Madoff with the Money (40 page)

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Authors: Jerry Oppenheimer

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Jennifer Madoff, Bill Nasi, Richard Glantz, Jay Portnoy, Ed Heiberger, Sheldon Fogel, Fletcher Eberle, Mike Gandin, Eli Greenbaum, Gordon Ondis, Carol Ann Lieberbaum, John Maccabee, Peter Zaphiris, Charles Lubitz, Sheila Olin, Martin Schrager, Andy Monness, Justin Fox, Robin Warner, Gale Hayman, Joe Kavanau, Cynthia Arenson, Amy Joel, Toniann Astuto, Albert Reitman, Hoong-Yee Lee Krakauer, Miles Goslett, Ocean Robbins, Stanley Shapiro, Doug Abrams, J. M. Brown, Levi Touger, Jonny Lieberbaum, Gary Hartnick, Erin Robbins, Neil Fenwick, Jeff Nelson, Paul Finfer, Anthony Guerra, Howard Samuels, Richard Bucksbaum, Arnold Schotsky, Elka Weiner, Deb Kass, Sherry Fabrikant, Robert Gettinger, John Shoup, Frederic von Anhalt, Marsha Veit, Jane Kavanau, Patricia Samuels, David Neff, George Somlo, Nina Mehta, Justice Litle, Daryl Montgomery, Barbara Curreri, Leonore Feldman, David Arenson, and a number of others. If for some reason I missed offering an appreciation for your help, please accept my apology.
I'd also like to thank one of the best editors I've worked with in a long time, Kelly O'Connor, who put her fine touch on the manuscript.
I'd like to offer a very special thanks to my wonderful wife, the journalist, illustrator, and photographer Caroline Walton Howe, for helping me chase down sources, locate relevant materials, and conduct some interviews, particularly when the workload and hours seemed to be burying me. She deserves major kudos. This book is also being written in memory of our beloved Westie, Cuco, who at age 12 sadly had to be put to sleep on the day I began my reporting. May he rest in peace.
ABC News
Abend, Reed
Accounting errors
Accounting firm
Ackerman, Gary L.
A.I.S. Steel Corporation
Alpern, Bill
Alpern, Joan
Alpern, Minette
Alpern, Ruth “Ruthie”
See also
Madoff, Ruth (Alpern)
Alpern, Sara
Alpern, Saul
Alpern & Heller
Alperns, Saul and Sara
America Hedge Fund
Angel investors
Antique furniture
facial ticks
facial ticks and squints
as a youth
Arenson, Cynthia Levinson
Arenson, Dan
Arenson, David
Arenson, Marilyn
Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC)
Army uniforms
Arvedlund, Erin
Asset dissipation
Asset freeze
Asset sales
Aston Martin (James Bond car)
Astuto, Toniann
Avellino, Frank
Avellino and Bienes
Avirom, John
Bacon, Kevin
Baroni, Lisa
“Before the Fall” (
Traders magazine
Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC (BLMIS)
“Bernie Madoff Giveth and Bernie Madoff Taketh Away” (
New York Post
“Bernie Madoff Screws Leukemia Patient” (Arenson, David)
Bienes, Dianne
Bienes, Michael
Bill payment promptness
Blood cancer
Bloomberg News
Blumenfeld, Susan
asset sales
Bull (motor yacht)
Bull (ocean going yacht)
Bull (Rybovich fishing vessel)
little Bull (fishing boat)
Boesky, Ivan
Bongiorno, Annette
Book report fraud
Bowery Savings Bank
Boy Scouts of America
Breakfast habits
British asset recovery efforts
British operations
Broker-dealer registration
Brooklyn Law School
Bucksbaum, Richard
Bull statues and boat names:
Bull (motor yacht)
Bull (ocean going yacht)
Bull (Rybovich fishing vessel)
bull statues
little Bull (fishing boat)
Cacioppi, Theodore
Campaign contributions
Care packages. See Christmas presents; Hanukah gift packages
Carroll, Richard
Caruso-Cabrera, Michelle
Cash-hunting expedition
Cash redemptions
Catholic Archdiocese of Miami
Catholic Archdiocese of New York
Catholic organizations as victims
Catskill Mountains
CBS News
Celebrity victims
Center for Enterprise Modernization
Chais, Bernie
Chais, Stanley
Chavkin, Peter
Childhood friendships
Chin, Denny
Christmas party
Christmas presents
Cincinnati Stock Exchange
Client eagerness
Closet obsession
Clothing fetish
Cohmad company
Cohn, Marcia
Cohn, Maurice “Sonny”
Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC)
Army uniforms
Brooklyn Law School
Crimson Tide Battalion
friendships in
Hofstra College
Jewish recruitment
Sigma Alpha Mu (Jewish fraternity)
University of Alabama
Yeshiva honorary degree
College friendships
Company so-called loans
Computer skills
Cornell University
Country clubs
Court appearance
Court-ordered seizure
Crabbe, Buster
Credit card expenses and charges:
friends and family
Mark and Andy Wyoming trip
Crimson Tide Battalion
Crupi, JoAnn
Curreri, Barbara Aronson
Dassin, Lev
Davidoff cigars
De la Villehuchet, Bertrand
