Read Maddie and Wyn Online

Authors: Cameron Dane

Maddie and Wyn (36 page)

BOOK: Maddie and Wyn
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More of that panicky tug twisted at Maddie’s heart, but she was so desperate for this man she reached back and fit the tip of his cock against her back entrance anyway. Watching him, every fiber of her being crying to be connected to him, she sank down—
oh God yes, please
—and slowly filled her ass with his penis. He grunted with full seating, and Maddie keened through a concentration of pleasurable pain as every bit of his thickness and length, so much more than even his three big fingers, consumed her passage.

Maddie moved just the slightest bit on Wyn, and intense friction raced through her rear tunnel and into her pussy, making her cunt shiver with the need for something to fill it too.

Wyn jerked, and his pupils flared, edging out the brown. “Holy hell, honey. I felt that rock straight through you.” Without pause he slid his hand between her thighs and sank his middle finger into her pussy.

He crooked the buried digit within her, touching a supersensitized spot, and Maddie shouted his name as a rush of intense and glorious feelings exploded in her ass and pussy. Driven to move, she braced herself on his stomach and lifted and dropped her body, swallowing his cock and finger to the hilt. His fat length caressed every bit of her anal walls, pushing at her ability to accept his size, but the too-full sensation and stinging pull at her entrance only added to the strange pleasure confusing her body and mind. Wyn slid his hand up her crease and softly spanked her clit one, two, three times, inciting a rush of blood, and then rubbed the exposed bead—
yes, yes, yes
—touching Maddie so perfectly her thighs went weak.

Trembling, the intensity in his dark stare grabbing at her soul, Maddie held onto Wyn tighter and jammed herself up and down on his stiff length, forcing herself to focus only on his cock in her ass and his fingers in her pussy. “Fuck me, Wyn, fuck me.” She squeezed every muscle around her tail end and bounced up and down on his amazingly thick prick. “Oh God, oh God…Wyn…” Her rear passage put a chokehold on his length, and her whole body sizzled like an electrical fire. Dragging herself up and then pushing back down on his wonderful cock, she begged, “Fuck me. Fuck me harder.”

In a blink, a flash of darkness flared in Wyn’s eyes. He stormed upright into a sitting position, Maddie on his lap, his cock buried inside her pulsating ass to the root, his face so very close to hers. “We don’t fuck, Maddie,” he told her, his voice stripped and harsh, even as he wrapped his arms around her waist and bruised her lips with a hard kiss. “We never have.” Holding her close to him, he pumped his length deep in her body, keeping them moving as one. “We’re so much more than that.”

No. No. No
. The bubble of anxiety in Maddie erupted into a volcano of panic, and she scratched across Wyn’s back and frantically slammed herself down onto his length. “Fuck me, Wyn.” Breathing too hard and fast, she rammed her hips forward in a frenzied staccato, grinding her pussy against his hard stomach with every punch forward and driving her back tunnel onto his length with every push back. “Do every dirty thing to me you’ve ever wanted to do to a woman but never thought you could.”

The growl of an alpha wolf rumbling through him, Wyn vowed, “You’re not any woman, damn it. You’re Maddie.” His eyes blazing with black fire, Wyn flipped Maddie onto her back and reared up to his knees, tearing the condom off his cock. “The only thing I want to do for the rest of my life is love you.” He came down on top of her and in one thrust slammed his cock into her pussy to the hilt, his breathing harsh as he tangled his fingers in her hair. “I love you.”

Her heartbeat threading too fast, Maddie shook her head and clawed at his back. “No.”

“Yes,” he countered, and gritted his teeth as she scratched hard across his ass cheeks. “I want those scratches. I want the scars. You’re not scaring me, baby.” Tunneling his fingers through her hair, he rocked between her thighs, feeding delicious, addictive friction into her body. “There’s a reason we keep coming together like this, so explosively, without condoms.” He surged into her, claiming every bit of her pussy, and put his forehead to hers. “There’s a reason we never talked about consequences and what they would mean.”

Maddie’s heart seized. “I can’t…” Her throat closed, choking her ability to speak.

“You can. I know you.” Wyn pressed his lips to hers, breathing the words into her body. “We want this, Maddie. We want the forever. That’s why from the beginning, without saying anything, we’ve been okay with the risk in what we’re doing together.”

