Mad About You (5 page)

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Authors: Kate Perry

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Mad About You
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He grinned as he watched her head for the back door. KT had been hiding in his house for as long as he could remember. They’d met in this very spot, when she’d been a gangly seven year old crawling through the hedges, even then trying to escape her mother. Unlikely as it seemed, over the years, the brash musician had become one of his closest friends.

He had KT to thank for meeting Julie, because KT had been the one to give him the tip about Nicole and her lingerie endeavor. It seemed Griffin Chase, Nicole’s boyfriend, and KT were good friends.

KT had been trying to help Nicole, but she’d really done Scott the bigger favor. He’d gotten to invest in a positive business that enhanced women’s self-images, because Nicole’s lingerie was geared toward making all women feel beautiful, and he met the love of his life.

He shook his head at the insanity and set out for his run.

An hour and a half later when he returned, he reentered from the kitchen, in case there were still matrimonially charged women around. He looked for KT on his way to his suite, but she was either buried deep in the bowels of his house or back at her own place.

In his room, he stripped off his sweaty clothes and took a shower. He redressed in casual clothing, checked his email, and ordered a pizza for their date.

For most women, he’d go to the cellar and pick out a bottle of champagne to take, too, but Julie didn’t seem like a champagne girl. So he picked up a six-pack of a rare Highland ale he thought she might enjoy, and along with the pizza, he drove to the address she’d given him.

She lived in the inner Richmond, above a Chinese restaurant. He pressed the number for her apartment, pushing open the door when it buzzed.

When he reached the top floor, he saw her leaning in the doorway, and felt like he’d reached the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. She wore jeans that hung low on her hips and a sweater. Her feet were bare, her hair was in a ponytail, and it didn’t look like she had any makeup on.

She was gorgeous.

She gave the pizza box a cursory glance before returning her gaze to him. “You’re punctual.”

“I was eager.”

The corner of her mouth kicked up. “I like eager. Come in.”

He walked inside, but instead of an apartment, he felt like he stepped into a tropical forest. It was warm and lush, with plants and orchids everywhere.

Then he noticed the futon in the middle of the room, unfolded and beckoning, covered in a fluffy comforter with two pillows at the head.

He stopped in his steps. “That makes a statement. I just hope it’s the statement I imagine it is.”

“Probably.” Julie took the pizza and beer from his hands. “It seemed pointless to fold it away.”

“I knew you were clever.” Before she could get away, he reached out for her and kissed her, just like he’d been imagining since the night at the lingerie show. It felt just as hot, and even deeper with the promise of futon thrown in.

“I should put this stuff down before I drop them,” Julie said against his lips.

“Hurry.” He let go of her and watched her walk into the attached kitchenette. It was a small studio, but it was amazingly homey. “I like your place.”

She gave him an incredulous look. “I asked you if you were a serial killer, but I should have asked if you’d sustained any brain damage in your life.”

Chuckling, he shrugged out of his jacket and hung it on the front door knob. “I’m not saying it’s not small. I’m saying I like it.”

“Well then, I guess I can’t question your sanity,” she said with a dry smile. “Do you want a beer?”

“I want you.”

Julie met his gaze, her cheeks flushed, and rejoined him. “Okay,” she said as she wound her arms around his neck.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and squeezed her to him, burying his face in the crook of her neck. “I’ve been waiting for this for so long.”

She nodded. “All weekend.”

“All my life,” he corrected as he lifted her chin and kissed her again.

She moaned against his mouth, her leg hitching on the back of his knee, pulling him closer. “This is a first for me,” she murmured.

He smiled against her lips. “Sex?”

She grinned back. “Yes.”

“You don’t kiss like a virgin,” he said, nibbling her lips.

“That’s because I’m not.” She threaded her fingers in his hair and looked up at him. “I don’t bring random guys over. Ever.”

“I’m not a random guy.”

“No, you’re not.” She began to unbutton his shirt.

He let her push it off his shoulders, helping her when the cuffs caught on his wrists. Reciprocating, he lifted her T-shirt over her head and paused. “You don’t have a bra on.”

