LW Browning - Krystile Warriors 01 - Warlord's Honor (6 page)

BOOK: LW Browning - Krystile Warriors 01 - Warlord's Honor
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Dren had never seen a meteor shower that was this intense. The girl screamed in Koda's tent and now meteors flashed through the night sky. It was happening as the prophecy foretold. Koda had found his mate.


emories lay just beyond Claire's reach. They came awake as she did, not all the details, not yet, but she was aware of them just below the surface. Her second thought was that she was in so much trouble with Calks and the MX Facility. She had sex. MX did not have sex, ever. This was very bad.

Experimental movement revealed she was sore, but not really hurt. She was naked under the blanket. Not her blanket, his. She was still lying on hers. She had to think through this logically. Panic was not helpful so she fought it down.

A brief inspection of the blouse she had worn the night before revealed it to be completely ruined. She rummaged through the clothes in her bag. Using a scrap of the ruined blouse and some water from the canteen, she washed the blood off her thighs. She dressed hastily and stuffed the torn clothes from the night before into her backpack along with her blue blanket, which she folded so the bloodstain did not show. Her hair was a mess. She brushed it and bound it in a tight bun.

She heard movement in the camp and she smelled something cooking.

Koda came through the tent flap.

She stepped back in fear. Her heart threatened to beat out of her chest. She could not look at him.

"It is time to eat," he said.

Her mouth opened and closed, producing no words.

"Are you injured?"

"No," she whispered.

"I would know if you can travel today."

"I do not want to face them. They must all know what we – did last night," she whispered. 

Koda half smiled. "Yes. You were very vocal."

Was he mocking her? She clenched her teeth and looked up at him. Let him see her anger, she did not care.

Koda touched her arm gently, but firmly. He pulled her close to him and stroked her hair. She balked at being held and pushed her hands against his chest. Koda let her step away from him.

"We will speak of this later," he said. "If you are unable to travel today, you have only to tell me. We can stay here until you have recovered."

That will be the day. She was not going to have the entire group of warriors staying here all day while she 'recovered' from her night with Koda. "I can travel, Warlord Leader." 

"You may call me Warlord Koda, girl," he said as he pulled her outside the tent with him.

She remembered Var chastising her for using Koda’s name just yesterday. She was not going to risk that again. She felt the heat in her face. Koda was so satisfied with himself, so sure of her, sure of everything. Her temper rose as he dragged her with him. Outside, her anger evaporated. She was never comfortable being the center of attention, even less so now.

He leaned down and whispered, "Scoot," as he swatted her backside to get her started toward the fire in the center of the circle of tents. Claire felt tears of frustration close to the surface as she cursed the fates that brought her here. Every eye was on her, she was sure of it.

She stood up to eat her breakfast of oatmeal, avoiding those sore parts of her body for as long as possible. Some of the females snickered. She felt the amusement of the warlords before she pulled her shields tight. She stood with her back to them. The hateful emotions of the females and the amusement of the males rolled over her. They had no idea what they had done to her.

The camp packed up. Koda rode to the head of the line where Claire waited. He bent down and pulled her up in front of him so she sat sidesaddle. She was sore from riding the day before. A little 'Oh' escaped. She wiggled to find a position that didn't hurt so much. 

Koda looked down at her. "Are you comfortable, girl?"

"Of course, Warlord Leader. Why am I riding in front?"

"We will talk," Koda said.

Great, just what she wanted to do, talk to the barbarian about his barbaric ways. After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, Claire asked, "How long before we arrive at the meeting?"

"We will meet a tribe today or tomorrow," Koda said calmly. Calm. He was always calm.

"And then will we be done?" She tried to keep the hope out of her voice.

"No," Koda said.

"I need to contact Calks." Ah, that got a reaction out of him. It did not show on his face, but Claire felt his annoyance.

"Why do you wish to speak with Calks?" he asked.

Claire paused a moment. "What happened last night is against our rules. They will give you a replacement MX." She had to let Calks know how badly this assignment was off track. Calks would know what to do. He always took care of her. He was the best handler they had and she was proud of him.

Koda's face remained impassive. "I would have you."

"I need to speak with Calks." She felt Koda's disapproval, though the source of it was lost to her.

"I would know why you are so eager to speak with Calks if you have broken a rule?"

