples aching as they raked across the sheet.

… oh…yes…yes,” she began to chant and Lucas had to smile knowing she was unaware of her words.  He continued to use his tongue to pleasure her until he heard her words change.

“Please…please…may…may I
… may I have my pleasure…please, oh,  ple… please Papa,” Lucy stuttered, her heart pounding as she felt her body quiver in an advance warning of what she knew would be a beautiful explosion if allowed.  Lucas removed his tongue in order to answer her but replaced it with one finger so that there would be no lapse in the steady rhythm he had begun. 

“Yes, my good little one, take your pleasure,” Lucas said softly and then returned his attention to her bottom.  His tongue was inside when she arched and
her world shattered, her body stiffening and then collapsing with the force of her climax.  Lucas gave her bottom a final kiss and then moved to kneel behind her, sliding his cock into her sopping pussy.  He spread his knees wide for balance and then reached to lift her so that her back was to his chest, her knees planted on the bed as he thrust up into her.  He released her wrists to guide her arms up around his neck so that his hands could be free to hold her close to him and to pluck and tweak her nipples until she was quivering and shuddering around his cock. By the time he erupted, Lucy screamed, her entire body shuddering and convulsing as her fourth and most intense climax consumed them both.


Chapter 7


Lucas awoke the next morning to find his naked wife kneeling up on the bed, her chin resting on her folded arms as she looked out the window. 

“Good morning, Kitten,” he said softly as he reached out a hand to run it across her bare bottom.  Lucy shivered but didn’t pull away as she looked down at her husband.

“Good morning, Papa,” she replied.  “It is so pretty outside. Everything goes by so fast but I even saw some people waving from the fields.  You should look…” she gasped and then giggled when she was abruptly pulled down to lie beside him. 

“I can’t imagine a prettier view than the one I’m looking at right now,” Lucas said and moved to straddle her small body.  He adored the flush of pleasure on her face as he bent to kiss her.  She was soon moaning her body readying itself as he took her arms and pulled them
above her head.  As he kissed her more deeply, she began to squirm a bit, her legs parting as if to welcome him between them.  Lucas released her mouth only to use his free hand to cup her cheek.

“See any horses you’d like to ride?” he teased and chuckled when she flushed scarlet with the memory of what had transpired the evening before.  He loved it when she buried her face against his neck and giggled.

“No…no, Papa, I didn’t see any horses, at least not outside.”  Lucas was a bit stunned at her words and then laughed loudly understanding she had enjoyed her newest lesson immensely.  He held her as he moved, rolling to his back and placing her sweet bottom on his erection. 

Ride me,” he whispered as he captured her wrists with one hand and began to flick and tease her nipples with the other.  Lucy found her morning ride just as wonderful as the one from the evening before.  They had just collapsed into each other’s arms when a soft knock sounded on the door.  Lucy squealed and attempted to dive under the covers that were tangled from their play.  Lucas laughed again, slid out of the bed and then arranged the bed cover over his wife.  He pulled on his pants and went to answer the door. 

“Good morning, Sir,” Molly said as he stepped back to allow her to enter the room.  “I’m sorry to disturb you but you wished to have earlier seating for meals.”  She looked to the bed to see only the very top of Lucy’s head above the mound of coverings.  She smiled and turned to look at her employer.  “If you’d rather, I’m sure I can arrange for a tray for your breakfast.” 

“That’s not necessary, Molly,” Lucas said.  “I’m sure Lucy is hungry.  I’ll make a quick trip to the water closet and then you can dress our girl.”  Molly nodded and as Lucas moved to gather his shaving bag and fresh clothing, Molly moved about the room gathering up discarded clothing.  Lucas paused at the side of the bed, bending to give his wife a kiss on the top of her head.  “Be a good girl for your nanny, sweetie.  Papa will be right back and then we can go to breakfast.”

“Yes, Papa,” Lucy said, her face flushed from his lovemaking and the realization that Molly would know exactly what happened in the Lord’s bed.  Lucy stifled a giggle as her color deepened realizing that Molly couldn’t know everything that Lucy’s Papa was teaching his little child-bride.  Molly smiled hearing her young charge giggling and sounding so relaxed and happy.  She allowed Lucy to remain warm beneath the bedcovers as she went into the closet and
chose the day’s clothing.  By the time Lucas returned, freshly washed and shaven, his clothing impeccable, Molly had everything ready to tend to Lucille’s morning preparations.

“Come, Lucy,” Molly said as she reached out and pulled the covers of the bed down.  Lucy
shivered as she climbed from the bed and was very grateful when Molly helped her into her dressing gown. 

“I’ll meet you in the dining car,” Lucas said after returning his kit to the shelf in the closet. 

“Certainly, Sir, we shan’t be too long,” Molly agreed, taking Lucy’s hand preparing to lead her out into the corridor when Lucas opened the door.  Mr. Brannon had just lifted his hand to knock on the compartment door when it opened.  Lucy gave a startled cry when she practically bumped into him.

“Good morning, Miss Lucy,” Brannon said thinking the young woman looked even more beautiful this morning despite the fact that she was barefoot and in a dressing gown, her
hair untidy after her evening’s sleep.  Lucy felt her hand being squeezed as she was reminded to answer adults.

“Good morning, Mr. Brannon,” she said softly, her eyes not lifting from the floor.  Molly smiled at the man as he offered her one of the towels from the stack he was holding. 

“Thank you,” Molly said accepting the towel.  “I have placed some items into the basket by the door,” Molly said.  “I know you told me that laundry service was provided but was not sure if your service extended to nappies.  Should I wash those myself?” 

That is not necessary, Miss,” Brannon said.  “Don’t worry about a thing.  I’ll make sure everything is in order.  There are several children traveling so Miss Lucy’s nappies won’t cause any additional work.  Shall I change the bed linens as well?”  Lucy had started to blush at the mention of soiled nappies but flushed scarlet thinking of what had transpired, several times, in the bed.  They ignored her embarrassment as Lucas chuckled.

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