“And you’re astute.” She unbuckled his belt.

“I’m incredibly turned on, is what I am.” He ran a finger over the puckered tip of her pert breast. “I like your outfit.”

“My friend tried to dress me up,” she said as she undid his pants, “but it seemed pointless since we were staying in.”

“This may be forward and perhaps too soon,” he said as he slid his hands in front to undo her jeans. “But I should warn you that I’m going to ask you to marry me.”

“Uh-huh,” she said as she unbuttoned the waistband of his pants.

He stopped her hands and waited until she looked up at him. “I mean it.”

Her brow furrowed. “What have you been smoking, and why haven’t you offered to share?”

“I’m serious, Julie.” He took her chin. “Not today or tomorrow, but soon enough. You better wrap your mind around it so that you’re ready to say yes when I do.”

“But I don’t know anything about you.” She watched as he unzipped her jeans. “I mean, what do you do for a living? Do you do dishes? Listen to Meatloaf on high volume?”

“I’m an investor. I’m happy to do dishes. And, no, I’m not a fan of Meatloaf.” He kissed her, sliding his hands inside her underwear and gripping her from behind.

“Do you expect someone to cook for you all the time? Because you should be warned that I’m not domestic.”

“We’ll order in.”

“How do you take your coffee?”

“Black.” Before she could ask her next question, he said, “I like to run, and I like to listen to jazz. Friends are important, and so is family. My mom drives me insane, but I feel lucky to have her. I love my sister, and not just because she makes me money. I’d much rather go to a dive spot than a Michelin-starred restaurant.”

“That’s a good start, but we’re talking marriage.” Julie wiggled her hips to help shimmy her pants and underwear down and stepped out of the legs. “What if you squeeze the toothpaste from the middle? Or leave your shoes all over the living room so I trip on them all the time?”

“We’ll work on those things.” Then he held her face to look her in the eyes. “Just tell me you aren’t completely against the idea.”

She shook her head, seeming dazed. “No, not completely against it, even if it’s completely mad.”

“I can work with that.” He kissed her again, backing her up until she tumbled onto the futon. Then he quickly got out of the rest of his clothes and followed her down.

Chapter Eight

The only thing she could think of as he stripped out of his clothes was that he wanted to marry her. No one had ever wanted to marry her before.

She’d never been tempted to marry anyone.

If it were any other guy, she’d have known he was just giving her lines. But Scott truly wasn’t any other guy, and she’d already agreed to have sex with him. He had no reason to give her lines—he was guaranteed to get lucky without any promises.

Quite frankly, the way he’d looked at her when he’d made the statement was enough to show her that he meant every word.

Mind boggling.

He climbed over her. There was something serious and real in his eyes as he slid up her body. When he blanketed her, he framed her face with his hands. “I don’t walk up to just any random woman and kiss her the moment I meet her.”

She arched her brows. “It’s a strange time to tell me this, isn’t it? When you already have me naked?”

“I want you to understand where I come from and who I am.” He began kissing his way down her neck as he talked. “My grandfather told me when I met the right woman, I’d know. He was right.”

“How did you know?” she asked, twining her fingers in his hair.

“The kiss, and a gut reaction. The same way I know a good investment when I hear it.” He ran a light hand over her breasts, tracing the curve at her side. “I like to take risks, but I’d never risk something this important, which is why I wanted to lay my cards out on the table.”

Goosebumps rose on her skin wherever he touched her. “Are you telling me this deliberately while your hands are driving me crazy?”

“Are my hands driving you crazy?” he asked with a devilish grin.

“You know I want more.” She narrowed her eyes. “I had the futon open.”

“What do you want?” Watching her, he trailed his hand down her ribcage to the hipbone. “This?”

She took his hand and put it between her legs, where she was burning for him. “That.”

“That, I can do.” He tested her with a finger, parting her outer lips and dipping in.

Sharp shocks of pleasure shot through her, and she inhaled sharply, gripping his hair tighter. “It’s not enough.”

“Still?” He caressed her more firmly, a slow, gasp-rending drag that made her break out in a sweat. She squeezed her eyes shut, her head swimming, like she’d had too much to drink.

