Magnate (Acquisition Series Book 2) (19 page)

BOOK: Magnate (Acquisition Series Book 2)
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I was still amazed that he’d called me last night. That he’d given up and wanted to transfer her back to me. It didn’t work that way, of course. He never gave me a reason why, though I suspected the rules had something to do with it. And when he’d explained this particular trial to me, I knew I had to get to Stella first. To be the one who took her or saved her, as the case may be.

I hated myself for knowing that I would have done it if I’d had to. If someone had been watching, I would have committed the act. I had no choice. It was the only way to keep her safe from the others, and the only way to win the Acquisition. Would she have ever forgiven me? I shook my head, not wanting to consider that alternate outcome.

She rested peacefully, her chest rising and falling, and every so often a sweet sigh escaped her lips as if she were in a pleasant dream. The drugs wouldn’t wear off for a few hours. I dug through my bag, pulled on some boxers, and picked out some panties and pajamas for her. I slipped the towel away from her body and my cock was rock hard in an instant. I slid a pair of panties up her legs, careful to avoid the bandages, followed by a pair of shorts. Once I pulled her top over her head and threaded her arms through it, I pulled the sheet down and lay down beside her.

I couldn’t look away. She was the only thing I’d seen for months. Even when she wasn’t in my presence, I saw her. More than that, I felt her. She’d taken up residence inside me. I shifted closer, her body so near mine that I could feel her heat. It was a comfort. I watched over her. I was here, with her, and she was safe.




Chapter Sixteen






I woke with
one thought.
He saved me
. I was warm, with my head on his chest and his arm around my shoulders. He was everywhere—his scent, his body, him. I stretched against him and my muscles ached. My feet stung, and my arm felt as if it were broken. The morning came back in a rush, and I sat straight up despite the pain.

Vinemont sat up with me and scanned the room before turning his gaze back to me.

Dusk had fallen outside. How long had I been here?

“You drugged me.” I felt along my arm where the needle had gone in.

“You needed it.”

“Maybe, but you can’t just drug me!”

“It won’t happen again.” He smirked, the signature twist of his lips familiar enough to be comforting. “It won’t happen again unless you are in extreme pain and by drugging you, I am easing that pain.”

“Is this the shit they taught you in law school? Because it doesn’t work.”

“It does work.” The smirk grew. “Just not on you.”

“The others?” Gavin’s yell played in my mind, joined by Brianne’s scream. My heart sank.

“I haven’t heard a peep for an hour or so. I think they’ve finally been given a reprieve.”

His nonchalance was like a slap in the face. I tried to scoot toward the end of the bed and stand, but the movement made my body scream. My left thigh cramped, and I rolled onto my side, gripping it. The tightness ramped up, like my muscle was being twisted around a corkscrew, and I gritted my teeth through the ache. Vinemont got on his knees, his strong hands rubbing the muscle hard until the pain subsided.

“I’m okay. It’s gone now.” I flipped to my back, and he fell next to me on his elbow. I met his eyes. “Just don’t talk about them like that. They’re people. It could have been me.” I remembered Dylan, what he’d tried to do, and I put a hand to my throat. “It almost was me.”

“Don’t think about it.” He slid his arm under my neck and pulled me into him. “I’m sorry. Just don’t think about it.”

“Did you just say sorry?”

He let out a low laugh, his Adam’s apple bobbing. “Maybe.”

“You did. I’m not falling for this again.” I moved my head back so I could see into his eyes, and perhaps even deeper. “I know you’re going to turn back into Mr. Hyde tomorrow.”

“Likely.” He clutched me to him, his fingers splayed across my back.

“Why can’t you be like this all the time?”

“Because I can’t.”

“But why?” I wouldn’t let him get away, not this time. I pushed back from him again so I could see his eyes, and I rested my palm on his cheek. “What changes?”

His eyes softened the slightest bit as he considered me, and he was here. The man I knew he could be. Not the vile monster he so often was. My heart burned to know why. But just as soon as the softness came, it was gone again.

“I remember my obligations.” He rolled away and sat up before running both hands through his hair. “I won’t discuss it further.”

I lay back, shut out again like I had been so many times before. What wouldn’t he tell me? What was the game within the game? Something more was happening. Something just beyond the periphery that I couldn’t see.

“I need you to do something for me.” He looked back over his shoulder.


“I need you to tell Cal that you want to transfer your ownership back to me.”


“I’ll explain later. But you need to do it today. Will you?”

“Shouldn’t we talk to Lucius?”

“No. It’s already been decided between the two of us. Now it’s up to you.” He turned to face me, the late afternoon sun shining over his shoulder. “Will you be mine again?”

It was a twisted proposal, one that should have come with a ring and love. Instead, it came with a lock and key.

“It doesn’t really matter who owns me, does it? It just matters that I’m owned.” I sighed. “Fine. I’ll tell him.”

“Good. Now that that’s settled, let’s get the fuck out of here as soon as possible.” He rose, the chiseled planes of his body on full display. Desire rushed through me like a wildfire. I intentionally pressed my foot into the bed for the sting of pain to cut off my need for him. It didn’t work. The sting only heightened my arousal, the pressure between my thighs growing.

He contemplated me, his eyes locked on mine. I didn’t have to look down to know he was hard, to know he wanted me.

I wanted him, too. But could I deal with the consequences? When he threatened me and hurt me again the next day, would I hate myself? I knew the answer and turned away, breaking the moment, severing the tie.



Vinemont helped me down the stairs with Lucius following a few steps behind. It seemed more believable since Lucius was my supposed rapist.

Cal was glad-handing guests as they left.

