Authors: Nessa Connor
Tags: #alpha male, #workplace romance, #boss, #master, #command, #control, #Dom, #dominant, #BDSM, #submissive, #sub, #submit, #Dom/sub, #heterosexual relationship, #power, #power exchange, #total power exchange, #spank, #spanked, #bondage
Tanner raised his eyebrow and wondered why she would listen to anything that loud, let alone something like Tinashe. Why he knew who that was boggled his mind and he watched as she dropped down with her ass wiggling a little to the beat.
His mouth watered for a taste of her and his feelings of unease and anger were replaced by the instant desire to pull that sundress off over her head and fuck her under the summer sun. Walking over to her, he knew she was going to jump when he reached out and pulled out one of her ear buds. She gasped and jumped and then looked like she was either going to cry or slug him for scaring ten years off of her life.
"God, you scared me, Sir!" She put her hand on her chest to calm the heart that was beating it's wings against her ribs like a bird trying to escape a cage ten times too small for it.
"I suppose that's the appropriate punishment for not answering your phone all afternoon." Tanner gave her a look that made her feel like he was going easy on her compared to the worry he had gone through.
"I'm so sorry!" She pulled out her phone and saw the missed calls and text messages and winced. "I got distracted." She looked back at the flowers that were finally in the ground and only needed a good soak before they were finally done.
"I see that." Tanner looked at her work with approval and appreciation.
Jessalyn had a way of designing things of beauty whether it was in the house or in the garden and he couldn't deny she did a wonderful job, putting her whole heart into anything she took on.
"What can I do to make it up to you?" She bit her lip, looking up at him with the kind of innocence only a gorgeously sexy woman could pull off when she was in trouble.
"Hmm... Well, I can certainly think of a place you could start," he suggested, taking a step closer to her.
"Oh?" Her tone deepened as her arousal skyrocketed through the atmosphere.
Tanner grabbed her dress and pulled it up over her head and off and threw it onto the grass, leaving her in a pair of black silky boy shorts and a black sports bra that hugged her breasts tight to her chest.
She gasped almost silently and looked at him like he was crazy. "We're at a job site in a residential area," she pointed at the windows of the surrounding houses.
"In the middle of the day while everyone is at work," he continued and pulled her panties down around her ankles.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" She questioned nervously, looking around for signs of anyone watching them.
"I'm positive that you are going to make it up to me for making me worry and for having such a damn sexy ass," he told her, giving it a hard smack that echoed through the open air.
"Yes, Sir. I apologized already, though," she pointed out.
"That you did," Tanner agreed, nodding. "And now you’re going to show me that you meant the words you spoke." Tanner pulled the sports bra over her head and her breasts dropped down into their natural position when they were finally freed.
Jessa nodded and looked like she was more willing to accept the idea of being naked in the backyard of their client's home when Tanner pulled off his jeans and his tee and revealed his throbbing cock and sweat-slicked muscles that glistened in the afternoon sun.
Giving his cock a few strokes, he pulled her into his arms and his fingers went directly between her legs.
"The wetness of your pussy tells me you're not as nervous as you appear," he said with a grin.
"Nervousness and arousal aren't quite as connected as you would like to believe. I'm nervous but the sight of your cock pulsing inches away from me and you tearing off my clothes may have something to do with my being wet," she forced out and then gasped and moaned as he rubbed her clitoris in rough circles for her backtalk.
Tanner searched her face.
Was she acting belligerent?
Tanner lifted her up until he was supporting all of her weight and her legs wrapped tightly around his waist while her arms circled his neck. Pushing his cock into her wet heat he sighed deeply and pulled her down around his shaft until her pussy hit the root of his cock and the tip of his erection pressed lightly on her cervix, making her cry out and her pussy clench around him.
She watched as the furious passion in his eyes grew as he went from normal man to dominant beast who had one thing on his mind; fucking her until she was completely spent and utterly submissive to him.
He lifted her by her hips and slowly edged her upward until the tip of his cock nearly popped out of her tight pussy and then pulled her down hard on him. Jessa couldn't muffle the cry of pleasure that burst from her lungs when his cock filled her again and there was no doubt in her mind that if anyone in the complex were home they knew just what was going on in that backyard.
The way he was drilling himself into her took her over the edge and had her plunging into an orgasm that felt like it was never going to end. She prayed it wouldn't. It started in her toes and worked its way up her legs and up her spine until it melted into her stomach and down into her pussy, as it exploded with pleasure that caused her legs to shake and toes to curl.
Feeling the orgasm rush through her body energized him. He fed from the energy she put out and soaked in her pleasure. It coursed through his body and fed everything inside of him.
