Lust Quest (24 page)

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Authors: Ray Gordon

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Lust Quest
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“I believe I know what’s happening,” she said mysteriously. “This is going to sound crazy, I know. But I firmly believe that your writing is influencing me.”

“That’s ridiculous,” I returned. “OK, so I’ve used the name Crystal for my heroine. But that’s purely coincidence.”

“The cottage, the tree, the well ...”

“Yes, but ...”

“Jade, listening to your story was like listening to someone telling me about the things I’ve been doing lately. All that you’ve written has happened to me.”

? Even the part about the girl enduring an anal fisting?”



“So, you’re saying that whatever I write happens to you?”


“I don’t like this,” I murmured, the hairs on the back of my neck standing up.

“I don’t like this at all.”



I wanted to mention the girl in the bushes, but daren’t in case Crystal had seen a similar girl. But the idea was crazy. I was becoming annoyed, not only with Crystal and Alan for getting me involved with her, but annoyed with myself. The situation was ludicrous. The way my life was going was ludicrous. As Crystal spoke of the things that had happened to her of late, I began to wonder whether she was lying.

Alan was the only link between us, I reflected. He must have been up to something, trying to cause trouble or, knowing him, trying to get inside Crystal’s knickers.


“Is there anything between you and Alan?” I interrupted her as she rambled on about the crude sex she’d endured.

“No, nothing. Initially, he wanted more than friendship but ...”

“He would,” I laughed. “He chases anything in a skirt.”

“He doesn’t chase me, Jade,” she smiled. “He’s not had thoughts like that about me since I told him that I’m a lesbian.”

“You’re a ...” I gasped.

“Are you OK with that?”

“Yes, of course. But the girl in my book ...”

“That’s what worries me. I told you that I’ve changed. There’s been a major change in me recently. I’ve always been a lesbian, Jade. That’s why my parents dumped me on my aunt when I was twelve-years-old. They knew then what I was and couldn’t handle it. Recently, and for the first time in my life, I’ve been going with men. I have no idea why because ...”

“Apparently, you have a lot of male visitors. I heard that ...”


“Yes, I’ve heard the rumours. I’m not a prostitute. I write erotic fiction to order. I have several clients who call at the cottage to collect their stories. The money helps.”

“Yes, I suppose it does,” I murmured.


Feeling more confused than ever, I didn’t know what to think. I felt as if I was going mad as I gazed at Crystal’s long legs, her naked thighs. A lesbian? The way she’d changed, the way I’d changed ... Was my book really influencing her? What if I killed Crystal off, had her jump over a cliff or something? I dreaded to think of the consequences. Deciding to prove this one way or the other, I asked whether she’d been with a young girl who had tied her down to a bed and shaved her. It hadn’t happened in the book, so ...


“No, I haven’t,” she frowned. “Is that what happens in your book?”

“Yes,” I smiled.


Suddenly wondering whether she was lying, I thought that she might be in this with Alan. He’d probably told her about me, the terrible things I did to him. Between them, they might have decided to play games with me. Crystal pretending to have changed, making out that what I’d written had happened to her ... But how would they have known what I’d written? Alan might have seen my book, I reflected. If he still had a key to my flat ... It would have been easy enough to bring my book up on the computer. All he had to do was take a few notes and ... But why would be bother?



“The other day, I wrote about Crystal visiting a girl who’d shaved her pubic hair off,” I said, watching for her reaction.

“I haven’t visited anyone recently,” she murmured pensively.

“I didn’t tell you about Crystal’s long-term relationship, did I? She’s been seeing a man for some time,” I lied. “It starts in the first chapter. They have sex, but only in shop door ways. It’s a thing Crystal has. A sort of fetish.”

“No, that hasn’t happened to me either,” she murmured.

“I don’t believe that my book is influencing you,” I giggled. “There are one or two coincidences, but that’s all.”

“All the other things you told me have happened to me, Jade,” she persisted.

“Did your Crystal go to a wine bar and meet a man?” she asked.

“Er ... No,” I lied, my heart racing as her words battered my mind.

“I went to a wine bar and met a man and ... Terrible though it sounds, we had sex up against the bar.”


