Luster (8 page)

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Authors: Tessa Rowan

BOOK: Luster
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ccording to my watch
, it’s five-thirty five in the morning. And I’m still at Falyn’s house. Excuse me,
. Not that I’m complaining. Especially after not one, not two, but
rounds of mind-blowing sex. And another fucking superb blowjob from Ms. Morrissey in the shower, to top it all off.

If she was trying to prove me wrong, she did a hell of a good job. I’ll be wrong a thousand times over if it means I get to watch Falyn’s round ass bounce up and down on my dick all night again.

I thought I was just going to get a quickie and then head back out, getting Falyn out of my head for the night. But I was wrong yet again. I hope that doesn’t mean it’s becoming a habit…

I wash my hands after taking a piss, not bothering to take a look in the fancy mirror hanging up in her bathroom that’s the size of the house I grew up in. I’m sure I look properly fucked. Because that was a good and proper fucking, if I ever did see one.

The smile that splits my lips keeps coming back, no matter how many times I remind myself that this was just a one-time thing. There’s no way Falyn would agree to this again. She really was willing to go the extra mile to get the contract. So I guess I should stick to my part of the deal and sign the damn thing.

But I just can’t lose the feeling that there’s more to this. Whatever this

Falyn’s curled up into a ball on her bed, the gray sheets wrapped around her middle covering her navel to her mid-thigh. Her chest slowly rises and falls with each breath, captivating the muse in me. I glance around her bedroom, looking for a piece of paper, a napkin, anything. The light from the living room is just barely filtering in, casting a soft glow over the bed and Falyn.

I finally see a small notepad sitting on top of her dresser and grab it and the pen next to it. I take my tools and pull up the heavy bench at the end of her bed up closer to her, loosening up my shoulders and arms before I begin.

Time passes by quickly when I’m in the zone, and before I know it, I’m finished. The shading is a little off thanks to the shitty lighting in the room, but I’m still pretty satisfied. I debate whether I should leave it for her and get going when she mumbles something in her sleep. Falyn turns to her other side, snorting for a moment until her deep breathing returns.

If I did leave, what would I do? It’s too early to be of any use to anybody, and I’m too wide awake to go back home and sleep. I did mention something to Sam about hanging out with Liam today, but dragging myself back into all of Donald’s bullshit is the last thing I feel like dealing with right now.

Fuck him. I’m not about to think about his dipshit self when I have something way more fun to occupy my time with. I look back over at Falyn, letting the more sinister thoughts of my asshole step-father slip away.

Now I’ve got a delicious view of her curvy ass, something I’m becoming more and more obsessed with. Every single part of her body is that of a goddess, so it’s hard to pick a favorite. But looking at the way her back curves up into that beautiful heart-shaped rear topped with a set of cute dimples, it’s pretty easy to forget about anything else.

I run my hand up and down my cock for good measure, stroking myself lightly. Yeah. I’m not leaving just yet. The image of her face looking down at me when she rode me last night pops into the forefront of my mind, melting into a stream of her sounds and more lovely visuals.

Without thinking I edge my way back into the bed, very carefully lifting her left leg up. I slide my head and shoulders between her knees, letting her leg drape under my left arm. We’re both on our sides, so I gently roll us so that she’s more so on her back.

Falyn mumbles again but doesn’t wake up just yet. Good. I like surprising her.

I dip my tongue between her slit, lapping at everything within. She’s so warm and wet, even after our shower together. I tentatively flick my tongue against her clit, giving her my impression of the best alarm clock one could hope for.

“Matt?” she whispers, practically moaning already. I smile against her, sucking her sweet clit into my mouth for some more morning fun.

It doesn’t take long before Falyn’s legs are squeezing the shit out of me, trying to hold herself together before she lets it all go, crying out in the blissed-out way she’s done before.

I pull myself up and over her, my grin wide. “Good morning, princess.” I part her legs wider and slowly slip myself inside her once more, her hot center squeezing me as I hold myself still, enjoying her soft heat.

“Morning to you too,” she manages, biting her lip and smiling back at me with eyes still closed.

I fuck her slow, taking my time to remember how she feels, how she sounds. How she looks. This is probably the last time, so I want to be able to remember everything. In case I want to sketch it or something, maybe.

Falyn wraps her legs around me, pushing me deeper. It’s like the inside of her never ends, I swear. Not her mouth, not her pussy. If someone could make the perfect sex doll, they would model it after her. But I wouldn’t let them. She’s too good for anyone else. And right now she’s all mine.

Her name is on my lips for the hundredth time in the past twelve hours, and I’m ramming myself into her, holding her toned thighs apart with ease. I let go and squeeze my eyes shut as I come hard inside her. She milks every last drop of me, her muscles contracting all around my throbbing cock. I look down and see her biting her lip, rubbing her clit as she quietly grinds against me, breathless. She loves this as much as I do.

