Luxuria (15 page)

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Authors: James Fuller

BOOK: Luxuria
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She grinned mischievously at him. “What would you be willing to do for that kind of power?” She teased the head of his cock with her pussy.

His hands came up and squeezed her tits. “Whatever it took.” He lifted his hips and entered her.

“You will get your chance to prove it,” she moaned, rocking her hips with his.


Dustin rounded the corner in a fury like he had never known and stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes wide with bitterness and resentment at the sight he bared witness too. Jessica moaned, running her hands through her hair as she straddled Josh, their hips grinding together in a display of hidden desire.

He watched as Josh’s hands roam all over her sweat sleek body, groping her tits and ass like the rich fucking pervert he was. Each pleasurable gasp that left her was a cut to Dustin’s heart and he could take it no more.

“You fucking prick!” Dustin screamed as he stormed into the room.

Josh stopped and looked over to see Dustin glaring hatefully at him. “I’m a little busy right now dude.”

“You know I love her, yet you still had to find a way to get your fucking dick inside of her!”

Jessica pulled herself away from Josh’s grasp with her head down and slunk from the room quickly.

Josh looked up at his friend, confused as he watched Alcina dart out of the room. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“Don’t play stupid with me, Josh.” Dustin snapped back, his voice trembling in rage. “You think just because your daddy’s rich, that you can just do whatever you want with whoever you want? I thought we were friends!”

Josh sat up eyeing the dagger gripped tightly in Dustin’s hand. “What the hell’s that for man?”

Dustin glanced down and for the first time realized he had taken the dagger from the temple. His heated glare turned back to Josh. “You could have anything, anyone! Why’d you have to take the one thing I wanted? The one person I might have had a real chance with?”

Josh slowly stood up his eyes never leaving Dustin’s. “I seriously don’t know what you are talking about Dustin; I was just fooling around with one of those sluts that live here.”

Dustin’s eyes darkened dangerously and all he heard was ‘slut’. “Jessica isn’t a slut you son of a bitch!” He lunged forward the dagger slammed into Josh’s midsection.

Josh’s eyes went wide as he looked down. “What the.... fuck man...” he coughed out, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth.

“You can’t have everything Josh!” Dustin snarled. “You should have left Jess alone.” He twisted the dagger. Josh began to shudder and convulse fitfully a strange vibrant aura of colors seeped from his body and into the dagger until all life faded from him.

Dustin stared down at the Josh’s now grey, emaciated body. He pulled the blade free and the corpse fell to the stone, brittle as dry leaves.

“What... what have I done?” Dustin whispered looking at the dagger; the diamond was no longer clear but a dark crimson.

A gentle hand caressed down his arm. “You did what needed to be done.” Alcina said slowly, taking the dagger from him.

“I...I killed him.” He swallowed. “He was my friend...”

“As he would have you given the opportunity,” she assured him. “You have fulfilled your promise. Tomorrow night, on the full moon, you will know all the powers of Senhor Escuro.”

“I don’t get it?”

“The fountain is near dry, if it stops running, our powers cease to be. Senhor Escuro needs the offering of a corrupted, vile soul to garnish his strength once more and continue to bestow his gifts to his followers.” She explained to him. “You will be one of his followers…you will know the greatest of his powers for your help.”

Dustin’s eyes darkened further as he looked down at Josh’s body. “So one of us had to die?”

Alcina moved in front of him and pulled his eyes to hers. “You are the strongest and you will be given everything you desire and more now.” She pointed down at Josh. “He was a fiend and would have killed you all for a chance of such gifts.”

“I am the strongest,” he repeated.


Mark rolled over almost surprised to find himself in the pillow-bed he had slept in the night before. The room was near pitch black; only a dim light shining from between the strings of beads blocking the doorway indicated that it was morning.

He grinned sleepily as his hand felt around feeling the smooth, warm naked flesh of a woman. He moved closer and took in the sweet scent of her hair as he pressed his own nakedness against hers. His hand slid down her silky contours and followed the dip of her thigh, his fingers finding her already moist for his arrival. Her body arched up against him and she gasped as his fingers entered her. Her hand reached back her fingers entangled in his thick orange hair pulling his lips to her.

Mark nibbled delicately and goosebumps cascaded down her slender neck, as she moaned excitedly. His mouth found hers and his kiss was full of starved passion. He moved himself on top of her, her legs opened eagerly and he pushed himself inside her.

Slowly he built a rhythm, savoring the sensation of each thrust, holding back from losing himself in a primal lust. He needed this moment and wanted to remember it in all its vivid detail.

His mouth trailed down her neck, his pace increasing as their bodies moved as one relishing in every sultry moment. His lips teased her nipples and her nails dug into his shoulders as her body quivered in delight.

“Harder.” She whispered in the darkness wrapping her legs tightly around him.

He gave in to the primal desire raging through him and the vigor of their satisfaction rang off the walls around them until they collapsed into each other’s arms.

“Again.” She whispered licking his ear and putting him inside her again.

Mark let himself go in the moment, letting their bodies melding the way they wanted to, as if they had their own choreographed plan they had rehearsed.

Time seemed to stand still as they fed off each other’s sexual infatuations. Sweat dripped from their sleek sculpted bodies as time and again they came together until they gasped for breath and could go no longer.

