
Read Luxuria Online

Authors: James Fuller

BOOK: Luxuria
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James Fuller




Copyright 2013 by James Fuller

All rights reserved.



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I would like to thank all the wonderful people in my life who have stood by me and never given up on me.

And a special thanks once again to a dear friend of mine and the artist to a good number of my cover pages, Donna. You make the pictures in my head come to life.





Dustin sat back down on the sticky bar stool, eyeing the dusty, rundown pub with a silent disdain. How many bars had they drank in, just like this one, in the last two weeks? Probably more than he cared to admit. “Please tell me you’re not really going to eat that, are you?”

“I think so...” Mark replied with a queasy grin, looking up from the plate of greasy chicken wings. “Well…maybe.” He poked a suspicious piece with his fork. “Fuck it, I’m really hungry.”

“You’re always hungry, you never bloody well stop, and it’s unnatural.”

Mark grinned. “Got to feed this body to keep it looking good.”

Dustin shook his head. “How you still have abs and are not fat, I will never know.”

“It’s a mystery to me too, man,” he chuckled, picking up a piece of fried meat.

“This better not be a repeat of what happened in Manaus.” Dustin watched his orange-haired friend dig into the disgusting mess. “That’s just wrong - Jess back me up on this, will you?”

Jessica turned back to face her two friends, her blonde hair a humid mess, “I told him not to order anything here, but he insisted. He will learn sooner or later, likely when he is in the hospital and they are pumping his stomach.”

“I’d just rather it were sooner, because I hate dealing with it later.” Dustin glanced around the bar, looking for their waitress. “Where is our waitress?” He looked around again. “For that matter, where is Josh?”

“Josh is doing what Josh does best.” Jessica replied, shaking her head as she stirred her pink, fruity drink.

“You’re kidding me? I was only in the bathroom for like three minutes!”

Mark grinned, his lips stained with grease. “He works fast. You should know that by now.”

Dustin rolled his eyes. “I don’t understand how he does it… or how they always seem to fall for it. The guy’s got the charm of a flattened bug.”

“It’s his gift I guess.” Mark chuckled. “Or his money… either way.”


“Here, let me help you with that,” Josh muttered his tone bordering on annoyance. His belt clasp came undone and his dusty jeans slipped down around his ankles. His thick, stiff cock jutted up, finally free of its confines. “There ya go baby, it’s all for you.”

The dark-haired waitress lowered herself onto her knees in the bathroom stall with a devilish grin. “You Americans are always so big, sometimes too big.” She kissed the swollen head. “I could play with this all night and never get bored,” she whispered, looking up at him with her bright almond eyes. “I wonder if it tastes as good as it looks.”

“There’s only one way to find out,” Josh grinned as her tongue lightly circled the tip of his cock before it pulled him beyond her plump, dark red lips.

Josh groaned and his left hand quickly grabbed the top of stall for support as the waitress’s head pumped back and forth wildly. His right hand slipped down her dark, low-cut blouse and he fondled her large tits, pinching a nipple harder as his own excitement rose.

“You really know how to use that mouth of yours!” He moaned, his hips moving in rhythm with her, his cock slipping further into her eager mouth.

She ran her tongue and lips up and down his shaft, teasing him. “You want to fuck me don’t you?” She said, stroking him vigorously while her other hand cradled his balls, gently squeezing them in perfect unison. He licked his lips excitedly and nodded. “Then take me American!”

Josh pushed her up against the stall door and lifted her skirt, not surprised she wasn’t wearing panties underneath. His stiff cock entered the warmth hidden beneath and she muffled her fulfilled cries in her arm...


“So Jess, how are you and your mom doing anyway?” Mark asked leaving his wings for a moment and taking a drink of his beer.

Jessica sighed, her blue eyes brimming with misery. “Not great,” she admitted, “with my dad running off with that little whore of his… he left us in a pile of debt. The only reason she let me go on this trip was because it was free and with me out of the house the bills would be cheaper for a while. That and of course I got laid off from the store a month ago, so it wasn’t like I was helping much. Just kind of taking up space … the story of my life.”

“I’m sorry Jess.” Dustin said.

She shrugged. “It’s not you that needs to be sorry, it’s my piece of crap dad that should be. Cheated on my mom for years and we can’t even find the prick to even try to make him pay alimony now.” She took another long draught of her drink, eyes downcast, hectic anger coloring her cheeks.