I smack her hand away and help her out, rubbing my thumb over her sensitive spot before she caves around me, crying out yet again as she climaxes.

I give her a minute to recover and fall to the side of her, post-coital mushy thoughts spinning through my head at a lazy pace. Falyn’s stomach growls and she giggles, nestling her head against my chest.

“I can make a donut run, if you’d like.” Words I’ve never offered another woman since Dinah. “Or bagels. Coffee. Whatever you want.”

She just laughs, shrugging her shoulders. “I’m down for donuts. And coffee. Definitely coffee. There’s a little bakery a couple of blocks down from here, actually. Old Carver’s. They have the absolute best Bavarian Cremes.”

I roll to my side and face her. “How do you like your coffee? No wait, let me guess. You’re a cappuccino kind of gal.”

She purses her lips at me and shakes her head. “Nope, wrong again. Just plain black coffee. Bring some sugar back though if you don’t mind. The real kind, please.”

I smile at my honest mistake, wondering if she’s keeping tally at this point. “Black with real sugar. Gotcha. I’ll be back in a little bit then.” For some reason unknown to me, I lean in and give her another kiss. This time it’s soft, yielding. I pull back quickly, unsure of what’s going through my brain. Too much sex, I’m guessing.

She just takes it in stride though and looks up at me with those big brown doe eyes. I try to take a mental picture in my head of this moment, storing it for later. As much as it pains me (and my dick) to get up, I do, and Falyn gives me a little wave before rolling over in bed, reaching for her phone.

The breeze rolling off the nearby ocean hits my face hard. I make my way to the bakery as promised, wondering to myself about my plans for the day.

But breakfast in bed turns into lunch in the living room, and dinner at the table. Punctuated by a lot more naked sexy-times with Falyn. My phone rings only once, and I answer it, ashamed at the relief that floods me when Samantha tells me that James is taking Liam to a Giants game later. And when Falyn’s phone rings
times and she doesn’t bother to answer it, I try to play it cool, even though small strings of happiness thread through me each time she sets it back down.

I don’t dare think it, much less say it out loud. But something… something else is going on here. And I’ve got a feeling it’s gone way past the initial game I planned.


nd snatched
us up by the collars of our t-shirts, giving us that look. You know what I mean. That look they give you when they’re wondering whether they could secretly bury you and get away with it. I swear to God I never feared for my life so hard. My mom was awesome, but she had no problem delivering a swift ass-whooping.”

I laugh, letting it vibrate through me. Matt’s lazily drawing circles around my belly button, the two of us lying without any clothes on in my bed yet again. He smiles and looks up at the ceiling, his thoughts a million miles away.

I get it, even though I don’t know what it was like having a mother growing up, much less one like his mom. But I can empathize with the feeling of loss.

He rolls over to grab something off the night stand beside him and holds it up triumphantly, shaking it high in the air.

I catch sight of the metal rings bound in the notebook and wince. “Oh boy.”

Matt’s love for art is intriguing, and the way he sees things even more so. I wish I could look at something and see as much potential in it as he does. Where someone would see just a chair, Matt would see its angles and its surfaces as textures and more.

"Don't give me that look," he says as he pulls himself to a sitting position. "You knew it was only a matter of time."

I shrug at him, knowing he's right. I've seen Matt pull out a notebook and sketch little things here and there from his memory—now he wants something fresh.

He slowly tugs at the sheet I'm wrapped up in, giving me that ridiculously sexy smile of his. The one he’s learned works way too well with me. I yank it back and shake my head. How many times does he need to sketch every little flaw of mine? He's yet to really let me see anything he's drawn of me yet, which infuriates the hell out of me.

"Come on. Just a little peek."

I squeal when he rolls me over with barely any effort, yanking the fabric from underneath my body and balling it up into one big pile of Ethan Allen gray. "Nice try."

Sticking out my tongue at him, I personally don’t care if I look like a pouting child, and I try to cross my legs to give myself some sort of privacy. I don't know why, even after all this time that we’ve laid naked together since he's been here. It seems silly to fret over something like this now. But I lie still, my arms across my chest in protest.

Matt's frustrated with me now, his thick brows knitted together as he tries to concentrate on his stubborn model. "I've seen the goods, princess. And I quite approve, in case you haven’t gotten the message yet."


He sits back against the headboard, rolling his head from one side to the other like he’s preparing to fight for this. "Okay. Fine. I guess I'll just title this one 'Drawing of a silly prude.'"

"Seriously!?" I shriek indignantly, wondering if I can aim my foot just right… and kick him right in his balls. Bastard.

But Matt’s hearing none of it and tackles me, notebook and all. We wrestle around on the bed, whooping and laughing as we try to get at one another. It’s funny… I don’t think I’ve ever been this relaxed around someone. Ever. Not even Raymond.