That’s exactly what my Crystal had done. Trying to conceal my shock, I offered her a cup of coffee and left the room. She’d either seen my book or ... or she was being influenced by what I’d written. I recalled watching some film or other with a similar storyline. But things like that only happened in the movies. There was one way to discover the truth. Write a sex scene and see whether the same thing happened to Crystal Marshall. My thinking was crazy, I knew as I poured the coffee. She must have known about my book. Alan must have seen it and told her. He’d been into my den and read the manuscript. But why? What was their plan? Why pretend that my writing was influencing her?



“There we are,” I smiled, placing the coffee on the table. “As I was saying, the whole thing is nothing more than coincidence.”

“No, it’s not,” she murmured, locking her sky-blue eyes to mine.

“If it isn’t, and you really are being influenced by my character, then you have quite a shock coming,” I laughed.

“What do you mean?”

“I finished another chapter this afternoon. Crystal is kidnapped.”

“No,” she gasped, feigning shock quite well. “Jade, you must change it.”

“Don’t be silly,” I grinned. “My Crystal doesn’t look like you, she hasn’t had sex in a wine bar, and she doesn’t have pubic hair. She shaves regularly and ...”

“So do I,” she said, holding her hand to her mouth.

“I don’t believe you,” I returned. “You’re making this up as you go along.”



,” she snapped, rising to her feet and pulling her dress up. Standing before me, she tugged her blue panties down. “Look.”


Gazing in disbelief at her hairless vaginal crack, I really didn’t know what to think. My Crystal
shave regularly. It had been an idea I’d had when I’d started the book. Staring at the swell of Crystal’s smooth outer lips, the pinken wings of her inner lips protruding invitingly from her valley of desire, I licked my lips. She
being influenced, but how? Perhaps there
there a ghost or whatever at work. No, of course not, I reflected. This was Alan’s doing. He’d told me to call Crystal, given me her phone number ... He was up to something, and I was determined to discover what is was.



“All I can say is that’s coincidence,” I said, smiling at her as she tugged her panties up and adjusted her dress. “As it happens, I shave regularly. A lot of women do.”

“I’m not convinced,” she sighed.

“You know what happens next in the book, don’t you?” I asked as she paced the floor.

“What?” she breathed, her face turning pale.

“If you’re right and my writing is affecting you ... After Crystal is kidnapped by two men, she’s taken abroad where she’s sold as a sex slave.”

“No,” she cried, moving to the door.

“Sit down,” I ordered her. “I was only joking.”

“For God’s sake, Jade. Don’t do that to me.”


As she flopped into the armchair, I began to wonder whether she was telling the truth. She seemed genuinely frightened but ... She was lying, she had to be. This was some daft plan of Alan’s to ... to whatever. Perhaps he was behind her running away, I reflected. Why wreck her room and then run off like that? She must have known that the police were looking for her. And Alan hadn’t seemed too bothered when she’d gone missing. Whatever was going on, Alan the ex was behind it.


“Why did you run off?” I asked.

“Because I’d been feeling down. Money was tight, I found out that my long-term girlfriend was two-timing me, I’d rowed with my mother on the phone ... I wrecked my room and then went off. It was stupid, I know. But I needed time and 224

space to think. I didn’t realize that the police were concerned. Anyway, that’s all OK

now. I’d better be going.”

“Crystal,” I murmured. “I’m also a lesbian.”

“Are you?” she frowned.


“But Alan said that you were with him for ...”

“Alan left me because ... He discovered that I had lesbian tenancies and he left me. Would you like to stay for a while longer?”

“Yes, yes I would,” she beamed. “This isn’t in your book, is it? Crystal and an authoress ...”

“No, it’s not.”


I noted that she’d suddenly lost her fearful look. In fact, she seemed to be positively glowing with enthusiasm, which I found odd seeing as she’d been terrified only minutes previously. Whatever was going on, I’d find out eventually, I knew as she crossed the room and sat beside me on the sofa. I wasn’t bothered about Alan and whatever he had planned. And I didn’t really care about Crystal. All I wanted was sex with the girl. After that, she could go and rot in hell.


