Read Maddie and Wyn Online

Authors: Cameron Dane

Maddie and Wyn (34 page)

BOOK: Maddie and Wyn
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Arms around Maddie’s waist, Wyn dipped his head back and laughed, the joyous sound moving up through his soul. “Hell, honey.” He tunneled his fingers in the silky fall of her wavy tresses. “If I’d known giving up my ass to you would generate this response, I would have done it ages ago.”

Her eyes bright and wide, Maddie went still, her hand clutched on the waistband of his jeans. “I don’t want you to do this just to make me happy.”

His chest expanding with emotion, Wyn slid her hand to his crotch. “Feel that?” He rubbed her fingers and palm over his erection, hissing as her thumb brushed across the silken head. “A lot of it is just because I’m near you and I can’t help it. But it’s also because of what we’re going to do. Because it’s with you, my adrenaline is buzzing with the idea of doing something brand new.”

“I like that.” The sweet lilt of Maddie’s smile snaked straight into his heart. “I like that this one intimate thing is just between me and you; that you haven’t experienced it with anyone else.”

Jesus, baby
. If she kept looking up at him like he could hold the world up on his shoulders she would rip his heart right out of his chest. “I know I wasn’t a virgin when we came together,” unable to not touch her, he rubbed circles into the small of her back, “but everything between us feels different for me too. It’s not just sex between us. It’s…” Searching, his entire being hurting with bound-up love, he said roughly, “What we’re doing, what we are together, is everything.”

A raw noise escaping her, Maddie slammed herself into Wyn again, this time kissing him with the fierceness of an animal. Instant fire shot through Wyn, and he kissed her back with just as much force, tangling his tongue in the wet heat of her mouth, loving when she nipped him and drew a little blood.

Licking his blood off her lip, Wyn tore at the buttons on her shirt, excitement making his fingers clumsy. Maddie clawed at his hips and pressed frantic kisses all over his face and up into his hair. He finally got her top off and pushed his hands into her Daisy Dukes, dragging her shorts and panties down to her knees.

His jeans already around his thighs, his prick straining against her bared belly, Wyn breathed heavily in between nipping at her reddened mouth. “How do you want me?” The first hint of nerves twirled up into his stomach and tightened his voice. “Should I bend over the side of the bed, like in the book?”

The silver in her eyes luminous, Maddie was the most beautiful creature Wyn had ever seen. “No. St-stay like this.” A husky stammer filled her voice, and she squeezed his waist as if she were trying to get juice out of an orange, but her gaze remained steady and true. “When we’re doing this, I want to be able to see your face.”

“Fuck, honey.” Wyn could barely speak. “You’re killing me.”

His voice boxed in too tight, he dragged Maddie to him and devoured her lips, kissing her like the starving man he was. Since they’d gone their separate ways so long ago, he hadn’t eaten a morsel, and he already knew it would take a lifetime of feasting from her to even begin to fill his emaciated soul.

With a sexy squeak, Maddie kissed him back, putting her flavor in his mouth with an aggressiveness he hoped meant her taste would live in him forever. She pushed her full weight against him, toppled him onto his back, and immediately crawled on top of him and began pushing at his jeans. Bunched up around his knees, the jeans became tangled between them, and Wyn growled and kicked off his sneakers, freeing some space to get his clothes past his ankles.

Locked on his gaze, Maddie slithered down between Wyn’s legs and took over the task of removing his jeans and her shorts. Seconds later, with socks, jeans, short-shorts, top and underwear piled on the floor at the foot of the bed, Maddie ran her hands up Wyn’s ankles to his calves and knees and thighs, pushing her fingers through dark, downy hairs, and then kept going over his stomach, his pecs, and across his shoulders and down his arms. She mapped him with her hands and as she did, her thighs clenched and she twitched her hips. The fantastical thought that she could somehow get aroused simply by touching him made Wyn weep early cum.

She then slammed him right in the chest in the sweetest, most painful way when she kneeled between his legs and said, “I swear to every higher power out there that you have the sickest body and the most ruggedly handsome face I’ve ever seen.” Her pulse raced visibly in her neck and her eyes glittered with pale light. “And believe me, while I might not have up close and personal experience with men, I am a curious enough girl to have looked at many beautiful pictures of gorgeous men online over the years, and my hand to God,” she lifted her right hand toward the sky, “none of them hold a candle to you.”

