Lyre (18 page)

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Authors: Helen Harper

BOOK: Lyre
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‘I hate those ones,’ he commented.

‘She’s luckier than she knows.  The cloud of death follows her even now.  Poseidon should not have intervened.’

‘What did she expect?  It’s not like I can just call Hades up and ask him to turn back time and release her father from the Underworld.  If I did that then everyone would be banging on the door.’

‘Poor thing.  I don’t think it occurred to her that was possible.’

‘No,’ he mused, ‘she wanted answers for questions that don’t exist.’

‘Humans never learn.  It’s not your fault.’

He glanced at his wife.  ‘No.  I don’t suppose it is.  What do you think Pan wants by coming to her aid like that?’

Hera snorted.  ‘What does Pan ever want?  Exactly what you’d probably be taking if she was a year or two older.’

‘I’ve not had sexual intercourse with any humans for decades.  You should know that.’

‘What about that Dana woman?’

‘Hera, love…’

‘Callie, as well?’

‘Perhaps there have been one or two…’

She began reeling off more names.  Zeus buried his head in his hands.  This was going to go on for quite some time.




With Pan’s help, Yuri lurched back through the majestic but now somehow cold and unfeeling corridors of Olympus.  Few people glanced in her direction, as if the thunderbolt she’d received from Zeus could be contagious and that by looking at her they’d also immediately feel its effects.  She had to bite down hard on her lip to avoid crying.  She shouldn’t have expected anything else.  Her father was still dead and it was of no more consequence to the gods of Olympus than the flapping of a butterfly wings.  She felt like an idiot.

They lurched back through the courtyard with its gleaming golden trees and alluring shiny apples.  Both Apollo and Paris had disappeared, either to take their fight elsewhere or to bother themselves with other trivial matters.  Yuri barely even registered the moving head of the guard as he followed their exit, bowing his head at their departure.  She just wanted to get as far away from Olympus as possible.

Her chest constricted and her breath fast and uncontrolled, she gulped in air.  ‘He didn’t need to be so fucking mean!’

‘I know,’ Pan soothed.

Her knees buckled underneath her and he grabbed her waist to stop her from falling, pulling her up against him.  Despite her turbulent emotions, Yuri felt an odd sensation in the pit of her stomach as her body connected with his.  She tried to move away, but he held her fast.

‘Where are you going?’

‘I need to leave,’ she muttered.  All she wanted to do was to get back to Ozzy and forget this place ever existed.  Medusa had been right; she should never have come here.

‘Then leave you shall!’ Pan said with an air of gallantry.  He still refused to release her, however. 

Yuri attempted to pull away, casting around anxiously for Ozzy.  He had to be around here somewhere. 

Pan reached out with one long finger and stroked her cheek.  ‘You’re a pretty little thing,’ he mused.  He twisted one hand through her hair.  Yuri barely noticed. 

‘Ozzy!’ she called. 

Her voice was swallowed up in the fringes of dense forest surrounding the palace.

‘Who’s Ozzy?’  Pan asked.

‘My boyfriend.’  She tugged away but she hadn’t reckoned on the strength rippling through the goatman’s body.  His hold around her waist tightened.

‘Silly name.  But I tell you what,’ he said, ‘I’ll help you find your boyfriend if you give me just a little tinge of appreciation.’  His tanned face grew serious.  ‘After all, I may have incurred Zeus’ wrath myself for helping you out.’

Yuri felt a trickle of guilt.  First, she’d pulled Ozzy into this mess by bringing him here.  Now she might have gotten this strange hybrid into trouble too.  She thought about the cold eyes of Zeus and shuddered.

‘Thank you,’ she told him, sincerely.  ‘You’ve been a great help.’

Pan pointed to his cheek.  Rather nonplussed, Yuri blinked. 

‘Come on,’ he said.  ‘Or are you disgusted by what I am?’  He swept his free hand down towards his animal hindquarters.  The fur there was clean and smooth, matching the shade of hair on his head absolutely perfectly.

Yuri gazed down and then back up again.  ‘I’m friends with Medusa,’ she said softly.  ‘It doesn’t matter to me what you look like.’  She wasn’t entirely sure she was telling the truth but she was keen to avoid giving offence.  He had helped her, after all.

Pan’s eyes glittered and he gestured towards his cheek again.  Feeling oddly like she was trying to placate an embarrassing uncle, Yuri pushed herself onto her tiptoes.  Pan’s grip round her waist tightened but she was too young and too focused on finding Ozzy and getting away from Olympus to register the warning signs.  The moment her lips reached his skin, he twisted round so she found herself kissing his mouth rather than his cheek.