Clinging to his arms, rocking up to take the hot slide of his cock, Maddie choked back tears. “I can’t…I can’t let you hurt me again.”

His gaze gleaming, Wyn sipped from her lips again and again. “I won’t. I swear.” Claiming her with such a smooth cant to his hips, with every thrust of his cock proving the perfection in the way their bodies merged, Wyn owned her with his body and the depth of light in his eyes. “I love you, Maddie.” Rust coated his voice, but he didn’t look away. “I love you more than my own life. I’ll take every day for the rest of my life proving it to you, if you would just give me a chance.”

Her heart cracking, no matter how much she wished to stay protected, Maddie wound her arms around Wyn’s shoulders, her need overtaking her, and whispered, “I want to.”

“Then say how you feel. That has to be a place to start.” Kissing her, his fingers curling against her head, Wyn stayed with every small shift Maddie made, never letting her break from eye contact. “Tell me. Please. I’m begging you.” With every word he spoke, new harsh cracks were carved into his face. His voice broke. “Tell me. Please.”

Oh God, oh God, please
. Looking into Wyn’s eyes, Maddie confessed, “I love you,” in a broken tone, everything bleeding out of her, the emotion attached to every fiber of her being too big to keep contained for a second longer. “I love you, Wyn.” Tears sliding from the corners of her eyes, she kissed every unforgiving line on his face. “I love you. I have from the moment we met.” Her heart wringing out like a soaked rag, she gave him even more. “I’m never going to stop.”

His face crinkling, Wyn uttered, “Maddie…” and stuttered to a stop. “Maddie…” Drilling his forehead into hers, he buried his cock inside her to the hilt; the head swelled deliciously in her pussy, and he said her name one more time, “Maddie,” and spilled within her body.

Wet heat coated Maddie inside and sank into her core, and—
Oh please, Wyn
—Maddie started to tremble.

Coming like it was going to shatter him into a thousand pieces, Wyn reached down and rubbed her clit. “I love you.” Playing her sex like a master, he crushed his lips to hers and pleaded, “Let go for me too.”

He touched her everywhere, with his body, heart, and mind. With Maddie already spiraling fast, Wyn pushed her home with his plea.

Shouting for him, Maddie wrapped her legs around his waist, held on for dear life, and pulsed and pulsed and pulsed around his buried cock, as he jerked and dumped another river of seed deep into her body.

Breathing heavily in unison, for long minutes afterward, Maddie held onto Wyn, and he kept her close, so spent neither one of them spoke. Their gazes were locked though, and without any muddiness, Maddie could see Wyn’s heart in his eyes, and they were open and full of fearless love.

Love raced in Maddie’s blood too, but a stab of panic nicked at her heart, letting a trickle of fear back inside her soul.

Instantly Wyn narrowed his stare. “What?” Lowering her to the bed, he scrutinized her face. “What is it?”

Right then the loud
of something hitting the floor clattered in the house. Maddie shot up straight and looked toward the open bedroom door, and Wyn jumped off the bed as if it was covered in spiders.

“Mrs. Corsini?” Maddie darted her focus around the room, searching for shadows in every corner of the sunlit room. “Are you here?”

Wyn suddenly sputtered with laughter, but just as fast covered his mouth with his hand.

Maddie glared at him. “What?” She grabbed the edge of the comforter and dragged it over her breasts. “Need I remind you of how she got our attention last time?” The shaking of the walls the other night still left Maddie with chills.

Dipping down, Wyn scooped something off the floor. “I must have moved my foot and knocked the dildo onto the floor.” He held up the multi-colored swirl-pattern glass phallus like a trophy. “That was the noise that made us both jump like guilty school children.”

“Oh.” New heat rushed to Maddie’s cheeks, but an edge still clipped her tone. “It could have been her though. I try not to focus on it…” She couldn’t help looking around the room again. “But the truth is she could be with us all the time.”

Swinging the dildo like a pendulum between his fingers, Wyn flashed a wicked smile. “Then she’s getting one hell of a show.”

“I’m being serious.” Maddie smacked the toy out of his hand. “You’re not bothered by the idea that we might have an audience every time we’re together?”

“I wouldn’t want to line chairs up along the walls and let all our friends and family watch us—” they both cringed at that, “—but I guess I can’t get too worked up about something over which I have zero control.”

