Madness Ends (6 page)

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Authors: Beth D. Carter

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Madness Ends
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“When I come, don’t swallow,” he said.

She nodded.

Then he fisted her hair, pulling hard until tears stung her eyes. But she loved it, like a cheap, dirty secret. It only made her lust burn that much hotter. Boone fucked her with force, pumping fast and hard, his cock brushing against a spot that brought a sting of pain mixed with pleasure. He reached around and fingered her clit, and that, combined with his relentless pounding, had her orgasm crashing through her like a thunderbolt. Flames rushed through her body as she burst in a minefield of colors, descending into sated bliss. A moment later, Boone stiffened and pushed into her one more time. The hot jet of his cum filled her, and she wished she could hear any sounds he made.

Gabby fucked her mouth as she watched his face, reveling in the emotions rippling over his features. Suddenly he pulled almost all the way out as thick ropes of spunk landed on her tongue. She was careful to collect every drop, keeping it in her mouth like he’d instructed her to do. When he was done, some ran from the corners of her lips. Gabby opened his eyes, the color hot and molten as he leaned forward and pulled her up for a kiss. He pushed his tongue into her mouth, mindless of the fact that his own cum now coursed across his taste buds. The kiss made the cream run down their faces, but the absolutely kinky act blew her mind and satisfied a deep-seated need. Finally, when the cum was either swallowed or dribbled out, he broke the kiss and stared down into her eyes.

“The dirtier the better,” he said.

She smiled. Boone got up and walked into the bathroom, returning a minute later with a wet washcloth. Since it had basically been boarded up the moment Wheels had been taken to the hospital, she wouldn’t have to worry about furnishing it right away, which was a plus.

He cleaned her then helped her to stand. She wrapped her arms around him, hugging tightly. Her knees still wobbled a bit from the fantastic sex she’d just had, and she couldn’t wait until they could do it again. Kaiya fully embraced her inner nympho, even as she and Gabby headed to the bathroom to gargle and clean their teeth as best as possible.


Chapter Six




While Kaiya took a shower, Gabby rose and grabbed his underwear, mindless of the fact that Boone still lounged naked on the bed. There was no need to be self-conscious about their nudity. They’d served together in the Corp, and Boone made sure he couldn’t hurt people at night, which meant he had to tie Gabby up to sleep. That right there screamed a level of intimacy that both, as two heterosexual men, had become very comfortable with.

“Can you do this?” Boone asked.

Gabby finished zipping his jeans before looking at him. They were heading to the store to get some cleaning supplies. “Can I do what?”

“Us and her.”

Gabby didn’t answer right away. He pulled his ponytail back into the band, smoothing the strands that had become entangled from lovemaking. “I have no problem with us and her.”

Boone folded his arms behind his head. “Not what I meant.”

Gabby stared steadily at him. “
will never share the night with her, but I won’t stop you from doing that.”

“What about when you start to feel jealous?”

Gabby took a second to reflect on that word. In a normal situation, sure, he’d be jealous as hell. But the way he was forbade him to lead a normal life, not to the mention the fact that this was Boone he was talking to… He shook his head. “I won’t allow myself to be jealous.”

“Stubborn son of a bitch,” Boone muttered.

Gabby looked toward the bathroom door. It stood open, so he could see the outline of Kaiya’s beautiful body through the opaque shower door. Hunger twisted his insides, burning through his gut and up into his heart, which beat a little too fast every time he looked at her. From the first moment he’d laid eyes on her, some pull had yanked at him, drawing him closer. He was thirty-eight years old, way too fucking old to be lusting over a much younger woman, and yet he couldn’t drag his thoughts from her. Morning, noon and night, she plagued him. Every room he entered in the clubhouse, he constantly searched her out, even knowing she never left her office. He forced himself to stay away, to act nonchalant, even though all he wanted to do was stay by her side and watch over her.

He was pathetic. A man like him didn’t deserve someone as lovely as Kaiya. The blood on his hands could never be washed away. Right now, she wanted to live out her fantasies, so he would be that for her. He could fulfill every raunchy, dirty scenario she could dream up, and when it was over, he would walk away knowing she had been the best thing to ever happen to him.