“That was one hell of a party.” Judge Montagnet was ahead of us, grinning and patting Cal on the shoulder. “That boy Gavin, whew!”

“Glad you enjoyed him. I enjoyed watching, I can tell you that.”

“Can’t wait to see what spring holds.”

My stomach churned at the thought of what happened to Gavin and the trials that remained.

“You’re going to love it.” Cal smiled as the judge made his way out into the falling night.

Cal’s smile fell away as I hobbled up on Vinemont’s arm. “I heard we had an unannounced guest.”

“My apologies, Sovereign.” Vinemont hefted me closer into his side, and I kept my eyes downcast.

“Lucius, my man.” Cal beamed and patted the younger Vinemont on the back. “I heard quite a story from Senator Calgary about how you bagged Stella here.”

“All true.” Lucius shook Cal’s hand, but I still didn’t raise my eyes.

“Maybe you finally broke this little filly. Stella, look at me, darling. Let me see those gorgeous green eyes.”

I shook my head.

“Do it.” Cal’s voice was instantly cold.

I raised my head slowly. He peered at me, his watchful eyes studying every inch of me.

“Oh, I don’t know. I think I see some spirit left.” He grinned. “All the more fun for the next trial.”

Vinemont cleared his throat. “About that, Cal. Stella has something she wants to say.”

“And what’s that, little Stella?”

I looked to Vinemont who gave me a small nod. “I want to go back to Sinclair.”

Cal chuckled and glanced to the juncture of my thighs. “Was Lucius too rough on you?”

I dropped my gaze again.

“Do you even want her back, now that she’s all used up, Sinclair?” Cal crossed his arms over his chest.

“Not particularly, but if Lucius has to spend all his time in Cuba fighting off threats from other families, sacrifices must be made.”

“The Eagletons trying to cozy up to the regime again?” Cal asked, his tone conspiratorial.

“Not sure just yet,” Lucius said.

“Well, the Acquisition does get to choose between first and second born.” Cal tapped his chin. “I don’t think we’ve ever had one change hands twice, though. This will set an interesting precedent. But I’ll allow it. Of course, Lucius’ performance at this trial won’t carry much weight in my final determination, but if this is what you want, Sinclair, then it’s fine with me. Just keep it this way, is all I ask. More paperwork for me, you see?” Cal clapped his hands, signaling an end to the conversation.

Vinemont helped me hobble away.

Cal’s voice called out behind us. “You better perform the best at the next two, Sinclair, or you may be in for some trouble.”

Vinemont stiffened but kept moving. “Got it, Cal.”

The open air enveloped us, and I was finally able to breathe. Vinemont gave up trying to help me along and swung me up in his arms as he took the stairs down.

Luke held the back passenger door open and Vinemont placed me inside before joining me.

Lucius leaned over in the window. “I’ve got a ride with, um, Amanda over there. I’ll catch you two later.”

The woman we’d met on the way in the day before stood next to a sports car, watching Lucius like a lion eyeing a gazelle. And I sincerely doubted her name was Amanda.

Lucius didn’t look at me, just gave a sarcastic salute to Vinemont before straightening.

“Don’t stay gone too long,” Vinemont said. “We’ve got business.”

‘Fuck off.” Lucius strode away toward ‘his ride’.

“Dick.” Vinemont shook his head with a slight smile. “Luke, take us home.”

“Yes sir.” Luke pulled around the circular drive and followed the line of cars down the lane.

I yawned, fatigue still so deep in my bones that I wondered if I would ever feel at full energy again. I rested my head against the window, the coolness giving my chapped skin the slightest relief before the glass warmed. The trees hurried by, along with the now too familiar hollows and boulders. I hoped I’d never see these woods again.

I sat up and leaned my head back, not wanting to see anymore. The dark material of the car’s roof was a much more palatable view. I closed my eyes, but opened them again immediately. Brianne’s frightened face, streaked with dirt and scratched by branches, had appeared. I couldn’t think about her, about Gavin. Not yet.

Vinemont shifted. I let my head loll sideways toward him. He’d stripped off his long wool overcoat. “Come here.” Before I could move, he’d put one hand at my back, the other at my knees, and pulled me into him, laying me down so my head rested in his lap.

“What are you doing?”

He gazed down at me, his dark hair shading his forehead. It was longer than I’d ever seen it. And I knew it was soft, perhaps even softer than mine. He seemed older now. Or maybe I was the one who’d aged in the months since we’d met. He draped his coat over me, and I slid my feet toward the door. I wasn’t going to fight it. I didn’t have the strength.

One of his hands rested lightly on my waist, and the other trailed through my hair. “Sleep. I’ve got you. I know you’re drained.”

“I’m scared.” I hated myself the moment I said it. Admitting things like that to him was like laying my neck bare and handing him a blade.

“I know.” His fingers started at my scalp and smoothed another long lock of hair. He glanced up as we finally left the drive and entered the main road, his soft v-neck sweater falling right below his collarbones. His strong chin and jaw, along with the darker shadow on his cheeks, threw him in sharp relief. He was so beautiful. I moved my arm from under his coat and reached up, tracing my fingertips down his jaw and neck, feeling every little bit of stubble, every piece of sinew, every strong pulse of his blood.

He looked back down as I dropped my hand.

“Close your eyes.”

I shook my head against him. Gavin and Brianne would be there, their bodies ruined, their hearts ripped apart.

“You’re safe. I promise. And I always keep my word.” He moved his hand from my waist and put his warm palm on my cheek. “Close them.”

He ran his thumb over my lips lightly, the feeling more soothing than sexual.

Safe in his arms, I closed my eyes.


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