Yuri squeaked, again yanking herself backwards to escape.  Pan simply increased the pressure and she felt panic rising up inside her.  He smelled musk and not entirely undesirable but he was not only old – he wasn’t Ozzy.  Panic started fill her as the pressure on her mouth deepened.  She twisted her head away. 

‘Let me go!’  Her words, muffled as they were against the bare skin of Pan’s shoulder, were barely audible. 

His head swooped down to hers again and, without even thinking about it, Yuri jerked her head backwards, then snapped it forward with as much force as she could muster.  Her forehead smashed into his chin and he staggered away.

‘That hurt!  What the hell is wrong with you?’

‘I think the question is what the hell is wrong with you,’ she spat. 

She sidestepped left, ready to start running and get away from the bizarrely avaricious creature.  That’s when she finally spotted Ozzy, watching the pair of them through a gap in the trees.  His face was pale and his eyes raked over her with an expression that could only be described as deep hurt. 

Yuri’s panic gave way to a far deeper sensation of fear.  Ignoring Pan, she shouted.  ‘Ozzy!’

‘Leave him be,’ Pan said, ‘I’ll show you what it means to be with a real man.’

Without even glancing at him, Yuri veered round his body and ran to where Ozzy was standing.  She’d barely covered ten metres, however, when he pivoted round and disappeared, swallowed up by the mass of green.

‘Ozzy!’ she yelled.  ‘Come back!’

Either he didn’t hear her or he didn’t care.  By the time Yuri reached the spot where he’d been, Ozzy had gone.





‘He didn’t speak to you for the rest of the holiday?’  Sibyl’s eyes were wide.

Yuri shook her head in desperation.  ‘It was even worse than that.  He told his parents he wasn’t feeling well and hid in his room for two days before they finally got so worried that they cut the holiday short and we all came back.  I kept trying to talk to him on the journey back but he stuck his earphones on and turned up the music.’  She looked glumly at her friend.  ‘What am I supposed to do?’

Sibyl stood up, walking over to Yuri’s small window and gazing out.  Her long hair today was a brilliant shade of blue, as if matching Yuri’s mood.  Eventually, she tightened her shoulders and turned back round.  ‘He doesn’t trust you,’ she said finally.  ‘He thought he saw you kissing Pan and he’s decided that you’ve betrayed him.  You can’t be with someone who doesn’t trust you.  It’s what relationships are built on.’

‘But how could he even see Pan?  He couldn’t see Olympus.  Why didn’t he notice that he had damn animal legs?’

Sibyl shrugged helplessly.  ‘He’d just have seen a man.  Maybe not even a man, maybe someone closer to your age.  The fact that he’s not even given you a chance to explain means he doesn’t love you as much as he should.’

A stabbing pain wrenched Yuri’s heart.  ‘I can’t believe he thinks I just grabbed the nearest guy and had a snog.’

Sibyl reached over and took her hand, squeezing it tightly.  ‘I know it hurts now.  But it’s probably for the best, Yuri.  If he’s not going to give you a chance, then walk away.  It’s the only way you can keep your pride intact.’

Fighting back tears, Yuri bit her lip so hard she drew blood.  ‘No.’  She was adamant.  Ozzy was the best thing that had happened to her.  Ever.  She wasn’t about to let him go.  ‘I’ll go to his house and make him listen to me.’

‘He won’t let you in.’

She set her jaw.  ‘I’ll make him.’  Yuri twirled round, scooping up her jacket and shrugging it on and turning her back on Sibyl.  ‘I’ll damn well stand there until he agrees to see me.’

Sibyl’s face twisted into a contortion of pain and frustration.  ‘Yuri, don’t make a fool out of yourself.’

‘I don’t care!’ she said angrily.  ‘It doesn’t matter what I look like.  The only thing that matters is getting Ozzy back.’  She flung open the door and marched out.

Behind her back, Sibyl winced, casting her eyes up to the heavens.  For perhaps the first time ever, she damned the gift she’d been given.  ‘Curse you all for making me do this.’




Yuri hammered on Ozzy’s front door until her knuckles were sore and bruised.  ‘Ozzy!’ she shouted.  ‘Just let me explain!’

The house remained still and silent.  She took several steps back and stared up at it.  There wasn’t so much as a twitching curtain or a distant shadow.  It didn’t matter though.  She could sit on the doorstep and wait.  He’d come out eventually.  If there was one thing she had learnt to be good at over the years, it was patience.

From next door, there was the sound of a door opening.  A woman peered out, catching sight of Yuri.  ‘He’s not there, love.  Enough of the banging.  It’s bad enough having to listen to that music all day and night without girls shrieking outside his door.’

