Read Magical Mayhem Online

Authors: Amity Maree

Magical Mayhem (19 page)

BOOK: Magical Mayhem
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Jonathan was very unhappy with his wife. Not only did she not accept the spanking he felt she deserved, she openly mocked him, and when he informed her that she deserved a serious punishment, she locked him out of their bedroom! Linda was going to learn a very painful lesson in the morning.


Chapter Thirteen

Megan woke with a jolt, startled to realize that it was very dark in the bedroom and Montague wasn't in bed with her! The events of the evening came rushing back and she flew out of the bed and ran to the bedroom door, unlocking it so that she could run out into the living room part of the suite. She found Montague sleeping on the sofa and she was relieved he was actually here with her instead of leaving! She hurried over to him and knelt on the floor beside the sofa/bed. "Montague, please come to bed! I fell asleep... I didn't mean to lock you out! Why didn't you wake me, honey?" she asked.

He sat up, his head groggy. "What time is it?" he wanted to know.

"Two in the morning," she answered. "I woke up and you weren't in bed and I felt so bad! Honey, I didn't do that on purpose, I promise. I just felt terrible and couldn't bear sitting on that chair for one more second. And, I didn't want to go for drinks, either. I like your friends just fine, but I couldn't sit still for one more second... Please forgive me for locking you out of our bedroom; I meant to wait a bit and then unlock the door, but I was so tired and I fell asleep! I am so sorry."

Montague could tell that Megan was telling him the truth. He opened his arms to him and she immediately came to him. "I was afraid I'd pushed you so far you were going to leave me," he confessed.

"Never," she responded. "I love you too much to do that."

"Even if I tell you that you've earned another spanking for running out on me like that?" he wanted to know.

"Oh, Montague! I couldn't bear another spanking right now! That is what I was trying to tell you last night! I am truly miserable! And, it wouldn't hurt this once for you to be kind and forgiving. I wouldn't have lasted as long as I did without Linda's taking me to the ladies' room so often," she confessed. "If you spank me again I'll be truly miserable and I don't want your friends to think that all I do is go pee!"

Montague couldn't help himself; he laughed. "All right, you little brat, you've earned yourself a reprieve this one time, but..." he warned, "...I expect you to sit today, no running out every few minutes just to evade your seat. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Montague," she answered so meekly that he wondered if she truly was so sore that she couldn't bear sitting at all. He vowed to himself that he would take a good look at her fanny in the morning and if she was that sore, he would apply some cream to the area. He wanted her to have a good time, too, and she wouldn't if her skin was all bruised.

Megan rose to her feet and said, "Would you come back to bed, husband? We have a few hours before we need to be up and about."

"That sounds like an invitation, wife...?" he teased.

"It is," she assured him with a sexy smile. She held out her hand and when he took it, she led him back to their room and into their bed and made sweet love to Montague. He was positive that all was well with them once again.

* * *

Jonathan's back ached from trying to sleep on the sofa. He was a tall man, and the sofa wasn't big enough to accommodate his body comfortably. He wasn't about to open it into a bed. He knew from experience that sleeping in a sofa bed was even more uncomfortable than trying to sleep on the sofa itself. He crossed his arms behind his head and wondered what on earth possessed Lin to defy him. It wasn't like her. Maybe her intentions were the best in the world, but he couldn't allow his wife to interfere in a punishment that Six felt his new bride deserved. Jonathan well remembered his first year of marriage to Linda; spankings happened on a fairly regular basis until they learned to live together in peace and harmony. Several years later, punishment spankings didn't happen very often. Lin knew better than to argue with him when he felt a spanking was due, but that is precisely what she did! She'd turned a simple spanking into a serious one, and if that wasn't enough, she'd decided to lock him out of the bedroom! Lin refused to accept her spanking, and he couldn't recall one other time that she'd resorted to locking a door on him!

Now he had to think and come up with a punishment that reflected how disappointed he was in her choice to defy him so openly. Try as he might, Jonathan was unable to sleep and he wondered if Linda was awake, regretting her actions.

