Luxuria (14 page)

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Authors: James Fuller

BOOK: Luxuria
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A deafening growl came from behind and he swung around his eyes locking onto the huge, mangy beast before him. Its eyes burned a deep crimson and the flesh on its maw was nearly rotten and torn away, revealing bone and bare, dripping teeth.

Josh tried to stare the creature down, but the longer he looked the weaker he felt, as if some form of paralysis was setting in. Kassandra’s words echoed in his mind,
do not stare into the beast’s eyes
. He tried to tear his gaze away, but his head would not listen. He could feel his eyelids drooping and an uncanny calm settling over him. His fingers loosened their grip on the shovel and the blade landed on his foot. The sudden pain caused him to look down; instantly the spell was broken and fear and panic coursed through him once more.

Angered, the hound snarled and charged.

Josh snatched up the shovel and stepped back, bracing himself as the beast leapt. He swung the iron shovel with all his strength. A loud crack rang out as he struck the massive beast and it crashed into the ground, rolling back onto its feet unsteadily. It shook its head in alarm and Josh attacked again. He battered the mangy dog across its head and back relentlessly, until his arms and shoulders burned in angry protest.

He lowered the gore-splattered shovel and stepped back, his breathing hard and ragged. He looked down at the twisted form of the broken hound, satisfied that it was truly dead.

“Apparently, it can die,” he chuckled, throwing the shovel down and turned back the way he had been going. In the distance, he could just make the light glow from an enormous, twisting tree.

As he neared the thriving monstrosity, he could see the grotesque face that had been carved into its thick trunk. Its huge jade eyes almost seemed to follow him as he walked. Between the eyes of that ghoulish face was the dagger he sought.

Josh stopped in front of the tree and looked up into the face it seemed to be in anguish. “You are something straight out of a horror movie,” he muttered, gripping the ivory bone handle of the dagger.

He heard a vengeful snarl behind him and whirled around just in time to see the hound leap for him. Josh threw his arms up as the beast tackled him to the hard, packed earth. The hound’s jaws clamped down upon his raised forearm, its teeth tearing into his flesh as it shook its head violently, trying to get at his face and throat.

Josh struggled against the hound but was no match for its terrifying strength. Its crimson eyes burned into his very soul as it bore down on him and he quickly turned his head, knowing if he were lost in its stare again he was dead. He screamed out in agony at the sound of the bones in his arm being crushed within its powerful maw and knew it was only a matter of time before it got to his throat.

He felt the shift in his pocket and glanced down, an orange flash attracting his attention from the opening of his pocket. His hand shot down and he pulled out the flare gun, rammed it into the beast’s eye socket and fired.

The hound wailed in agony and threw itself off of him, thrashing wildly as the flare burned fiercely in its eye sockets, burning its way into its brain. Its paws lashed out at its head trying to dislodge the burning embers.

Josh scrambled to his feet, ignoring the pain that coursed through his ruined arm. He grabbed the hilt of the dagger and tore it from the heart tree and ran for all he was worth, the horrid sound of the wounded beast fading behind him.


Dustin lay sprawled out on the sweet grasses of the garden alcove, watching the evening sun slowly drift east to where it would set in a few hours. His eyes glanced over to Kassandra and Alcina as they rested by the trickling fountain. It seemed to have slowed even more now and they looked somewhat concerned.

He couldn’t help but grin boyishly as he took in their near-naked forms - they were breathtaking. A sight he could look at forever and never lose interest or arousal. He almost entertained the idea of staying there; the thought almost made him feel guilty as he remembered Jessica.
She could stay with me,
he thought as looked back at the sisters,
the fun we could have with all of them
. He felt the stir in his loins and hastily thought of something else.

He wondered what they would ask of him when his time to fulfill his promise came.
It wouldn’t matter
, he told himself he would do it. They had freed him from so much. He felt great… better than he had in his entire life. Not only had they taken away his asthma and glasses, they had given him an inner confidence he had never known. He would do anything they asked of him and more.

“I got it.” Josh bellowed as he entered the alcove, a bloodied arm dangling useless at his side, dagger gripped tightly in his other.  “I got the damn thing.”

Dustin got up and went to his friend, helping him to a stone bench. “Did the hound do this?”

“You could call it that.” He groaned. “Damn thing was almost the size of a horse.”

“You have done well.” Kassandra smiled, taking the dagger from him.

“Thanks,” Josh grimaced looking down at his ruined arm, “but it didn’t go as smoothly as I had planned.” Already his arm was blackening from the bite.

“What is happening to his arm?” Dustin asked.

“The hound’s bite is a ravenous and corrupt one, and kills living flesh like a plague.” Kassandra replied.

Josh swallowed back a growing fear. “I’m not going to die or lose my arm am I? You promised you would heal me if I got the dagger.”

“And so I shall.” Alcina took his good hand in hers.

Dustin watch his friend being led away a small hint of jealously coursed through him at the thought how Alcina would heal him. He pulled his mind from such thoughts, doubting Josh’s experience would match his own. “So what am I to do?”

Dustin followed Kassandra through the high marble pillars into the temple of Senhor Escuro on the other side of the wall of the fountain. Hundreds of torches sprang to life as they entered, yet the darkness seemed to defy their full grasp and clung to as much of the room as they could.

