Madoff with the Money (41 page)

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Authors: Jerry Oppenheimer

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business involvement by
children's private schools
Christmas presents
credit card expenses and charges
nature of
on Roger's death
turns in Bernie to authorities
Upper East Side Manhattan home
Wyoming vacation trip
Madoff, Bernard Lawrence “Bernie”.
See also
Far Rockaway High School; feeder funds; Laurelton; obsessive-compulsive behavior:
antique furniture
Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC)
bill payment promptness
book report fraud
Boy Scouts of America
breakfast habits
Brooklyn Law School
cash-hunting expedition
childhood friendships
clothing fetish
college friendships
country clubs
court appearance
Crabbe, Buster
Davidoff cigars
draft deferment
elementary school
FBI arrest
fraud admission
Fresh Meadow Country Club
full-body masseuses
high school
Keds sneaker episode
Lauer, Matt
lawn sprinkler systems
medical discharge
men's shops
military service
private jet
Public School
remorse or compassion
remorse or emotion
sibling rivalry
Sigma Alpha Mu (Jewish fraternity)
social life
“Susan” (prison name)
“T-bill Bernie”
University of Alabama
Yeshiva University
Madoff, Deborah
Madoff, Jennifer
Madoff, Marion Sue (Schwartzberg)
Madoff, Mark:
at annual beach party
Bernie confesses to
business involvement by
Christmas presents
credit card expenses and charges
on family business
Greenwich, Connecticut mansion
marriage of
Nantucket home
nature of
on Roger's death
turns in Bernie to authorities
Wyoming vacation trip
Madoff, Peter:
acceptability/character of
asset freeze
Aston Martin (James Bond car)
Bernie's confession to
business involvement by
Christmas presents
claims mother's body
credit card expenses and charges
death of son
early years of
Fordham Law School
at last Christmas party
lawn sprinkler systems
marriage of daughter
purchases by
Queens College
relationship with Bernie
social life
Madoff, Ralph Z.
Madoff, Roger
Madoff, Ruth (Alpern):
50th year reunion appearance
antique furniture situation
appearance of
asset seizure
assets in her name
Bernie's control over
Bernie's infidelity to
childhood friendships
Chivas Regal episode
Christmas presents
clothing purchases
country club membership
credit card expenses and charges
early relationship with Bernie
Great Chefs of America Cook Kosher
involvement of, in Bernie's business
marital privilege invocation
marries Bernie
as match for Bernie
and orchids
as pariah
post collapse/arrest impact
Queens College
relationship with parents
as shopper and spender
social acceptability of
social life
spending habits
sympathy or remorse response
ten million dollar withdrawal
visits Bernie in jail
written statement
Madoff, Shana .
See also
Skoller, Shana (Madoff ); Swanson, Shana (Madoff ) (Skoller)
Madoff, Sondra “Sonnie”
See also
Wiener, Sondra (Madoff)
Madoff, Susan (Freeman)
Madoff, Sylvia “Susie” (Mummer) .
See also
Gibralter Securities
Madoff account statements
“Madoff Blistered His Sister” (
New York Post
Hanukah gift packages
“The Madoff Dynasty” (
Wall Street & Technology
Madoff Energy
Madoffs, Ralph and Sylvia
Madoff Securities International Limited (MSI)
Mail fraud
Malkovich, John
Marital privilege invocation
Market manipulation
Markopolos, Harry
Marsden, Carol Solomon
Marshal, Thurgood
Martin J. Joel & Company
Martz, Carol Ann.
Lieberbaum, Carol Ann (Martz)
Mayfair bookkeeping
Mazzarella, Robert
Medical discharge
Meeschaert, Cedric
Mendelow, Steve
Men's shops
Lou Lieberman
Ralph and Sylvia Madoff
Saul Alpern
Stanley Shapiro
Merkin, J. Ezra
Merrill Lynch
Metropolitan Correctional Center
Military service:
Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC)
claims of
draft deferment
medical discharge
military clothing fetish
Milken, Michael
The Mob
“Mom and Dad and Ruth and Bernie—Our Friend the Swindler” (Maccabee, John)
Money laundering
Money-management clients
Monness, Andy
Montgomery, Daryl
Mr. Inside-Mr. Outside situation
Muffin (dog)
Muriel Siebert & Company
Muttontown, Long Island
Name changes
Nasi, William:
39 Broadway office
on Bernie's fear of the SEC
on Bernie's impact
on Bernie's military service claims
on Bernie's relationship with Eleanor Squillari
on Bernie's treatment of Peter
Chivas Regal episode