Maddie worried the edge of her lower lip. “Maybe if we’re able to figure out why she’s here, and can help her, then maybe she would go away. Maybe she can’t leave until we figure her out.” Looking everywhere, attuning her hearing for any slight sound, Maddie asked, “Is that true, Mrs. Corsini? Are you here?”

Not a peep of noise broke the silence nor did any shadows appear.

After a moment, Wyn’s raised eyebrow dropped. “I guess we were alone after all. Come on.” He held out his hand. “I have to run a few errands in town. What do you think about a shared shower and then tagging along with me? I’ll treat you to dinner afterward.”

The words she’d said today—
I love you
—and all the implications and expectations the admission laid out between them, made Maddie’s heart flutter. It made her throat bone dry too, and she wasn’t sure if that reaction was good or bad.

Still, the flutter made her ask, “Is it like a date?”

A lopsided smile, something very rare from Wyn, turned his features almost boyish. “Whatever you want to call it, I hope it’s the first of many.” Wiggling his fingers at her, he kept his hand extended. “What do you say?”

That hand, that open grin, twisted hard at Maddie’s heart. “I could eat,” she finally said, taking another leap of faith, and slipped her hand in his.

Wyn tugged her to her feet and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Good.” Walking backward, he pulled her toward the door. “Maybe you can help me with my ass while we’re in the shower. You worked me good and made me pretty sore.”

“Hey!” Because he was still grinning like a madmen, she smacked him on the shoulder. “I took your cock, buddy.” A not entirely unpleasant discomfort rippled within Maddie’s back passage, reminding her of just how intimate they’d become in so many ways today. “Quit complaining or I’ll spank your rear end and make you as sore on the outside as you are on the inside.”

That smile went right up into Wyn’s eyes. “Honey, that ain’t even a little threat—Ow.” He stumbled away from her. “Fuck.” He hopped on one foot, and Maddie looked down and found a picture frame in the middle of the hallway.

Maddie picked it up, and the frame design had kidlike shapes and swirls, with crayon type looking writing that said
I Love My Daddy.
A dark-haired, amber-eyed little boy with a front tooth missing stared up at her.

Limping a bit, Wyn looked at the picture from over Maddie’s shoulder. “That’s obviously Nico. But where did it come from?”

“The attic maybe?” Maddie wondered. “Maybe Nico brought some stuff down and put it in one of the rooms to decide about later?” Racing down the hall, Maddie peeked into two rooms whose doors were open, and then on the third snapped her fingers. “Yep. There’s a pile on the bed here.” Snapping her fingers again, she swung and pointed at Wyn. “This was what we actually heard before.” She used the frame like a ruler, shaking it in his direction. “I bet you kicked the toy off the bed while we were so busy doing other stuff we didn’t even notice. You know,” she mused, “I thought the noise sounded like it came from outside my room.”

Taking the photo from her, Wyn studied it quietly, his brow knitting for the longest time. “So maybe the ghost wants us to figure out something about Nico from when he was a boy.” He looked up at the ceiling. “Mrs. Corsini? Is that it?”

No sound or movement or change in lighting indicated anything other than the two of them in the hallway.

Maddie turned every meeting with Mrs. Corsini over in her mind. “I think her ability to manifest is limited and she can’t answer you.” The common link, or links, coalesced in her head, and Maddie explained, “Every encounter or episode always seems very short, followed by a long stretch where I don’t get any communication from her at all. I think if she expended the energy she had knocking this photo where we would see it then she doesn’t have any left to knock the wall or make the lights flicker on. And with every newer interaction, the common factor coming more into play is her son. I just don’t know why.”

Exhaling, Wyn cursed softly and linked his hands behind his neck, stretching. “Hell if I know any better than you. Your theory makes as much sense as anything I can come up with right now.”

“So what do we do?” Maddie asked, looking down at the photo again.

Wyn gently tugged the frame out of her hands and set it down on a narrow table against the hallway wall. “Shower and go into town as planned. We talk about installing the cameras again.” He put a finger to her lips, even though she knew she didn’t have a leg to stand on anymore with a refusal. “And we wait to hear back from my buddy about the water bottle I sent him yesterday. Right now…” Wyn sighed, and for the first time she noticed a new tiredness around his eyes. “I don’t know that there’s anything else we

Wyn was losing sleep and worrying day and night about this mystery, for her. Maddie’s chest banded unbearably, the flood of love for this man coursing through her so great it hurt her heart.

BOOK: Maddie and Wyn
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