Linda was awake but she wasn't regretting locking Jonathan out of the bedroom! She was counting on the time to permit him to reason with himself and realize that she'd done nothing more than befriend Six's wife. She'd put herself in Megan's place and offered friendship. Jon and Six had no idea how difficult it was to sit on a sound spanking while meeting people that she was supposed to learn to like. Lin knew she was right to do what she did. After all, she did not disobey Jon, and Six surely did not tell her that she was forbidden to invite his wife to go to the restroom with her. It was perfectly normal for women to accompany each other to the ladies room, and Linda had invited the other two ladies along, too.

Linda waited until it was time for them to rise and dress to go and have breakfast before she unlocked the bedroom door and called to Jonathan that it was time to get up. He was in the bedroom so quickly that she knew he'd been awake and waiting for her to appear. The look in his eyes gave her to know that he was angry with her. So much for giving him time to think! "You did not spend one moment wondering if you could possibly be wrong, did you, Jon?" she demanded, fully prepared to take his head off and hand it to him on a platter!

"No, I spent my time wondering why you would defy me and earn yourself a harsh punishment," he answered her.

"I locked you out of this room in the hopes you would realize you were wrong to assume that I'd done something wrong," Linda said calmly. "Jonathan, put yourself in Megan's place. She is meeting all of us for the first time and she is in terrible pain! She can't sit without hurting, and she needed a friend who understood. All I did was ask her to join me when I went to the restroom. She needed a break from those chairs so she wouldn't fall apart in front of all of us. That isn't something that you or Six would understand. You are never the one who can't sit without it hurting so much you'd rather be anywhere else."

"That isn't your concern, Linda. Six spanked Megan for a reason and if he expected her to sit there, then you had no right to keep asking her to get up and go to the ladies' room. You earned a spanking for that; a simple reminder to behave yourself. Then you argued with me and earned a serious punishment... But, locking me out of this room was nothing short of defiance, and you will soon learn I won't tolerate that."

"No, Jonathan," Linda said firmly. "I've done nothing wrong; I wasn't being defiant; I was giving you time to rethink the situation, which you did not do. You are being pigheaded and stubborn and refusing to see my side of things. You need to stop being so autocratic!" she told him, her hands on her hips. "I have a right to my thoughts and opinions. I do not lie... ever! If I tell you that my intentions were to help Megan through a rough evening, then that is all there was to it. I didn't disobey you. I didn't earn Six's displeasure. I only befriended Megan, and all the rest is your fault because you wouldn't even consider that my motives were innocent. You aren't spanking me this time, Jonathan. I will accept a punishment when I've earned one, but I did not earn one this time."

"Is that for you to decide?" he asked in a quiet tone of voice.

"It is when I know you will end up regretting spanking me, and believe me, you would regret it."

"Are you now threatening me?" He was shocked.

"No, just being honest. I would be so hurt that it would affect our marriage, Jon. I am being honest with you about what I did. It isn't a crime to befriend Megan."

"Are you telling me that you didn't encourage her to disobey Six?"

"I would never do something like that!" Linda was outraged by the question. "I gave her some sympathy and understanding; something you men wouldn't understand when you get all caught up in your head of the household role. I don't even know what Megan did to earn a spanking; I do know that she couldn't eat her dinner because she was hurting so much and trying to sit still. It was rotten of Six to spank her so hard when he knew she had to sit through dinner with strangers she wanted to make a good impression on!"

"That isn't for you to say."

"No, it isn't, and I didn't say a word of that to Megan. I merely told her that you men had no idea how hard it was to sit on a spanking, which is true, Jon. I didn't ask for details, and she was too embarrassed to offer them. She was also thankful for a chance to regain her composure. I think she did very well." She looked at Jonathan and reassessed his mood. "Is it safe for me to turn my back on you and get dressed for the day?"

"It is safe for now, but I promise you that this is not over, Lin. You'd best behave today."

"I always do," she informed him, blowing him a kiss.

* * *

"Ouch!" Megan cried out in pain when Montague spanked her without warning. "What are you doing?" she yelped as he spanked her again.