Yuri stared at her.  Of course.  He’d be off practising with the band.  And if Orpheus weren’t here, then they’d be round at Jono’s, making use of the empty garage space there.

‘Thank you!’ she called out.

The neighbour frowned at her.  ‘For what?’

Yuri didn’t wait to explain, however.  She simply took off down the street, sprinting in the direction of Jono’s house.  It was on the other side of the town but she reckoned she could make it there quickly if she ran.  Along the way, she rehearsed what she’d say to him in her head.  She loved him and she knew he loved her.  If she could just get five minutes alone with him, this mess could all be sorted out.  Yuri wasn’t about to let Olympus screw this up for her.  The gods and their minions were already responsible for enough.

When she eventually made it onto Jono’s street, she could already hear the faint strains of music.  Setting her mouth into a grimly satisfied line, she slowed to a walk, wiping her forehead and running her fingers through her hair in a vague attempt to look presentable.  Then she swung into the small driveway, squeezing past the old Ford that was sitting there. 

The main door was firmly closed but she knew from past experience that there was a smaller one towards the back that the band used.  She walked up to it, raising her hand to knock on it.  Then she brought her arm back down again.  She had never knocked before.  This would be easier if she simply walked in and faced him before he could do something to avoid her. 

Taking a deep breath, and praying this would work, she stepped up and opened the door.  The music suddenly increased in volume, raw and emotional in its intensity.  Yuri listened to the lyrics.  It was a new song and one she’d not heard before.  Unfortunately, it was fairly obvious what it was about.  Yuri did her best to squash her trepidation and walked inside.

It was Jono who spotted her first.  His drumsticks froze in midair and his face took on an anxious expression.  One by one, then band members stopped playing, each one flicking their eyes towards her then to Ozzy.  Standing in front of them all, he realised what was happening and turned towards her.  He didn’t stop singing, despite the sudden lack of instrumental back-up behind him. Although his voice caught on one of the words, his eyes glittered and he spun away, gesturing angrily at the others to continue playing.  His singing may have been ferocious but he looked pale and drawn.  When it became clear that he wasn’t going to stop, the others reluctantly picked up the beat again, all of them suddenly avoiding meeting Yuri’s eyes.  Ozzy was a fool if he thought she’d give up that easily though.  She stalked up to where they were playing and planted her feet directly in front of him.  He continued to sing as if she weren’t even there.

‘Ozzy,’ she pleaded.  ‘Can we just talk?’

He moved to the left.  She moved with him.

‘I just need to explain.’

He leapt to the right, turning his back on her again.  Helpless, she looked up at Jono who flicked her a sympathetic glance and laid down his drumsticks.  He ignored the vicious look he received from Ozzy and stood up, moving out past Yuri.  He squeezed her arm gently and left.  The other bandmates gave each other nervous looks then did the same, filing out one by one, until the only people left in the dim garage were her and Ozzy.  He glared after his friends as if stung by their betrayal.  Then he walked up to Yuri, singing the last words of the song.

‘Stabbed through the heart.’  His eyes met hers.  ‘I don’t have time for this,’ he told her shortly.  ‘We have a meeting with an agent in a couple of days’ time and we need to practise.’

‘Ozzy,’ she began.

‘Fuck off!’ he snarled.  ‘What are you doing here anyway?’

‘What you saw – it wasn’t what you think.’

‘Oh yeah?’

‘Please, Ozzy.  Just listen to me.’

‘I don’t have time.’  He folded his arms and took a step backwards.

‘Who you saw was a god.  He forced himself…’

‘A god?  Really?  Is that the best excuse you can come up with?’

She held her palms out towards him.  ‘Please, just listen.’

‘There’s no time,’ he reiterated stubbornly.

‘Ozzy,’ she begged him, ‘just give me a chance.  Don’t throw away what we have because of something you saw that wasn’t even real.  I can explain.  I really can.’

His face shuttered, tension visible across every line.  His eyes raked over her.  She could see the desperation within their depths.  He wanted to believe her.  ‘This isn’t the place.’

Yuri nodded, biting her lip.  ‘Then meet me later.  At our special place.  On top of the cliffs.’

‘We’ll be practising till late,’ he answered stiffly.

‘I can wait.’  Feeling hope stirring inside her, she reached out towards him but he pulled away.  ‘Just say the time and I’ll be there.’

‘Midnight,’ he said shortly.  ‘Be there at midnight.’

‘Okay.’ She took a deep breath.  ‘I love you.’

For a brief second his eyes flashed to hers.  Then he looked away again.  ‘You should go now.’