Christmas party
on Ralph Madoff
sexual shenanigans in office
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD)
Neff, David
The New Good Life
(Robbins, John)
New York Daily News
New York Investment meetup
New York
New York Post
New York Times
Noel, Walter
Nonprofit organizations
Norville, Deborah
Obsessive-compulsive behavior .
See also
bull statues and boat names; clothing fetish; watches
39 Broadway
110 Wall Street
Exchange Place
Lipstick Building
Third Avenue
Olin, Elliot
Olin, Sheila
Ondis, Gordon
Organized crime
Luchese crime family
Over-the-counter trades
“Painting picture in the sky” ability
Palm Beach Country Club
See also
Madoff, Ralph Z.; Madoff, Sylvia “Susie” (Mummer)
Payments to himself
Petrillo, Frank
Philoctetes Center
Picard, Irving
Picower, Barbara
Picower, Jeffry
Pierre Michel hair salon
Pink Sheets
Ponzi, Charles
“Ponzi King Takes
Crown” (
New York Post
Ponzi scheme
“Ponzi Schemer's Label-Whoring Niece Married SEC Lawyer” (Gawker)
Portnoy, Jay
Portnoy, Mrs.
Primex Trading
Prior notice
Prison consultants
Prison name
Private jet
Prosetti, Marco
Public School
Pump-and-dump stock
Queens Council on the Arts
Racing News
Rampart Investment Management
Record keeping
Record newspaper
Redemption demands
Remorse or compassion
Remorse or emotion
Riccio, Ronald
Rifkin, Ron
Robbins, Irvine
Robbins, John
Rochelle, Eddie
Rockford boys (gangsters)
Roger Madoff Literary Fellowship
Roman, Bob
Roman, Joan (Alpern)
Roscioli, Robert
Rosenman, Martin
Roth, Eric
Samuels, Andrew Ross
Samuels, Howard
Samuels, Patty (Joel)
Schapiro, Mary
Schotsky, Arnold
Schrager, Marty
Schwartzberg, Marion Sue.
Madoff, Marion Sue (Schwartzberg)
SEC news digest
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC):
Avellino and Bienes
Bernie registers with
Chais investigation
Cohmad company
Eric Swanson from
Gibralter Securities
Harry Markopolos contacts
House Financial Services Subcommittee query
investigative and regulatory failure
Ivan Boesky
Kotz report
Madoff, Sylvia “Susie” (Mummer) (mother of BM) and
Martin J. Joel & Company investigation
staff incompetency
stock manipulation
Securities Industry Association
Sedgewick, Kyra
Sentencing advocacy
Sex and racism
Sexual shenanigans
Shapiro, Carl
Shapiro, Mary
Shapiro, Stanley
Sherman, Marion Dickstein
Shulman, Hedy
Shweder, Richard A.
Sibling rivalry
Sidel, Kenny
Siebert, Muriel
Sierer, Richie
Sigma Alpha Mu (Jewish fraternity)
Silverstein, Jane.
See also
Kavanu, Jane Silverstein
Skoller, Rebecca
Skoller, Scott Ira
Skoller, Shana (Madoff)
Skoller, Trina
Sobel, Gabriel
Social life
Social Security Number
Somlo, George
Somlo Antique shop
Sorkin, Ira Lee
South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Spielberg, Steven
Split-strick conversion
Squillari, Eleanor
Stahl, Richard
Steiger, Paul
Stem cell transplant donor
Stewart, Martha Kostyra
Stock manipulation
Stock market crash
Stock selling commission
Sunny Oaks
Sununu, John F.
Sununu, John H.
“Susan” (prison name)
Swag bags
Swanson, Eric
Swanson, Shana (Madoff) (Skoller)
Swanson's East Hampton house
“T-bill Bernie”
Teletnick, Tony
Thomsen, Linda Chatman
Today show
Traders magazine
Trillion boutique
Trump, Donald
Tucker, Jeffrey H.
Tyrone (men's clothes)
University of Alabama
U.S. Equal Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
U.S. Supreme Court
Vanity Fair
Victims' letters
Von Anhalt, Frederick
Wall Street (film)
Wall Street & Technology
Wall Street Journal
Warner, Robin
Warrin, Christopher
“Was Ponzi Man Bernie Madoff a Philanderer, Too?” (
New York
Daily News)
West, Deborah Anne
West, Douglas
West, Susan I.
Wiener, Ariel
Wiener, Carolyn
Wiener, Charles
Wiener, David
Wiener, Marvin
Wiener, Sondra (Madoff)
Wiesel, Elie
Wiesel, Marion
Wiesenthal, Joe
Williams, Kaiser L.
Wilpon, Fred
“The World's Largest Hedge Fund Is a Fraud” (Markopolos)
Yeshiva University
Zaphiris, Peter
Zeiger, Lawrence Harvey
At Far Rockaway High School in Queens, class of June '56 graduate Bernie Madoff was considered a “dummy” by some classmates, but he also established bonds with wealthy school chums who later invested and lost in his Ponzi scheme. Madoff is pictured here a year later in his freshman year at the University of Alabama, but soon left to be closer to his girlfriend back home, Ruthie Alpern.

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