“No,” he said. He didn’t need platitudes, promises or hope. “I’ve tried to stay away, but I can’t. And you know why I can’t sleep through the night with her. I can’t control the madness.”

“You’re not mad,” Boone whispered.

The shower turned off. Gabby forced himself to stop looking at Kaiya’s silhouette to stare Boone in the eyes.

“I’ve snapped once,” he said, his voice dead and cold. “There’s no telling when it’ll happen again. It’s imperative we keep her safe.”

Boone sighed and slowly nodded before he rose and reached for his clothes. Gabby left the bedroom, not turning around again. He could never look over his shoulder. Otherwise, he might see all the ghosts ready to drag him to Hell.


* * * *


Sometime later, they walked into the local hardware store together. Gabby held her hand, and Boone followed behind them. She noticed a few stares, but they didn’t bother her. People had been staring at her for her entire life, for one reason or another. She was quite proud to be sandwiched between the two handsome specimens.

They strolled through the aisles, stopping at various places. She knew they talked to each another, because the vibrations of their words rumbled back and forth, but she didn’t bother trying to see what they said. Gabby picked up a bucket, and Boone became captivated by a display of tools just as she saw a sign for the restroom. She tugged on Gabby’s hand and when he turned to her, she signed she had to use it. He gave her a thumbs up, and she finger-waved before heading into the back.

An overhead fluorescent bulb flickered, on the verge of dying, and it cast odd patterns across the floor. As she passed around the corner to where the restrooms were located, a hand grabbed her arm painfully, jerking her to a halt. Her head cracked against the cement blocks when a man pushed her against the wall. Agony sliced through her brain, and she blinked in terror as he waved a gun in her face. It took her a moment to drag her gaze from the deadly weapon to his face, trying to identify him. But she didn’t know the stranger hurting her. He was skinny, bald and wore glasses. If anyone had surveyed her on what an attacker would look like, this man would’ve been the last person she’d ever describe. It took her a moment to realize he was talking to her. She looked at his mouth. Keys? What keys?

“You must have found them by now. I need those keys!”

She shook her head in bewilderment, ignoring the throbbing at the back of her head. Had he mistaken her for someone else? He brought up his fist, as if he meant to backhand her across the face, and her sanity returned. The situation was similar to the one when she’d been kidnapped. Back then, she hadn’t known what to do to save herself. But she’d had special training since then, not wanting to once more be the helpless victim who’d been unable to defend herself. Self-defense was not only about knowing the moves but also about being able to push the fear aside to remember the training. The stranger stood directly in front of her, his legs spread. Swiftly, she brought up her knee and hit him right where it counted most. A tortured expression erupted on his face, his eyes rolled back in his head and he doubled over to protect his dick and balls, releasing her. Kaiya didn’t waste the opportunity. She shoved him, and just as he fell back like a rag doll, she took off running toward the last place she’d seen Gabby. She rounded the corner and smacked into something hard and unyielding. With a frightened cry, she brought her hands up to defend herself before seeing Boone stare down at her in concern. Gabby was next to him.

She pointed behind her and cried out, not caring the least that her voice was distorted and unattractive. “Help! Man!”

Gabby didn’t waste a second. He dropped the bucket he held and dashed the way she’d just run from. He grabbed his gun from the back of his jeans.

“What happened?” Boone signed. He spelled out every word but at least they were able to communicate.

She took a deep breath and signed, “A man grabbed me.”

He nodded and took hold of her hand before following after Gabby. He stayed in front of her, protecting her. Their search led outside, where Gabby studied the passing shoppers. His hand was in his jacket pocket so she suspected that’s where his gun resided as well.

Gabby and Boone talked, but she couldn’t see what they said to each other. Then Gabby turned to her and pulled his hand out of his pocket to sign.

“What happened?”

“A man attacked me. He had a gun.”

The two men exchanged furious glances.

“What did he look like?” he asked with his hands.

“Bald. Thin. Glasses.”

She read his lips when he said Cipher’s name. Bikers did love their gossip, but they knew to keep it in house. Since she could read lips, Kaiya had a knack for learning facts and some of those facts had been about what Romeo had done to the old accountant. The man was supposed to be banished from the state, so why would he come back to the one place he knew could be a death sentence if he was caught?