“Fuck, baby.” Wyn’s voice closed up tighter than a steel door. “I know the truth when I look in the mirror, but you make me believe it’s true.”

“It is.” Maddie leaned over him and put her face nose-to-nose with his. “I’m the one looking at you, so I know I’m right.”

She pecked a kiss to his lips and lightly bit his nose, and Wyn exploded with unbearable need. Grabbing her head, he slashed his mouth across hers and stole rough kiss after rough kiss, unable to control the elemental nature of his all-consuming love for her.

Maddie reached down and stroked his cock and balls, and he uttered, “Take my ass now,” not a bit of hesitation or fear in him anymore. “I want everything with you.”

With a smile that lit her whole face, Maddie pressed a sweet kiss to Wyn’s lips and then began planting a trail of kisses down his throat and across his chest. She swirled her tongue around his left nipple and flicked the tiny tip, and each flutter of her tongue made his rigid shaft lift away from his belly. For the first time a playful touch like this made his asshole pulsate too. Wyn sucked in air and his stomach quivered. Maddie looked up at him, her pleasure still dancing in her gaze. She moved to his other nipple and teased him the same way.

Wyn writhed under Maddie and rocked his hips, instinct pushing him to find her entrance and mate. Clearly sensing his growing desire, Maddie continued her journey down his body, kissing her way along the soft line of hair bisecting his stomach to the nest of dark fur at the base of his cock.
Oh yes

Without giving Wyn a second to prepare, Maddie parted her lips and sucked the head of his cock into her mouth, surrounding the sensitive cap with the most incredible wet heat. Pushing her long hair behind her ears, clearing a sightline for him without his having to say a word, Maddie sucked on the upper portion of Wyn’s rigid shaft, each pull and lick on his dick stiffening him even more. She batted her tongue against the crimson tip, and Wyn moaned low and sank deeper into the bedding, spreading his thighs and letting his legs fall against the bed. Maddie looked up at him, her rosy lips wrapped around his prick, and the open sultry pleasure in her eyes jerked need out of him stronger than any touch she could give.

“I swear to everything holy right back, Maddie—” Wyn reached between them and put a chokehold on his nuts, “—if you keep looking at me like that I’m gonna lose it before you ever leave my cock.” His past inadequacies pushed a tight chuckle out of him. “And you know I’m fully capable of shooting way before I’m ready, so that’s not an empty threat.”

“And if you do,” not looking away from him, Maddie unwrapped his fingers from around his sac, “it’ll be just as hot as the first time you did it.” She sucked on her fingers, giving them a shiny coating of saliva, and vowed, “I swear.”

Before he could challenge her, she slid her fingers between his cheeks and touched his asshole. Wyn instinctually jumped. His back tunnel squeezed, but Maddie stayed with him and rubbed the pads of her fingers against his bud two, three, four times. By the fifth graze of her fingertips, a swirl of anticipation wound its way up his ass and twisted a different kind of excitement in his belly. Wyn relaxed back into the bed, and his balls rolled pleasantly in his sac.

“There you go.” Her touch so soothing, Maddie teased his bud and then brushed her slick fingers against his taint, making him tremble again, and then plied his nuts in her warm hand. “If you end up liking this, maybe one day you’ll let me wear a strap-on with you.”

“Motherfucker, honey.” Wyn bucked and pulled on his too-hard prick. “I love the bold way your mind works.”

Pressing a kiss to the underside of his cock, Maddie then drizzled spit down his balls and into his crack. “Hopefully you’re going to love this too.” Using her middle finger, she pushed against his rear muscle and breached his ass.

Instant fire consumed Wyn’s passage, and he groaned as every muscle around his backside tightened, clamping down on the small invasion. Maddie didn’t even have half of her finger inside him, but to Wyn it felt like a battering ram filled his hole.
He’d had no experience in any way with anal penetration, but this…this…consuming, painful sensation was not how he’d thought it would feel. He sucked in a hard breath, but in doing so shifted his backside against Maddie’s digit, and cursed as his channel squeezed harder and tried to push Maddie out.

Maddie rubbed his thigh, but did not so much as twitch her embedded finger. “Breathe through it.” She inhaled and exhaled, as if she herself were fighting through his first invasion of her ass. “It’s supposed to get better in a second.”

Wyn clutched the comforter so hard his knuckles turned white. “I don’t know about that.”