“Do you still want more?” he asked, his voice low and hungry.

“Yes.” She cried out as he focused his touch. “

“Which is it, Julie?” He scooted down, kissing her belly as he slid down. “I can stop.”

“Don’t you dare.” She wanted more but wasn’t sure she could take it.

“Just hold on,” he told her as he replaced his fingers with his tongue.

The first lick had her jolting off the bed. She gripped his hair, sobbing in pleasure as his tongue worked its magic.

She was going to pass out, she realized as colors began to swim behind her eyelids. She gulped air, trying to calm herself, but it’d been a while, and he knew exactly where to touch her.

And then his lips closed over her and he sucked.

She came off the bed again, her body jackknifing with the force of her climax. She heard someone scream but it took her a moment to realize it was her own.

Scott rose and covered her again. She felt the coolness of the condom he’d managed to put on as he slowly inched his way in.

She pulled his mouth closer to hers. “This is

He kissed her, a thorough exploration that left her even more breathless. “Your word choice leaves a little to be desired.”

“I’m a florist, not a writer.” She wrapped her thighs around his waist. “Are you going all in, or what?”

“I love the romance in your soul,” he said with an amused grin, right before he plunged in.

Her hips arched of their own accord, as if she’d lost control of her body.

“Julie?” he whispered in her ear. “I’m all in.”

There was subtext that went beyond the physical. She felt like she was drowning in so many ways, so she clung to him and held on as he steadily plunged into her. Every brush of his pelvis against her left her panting until she was positive she was going to pass out.

Suddenly the rhythm changed, slowing, going even deeper.

She ground her hips against him, feeling her climax build. Head falling back, she grabbed his back. “If you stop I’ll kill you with my garden sheers.”

“I won’t stop until you come”—he slid a hand under her and tipped her hips up—”and even then I may keep going.”

The angle changed, and the electric feelings intensified. Inside her, she felt him harden even more, ready himself, and that pushed her over the edge. As she cried out, so did he.

He didn’t stop until the last tremor shot through her. Then he collapsed on top of her, both of them breathing heavily.

Scott spoke first. “You scratched my back. I think that means this was a success.”

She chuckled, hooking her ankles over his calves. “It was nice.”

He lifted his head and squinted at her. “Now
may threaten you with your garden sheers.”

“Do you have the energy?”

“To do anything but lie here?” He shook his head. “No.”

Stroking his chest, she said, “I liked it. It was like a cherry topping my day.”

“Tell me about your day, darling.” He propped his head on his palm.

“I got a really great client.” She smiled as she thought about the coup of snagging the Carrington-Wright wedding. “I was worried about taking the event on since it overlaps with this competition I’m entering, but I decided to look at it as a challenge.”

“What sort of competition?”

“Floral sculptures.”

“Sexy,” he deadpanned.

She smacked his shoulder. “I want to win.”

“Of course you do.”

“I’m going to, too.” She kissed him, suddenly and without inhibition. “Are you hungry?”


She grinned, knowing he wasn’t talking about food. She kissed him again before getting up to bring the pizza box back to the bed. Sitting cross-legged next to him, she opened the box and handed him a napkin. “I’ve never had pizza naked before.”

He ran a hand along her thigh. “Then we should set a new naked pizza tradition.”

“I’m down with that.” She smiled and accepted the slice he offered her.

Chapter Nine

“So.” Elise Carrington-Wright sat primly on the couch in her Pacific Heights home, not unlike a queen, holding court for her subjects. “While we’re waiting for my daughter Alexis to join us, let me tell you what I’m thinking.”

Julie mentally groaned. Brides’ mothers were always a headache. She shifted on the uncomfortable chair she’d plopped on and pulled out her notebook. “Go ahead.”

“A sea of white. It’s an evening wedding, and the white will look stunning with the candles.”

“True.” Especially in this house.

Although to call this
a house
was a gross understatement. It might even be too big to qualify as a mansion. She was sure there were smaller castles in the world. The “house” sat on top of Pacific Heights, was four stories tall, had a circular drive, and a large fountain in front.

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