"The sooner I confess, the greater the chance that they will be lenient with me."

"You will stay. I will speak with Calks," Koda stated.

They rode in silence. Claire’s mind whirled with possibilities, almost all of them were bad for her.

The movement of the paccar was lulling. Claire's mind wandered. She looked at Koda's hands. Just hours ago he touched her breasts with those hands. The emotions and memories of the previous night flashed into her mind in small random pieces.

She sifted through her memories of the night before, trying to identify which thoughts belonged to him and which to her. Even today as she replayed the events in her mind, his thoughts and emotions were stronger than her own. Her breasts felt heavy. She moaned when her core throbbed. The movement of the paccar caused friction as her blouse rubbed against her sensitive nipples.

His memories had overpowered her. She smelled good to him, made him think of warm vanilla and honeysuckle when he was close to her. He enjoyed the softness of her body against his. She remembered that he thought she felt right against him. The memories were so strange, but she had to examine them. She had to separate her thoughts and emotions from his.

The next memory was stronger, much stronger. Her body reacted. Without warning, her back arched, she threw her head back as a white-hot orgasm tore through her, split her open down the center. Her back pulled taut as a bowstring. She stifled the scream that tried to rip out of her throat. Her body jerked forward as she blasted out the ecstasy of her climax.

Koda held her close.

Claire was weak and panting when the orgasm let her go. She was wrapped in the hard muscles of Koda's arms. Her eyes glowed violet. She fought for control, almost fainting from the intensity of her sexual release. The last twitch came deep within her. She clung to Koda's arm and leaned against his chest for support.

She saw Koda and Dren exchange looks of surprise. She felt their shock. First the projection and then they saw her eyes glow violet for a few moments before she regained control.

"Another 'projection' girl?" Koda asked.

Claire heard the humor in his voice. "I apologize."

"How often does this happen?"

"It should never happen," she murmured.

She sat up straighter to lessen her physical contact with Koda. Dren turned his face away to hide a smile. To the Abyss with him. To the Abyss with them all! This was not the least bit humorous. She had broken a major rule for her kind. To project her feelings to innocent normals was a serious offense. It was considered assault on the same level as if she touched a person. There was no mercy waiting for her at the MX Facility. The Facility, the entire Conglomerate, had no mercy at all.

She rode in silence, her mind frantic to process everything. Her shields were weak. She did not know if the memories that bombarded her belonged to her or to Koda. The certainty of her fate settled over her like a heavy, water-soaked blanket.

The day wore on as Koda held her in front of him. There was no way to avoid touching him. He smelled like evergreen forests and dark exotic spices. 

Claire was concerned that her own emotions were too strong. She was even more concerned that she was losing control of them. 

Flashes of last night’s sexual encounter continued to hit her during the ride. All of them were forceful, some of them were fierce. She tried not to make a sound because every time she whimpered or moaned, she felt Koda's concern. Was it only yesterday morning she had assured him she was up to this trip?

Claire kept her mind occupied, trying to figure a way out of this mess. Several times the trail came very close to the cool little stream. Just being near it and under the tree canopy lowered the temperature.

"I would know more about projection." Koda broke the silence.

"I am sorry to do that. I will get my feelings under control," Claire said.

"Last night you said the projection was caused by your fear. Yet today your projection was very different. I think most of the females had their own orgasm today."

Claire heard Revi's voice, "And some of the males did too." They laughed. She felt the heat rise in her face and looked away from them.

She sighed. "When feelings are intense, I can project them. I should never do it." Her face felt hot.

"Is the projection caused by strong emotions and nothing else?" Koda continued.

Claire sighed. "I had not projected for years until I came here. I-I do not know what is wrong."

"Yesterday you spoke of other abilities. I would know what other abilities you have."

"I cannot speak of it." She had lived her whole life subject to a thousand rules. She had played along and buried her true feelings in order to survive. Was this barbarian to be her undoing? She was relieved when he did not immediately press for an answer.

"The other MX girls, like you, do they all have the same abilities?" Koda asked.

"I cannot speak of it, I really want to talk to Calks," Claire said.

Koda continued silently down the trail. Claire let her mind drift again.