A little smile suddenly lit Maddie’s eyes. “I know how to make it better.” She folded over him and sucked half his cock into her mouth.

Jolted with intense, concentrated pleasure, Wyn rammed his hips up, out of his control, and pushed his erection deeper past Maddie’s lips, hitting her throat. Maddie took him without gagging. She even moaned and sucked him deeper and harder, pulling up his length and then taking him to her throat with another pull on his cock. Before he could bite back a shout of joy, she let his prick pop free of her lips and buried her face in his balls.

Maddie licked all around his sac—
Oh fuck yes
—and teased him with hints of sucking his nuts. Wyn loved when Maddie played with his stones, and in just this short time together she knew this kind of play pushed him to eleven faster than even sucking his dick did. The wet warmth of her mouth around his nuts loomed like a gift when it wasn’t even near to his birthday, and Wyn rocked his hips and pleaded for her to take him to heaven. The shift made Maddie’s finger slide deeper into his hole, but this time the movement caressed his walls with delicious precision, and Wyn moaned as the first hints of pleasure brought his ass to new life.

Easing his legs wider apart with her shoulders, Maddie kissed the sensitive skin on Wyn’s inner thigh, first one leg then the other, and then—
oh God please
—pulled one of his balls into her mouth. At the same time, she pushed her finger deeper into his body.

Wyn shouted, “Oh fuck, Maddie, yes,” his voice hoarse. The intense pleasure of one action from her twisted with the renewed discomfort of the other, creating something new that short circuited his system. Maddie pushed him, swirling and sucking one of his nuts in her mouth, then the other, while simultaneously pumping her digit with full strokes in and out of his ass. Relentlessly, but so damned slowly, she kept up the twin manipulation, occasionally moving from his balls to lick his cock. She kept his prick stiffer than steel and his nuts ready to explode, and always, always, maintained the invasion in his rear tunnel.

Soon the residual hints of pain in Wyn’s ass disappeared entirely. When Maddie pushed into his passage with a second finger, stretching him with such strange pleasure, Wyn pulled ruthlessly on his dick and begged, “More,” as shivery lines of electric sensations raced up his channel and forced a river of early seed onto his stomach. “I want it all.” He looked at her, let her see everything personal and needy in his eyes. “Put your toy in my ass.” The thought that this same dildo, that he’d seen give her such a powerful orgasm, that she’d let herself be vulnerable with him when she’d used it, that it would now do the same for him in her eyes, ratcheted Wyn’s need up another dozen notches. “Please.”

Maddie surged up and kissed him, and the carefree affection she showed him, probably without realizing the implications, flooded even more endorphins into Wyn’s blood. Maddie brushed and scraped her lips against his over and over, and the molten heat and light in her stare was so close it was almost a blur. But Wyn saw, he saw everything, and her desires pushed his even more.

Maddie scooped up the lube and dildo, both bumping against Wyn’s hand as she brought them closer, and a new tremor rocked through Wyn. But good Christ, this time, not a bit of his reaction was from fear. He watched her pump lube onto the glass phallus and the tips of her fingers with intense focus. The undivided attention she gave to applying the lube to the dildo played with Wyn’s need and made his exposed pucker spasm out of control. Maddie rubbed her shiny fingers over his entrance and gently pushed lube into his body, and the shot of cold after such warmth made him gasp.

Two fingers halfway inside him, Maddie paused and jerked up to eye contact. “Are you okay?”

“It was just cold for a second.” Not for a moment would he let her think she’d hurt him. He gently tugged on his cock as the weight of seed in his nuts kept him close to the edge. “Watching you right now, Maddie, I swear I want you so much I don’t know how I haven’t flipped you onto your back and lost myself inside you with two fast strokes.”

Kneeling between his widely butterflied legs, Maddie lit up as if he’d told her from this moment on there would be Christmas every day. Studying him, she hooked her finger into the ring on the end of the dildo and eased the rounded tip into his hole.

Damn it, damn it
. Gritting his teeth through the new thickness and the cool rigid nature of the glass—
fuck, fuck no
—Wyn curled his toes into the bed and silently ordered himself to breathe. With a rough exhale—he would not end this for Maddie for anything—Wyn nodded at her, and she oh-so-very-slowly pushed more of the glass length into his body. His entrance burned like a motherfucker, the puckered skin pulled at so much more than her two fingers, and his passage pulsated out of control.

BOOK: Maddie and Wyn
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