LW Browning - Krystile Warriors 01 - Warlord's Honor (5 page)

BOOK: LW Browning - Krystile Warriors 01 - Warlord's Honor
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"All of us," slipped out of her mouth before she could stop it.

"And was the projection because you were afraid?"

Claire nodded. When she pulled away, he let her go.

Koda's hand felt warm on her back. "You are all right now, girl. Calm down. You are safe here. Sit with the other females. Someone more experienced can stir the stew."

"I can do it," she said softly.

"You do not have to, girl."

She moved back to the fire and resumed stirring after she pulled her long skirt up and tied it to keep it out of the way. The fire warmed her bare legs. She had a lot more respect now for fire.

Glancing up, she saw Koda and the other warlords watching her. Some of them were smiling. She felt their amusement. She could not blame them for laughing at her. They would have a funny story to tell when they returned to their homes of the strange foreigner who caught on fire. She wondered if anyone had ever demanded their danon back after hiring an MX.

She consoled herself with the fact that she was never going to see these people again after her assignment was completed. At this point, her primary goal was to get through the remainder of the night without setting herself on fire again.


fter the meal, she sat by herself and looked at the night sky. The trees whispered to her, their leaves rustling as the breeze caressed their boughs. She felt like she had missed this place though she had never been here before. She was depleted from shielding herself from so many minds. Her head hurt, her rear end hurt and her back ached. Her thigh muscles cramped from balancing on the paccar all day. She needed to be warm and sleep.

Shivering in the cool night air, she reached out to the paccar and let their thought patterns lead her to them. She had sent them a feeling of peace after she projected her fear of the fire. Claire was more comfortable with the paccar. They liked her and they did not use fire.

Her blue blanket was inside her backpack somewhere on one of the saddles. 

She found the paccar tied to a line between two trees. The saddles were in a row on the ground behind them. She sent the paccar calming thoughts.

A large hand over her mouth cut off the yelp of surprise that made its way out of her throat when someone pulled her back against a hard muscled chest.

"Do not scream, girl. It is me." He held one arm under her breasts. "Do not wander off by yourself. Stay in the camp." Koda. It was Koda's voice. Her heart beat so fast she barely heard his words. "I will let you go now. Do not scream."

She nodded her head.

He released her immediately. She stumbled. He caught her, holding tight to her upper arms. Power radiated off of him in the darkness. She took a step away, but was unable to move from his grasp. She finally managed to stammer through chattering teeth, "I-I was just getting my blanket."

His hands were warm on her arms through the khaki sleeves. His attention was on the forest behind her. She was trying to deal with what she had received from him. His emotions were too strong for her.

"Come with me," he said as he turned and walked back to the camp while retaining a firm grip on her upper arm. Her legs had turned to water and he slowed down to her pace. At his tent, he pulled her through the door flap before releasing her. "Do not wander off alone," he cautioned in his calm way as he turned up a lantern to brighten the tent.

"I am cold. And – t-tired. I need my blanket." She barely came to his shoulder. Standing this close, she had to tilt her head back to see his face. "I need to sleep now," she whispered.

He nodded. "Your backpack is here with your sleeping pad."

"Is this my tent?” She asked.

He shook his head.

“Where will I sleep?" She asked.

"You will sleep here, in my tent," he answered.

She shook her head and took a step back. "I need to be alone."

His expression softened. "I am responsible for you. You will sleep in my tent so that I know you are safe. Females do not sleep alone in tents."

"I do not – cannot do that. I am not comfortable with that."

"This is not a comfortable trip." He turned to go, but looked back at her. "Do not wander away from the camp alone."

"This is my first camping trip," she blurted out as if that confession explained her behavior. 

One side of Koda's mouth lifted in a brief smile. "I knew that. I will return later. The canteen is here, by the door. If you need something, come and find me or Osiria or any of the warlords. The warlords have a mark similar to mine on their arms."

She nodded. He left. Alone, she sank to her knees. She had never been affected like this by anyone. Claire had never been so close physically to anyone for so long. The feelings she was experiencing were foreign and frightening in their intensity.

She had felt the amusement within him even while he chastised her. Then, when he touched her, she could not catch her breath. He had laughed at her. Okay, he did not really laugh at her. He smiled. 

Claire lay down on the tent floor on half of her blue blanket and pulled the remainder over her. When she stopped shivering, she fell asleep quickly, even with her emotions in turmoil and the strange surroundings. As she drifted off, she remembered the uneasy feeling from the morning. Something bad had happened in the forest, something dark.


errified and struggling, the nightmare driving her to fight her way to consciousness, whimpers gave way to a scream of terror. Violent death choked her. She felt it, saw it, fought for her life. There was blood and death. Panic and fear infused her. She fought to escape the abyss of terror as if she were in deep water fighting her way to the surface.

Strong arms were around her, restraining her. Helplessness brought new terror as she sucked in air and opened her mouth for another scream. Was this nightmare or real? Full hysteria took over as she railed against the darkness and screamed her fury at what she was sure was the end of her life.

A hard hand clamped over her mouth, muffling her screams. The futility of her struggle had not yet made it to the part of her mind that was capable of rational thought. Her terrified frenzy was complete and absolute. Like an animal in a trap, she had to escape at any cost.

She was pulled tight against a bare chest; her arms were trapped. He held her face against him and stroked her hair. "Shhhh... you are alright. You are safe. Be quiet, little one. It was only a dream."

She fought all the harder. His emotions and thoughts poured into her through his touch. "Shhhh, hush now," he murmured. She felt his breath close to her ear when he spoke. He rolled on top of her to pin her with his body. 

This was wrong. All wrong. The nightmare was real.

Koda's voice again, "Be still so I can let you go."