Kassandra stopped in front of an altar table where the diamond Mark had retrieved rested upon a piece of scarlet silk. She placed the diamond within the bone hilt of the dagger. It fit perfectly. She stared down at the blade blissfully for several long moments then laid it across the silk and turned to face him.

“My sisters and I prayed to Senhor Esuro for your arrival.” She retrieved a full ivory goblet from the table and ran a graceful hand across his cheek.

Dustin was near lost in her savory touch. “I don’t understand.”

“You will,” she said. “You like it here in O Sangue do Morto Dá Vida do you not?”

“More than anywhere I have ever been.” He confessed leaning into her touch.

“You are so much stronger than the others.” She purred touching the goblet to his lips and letting him sip the dark red liquid. “We need someone of your strengths.”

“Why... how...?” He muttered, confused. “Whatever you need of me I will do.” He could feel his pants tighten.

She slid out of her outfit, the chains and silks slipping to the floor with a soft click. “Do you want to remain here...”

“...with us...” Callisto whispered behind him pressing her naked form against him, her tongue trailed up his neck to his ear, “...forever?”

Dustin groaned as he felt Kassandra’s hand massage the outline of his hardened cock through his pants. “Of course I do, I never want to leave.”

Callisto pulled off his shirt, her lips exploring his firm back. “If you were offered the chance at the powers of immortality and all the desires one could conceive both mind and of the flesh...”

“...would you seize it?” Kassandra finished.

“However I must,” he said, transfixed in the world that swirled in her vivid green eyes.

“Then show us.” Kassandra leaned back against the altar table and slowly poured the red liquid onto her large breasts.

Dustin moved in hungry for all he could get as he lapped at the crimson fluid from her silken skin. His mouth greedily took her nipples into his mouth and he suckled and nibbled at her tender flesh, not wanting to miss a single drop that cascaded over her flawless curves. He could feel both Callisto’s hands upon his cock, one stroked him methodically her other cradled and fondled his balls, rousing him further.

Slowly he followed the ruby trail that had escaped him down Kassandra’s smooth stomach, his tongue lavishing in every explored inch. She gasped aloud when his mouth found her as she continued to pour more of the liquid down for him to devour off her.

Callisto moved in beside Kassandra, drawing her in and kissing her passionately, their hands softly caressing each other’s nakedness.

Dustin moved his way up joining his own tongue in their entangled, lustful dance savoring in the taste of both their mouths. His hands slid between both their moist thighs and his fingers gingerly began exploring the depths of his reach.

Callisto climbed atop the altar, lying down upon her back, her head facing him as Kassandra mounted on top of her. They beckoned him closer, their eager mouths awaiting him.

Dustin slid his throbbing cock between them and their lips and tongues promptly went to work, tasting every inch of his manhood. A deep groan rumbled from him, as Kassandra greedily took his cock into her mouth and Callisto took his balls into hers as she suckled intensely. He ran his hand through Kassandra’s long blonde hair as her head pumped feverishly upon him.

“Fuck us both.” Callisto told him pulling Kassandra down into a deep kiss.

Dustin grinned. “As you command.”

He stepped around the altar and was near lost in the sight of both their dripping pussies awaiting him. He moved behind them and began teasing them both with his cock, rubbing and tapping it against their moistness relishing in the sounds of their desperate moans as they arched back begging for him.

Dustin slipped his cock into Callisto and slapped his hand down hard on Kassandra’s ass as his fingers dove into her. He watched with growing excitement as their hands groped each other and their mouths feasted upon one another.

He pulled out and plunged himself into Kassandra, his pace quickening as he switched between the two, time and again until he could take it no longer. He stepped back and both women moved down beside him and he came.

Dustin watched proudly as both women hungrily licked the last of his cum from each other’s their glistening tits.

“If I stay what happens to my friends?” He asked them as they dressed and he admired the dagger in his hands.

“They will return home.” Callisto answered.

“What of Jessica?” he asked almost fearfully, “would she be able to stay as well?”

Kassandra’s smile was almost remorseful. “You care for the girl?”

He licked his lips nervously hoping he wouldn’t offend them. “I do.”

Callisto looked at him gravely. “It pains me to tell you this, but she does not share your affection.”

He frowned. “What do you mean? How could you possibly know that?”

“She lies with another as we speak.”

Dustin’s features darkened. “I don’t believe it!”

Callisto motioned him to a large gold basin of water. “See for yourself.”

He looked down into the crystal clear water and watched as the image of Jessica came into view. “NO!” He screamed throwing the basin across the room in rage and ran from the temple.


Josh’s submerged his arm into the basin of water as Alcina had instructed, instantly he could feel his skin begin to prickle and tighten. He looked down and witnessed the deep rents in his flesh slowly begin to mend and close.

“Incredible,” he whispered as he watched. “How does it do this?”

“The water of the fountain blesses all those who use it with their deepest desires.” Alcina explained. “You wish your arm to mend and so it does.”

“So it can do more than just heal?”

“So much more.”

Josh’s eyes glazed over with greed. “Like what?”

Alcina straddled him upon the chair. “I have seen a hundred lifetimes.” Her hands caressed his smooth broad chest.

His eyes widened at the prospect. “You’re telling me it has made you immortal?”

“It has made me many things,” her eyes danced with lustful desirers, “as it could make you.”

“How?” He gasped as her hands fondled his rousing cock.

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