“I am glad you are alright.” Jessica told him.

“What?” Mark muttered rolling over and fumbled around turning on the battery powered lamp he had left by the bed. The darkness of the room shrank back revealing Jessica’s petite, sex-sleeked body. “Jessica!” he gasped out in surprise. “I...I didn’t know it was you...”

“I know,” she smiled up at him, “it is okay, I wanted to.”

“What about you and Dustin?”

She shook her head. “Dustin loves me, but I don’t feel the same and I doubt I ever will. It is something he will have to come to terms with, sooner or later.”

“Remind me not to be around when you have that conversation with him, I can’t stand to see him cry.” Mark joked as he got dressed. “So where does this leave us?”

“Where do you want it you leave us?” She countered, her eyes dancing.

“Maybe this is a conversation we need to have when we are...” he looked around them and gestured to their surroundings, “not here anymore. Maybe once we get out of here and back home.”

Jessica’s eyes darkened slightly. “Funny that was the same thing I told Dustin when I was brushing him off.” She grabbed her clothing.

“That’s not what I meant Jess.”

“Save it Mark!” She slipped her shirt on and stalked from the room.

Mark watched her disappear - he couldn’t believe what had just happened, he wanted to go after her but knew she needed time to relax and think. They would have better time to talk when they were on their way home again.

“We have grave news of your friend,” Alcina interrupted his thoughts standing in the doorway. “You need to come with me.”

Mark followed Alcina into the temple of Senhor Escuro, his eyes fixed on the altar table that near matched the one he had rescued the diamond from. Upon it laid the gaunt, pale form of Josh.

“No!” he cried out running to his friend’s body. “Help him!”

Callisto rested her hand upon his shoulder in comfort. “We cannot, it is too late.”

Mark’s eyes welled with tears. “Why? What happened to him?”

“The Nameless Hound has a terrifying bite.” She gestured to Josh’s ruined arm. “He lingered too long with his wound within the realm of the Forgotten.”

“By the time he returned to us, it was too late to alter his fate.” Alcina’s lie was flawless.

“The fountains water or your powers…something has to work?” He begged franticly.

“It would have been done already if it could have.” Callisto assured him.

Mark slumped to the stone in defeat. “This wasn’t supposed to happen like this; this was supposed to be the greatest summer of our lives. Do the others know?”

“Your friend Dustin grieves in his own way at the garden alcove.” Alcina told him. “He said he would wait for you there.”


Jessica stormed into the room she had been given to stay in, her mood was sour and bitter as she paced angrily, cursing aloud. How could he just brush her aside so easily after what they had done? She had thought he was different; the way their bodies had come together in their lovemaking, she was sure he was the one. How foolish of her to think that. He was just another pig looking for a place to stick his dick.

The first time had been to save his life; though she couldn’t lie to herself deep down she had wanted it. The second time she had given herself over to him needing to know that she wanted it... wanted him, she had more than she wished she could admit now.

She looked over at the gold and jewels she had collected on her bed…at least she had that. She would bring home enough money to make life better for her and her mother and that’s all the really mattered now anyway. They would be rich and she could do or have anything she wanted after this.

“You seem bothered by dark thoughts.” A soft, concerned voice said from the doorway.

Jessica turned to see the salacious Kassandra standing there watching her with those vivid green eyes of hers. “I will be fine once I leave here with all this.” She muttered filling her pack with the treasures.

Kassandra watched her for a moment and entered the room. “Is it simply wealth you wish to leave here with?”

Jessica stopped and regarded the sister in front of her carefully. “And what more is there for me?”

Kassandra brushed a lock of hair back behind Jessica’s ear, her eyes dancing. “Immortality and everything you have ever truly desired.” She leaned in pressing her soft lips against Jessica’s.

Jessica felt her knees weaken as a divine euphoria spread through her body as Kassandra’s tongue embraced her own. “I want it all.” She moaned feeling the woman’s hands upon her body.

“And with but a promise, you can have it all.”

Jessica felt herself being freed of her clothing yet all she felt was the woman’s mouth and hands upon her. “I promise anything you need.”

Kassandra pushed Jessica down on the bed a top the mound of gold and silver coins, gems and pearls. “Then you shall have it.” She slipped down onto her knees.

Jessica stared up at the stone roof as the beautiful woman ravished her with her mouth. She would have everything she deserved and she would do whatever it took to get it. She would never again allow herself to be hurt. She buried her fingers into the blonde long hair as her body shuddered with an orgasm.


“There you are!” Mark called, seeing his friend standing, staring at the ancient fountain that ran hardly more than a trickle now, Callisto stood not far from his side.

Dustin casually turned, a golden goblet in his hand, “Mark, so good of you to finally join me.” His voice was calm and authoritative.

“I just came from seeing Josh; I can’t believe... he’s dead.” The words barely escaped him. “This wasn’t supposed to happen.”

 Dustin shrugged uncaringly. “Yes, it is a pity about our ‘friend’ and his untimely departure from this world, but alas, we are still here.”

“What?” Mark stopped and regarded his friend’s odd demeanor carefully. He stood taller, his shoulders squared and his eyes no longer held the meekness they once had. “Our friend’s dead and you act like you don’t even care.”

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