She swallowed, blinking agreement.  It wasn’t much of a capitulation but it was enough for now.  Yuri turned and walked back out, closing the door behind her.  It was until she was several steps away that she heard the rip of anguish from this throat.  She closed her eyes in pain.  Midnight wasn’t far away.  She’d make everything right then.




Yuri arrived early.  She wanted to make sure she didn’t miss Ozzy and so was at the top of the cliffs and gazing out over the dark expanse of sea not long after 11pm.  She first sat down on the bench but her nervous energy got the better of her and she stood back up again and started pacing.  At one point, she bent down, picking up a small delicate daisy.  She placed it carefully behind her ear, wondering whether he’d register its significance from the time they’d spent up here after Brittani’s death.  A week ago she’d have been certain of it.  Now she wasn’t so sure.  Stuffing her hands into her pockets, she cricked her neck from side to side, attempting to lose the knot of tension.

A gust of wind picked up, taking hold of her fine hair and blowing it up in the air.  Yuri blew it away from her face.  That’s when she heard the crunch of steps from behind.  Exulted, and thinking that Ozzy had also chosen to reach the clifftop before the agreed time, she spun round.  But when she saw who it really was, her heart froze.

‘Skull!’ he roared, his voice floating across the empty landscape.  ‘I want your skull!’

‘Antaeus,’ she whispered, fear rooting her feet to the ground.

Poseidon’s son took a heavy step towards her.  He towered over her small frame.  ‘Give me your…’

‘Skull?’ she finished, sounding considerably braver than she felt.

Antaeus roared and leapt towards her, a monstrous shadow.  Yuri managed to react only just in the nick of time, jumping out of the way.  Her overriding instinct was to run as far and fast from here as she possibly could.  But she couldn’t risk Ozzy coming across Antaeus in her absence.  She pivoted round to face him.

‘Get out of here!’ she yelled with an obvious tremor in her voice.

The corner of his mouth crooked up but it wasn’t in either agreement or humour.  It was the sly smile of a predator who knows success is close at hand.

Ignoring the fear fluttering in her chest, Yuri backed away keeping her eyes trained on him.  She had no idea what to do; she only knew she had to do something.  He lunged at her with lightning speed, huge hands reaching for her.  This time she ducked under, rolling between his legs to emerge out from the other side.  As she staggered back to her feet, she spotted a bottle under the old wooden bench.  Her fingers stretched out for it, curving round the cold, smooth surface.  Then she smashed it against the bench seat, shattering the neck.  At least now she had a weapon.

Gripping it tightly in both hands she thrust it out towards Antaeus.  He smirked.  Icy anger filled her veins.  Poseidon’s sirens had taken her father.  Now Poseidon’s son was trying to kill her.  Worse, he might even hurt Ozzy.  She shook her head slightly.  She wasn’t about to let that happen.

Loosening her grip on the bottle, she freed one hand.  Then she jabbed a punch in Antaeus’ direction connecting with his stomach.  But it was rock hard and she knew she’d done more damage to her fingers than to his body.  It didn’t matter though; Yuri had a plan.  He lunged towards her again and this time she let him catch her.  One hand grabbed her by the throat and the other by her hair.  He held her up in the air, bringing her to his face.  Her legs thrashed underneath her.  She attempted to kick him but he kept his torso well away.  Yuri choked.  She knew she wouldn’t have long before she passed out.  No-one was coming to rescue her.  She had to this on her own.

Antaeus exhaled a cloud of rank breath in her direction.  He blinked at her slowly, licking his lips.  Yuri closed her eyes, mustering up every single last reserve of strength.  Then she swung her arm round, tightening her grip on the bottle.  The lethal shards of glass whipped through the air and sunk into the monster’s skin.  Yuri dragged the bottle down, still keeping her eyes firmly shut but feeling the spatter of warm blood across her own face.  Antaeus howled dropping her.  She fell to her knees, finally looking upwards to see him clutching his face with both hands.  She rolled left and stood back up.  Dropping the bottle, she slammed her hands out, smashing them flat into Antaeus’ exposed chest.  He staggered backwards, one foot slipping on the dewy grass.  And once one had gone, the other followed.  As he started to fall, a heavy lump crashing inexorably to the ground, Yuri pushed again.  His arms flailed as he pulled them away from his face and his eyes widened as he registered what was happening.  He had already been too close to the cliff edge.  Now he was falling backwards, with nothing below him but a steep drop all the way down to the beach.

Antaeus snarled, face contorting.  As if in slow motion, he disappeared from Yuri’s sight.  First his feet, then his legs, his chest and, finally, his stunned face.  As he vanished, Yuri’s legs buckled underneath her and she collapsed to the ground.  But it wasn’t over. 

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