She tugged on Gabby’s arm. His eyes were wild, angry, and for a moment, she saw the fierce soldier inside him. “I think I should go to my office.”

“Why your office?”

“If that was Cipher, I need to know why he came back for keys,” she signed.

“What do you mean keys?”

“He demanded a set of keys. Said I must have found them. They’ve got to be in the office since it was his too.”

“Slow down,” Gabby said. “You’re signing too fast again. Now, he wanted to keys to what?”

She shrugged. She may not know the answer to that but she was determined to find out.

Gabby glanced over her head and related to Boone what she’d demanded. Boone narrowed his stormy gray eyes.

“You take her back to the compound,” he ordered. “I’m going to try to find that fucker.”

Gabby nodded and took her hand. He led her away from the hardware store toward his bike. Seconds later, they raced out of the parking lot. As they zoomed in the direction of the clubhouse, she couldn’t help but wonder how Cipher had known she was at the hardware store—unless he’d been watching her. A rumble of unease skittered through her at the disturbing thought.


* * * *


Anger burned hotly through Boone. He hoped like fuck to find the asshole so he had an excuse to punch the ever-living shit out of someone. He rode up and down the street, looking for Cipher, determined to finish what Romeo had started. The little shit dared lay a hand on his woman, threaten her,
her… The son of a bitch deserved to die.

He went through the old warehouse district, the closed-down area with busted-out windows and graffiti painted everywhere. The Shanks had once used this section for their own personal playground, getting stoned and shooting the glass. Now that they were gone, it seemed like a good hideout for an ex-Brother to hide. Only the place had a ghost town atmosphere about the area as the wind whistled through the hollowed buildings. His instinct told him Cipher wasn’t there, so he throttled away, toward the hardware store. He kept glancing around, hoping he’d find the little prick, but there wasn’t any sign of the bald-headed accountant.

As he headed back to the compound, he couldn’t stop thinking about Kaiya. What the hell had sucker-punched him until all he thought about was her? Was she a damn witch who had put a spell on him? Because ever since he had taken a lick of her cream, he’d been addicted. Even riding his bike was difficult, although that was one adjective he didn’t need to think about right then as he rolled through a turn. His fucking dick was like concrete. It always was when he thought about Kaiya.

He had no idea where the three of them were headed. Hell, he hadn’t even thought about a relationship in years. Ever since he and Gabby had gotten out of the Marines, he’d been focused on the club and making sure his best friend didn’t succumb to the demons howling and clawing inside him. Boone refused to let his best friend become just another suicide statistic, and if that meant tying his ass up every night so he wouldn’t hurt himself, then so be it. Of course, Gabby had been acting completely different ever since Kaiya had shown up in their lives, and for that, Boone would be forever grateful. The man might think he had to be emotionless and deny his feelings, but Boone knew it was just a matter of time before Gabby could no longer hide what he felt.

Boone may not know where this relationship was heading, or what the conclusion of it might be, but what he did know was that he needed to protect Kaiya and it burned through his gut. If he got his hands on Cipher, the motherfucker would take his last tortured breath staring into the eyes of the man who had finally brought him down. That Boone vowed to himself.


* * * *


Kaiya didn’t bother to linger in the clubhouse. She burst into her office and ignored the throbbing through her head. Standing in the doorway, she tried to look at the office through new eyes. Where would Cipher have hidden a set of keys? She’d cleaned the place from top to bottom, had gone over it with a fine-toothed comb. Of course, she hadn’t been looking for keys when she’d sorted the trash from the valuables. Something that small could be anywhere.

Why were they so valuable to Cipher? What lock did they open? There wasn’t much in the room, just a desk, a chair, a trashcan, a paper shredder and a bookcase stuffed full of binders, books and papers. All of it cheap furniture she could’ve bought at Wal-Mart. Going with instinct, she went to the desk and sat in the chair. She had already sorted through the drawers, but gave them another search just in case. Nothing. Was it just a misunderstanding? Perhaps the man wasn’t Cipher and had her mixed up with someone else. Maybe the keys meant nothing. She went to slam the top drawer shut and felt the wood resist a little as it slid in. It was very subtle, and she hadn’t given it much thought before, but now she wondered if the slight drag was from something else.

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