That wasn’t my thinking, I reflected fearfully. Go and rot in hell? I’d never thought such a thing about anyone. Eyeing the girl’s naked thigh as her dress rode up, I felt that I was succumbing to a goading inner voice. I thought that I was going mad as I placed my hand on her thigh. I’d wanted to be like the Crystal in my book, and now I was about to have sex with Crystal Marshall. Leaping up, I walked to the window and took a deep breath.



“Are you all right?” she asked, her blue eyes frowning.

“Yes, yes,” I replied, forcing a smile. “It’s just that I have one or two things on my mind.”

“Come back and I’ll relax you,” she whispered huskily.

“Crystal, I ...”


Crossing the room, she knelt at my feet and lifted my dress. I could feel her warm breath on my hairless vulval flesh, the tip of her wet tongue tracing the contours of my swollen outer lips. My legs sagging, I parted my feet, my valley of desire opening to her intimate caress. Lapping at the pink folds of my inner flesh, she breathed heavily as I let out little gasps of pleasure. I was weaker than ever in my lesbian arousal, I knew as my clitoris swelled and pulsated in expectation. My pussy devoid of hair, my vulval flesh was acutely sensitive, the sensations driving me wild as I clung to her head to steady myself.


“Lick my clitoris,” I murmured as my sex budlette emerged from beneath its protective hood as if seeking the caress of her wet tongue. My legs trembling, my knees bent, I hung my head and closed my eyes as she pushed a finger between the dripping inner wings of my vagina and drove it deep into my tightening cunt. “God,” I breathed as she massaged the creamy-wet walls of my sex sheath. Oblivious to my surroundings, I leaned on her head as she expertly fingered my pussy and sucked and licked my pulsating clitoris. I was going to come in her mouth, I knew as I felt my juices of lesbian lust coursing down my inner thighs. My womb rhythmically contracting, I was almost there.



“Sit on the sofa,” she said, taking my hand and leading me across the room.

Reclining, I parted my thighs wide as she settled between my legs and eased open the drenched valley of my vagina. My clitoris fully exposed, swollen in anticipation, I gasped as she sucked the small protuberance into her hot mouth and snaked her wet tongue over its sensitive tip. Two or three fingers driving deep into my spasming cunt, I gyrated my hips, grinding my fiery vulval flesh hard against her wet face as she took me ever-closer to the threshold of pure lesbian bliss. Opening my thighs further, giving her better access to my sexual centre, I sang out as the birth of my orgasm erupted within my contracting womb.


“Yes,” I cried, my clitoris exploding in orgasm. The squelching sound of my pistoned vagina filling my mind, I drifted through purple clouds of sexual euphoria as my amazing pleasure rocked my very soul. Shockwaves of pure lesbian bliss coursing through my trembling body, I tossed my head from side to side as she expertly sustained my incredible climax with her thrusting finger and sweeping tongue. Mog couldn’t have done this, I reflected. Jackie was good, but no one came close to Crystal.


“God,” I gasped involuntarily as she slipped a finger between the globes of my tensed buttocks and massaged the delicate brown tissue surrounding my anal inlet.

Her finger driving into my tight duct, walking the nerve endings there, she massaged my inner flesh, bringing me immense pleasure as she continued to finger my cunt and suck my clitoris. I thought I’d never come down from my lesbian heaven as my orgasm peaked. Tremors of crude sex rocking my perspiring body, my stomach rising 227

and falling, I thought Crystal was going to drown as my juices of lesbian lust issued from my bloated cunt and sprayed her pretty face. Never had I come so much. The cream of my orgasm flowing in torrents from my bloated vagina, I knew that I was flooding the sofa as the squelching grew louder.


Driving a second finger deep into the sheath of my bottom, she double pistoned my sex holes and sucked and mouthed on my clitoris until I begged her to stop. My orgasm so intense that I grimaced, I let out a gush of girl come, the lubricious liquid flowing between my naked buttocks, lubricating the anal pistoning.

Again, I pleaded with her to stop, but she fingered my holes faster and harder and sucked my pulsating clitoris into her wet mouth until I fell into a state of semiconsciousness.


I could hear her voice calling in the distance, her incoherent words floating about me on the breeze like autumn leaves. Floating, drifting, fluttering unheard.

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