She struggled, her body twisting and turning and—pressing against him. She received from him then, stark emotions that drove her to deeper terror. He thought she was soft and he liked it. He wondered why she fought him, thought she smelled good. All this wiggling of her body made him think... He wanted her under him for reasons other than to calm her.

Her eyes opened wide, violet, panic stricken with the thoughts she received from him. Overcome by her fear, his emotions rushed into her. She had lost control and her shields were down. Feelings and thoughts, not hers, overwhelmed her own. His desire flowed into her. Foreign thoughts flooded her like a dam breaking. Emotions, primal, his. He wanted this female. Claire was terrified, barely aware as his thoughts dominated her.

Ferocious need filled her. His carnal desire became hers. She experienced lust for the first time through Koda's thoughts and memories. His need for sex ran rampant through her. Primal. He wanted to overpower and possess her, to be inside her. Everything flowed through his skin to hers. She had no defense against him. She had no will even to try. The flood of emotions and thoughts that came out of him took her over. 

Passion rolled through her like the waves of a storm. He plundered her mouth. She responded as a wanton. She was dying from his kisses, but she did not care. He pulled her to him hard, crushing her breasts against his chest.

He had never thought to find her so willing. Her response to him fed fire to his need like rich fuel to a raging flame. She felt his thoughts. No, not willing, but she was unable to say that. Her panic turned to frenzy when she read what he thought. When she became what he wanted. She was everything he had ever dreamed of in a lover, the fulfillment of all his desires. She fed his own passion and need back to him. He knew everything she experienced.

Koda felt a brief spasm of terror from her, but it was lost to urgent need before he could explore it. Her longing to be touched stirred him. His need rose within him like a dangerous beast. He kissed her hard, wanting more. Had to have everything she was able to give him. 

Through the fire that raged inside Koda, he thought something was off, different. Her arms were around him. She pulled him closer while he ravaged her mouth. Her fingers locked in his hair to keep his mouth on hers.

Koda tore her blouse and breast binding from her with one swift pull and jerked the band of her skirt. Panties shredded as if they were no more than vapor. He had her naked, beneath him. Her desire was palpable. He smiled when he felt her desperation. She wanted him inside her, possessing her, owning her.

She had never had so much physical contact skin to skin with another person... she read him... He thought she was beautiful in the dim light. He kissed her neck and moved down to her shoulders. He used his lips and mouth and teeth on her breasts. Koda was not gentle, his need was too great. Hers was even greater. She was wild. The sounds she made drove him into a sexual frenzy. 

He lifted up to drive his knee between her legs even as she opened to him. He pushed inside her with one huge thrust, felt something tear. There was shock and pain. It was hers, but he felt it. She screamed. He had hurt her. Hurt her? Confused, Koda stopped. No, it was not possible. She lifted her hips. Her muscles squeezed him. Passion took them both.

Again and again he pushed inside her. Her muscles gripped him. His emotions and memories were part of her now. She responded to his fervor, giving out little yelps and gasps of pain and pleasure each time he stroked into her.

Her nails clawed his back. Every muscle in her body was strung tight.

The orgasm was brutal. Claire came apart under him. 

Koda experienced her release as well as his, their fulfillment a shared experience. A mystified Claire felt the last twinge deep inside her belly. She felt his satisfaction roll over her when her muscles tightened around him.

He held his weight on his arms for fear of crushing her. They were both panting. Koda's lust sated, rational thinking returned after a time. He had never experienced anything like it. Something was very wrong, but very amazing.

She opened her eyes. They were violet, glowing in the semi-darkness of the tent. 

"Are you all right?" Concern made his voice sharp.

"Yes," she answered softly.

He moved to lie beside her. Breaking contact with her skin caused them both a sense of pain and deep loss.

Koda frowned. Disbelief overcame him. He had taken a virgin and he had taken her roughly with none of the care that should have been used. She had acted like a wanton. "Were you virgin? How is that possible?"

"That is what 'untouched' means," she whispered. "MX are untouched."

"Your response to me was..." What had he done? He had never thought it possible to have such an experience. 

"When you touch my skin, I experience what you are feeling, even what you have felt in the past."

"This is... rare," he muttered. "Was I deceived by your reactions?"

"I do not know. You may have been deceived by your own emotions and memories. Touching someone always leaves me tired. I have to sleep." She turned her back to him and curled up on her side.

He was left with only his own emotions. Hers were lost to him and the absence of her essence left him as empty as he ever remembered.

Koda looked down to see her blood on his skin, on her blue blanket. The virgin blood was sacred. He had done this thing. Shock at his own carelessness added to his confusion. He had taken the girl's virginity and he was supposed to be her protector. Koda had thought he had an experienced female beneath him, but he had to believe the evidence. He had felt her emotions as well as his own. Felt her need and her climax. And her pain. She had been his to guard from harm. Now she was his. He was duty bound to claim her. He would make her his mate. His honor demanded he do the right thing. Even the Warlord Leader was not allowed to dishonor the virgin blood. He touched the blood with his finger and licked it. She was his now. They were sealed by her blood.

Careful not to touch her bare skin, he pulled his own blanket over her and lay close. He wanted to console her, but had no idea how. Her breathing slowed and she drifted into to sleep.

There was no refuge in sleep for Koda.


ren walked the perimeter of the camp. He was restless tonight as he left the forest for the open night sky ablaze with stars. He turned to go back to the camp. Out of the corner of his eye he saw something streak by overhead. Another streak of light and then the sky was ablaze with a meteor shower. The speed and number of meteors increased. The fiery bits of other-worldly stuff zipped through the night sky overhead and flamed out as they passed, leaving smoke trails dissipating in the sky behind them. He smelled the burn as they flared through the atmosphere.

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