Suddenly, Koda let an arrow fly from his crossbow and a bird fell from a tree as they passed. Claire gasped and almost fell off the paccar when she moved her hand to her heart. Koda guided the paccar over to the bird and reached down to grasp the arrow. He tied the kill to the back of his saddle and replaced his crossbow.

They came to another camping place when the sun was still high in the sky. After Koda let her down and dismounted, he handed her a bundle of clothing and a ball of something in a small piece of fabric. "Go with the other females now," he said.

"Yes, of course." Laundry. Another thing she did not know how to do. She turned to follow the females as they were moving away. 

At the stream, she silently cursed Calks while watching the females to see what they did. Osiria knelt beside her at the stream. "Have you never washed clothing?" she asked.

"No, never," Claire said.

Osiria smiled, "Watch me."


oda's thoughts were filled with Claire while he set up his tent. She had told him she wanted to leave. It was too soon to tell her she was not going back. He wanted her help with the trade negotiations, but more than that, he needed her help with the other MX. He also needed time for her to become comfortable with his people.

If she suspected the reason she was feeling more emotions was because the MX Facility had kept her drugged until now, she gave no indication. Koda suspected the lack of drugs was causing the projections. It was reasonable that if her powers increased, her control would also have to increase. He hoped she would not hurt herself or anyone else during her withdrawal. 

Koda had also experienced the flashbacks of their lovemaking while they were riding. He had felt the projections all morning, but she had been riding close to him. He also felt her growing fear.

Koda and Var stood together while Var gave his report. “I spoke to Afia, she will not upset the MX girl again.”

Koda nodded. “Good.”

"Do you think the projection the MX does is dangerous?" Var asked.

"I do not know," Koda said. "I need to gain control of her. I can smell the terror on her."

"Some raiders attacked a small village. The scouts found it," Var said.


"All dead," Var answered.

Koda grimaced. "Send two of your best trackers. We will deal with them later. I do not want to send too many of our warriors away right now. Justice will have to wait until we get her safely to the castle keep," Koda said.

"Consider it done," Var said as they went to join the rest of the warlords.


laire looked at the rabbit on the spit with trepidation. Osiria helped her cook the rabbit for Koda and the bird for herself. Osiria might have helped her in order to ensure she did not catch on fire again, Claire thought wryly.

"It was a very kind thing for Koda to provide you with a bird for supper," Osiria said.

Claire nodded. "Yes it was."

"Our Warlord Leader is a kind male," Osiria commented.

Claire nodded. She was tired, exhausted, and not in the mood for conversation. 

Osiria's watchfulness ensured the rabbit fared somewhat better than Claire's bird. When Claire took it to Koda, he thanked her. She said nothing before returning to sit with the females. 

"She moves as if she is hurt, Koda," Revi observed.

"How do you have the energy to notice how a female moves?" Vix said. "I was unable to sleep last night. Some female was screaming."

"She did not sound like she was screaming with pleasure," Ache said.

"Perhaps Koda needs some advice from Vix in the art of docking a female," Mack said around the matchstick in his mouth.

Dren shot Mack a look. "What? I am a giver," Mack said with mock helpfulness.

Vix grinned. "You know I do not give my secrets away. Koda must fend for himself."

"Do we need to fear the warning of going insane if we touch an MX?" Revi asked.

"You have no need to worry, Revi," Vix drawled. "You are already so close to the edge, you might cross over at any moment."

"We probably will not even notice," Lodi added.

"One wonders if Koda can handle the famed MX." Foord looked up from his knives and smiled.

"The motion was presented today to end the MX program," Dare said. He looked up from his hand viewer.

"What does that mean for the MX?" Lodi asked.

Dare looked down. "It means the MX will be ended as well."

"We will have to move faster than we had planned," Koda said.

"Do you now mate with the little MX?" Reaf asked after a moment of silence.

Koda looked across the camp to where Claire was sitting by herself. "I will mate her and claim her."

"If she is not the one of the prophecy, you should not claim her," Var said.

"The thing is done. I took a virgin," Koda said.

Lodi let out a low whistle.

"If they pass the law to destroy them, they will soon follow with an edict to send the Special Threat Squads out to hunt them. They may contact us to assist in tracking them down," Dare said.

"If they do, I will accept the job. This might make it easier to round them up and get them here," Koda said.

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