"You told me you were in terrible pain and, little girl, there isn't a mark on your behind. Not a one. So, I'm going to reheat your backside for you and you can sit on it all day to make up for not sitting still last evening and sneaking off to feel sorry for yourself!"

"We just made love and now you're going to punish me!" she cried out, truly distressed. "You are being mean, Montague, and this is unforgiveable!" He paid her protests no mind and continued to spank her until she was sobbing, and until her backside was a burning red. Sitting was going to be impossible now!

"Get up and get ready for breakfast, Megan. We'll see if you can't do better this morning than you did last night, and I guarantee I'll give you another spanking before lunch if you don't behave."

"I'm not going to breakfast," she told him. "I hurt too much."

"Meggie, do you want me to use your hairbrush on you?"

"Of course not! I want you to leave me the hell alone! I am in pain!" She knew the second she said the words that it was a huge mistake. He grabbed her and her hairbrush, sat on the bed and hauled her over his knee. The hairbrush hurt even more than she imagined possible and she was sobbing from the first smack of the hard wood on her stinging, sore flesh.

"Now, Megan, will you get dressed for breakfast?" he demanded. When she nodded, he put her on her feet and gave her another hard smack with his hand. "We are running late now, so get to it."

"You are an unfeeling tyrant, Montague." She said the words so he could hear them and then went into the bathroom and locked the door, crying so hard that it cut through him like a knife.

"Megan, open the door and let me hold you."

"No. You told me to get ready and that is what I am doing. I don't want you to touch me right now."

Montague didn't like the tone of her voice. She was very angry, and it was unlike Megan. Maybe he'd been too hard on her, but he couldn't permit her to behave as she had. It would set a bad precedent for their marriage. He decided to give her the privacy she requested. He dressed and then laid out an outfit for Megan. He hoped she would be pleased, but when she finally emerged from the bathroom, she took his choice of clothing and put it back in the closet and took out what she wanted to wear. He shook his head, but decided to say nothing. It was obvious that she was pouting and the cure for that was another spanking. He would give her a few minutes, and then she was going over his knee again.

* * *

Linda's heart went out to Megan when she and Six joined them for breakfast. It was obvious to her that the redhead had been crying and Six looked grim as he pulled out her chair and seated her. Megan sat gingerly and when the waitress came to take their order, she asked for coffee and toast. Six gave her a look of disapproval and told the waitress to bring Megan the same thing he was having. Megan looked at him in dismay and he whispered something to her that caused her eyes to fill with tears! Linda opened her mouth to speak but Jonathan gave her a look that promptly changed her mind. She knew that he would come down on her hard if she deliberately disobeyed him.

Megan wanted to bolt but she didn't dare. Montague made that very clear in the elevator. He was tired of what he referred to as her attitude. She thought perhaps it was time she show him some real attitude so he would know what it truly looked like. She was jolted to the present when Montague told her that Linda was speaking to her. "I'm sorry, Linda. My mind was elsewhere and I wasn't listening."

"I asked if you were feeling better this morning?" The question was worded carefully, but Megan knew what the other woman was asking.

"No, Linda. I feel much worse. I have a terrible headache and the thought of eating food makes my stomach roll. I don't know why Montague ordered so much for me when I told him before we came down that I didn't feel like eating, but then, he has to have his way all the time. It comes from being the eldest child and having eight little sisters to boss around. He always thinks he knows best."

Montague frowned, but whatever he was about to say was cut off when their server arrived with coffee for all of them. Megan cautiously sipped hers, and then added sugar. The sugar helped and the caffeine did, too. She remained silent unless spoken to directly, and she wondered if any of the others at the table realized she was simmering with anger. She didn't know how Montague could make love to her three times and then flip her over on the bed and spank her so hard, and then expect her to come down here and eat breakfast as if nothing were wrong!!! And, taking her hairbrush to her when she protested... Well, he deserved whatever she did to him. He deserved to be punished for treating her so shabbily, and she already knew precisely what she was going to do. Montague thought nothing of embarrassing her in front of others, so it was only fair that he learned first-hand what it felt like.

BOOK: Magical Mayhem
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