“So what are you going to do when you get back?” Mark asked moving back to his food.

“Find a new job maybe - if anyone is hiring in our shithole town - either that or it’s back to the store for me when business picks up again.”

“You know what… we are supposed to be on vacation,” Mark said. “Let’s change the topic to something cheerful.”

“It’s a shame your brother couldn’t come with us,” Jessica said happy to change the topic.

“Ya, he would have had a lot of fun.” Mark replied. “But he couldn’t get out of work.”

“You know Marilia isn’t as cracked up as I thought it would be.” Jessica said as she eyed the grungy crowd in the bar, sad to see no one their own age.

“So where are we going to head next anyway?” Dustin asked sipping at his warm beer. It had been cold only minutes before, but the humid climate of the Amazon had already sapped it out leaving the beer bitter and thick on his tongue. He almost wished he had gotten ice.

“Somewhere with a beach I hope - I wanna feel the hot sun on my naked body again.”

Mark pushed the plate of chicken bones away and wiped his sauce-stained lips with a napkin. “Now, that is a visual I can live with.”

“You only wish you could get a look at what I’ve got under here.” She laughed pushing her arms together, making her breasts nearly pop out of her yellow tank top.

“Who’s to say I haven’t spied it a time or two?” Mark countered with a raised brow.

Jessica’s mouth opened wide in amused shock. “I knew it was you who tried creeping me in the shower last week! You pig!” She slapped him across the shoulder playfully.

“I am not admitting to anything,” he laughed. “It could have been Dustin.”

“You two have the attention span of prepubescent boys in a porn shop.” Dustin interjected. “Do we know where we are heading tomorrow?”

“Not sure - we have to wait for our fearless leader to return.” Mark said, with a soft sigh.

“Not sure how he became our ‘leader’, or why he gets to say where we go all the time.” Dustin pushed his warm beer away with a wrinkled nose.

“Because I am the one with the rich dad who is paying for our whole adventure,” Josh said, happily rustling Dustin’s tight, curly blond hair with his hand as he sat down beside him. “Besides I am smarter than you guys... and girl.” He winked at Jessica.

Dustin raised an eyebrow. “Smarter? You really are going to make claim to that one?”

“Of course,” he grinned as the waitress refilled his mug with a sultry wink. “Because it’s true.”

“Okay then smartass, what nationality was she?” Dustin questioned pointing to the waitress his friend had just had sex with.

“Spanish, of course.”

“Wrong,” Dustin shook his head, “she’s Portuguese, you moron.”

Josh turned around and watched the waitress for a moment, as if trying to find something to prove his friend wrong, but he gave up quickly. “How’re those ice cubes Dustin? Oh that’s right you’re scared of ice.”

“I am not scared of ice!” He insisted. “I am just not going to get Hepatitis on this trip, thank you very much. You’re just mad because I proved just how ‘smart’ you really are.”

“Whatever. She let me feel her tonsils with my dick, so I don’t really care.”

“You’re crude.” Jessica pointed out. “Need I remind you there’s a lady among you?”

“Where?” Josh asked looking around the bar as if confused. “When the hell did we get a fifth member of our group and a lady at that?”

“You’re a dick. I am going to go get myself another drink…you guys figure out where the hell we are going next, and it better be somewhere fun.” She said with a grin. “Dustin, you want another one?” Jessica asked, getting up from her seat.

“No. I am good, thanks Jess.”

“Oh come on!” Josh bellowed out, slapping his hands down on the bar table. “You are being such a pussy. This whole trip is free for you and you have fun like you are on an old lady’s budget! Yes Jessica, Dustin would like another drink - make it two, something strong and large.”

“Got it.” She winked.

“Okay, okay you’re right.” Dustin put up in hands in defeat. “It’s your money I will try and enjoy it more. Just feels weird.”

“Well my dad’s, but who cares… its free money.” Josh beamed.

“So where are we headed next, fearless leader?” Mark finally asked now that his two friends were done with their insults.

“I don’t know, but I want to do something fun. I mean drinking and getting high for the last two weeks all over the place has been great, but we haven’t really got any great stories out of it yet. We need to do something exciting, like run with the bulls or go on a Safari or some shit.”

“That’s Mexico and Africa.”

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