Tanner pumped into her, filling her with each deep thrust. He could feel his own orgasm building up in the background and knew that he was close to exploding. He wanted to make her come again before he did. He wanted to watch her moan and her eyes close as her pussy fluttered hard around his cock and her legs tightened around his waist, gripping him and pulling him in. He loved the way she came.
Tanner knew she was close and as if on cue, she tightened up and moaned his name before her head fell back. Jessa’s back arched and Tanner shifted his hands up to her back to better support her as her body clenched rhythmically around his and she moaned and gasped for air. Her legs quivered and then dropped down to his sides where her tiptoes barely kissed the tips of the grass.
Her legs lifted back up and wrapped around his waist again as he continued. Tanner's breathing was shaky as he inhaled through his nose and clenched his jaw, the ways he always did when he was close to his release.
Jessalyn pulled his mouth down on hers in a deep kiss that he hadn't expected and the moment her tongue slid into his mouth he completely lost all control he’d hoped to maintain. His cock throbbed and pulsed as he came harder than he remembered experiencing before. Everything went black around him for a few seconds and all he could do was moan and try to breathe while keeping a firm grip on her ass and filling her pussy.
Shit. He’d forgotten a condom. He’d never done that! She had him rattled.
He didn't want to let her go when everything came back into focus and she was gripping his arms tightly with her fingers and looking like a Greek goddess. She kissed him gently on the lips. "We should probably get dressed, don't you think?" Her smile brought something to life inside of him.
Lowering her down and putting her feet flat on the soft grassy earth made him wish he could keep holding her and keep her wrapped around him, but the sooner they were dressed and out of the client's yard, the less likely it was that they would be caught. It wasn't that he was ashamed to be seen but he liked not being in jail for indecent exposure and liked keeping his business out of the papers when it came to scandal. Having sex with his interior designer outside of a client's house chalked up to one whopper of a juicy story.
When they were dressed and Jessa had straightened her sundress and looked around the backyard, Tanner rubbed her shoulders and looked at the flower bed.
'Everything she touches turns to damned gold,'
he thought, looking at the flowers with their splayed petals and then to himself and shook his head.
'Nope, no one was going to turn this guy into an angel'.
"Are you done with the flowers?" Tanner asked before they went out through the gate of the fence toward the cars.
"Yeah. I think so, at least. I was planning on watering them and giving them a good soak before I left but it looks like it's going to rain," she surmised, looking up into the dark clouds that hovered overhead and threatened to open up the heavens and drench them in cool rain.
"It does, doesn't it? Hmm." Tanner shrugged, looking up at the sky and held the gate open for her to go ahead of him.
"There's something that I love about a good storm," she shared, walking through the gate under his arm.
"Why is that?" Tanner had a feeling he knew.
"I guess I just like the raw power of Mother Earth and the small energized feeling I get when I'm in the middle of a strong thunderstorm and lightning is flashing all around me." Jessalyn turned around and took a few backwards steps. "I suppose it's why I love you, too." The words came out before she could swallow them back.
"The power?" He asked, not missing a beat and ignoring the beet red blush that flashed hot in her cheeks.
"Yes, Sir," she replied in a low voice, turning around to hide her embarrassment.
"Jessalyn," he ordered, putting his hand on her shoulder to stop her in her tracks before she bolted to the car.
She turned around and looked up into his eyes, unsure what was going to happen and hoping that he wasn't going to scold her for using the L word so quickly in their relationship. It had come out naturally and now that it was out in the open, she was worried about what he was going to say about it.
"You need to know something," he told her.
She nodded and waited for him to tell her that she had been out of line but the tone of his voice told her that wasn't going to be likely. The way he looked at her with those honest to God heartwarming eyes melted her and made the embarrassment disappear in an instant.
"I'm in love with you," Tanner breathed softly, pulling her into a kiss that made her world spin for a moment before it righted itself again. When Tanner let go of her he simply continued walking and went to her car, opening the driver's door, waiting for her to move from the spot she stood frozen in like he hadn't just turned her world upside down and made her heart do jumping jacks.
Jessalyn followed him almost on autopilot and took her seat in the car, looking up at him.
"Now don't leave me waiting on you again or force me to come out and look for you," he told her with a stern look that showed he was serious. Jessalyn knew it came from his concern and his love for her. She felt bad that she’d worried him. Having someone keep track of where she was or care so much was something she wasn't used to.
, she thought.
Who could’ve seen that one coming
?' She smiled to herself.
She nodded that she understood and kissed him on the cheek before she strapped on her seatbelt and Tanner closed the door and leaned down, talking to her through the open window.
"Go ahead and follow me back to work. I want to take you out to dinner." Tanner squeezed her hand and got in his truck, leading the way back to the office.
Jessalyn smiled. "Yes, Sir," she agreed, and put her key in the ignition.
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