De la Villehuchet, Claudine
De la Villehuchet, Rene-Thierry Magon
Dennehy, Brian
Denny, George
Denver, John
Diet for a
New America
(Robbins, John)
DiPascali, Frank, Jr.
Dirty old man act
Donghis, Angelo
“Don't Ask, Don't Tell: Bernie Madoff Is So Secretive He Even Asks Investors to Keep Mum” (
Draft deferment
Dreyfus, Jack
Dreyfus Fund
Duke University
Dun and Bradstreet rating
Dworsky, Bill
Dworsky, Bobby
Dworsky, Ida
Early friends
Eaton, Thomas F.
Eberle, Fletcher
Editor & Publisher
Elementary school
Fabrikant, Andrew
Fabrikant, Sherry
Fairfield Greenwich Group
Family as investment
Family members.
See also specific
family members:
involvement of, in Bernie's business
protection of
Family relationships
Family roots
Family victims
Far Rockaway High School:
50th reunion
book report fraud
Cynthia Greenberger
Eddie Rochelle
Edwin Heiberger
Elliot Olin
high school friends
Hoong-Yee Lee Krakauer
Jay Portnoy
Michael Gandin
Michael Lieberbaum
Ruth Alpern
Ruth's activities in
selection of
Sheldon Fogel
Sheldon Lieberbaum
swim team
unofficial football team
FBI arrest
Feeder funds
Fenwick, Julia
Final distribution
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)
First Asset Management
Fitzmaurice, Tom
Flumenbaum, Martin
Fogel, Sheldon “Shelly”
Fonda, Jane
The Food Revolution
(Robbins, John)
Fox, Justin
Foxton, Willard
Foxton, William
Fraud admission
French asset recovery efforts
Fresh Meadow Country Club
Friedman, Karen
Friehling, David G.
Full-body masseuses
Fund withdrawals
Gabor, Eva
Gabor, Zsa Zsa
Gandin, Michael
Gawker (media Web site)
Gibralter Securities
Gift of Life Bone Marrow Foundation
Girl Scouts of America
Glantz, Edward
Glantz, Richard
Golden, Barry
Goldman Sachs
Goslett, Miles
Grant Thornton
Graphic Paper Corporation
Great Chefs of America Cook Kosher
(Madoff, Ruth)
Great Madoff Panic of 2008
See also
Investment returns
Greenberger, Cynthia.
See also
Lieberbaum, Cynthia (Greenberger)
Greenberger, John.
See also
Maccabee, John
Greenberger, Robert
Greenberger, Ruth
Greenberger, Sidney S.
Griffin, Merv
Guerra, Anthony
Hanukah gift packages
“Has Bernie Madoff 's lawyer gone mad?” (
New York Daily News
Hebron, Michael
Heiberger, Edwin “Eddie”
Heller, Sherman
High school
The Chat
(school newspaper)
extracurricular activities
Far Rockaway selection
Ruth's activities in
swim team
Hill, Norma
Hilton, Conrad
Hilton, Paris
Hoelter, Herbert J.
Hofstra College
Home-buying spree
Honorary degree
Hooper, Catherine
Horowitz, Irwin
Horowitz, Jeremy
House arrest
East 64th Street co-op penthouse apartment
East Side penthouse
Great Neck apartment
Hampton Beach house
Montauk beach house asset sale
Palm Beach mansion
Palm Beach mansion asset sale
Rivera Villa 2, Chateau des Pins
Rosyln Estates
“How SEC Bozos Blew It” (
NewYork Post
Huie, William Bradford
In-house associates
Investment returns
Investor confidence
Investors and associates
Jail sentence
Jewish Journal
Jewish recruitment
Joel, Amy
Joel, Martin J.
Joel, Patty.
Samuels, Patty (Joel)
JPMorgan Chase
Katzenberg, Jeffrey
Kavanu, Jane Silverstein
Kavanu, Joe
Keds sneaker episode
Kelly, Vincent
Kenner, Laurel
King, Larry
Kleinhendler, Howard
Kotz, David
Kotz report
Koufax, Sandy
Krakauer, Hoong-Yee Lee
Krakauer, Seth
Kuperberg, Martin
Last investors
Lauer, Matt
Alpern house
Alpern house sale
Alperns move to
Boy Scouts of America
commuter town
Elliot Olin
family house in
fear of blacks
fitting in
Italian and Jewish middle-class community
Jay Portnoy
Jewish Center
Jewish Center marriage
Keds sneaker episode
Marion Dickstein Sherman
Marion Sue Schwartzberg
Public School
Ruth and Jane's friendship in
small town feel
Wiener family
Lautenberg, Ellen
Lautenberg, Frank R.
Lautenberg, Joshua
Lawn sprinkler systems
Leukemia for Chickens: One Wimp's Tale about Living though Cancer
(Madoff, Jennifer)
Leukemia research funding
Levinson, Adele
Levinson, Myles
Levy, Frances
Levy, Norman
Levy Foundation
Lew, Mark
Lieberbaum, Carol Ann (Martz)
Lieberbaum, Cynthia (Greenberger)
Lieberbaum, Jonny
Lieberbaum, Lillian
Lieberbaum, Lou
Lieberbaum, Michael
Lieberbaum, Sheldon, “Shelly”
Lieberbaum & Company
Lieberbaum and Madoff
Loan forfeiture
Loan sharks
“The Loneliest Woman in New York” (
New York Times
Loonin, Herman
Lubitz, Charles “Chuck”
Luchese crime family
Lucy, Autherine Juanita
Lymphoma research funding
Maccabee, John
Maccabee, Sherry
Mackey, Clarence
Madoff, Andrew:
at annual beach party
Bernie confesses to

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