My heart stutters for a moment and I want to physically smack myself in the forehead. I would do something to ruin this cute moment, like bringing
up. It’s been forever ago now, but I still find it hard to think about.

Matt catches the way I pull back and he gently tilts my chin up, searching my face for something. “If you don’t want me to draw you anymore, I won’t. Promise.”

His words catch me off guard.
The way his voice lowers, dropping to a whisper on that last word. It strikes me right in the chest and hitches my breath. I’ve only really known Matt for what, a month now? But I’ve learned a lot about him since then. And the man is not one to go and blindly make promises he won’t keep.

I give him a small smile, wishing he’d stop with the tender looks and go back to being the asshole who dropped his pants in front of a stranger, just for shock value. This whole weekend has been a safe haven from everything outside my door. But it won’t last, and I know I need to prepare myself for…

This whole weekend.
I chew the inside of my cheek, wondering where the time’s gone. How did one night turn into almost three days together? What am I missing here?

Matt’s only left once, and that was to go pick up some food and coffee the first morning. But then there was the takeout we ordered, the dinner I cooked for us last night… and this morning Matt attempted some omelets, surprising me with the runny egg matter in bed.

What the hell is going on here? I roll away from his touch, trying not to let the confusion show on my face. “Want to watch something? I’ve got a big collection of movies, but I also have Netflix and some other streaming programs. Weren’t you just talking about wanting to see the new Ryan Reynolds movie?” I ask him, completely aware of how much I sound like one of those overactive little yappy dogs.

I can tell that he senses something’s off, but thankfully he just goes with it. “Yeah. He plays an assassin. It looked pretty good by the previews.”

I’m on it like white on rice, quick to grab the remotes and set everything up. I fake needing to go to the bathroom and practically run to it, shutting the door behind myself before I end up hyperventilating.

In my mind I see myself standing at the landing of Matt’s apartment. Matt answers the door, totally rude. So how did we get from point A—there, to point B—here? Is this how relationships usually happen for people? I’ve only had one real relationship, and that was based around college and schoolwork, cramming for finals and gorging on late night pizza runs. When I asked Raymond to man up after graduation he pretended to, but the following year was chaotic. His new job led him all over the place, and unfortunately into the arms of the skank he cheated on me with.

But I thought that’s how it always happened. There wasn’t much of this cute, fun stage with me and him. And now that I’ve got Matt here, alone in my penthouse with me for the weekend, I suddenly don’t know what to do. And can I really even compare the two, anyway? I wouldn’t dare say the words dating or relationship in front of Matt. Not to mention the petite popstar-shaped elephant in the room…

All of this inner-freaking out I’m doing is starting to remind me of something, though. Back when I first broke things off with he who shall not be mentioned, Eliza and a couple of our other girlfriends from school got together with me that night to share a giant tub of ice cream. It was carefully brought up that I had a tendency to push others away, even going so far as to try and sabotage my own feelings. In fact it was Eliza who said it.

I was angry with her that night because I refused to believe I was one of those type of people. “I’m not some broken girl with mommy issues, E.”

Maybe she wasn’t too far from the truth. Maybe she was actually right. And maybe I’m sitting here freaking out in my bathroom because I’m scared of getting hurt. Matt is most certainly capable of hurting me, and it’s something I will have to come to terms with if we go any further with things. Because I have to face it—I like him.

like him. And okay, I really like how good he makes me feel. With a cock that pushes every possible physical boundary, and that infuriating smile of his, it’s hard not to like what he’s got going on. Even if he tends to hide it with sarcasm and general douchery.

General douchery may lead to worse problems, a tiny voice in the back of my head warns me. Don’t get so caught up in Matt that you forget what you really came here for.

The contract. Shit. This time I really do smack myself in the forehead. All this time, all these little games he’s been playing and I still don’t have his signature on file. I can’t shove my brilliance under my father’s upturned nose until I do, either.

He’s just been pushing it off as an effort to keep seeing me though. That’s what my heart tells me and that’s what I really believe. So I can let that slide as long as he really does go through with his end.

I flush the toilet and splash some cold water on my face, getting a good look at the mussed hair and smudged makeup in the mirror. Even through the mess, my eyes are sparkling. My cheeks are pink. The smile grows into a wide grin at the thought of what’s on the other side of this door.

I walk back out, strutting right up to Matt who looks completely surprised when I shove the remotes off my bed and push him backwards. I straddle his hips and grind myself against him, coaxing his cock to life while I look down at him with a smug smile.

A small to-do list pops up in my head. Cancel blind date. Pick up dry cleaning. Contract.

He’s lost in bliss as I finally plunge myself down onto his thick length. I’ll remind Matt about our business agreement… but first I have to stop fucking him so much.

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